Author Topic: Newsletter - Special Fifth Anniversary Edition  (Read 22326 times)

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin' