Characters, Quotes & Scenes / Brokeback What would happen if Ennis died instead of Jack?
« Last post by Pinky11 on Jun 20, 2024, 10:59 AM »He wouldn't be as ruined as Ennis and would continue his search for the sweet life.
I like to think Ennis has autism for kinda no other reason than I’m autistic myself and behave similarly to Ennis such as being semi-verbalDude, same!! I feel that I relate to both Jack and Ennis in different ways, and I hadn't thought about it much before, but as an autistic person Ennis having autism makes a lot of sense. He struggles to show his emotions and rarely ever opens up. He is very awkward and doesn't understand how others feel about him at some points in the movie. This was super relatable because I struggle with alexithymia, and he pretty clearly does as well. Also, the way he gets violent when he doesn't know how to feel is relatable as well. I LOVE headcanons like these that actually make sense, and don't come from neurotypical people!
He's one of those people you will never forget.