Author Topic: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought  (Read 94645 times)

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #150 on: Feb 10, 2006, 10:34 PM »
Good news for me,

Denis Arcand (nominated for best original screenplay two years ago), and his producer and wife, Denise Robert (winner for best movie in a foreign language, Barbarian Invasions) could vote.  A pair of sensible and bright human beings.  :D

The Academy always needs more "...sensible and bright human beings."

If nothing else, Heath, Jake and Michelle will always have their AMPAS membership.

Good news then,

Larry McMurtry is already in

And now they will have newbies:

Diana Ossana, Gustavo Santaolalla,  Rodrigo Prieto and James Schamus.

I love this Friday evening with my friends  8)
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #151 on: Feb 10, 2006, 10:52 PM »
Some trivia from Newsweek Magazine:


Behind Oscar's Door

The Academy first saw the nominations during an all-night, high-security strategy session. We watched.

Sean Smith
Feb. 13, 2006 issue

While Reese Witherspoon and Heath Ledger slept, about 30 people already knew the actors' fates. Each year, on the Monday night before the Oscar nominations are announced, a small band of staff at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences goes into lockdown at the Academy's headquarters in Beverly Hills. Phone lines are unplugged. Internet access is disconnected. Cell phones are confiscated, and guards ride the elevators. For nine hours, these people are cut off from the world, because they know who the Oscar nominees are. They work through the night—jacked up on sugar cookies, black coffee and Red Bull—preparing the stats, nominee biographies and general info that will be disseminated worldwide at 5:38:30 a.m., PST, on Tuesday. This year, NEWSWEEK asked the Academy if we could spend the night with them.

At 9 p.m. Monday, Brad Oltmanns and Rick Rosas, from the accounting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers, present the list of nominees, tabulated from ballots cast by 5,800 Academy voters, to Academy executive director Bruce Davis and staff. Despite all the security at the Academy, the two men just drove the list over, without so much as a police escort. "We're both big, strapping guys," Oltmanns says, laughing. "Those are required characteristics for the job." As everyone pores over the list, they're eerily quiet. Does nothing about the nominations surprise them? "The big shocker for me," says Ariff Sidi, from, "is that I haven't seen even one of the movies in the best picture category."

Neither did most Americans. Box office was down 6.2 percent for 2005. Even with best picture noms, "Brokeback Mountain," "Crash," "Capote," "Goodnight, and Good Luck" and "Munich" won't come close to being blockbusters. As one insider was overheard fretting, "This could be the lowest-rated show in Oscar history." If so, the Academy will just have to tough it out. Their job is to reward greatness, not grosses. "We get criticized that we're losing touch with the public," says Davis, "but if it was only about TV ratings, we'd be nominating 'Big Momma's House 2'."

Besides, the controversial content of these films proves great fodder for gallows humor as the evening wears on. In a seventh-floor conference room, Davis and seven staffers have been trying to come up with fascinating stats about this year's nominees. (This year, for instance, is the first time since 1981 that the best picture and best director nominees have matched.) But even after hours of brainstorming, the group is stumped for fun facts about the acting nominees. A staffer points out that Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal and Philip Seymour Hoffman are all nominated for playing gay men: "How about looking at the number of actors in history who've been nominated for playing gay?" Davis thinks about it for a millisecond, then deadpans, "I'm sure the Reverend Robertson will point that out for us." By 4 a.m., everyone's pretty punchy. As famed Oscar telecast producer Gil Cates looks over the nominees, Davis points out that the rap number "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" is nominated for best original song. "You've got a song with the words s--t and f--k in it," Davis says, laughing. "That ought to be a production challenge." Cates considers. "Maybe Dolly Parton can do it," he says.

As it nears 5 a.m., about 400 reporters, photographers and publicists have crammed into the Academy theater downstairs to hear Mira Sorvino and newly elected Academy president Sid Ganis announce the nominees. Sorvino has done this gig before. It's Ganis's first time. He's beaming. "I have been watching this since I was a little boy," he says. "And now ... this is just a good moment." He smiles. "It's the Academy Awards." Even in a small year, that's pretty big.

