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Characters, Quotes & Scenes / Making BBM Themed Island on Animal Crossing
« Last post by evilshemp on Nov 26, 2023, 01:11 PM »
Hello, I am a new member I don't even know if anyone is even active on here anymore but I thought I'd check in to see if I could maybe get some help. So I am making a part of my island on Animal Crossing New Horizons Brokeback themed and I was wondering what type of things I should put I want to make it as decorated as possible by adding little things from the movie to represent both Jack and Ennis in any way. Anything you recommend is greatly appreciated :)

I would also like to add I am very sorry if this is the wrong place to put this I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to post something.   :h)
News Coverage, Reviews & Awards / Re: Various Articles/Interviews
« Last post by FlwrChild on Jun 21, 2023, 09:03 PM »
And look how long it's taken me to see this! I'm incredibly glad you liked it.  <^( <^( <^( <^(

News Coverage, Reviews & Awards / Re: Various Articles/Interviews
« Last post by Koka on Jun 17, 2023, 04:39 PM »
That was terrific, Koka!

Thank you for sharing it with us. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to see it. What a lovely surprise to my day.   :)

And look how long it's taken me to see this! I'm incredibly glad you liked it.  <^( <^( <^( <^(
I think Jack also suffered in silence a lot knowing Ennis and most of society would never accept their relationship. I know he felt stuck in his life in Texas knowing most of it was a lie.

Agreed. Well said.
I think Jack also suffered in silence a lot knowing Ennis and most of society would never accept their relationship. I know he felt stuck in his life in Texas knowing most of it was a lie.
 :ghug: to you, jjeff.

That's a very good insight about acting one way with some people and another way with others and feeling conflicted when the two parties are thrown together. I think a lot of us have experienced behaving differently with different people and I imagine it would be very unsettling for us to find ourselves in a situation like that too. Especially with the fears Ennis had about anyone knowing about his relationship with Jack and the memories he carried from the event from his childhood.

I love what you said about Ennis using distance and solitude to control his feelings. It's heartbreaking but I think a very good analysis of how he led his life.
News Coverage, Reviews & Awards / Re: Various Articles/Interviews
« Last post by FlwrChild on Apr 23, 2023, 09:53 PM »
That was terrific, Koka!

Thank you for sharing it with us. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to see it. What a lovely surprise to my day.   :)
Characters, Quotes & Scenes / Re: thoughts on headcanons?
« Last post by FlwrChild on Apr 23, 2023, 09:50 PM »
 #$# jackfuckintwist.

I don't tend towards headcanons much myself with fictional characters but that's an interesting take on Ennis. There is much of his personality and background from his formative years that we don't get to hear about so any number of things are possible. I've always viewed his reticence as a result of his somewhat lonely upbringing and reluctance to expose himself to others but perhaps if he were on the spectrum, it could have contributed to that quality. Which makes his reaction to finding a friend in Jack that first summer and being able to open up to him even more impressive. Just as his remaining a man of few words even after their relationship had progressed would make sense.

Thank you for sharing that perspective.
In Memory of Heath Ledger / Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Last post by rimasworld on Jan 22, 2023, 03:46 PM »
15 years... I still miss you Heath  :_(
Characters, Quotes & Scenes / thoughts on headcanons?
« Last post by jackfuckintwist on Jan 04, 2023, 06:49 PM »
new to this forum, don’t know where to put this also sorry if this been a made a post already, but I’d like to hear opinions on headcanons in general #s} I find them quite enjoyable and have some of my own such as I like to think Ennis has autism for kinda no other reason than I’m autistic myself and behave similarly to Ennis such as being semi-verbal :P but I would really like to hear from others!! very excited I am a huge fan of Brokeback Mountain.
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