hellau a tutti...
peccato che ci sia cosi poco la sera in questi giorni.. mi mancate.. :\'(
ma proprio più che divano non ci passa...
e se domani devo lavorare... so già come va a finire la giornata di oggi..
vi racconto una cosa..
un mio amico dagli USA ha visto solo in questi giorni BBM x la prima volta, e ciò anche solo perchè aveva capito che mi importava tanto...
oggi è arrivata la sua "impressione"...
" OK. I do not see this as a gay film or one making any comment about the gay lifestyle. Most all human behavior is situational and contextual. This is a film about love first and fractured lives second. Jack had no connection to his father and Ennis was minimally reared by a brother and sister. Thus, no affirmation by a father figure. Their relationship is not unlike the ones formed by masculine males in a prison, as one example. The mountain itself is an escape to a place where they could have their dignity, maintain their masculinity, experience a connection by a male denied them in earlier life and have a profound privacy. Escapes are not permanent in most cases and neither was theirs. For me, at least, the film says more about love than heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bi-sexuality. It also spoke to the pain of life and the many ways of being in the world. From an existential perspective, we most all end up alone. That said, happiness mainly results from connection and meaning in our lives.
Absent that, since most human responses are based upon personal perception (BBM is a great Rorschach), then I understand the many and varied discussions which can evolve from the film and personal interpretations. "ci sono "rimasta"... tanta profondità in queste parole.. vorrei poterlo quotare anche in un altro thread.. ma glielo chiedo prima.
vi auguro una buona giornata, passo se posso.