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #152 on: Feb 10, 2006, 10:58 PM »
Wo! Wo!

It was nice the share with us Hidesert

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #153 on: Feb 11, 2006, 10:31 AM »
As I mentioned before, everyone knows this goes on, Jackson is just being honest:
Samuel L. Jackson Allows Family, Employees To Vote for Oscar Contenders

Samuel L. Jackson risks losing his membership to the Academy Of Motion Pictures, Arts And Sciences after confessing he lets his family fill out his Academy Award nominations form. The actor is among an elite group invited to choose the winners of the most prestigious prize in the awards calendar. However, Jackson admits he has grown bored of the process and leaves his Oscar screener DVDs and forms lying around his home for others to choose their favorite actors and films.

He tells FOX News reporter Bill McCuddy, "The maid has watched them (the nominees), the cook's probably watched a lot of them, the nanny has too. And they go by and put their check marks down on the ballot because they know you're not going to do it. And then the assistant goes by - 'Oh, it's time for the ballot to go in. Oh, he hasn't filled this in. (Checking boxes) I like this, I like this,' and they send it in."

He added, "I generally go down the ballot and look and see if any of my friends are nominated and I vote for them. Then I leave the ballot there for my wife to vote for all the other films that she watched that I knew I wasn't gonna watch, like the chick flicks or the flicks that I thought were gonna put me to sleep. I trust her opinion. And then we send the ballot in."

Anyone nominated for an Oscar automatically becomes a lifetime member of AMPAS - you don't need to win.  And members get to vote.

Good news for me,
Denis Arcand (nominated for best original screenplay two years ago), and his producer and wife, Denise Robert (winner for best movie in a foreign language, Barbarian Invasions) could vote.  A pair of sensible and bright human beings.  :D

Interesting...some of SLJ's staff might have some tastes! Well I hope his wife does... ::)
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #154 on: Feb 12, 2006, 11:57 PM »
I think it will win...

Best adapted screenplay

Best Director


And I think at least 1 of the 3 actors should score an oscar, but which one.  Hmmm
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #155 on: Feb 16, 2006, 01:45 AM »
Heath ledger with all of my might and soul, I pray for him, God next to Hoffman he's ( Heath ledger ) a divine intervention for the propagation of Love
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #156 on: Feb 18, 2006, 02:18 AM »
I think it will win...

Best adapted screenplay

Best Director


And I think at least 1 of the 3 actors should score an oscar, but which one.  Hmmm

Given the politics of all the acting categories, I think Michelle Williams has the best chance with Supporting Actress.

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #157 on: Feb 18, 2006, 11:42 AM »
Given the politics of all the acting categories, I think Michelle Williams has the best chance with Supporting Actress.

Yes. Go Michelle.....Heath and Jake too.
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #158 on: Feb 19, 2006, 06:09 PM »
I think its prettu sure Heath and Michelle and jake will lose. Hoffman and Whterspoon are gonna have it...

But its also pretty sure BBM will get best film, director and screenplay according to me...

Offline chameau

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #159 on: Feb 19, 2006, 07:07 PM »
I think its prettu sure Heath and Michelle and jake will lose. Hoffman and Whterspoon are gonna have it...

But its also pretty sure BBM will get best film, director and screenplay according to me...


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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #160 on: Feb 22, 2006, 11:04 AM »
Time magazine is predicting Hoffman for best actor in recognition for his body of work etc.
BBM for best picture [but/i] saying Crash should win it.

hope for an upset

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #161 on: Feb 22, 2006, 03:41 PM »
I just realized John Williams is nominated 2 times.  One for Memoirs of a Geisha and one for Munich...

That might split the vote and give a chance to Gustavo?   ::)

 :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #162 on: Feb 22, 2006, 03:42 PM »
I just realized John Williams is nominated 2 times.  One for Memoirs of a Geisha and one for Munich...

