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He wouldn't be as ruined as Ennis and would continue his search for the sweet life.
Characters, Quotes & Scenes / Re: thoughts on headcanons?
« Last post by rimasworld on Mar 21, 2024, 04:32 PM »
I have always thought that Ennis was much more than just shy. His complex character was probably a combination of many things in his life and maybe your take on him could very well be added to the list. Thank you for sharing this idea.
Characters, Quotes & Scenes / Re: thoughts on headcanons?
« Last post by FlwrChild on Mar 02, 2024, 10:14 PM »
It's remarkable after all these years to still hear new perspectives and insights about these characters and their story.  :)

I really should settle in one night and watch again with these ideas about Ennis in mind. I love to hear when there are things that make them even more relatable to viewers.

 #$# Frank.
I`ll answer first :)
Scene: Aguirre is watching cowboys playing on the grass throw his binoculars.

I: "Why are you gawking, damn pervert?"
Characters, Quotes & Scenes / Re: thoughts on headcanons?
« Last post by Frank ☆ on Feb 04, 2024, 07:13 AM »
I like to think Ennis has autism for kinda no other reason than I’m autistic myself and behave similarly to Ennis such as being semi-verbal
Dude, same!! I feel that I relate to both Jack and Ennis in different ways, and I hadn't thought about it much before, but as an autistic person Ennis having autism makes a lot of sense. He struggles to show his emotions and rarely ever opens up. He is very awkward and doesn't understand how others feel about him at some points in the movie. This was super relatable because I struggle with alexithymia, and he pretty clearly does as well. Also, the way he gets violent when he doesn't know how to feel is relatable as well. I LOVE headcanons like these that actually make sense, and don't come from neurotypical people!  #s}
In Memory of Heath Ledger / Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Last post by rimasworld on Jan 22, 2024, 06:04 PM »
He's one of those people you will never forget.

Ennis-the role of a lifetime.  "s;"
All About DVD / Re: Found the weirdest (bootleg?) DVD
« Last post by ethan on Jan 17, 2024, 02:20 PM »
 :h) marsmars.

Thanks for posting. Interesting DVD. I have never seen an edition like this either and I have quite a few of collections from different countries.

I agree with you that it probably is a bootleg.
All About DVD / Re: Found the weirdest (bootleg?) DVD
« Last post by Ferdinand on Jan 10, 2024, 06:23 AM »
Hmm, looks like fan fiction. "s;" Anyway, take it, it looks interesting. }s{
All About DVD / Found the weirdest (bootleg?) DVD
« Last post by marsmars on Jan 04, 2024, 11:57 PM »
Hello! This is the first time I’m posting on here so I apologize if I get anything wrong or if my formatting is incorrect.

Today I went to my local thrift (non chain and pretty small) I found 2 DVDs of brokeback (I wanted to collect different editions and such ;D). This one had a cover I have never seen before! Then the more I looked the more confused I got.

(I’m sorry I don’t know how to add images so here is a link to the pictures LOL)

Heres the weird stuff:

1) I have never seen this cover before in my life
2) I have never seen a dvd cover like that either
3) a review from “wafflemovies” ??
4)distributions by Paramount ( it was by Focus Features)
5) Rated PG-13 (absolutely not LOL)
6) DVD “Special Features” only plays a trailer clip (?)
7) also the case is holographic?? LOL

There may be more things and I’m sure it’s obvious a bootleg/pirated version LOL but I’ll keep it in my collection because of how odd it is! :s:  #s}
 #$# evilshemp. 

I'm sorry that I don't know anything about Animal Crossing New Horizons (I don't really do video games of any kind) so I can't help you with that. I love the idea of your using Brokeback Mountain as your theme though! Hopefully someone here might be able to give you some guidance. We don't get a lot of activity on the boards these days but as you can see if you look around a bit, it used to be quite busy here and there are a lot of discussion threads on different BBM related topics.

You might want to pop into the Chatting thread in the board just to say hello and to see if anyone there might have the information you're looking for. At any rate, welcome to the forum. I hope you'll enjoy looking around.  :)
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