That might split the vote and give a chance to Gustavo?   ::)

 :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

I hope so...I am keeping every thing I can crossed.  ;D
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #163 on: Feb 22, 2006, 03:43 PM »
I just realized John Williams is nominated 2 times.  One for Memoirs of a Geisha and one for Munich...

That might split the vote and give a chance to Gustavo?   ::)

 :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

I hope so...I am keeping every thing I can crossed.  ;D

Testic.... too?  ;D ;D ;D
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #164 on: Feb 22, 2006, 03:51 PM »
Testic.... too?  ;D ;D ;D

naughty..naughty...chameau   :-[
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #165 on: Feb 22, 2006, 03:54 PM »
Testic.... too?  ;D ;D ;D

naughty..naughty...chameau   :-[

It happens to me from time to time...  :P
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #166 on: Feb 26, 2006, 10:56 PM »
Roger Ebert and Richard Roeper just made their predictions on their TV show (Ebert & Roeper) for the top Oscar awards:

Best Picture:
Ebert - Crash
Roeper - Crash

Best Actor:
Ebert - Terence Howard (Hustle and Flow)
Richard - Philip Seymour Hoffman (Capote)

Best Actress:
Ebert - Reese Witherspoon (Walk the LIne)
Roeper - Felicity Huffman (Transamerica)

Best Supporting Actor:
Ebert - Matt Dillon (Crash)
Roeper - George Clooney (Syriana)

Best Supporting Actress:
Ebert - Amy Adams (Juneburg)
Roeper - Rachel Wiesz (Constant Gardener)


And then Roeper predicted that 10 years from now people will remember "Crash" and not "Brokeback Mountain".   It's apparent that Roeper and Ebert don't appreciate the social and artistic significance of BBM.   Ok, everyone to their own taste.

"Crash" is just one coincidental event after another and even it's anti-racism theme is a muddle.  "Capte", "Good Night and Good Luck" and "Munich" are much better films than "Crash" or even "King Kong" or "Walk the Line" that were not nominated.         

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #167 on: Feb 26, 2006, 10:59 PM »
That is too bad. I hope their predictions will not be true. I think these predictions are more for their show than anything else.
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #168 on: Feb 26, 2006, 11:18 PM »
E & R are just guys with opinions who bring their own baggage along with them. The critics who make themselves and their opinions more important than the films they review are not ones I take seriously--esp Gene Shallot (sp?). E & R are great at identifying and recommending smaller, unknown films we would want to see. As far as blockbusters or award predictions, they just offer one opinion a piece that is just as valid as yours or mine. :)  E & R are extremely arrogant and misguided with that insipid wagging finger of shame..if you do not know what that is...good for you!
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #169 on: Feb 28, 2006, 08:57 AM »
E & R are just guys with opinions who bring their own baggage along with them. The critics who make themselves and their opinions more important than the films they review are not ones I take seriously--esp Gene Shallot (sp?). E & R are great at identifying and recommending smaller, unknown films we would want to see. As far as blockbusters or award predictions, they just offer one opinion a piece that is just as valid as yours or mine. :)  E & R are extremely arrogant and misguided with that insipid wagging finger of shame..if you do not know what that is...good for you!

I agree, they've become an institution. Yes they do point out many small films that can be lost in the stampede of the bigger films.  For the most part I like Ebert's reviews but there are times like this when I just shake my head wondering where he came up with his opinion. 

Not every movie that has a social theme is a good film artistically.  IMHO BBM has both high social and artistic value - Crash has a strong social theme (that is overplayed) but is not strong artistically.  BBM will not fade away like "Love Story" but "Crash" will.


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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #170 on: Mar 01, 2006, 07:01 PM »
I don't think there is anything revolutionary about the social theme in Crash.  RACISM IS BAD - how was that a news flash in 2005?  Doesn't everybody but the KKK and neo-Nazis already get it?  I'm not saying that racism is dead, its clearly is NOT, but I don't think it can stand as a jaw-dropping film theme anymore.  We have all been taught the lessons.

I want to make it clear that my comments are not intended to minimize the importance of the continuing battle agaist racism - it's VERY important.  I just don't think that Crash presents us with anything new.

I also agree with others here that Crash is not a great artistic achievement.

JB  >:( 

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #171 on: Mar 01, 2006, 07:08 PM »
I don't think there is anything revolutionary about the social theme in Crash.  RACISM IS BAD - how was that a news flash in 2005?  Doesn't everybody but the KKK and neo-Nazis already get it?  I'm not saying that racism is dead, its clearly is NOT, but I don't think it can stand as a jaw-dropping film theme anymore.  We have all been taught the lessons.

I want to make it clear that my comments are not intended to minimize the importance of the continuing battle agaist racism - it's VERY important.  I just don't think that Crash presents us with anything new.

I also agree with others here that Crash is not a great artistic achievement.

JB  >:( 

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #172 on: Mar 01, 2006, 07:13 PM »
Now I did like Crash and thought it had brilliance, but yeah like I said in my letter to Ebert, it also
seems to have to yell at you to make it's point. 
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #173 on: Mar 01, 2006, 09:42 PM »
I want to make it clear that my comments are not intended to minimize the importance of the continuing battle agaist racism - it's VERY important.  I just don't think that Crash presents us with anything new.

My feelings exactly JB.  Racism is a continuing battle, but "Crash" doesn't present us with any new information to help us in the battle. 

Character behavior was inconsistent, too many coincidences, too many cliched phrases etc, etc, etc.  I could go on for pages, but I'll leave it there.


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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #174 on: Mar 01, 2006, 09:47 PM »
Ugh--Crash. I'm sorry, but I keep watching these best picture nominees and I just don't get where the nominations came from?!? I am so sick of being smacked in the face about race and racial tensions. Enough is enough...ok so we know that there is racism and discrimination--why continue to punch us in the face with it? And what is new about the presentation? As if we didn't know that everything that we do has an effect on everyone else in the world? It was ok in a "seven degrees to Kevin Bacon" sort of a way!

That being said...I think Crash might win best picture, but really--what a travesty that would be. There is nothing best about it.

I think that BBM will win for SURE best director, best adapted screenplay, and *probably* best picture....but there still is that Crash possiblity. Crash=crashed. Ugh!

Sorry to say that I really don't think that anyone is going to win in the best actor/actress categories.


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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #175 on: Mar 01, 2006, 10:08 PM »
BBM is the one Sunday night. I am smelling an Oscar for Michelle Williams--which would offset losses (gasps) for Mr. Nasty and Heath both professionally and personally since they are all three so close.  Picture, Director, and Adapted ScreenPlay are locks. Ang is also getting a late nod for Crouching Tiger by the way. I wish I had saved the articles on the net, but students are already writing their dissertations on the cultural significance of BBM! Teachers are/will be using BBM in their college courses! BMM is a cultural force to be reckoned with. Is there even a discussion board or Crash or Capote?  I think Hollywood and the Press like a horse race to boost ratings..Period!
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #176 on: Mar 01, 2006, 10:14 PM »
students are already writing their dissertations on the cultural significance of BBM! Teachers are/will be using BBM in their college courses! BMM is a cultural force to be reckoned with.

Wonderful. Thanks. I would love to read the dissertations. Yes BBM is also on my list for my classes next semester. It is a must.
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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #177 on: Mar 01, 2006, 10:20 PM »
I wish I had saved the articles on the net, but students are already writing their dissertations on the cultural significance of BBM! Teachers are/will be using BBM in their college courses! BMM is a cultural force to be reckoned with. Is there even a discussion board or Crash or Capote?  I think Hollywood and the Press like a horse race to boost ratings..Period! 

I read someplace probably on this board, that two professors are already writing a book about it's impact in the classroom.  And it does contain a number of topics that could be pursued as theses or dissertations.

I'm most happy for Annie Proulx.  She worked on this short story for 6 months of her life and was tormented by the characters.  She most belatedly deserves praise for the creative idea and her short story.  Without her short story we wouldn't be communicating about the movie.

I agree, the "horse race" is manufactured hype by the press to sell newspapers and magazines and Lion's Gate has heavily promoted their film.

« Last Edit: Mar 03, 2006, 11:04 AM by hidesert »

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #178 on: Mar 03, 2006, 10:32 PM »
Bill Robinson: The Evil Backers of "Brokeback"[/b]

Yahoo   March 1, 2006

In 1992, a lesbian documentary filmmaker, clutching her Oscar, told a billion people on live television to "boycott G.E." This Sunday night, when Focus Features' "Brokeback Mountain" wins Best Picture, its evil parent company, G.E., will have used their gays-as-victims film to win an Oscar of its own. Ah, the irony.

Debra Chasnoff's film "Deadly Deception: General Electric, Nuclear Weapons and Our Environment", exposed G.E. for, among other atrocities, knowingly poisoning workers with asbestos and radiation at the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in Schenectady, N.Y., resulting in birth defects and cancer. The documentary played a crucial part in the grassroots effort to get G.E. out of the nuclear weapons business. Adding salt to the wound, in her speech Chasnoff became the first homosexual to thank her "life partner," Kim.

That night, G.E. learned a lesson about the power of Hollywood's bully pulpit. Since the 90's, they're no longer content to bring us missiles and mediocre appliances. G.E, whose website refers to itself as "The world's most valuable and most admired company" acquired numerous entertainment concerns, including NBC, Universal, Bravo, and Focus Features. That means they Bring Gay Things to Life... like "Will & Grace", "Boy Meets Boy", "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," "Gay Weddings," ""-- and, yes, "Brokeback Mountain."

Apparently gay-themed entertainment is good business for a company that is infamous for only caring about the bottom line-- because there is certainly no evidence to support G.E.'s social conscience in this area. Most of their political donations go to Republicans, including over $2.5 million to anti-gay rights candidates in the last 5 years. G.E. only started offering U.S. domestic partner benefits in 2004, their networks being the very last majors to do so. But keep churning out the gay minstrel shows, guys, cuz they make money!

The G.E. hypocrisy is evident in the "fair employment practices" section of their code of conduct booklet, wistfully entitled "The Spirit and the Letter." There is absolutely no mention anywhere of sexual orientation. And you certainly won't be hearing any of Brokeback's all-hetero key players thanking their "life partners" on Oscar night, either. In fact, just this week, Universal Chairwoman Stacey Snider cited G.E.'s creepy corporate culture in her decision to go to Dreamworks for half the salary.

The G.E. code of conduct booklet doesn't mention that the company has been fined $1 billion for fraud in government contracts, or that 88% of it's $10 billion in Pentagon contracts were no-bid, or that G.E. attempted to overturn the Superfund Law, which allows the government to hold polluters responsible for cleaning up their toxic chemicals. Why would they? After all, they're the company responsible for 78 Superfund cites around the country; the same company that dumped PCB's into the Hudson for three decades and doesn't want to pay for the cleanup; the same company that designed 91 faulty nuclear power plants; and, yes, the same company that brought you "Brokeback Mountain" and its soon-to-be-radioactive Best Picture Oscar.

So memo to zealots like the American Family Association: forget about boycotting Ford for advertising in gay magazines. You think they really care about the slim profit margins on your redneck pick-ups? Start talking to G.E., who's churning out gay content every day, about their dishwashers-- then maybe you'll get some traction. And the rest of us will see just how comitted this ruthless company really is to bringing Gay Things to Life.

« Last Edit: Mar 03, 2006, 10:38 PM by hidesert »

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Re: 8 Oscars Nominations for BBM - Reaction & Thought
« Reply #179 on: Mar 03, 2006, 10:38 PM »
Mhhhh! Quite interesting.... Money talks, B*llsh*t walks.

Thanks for posting this hidesert
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault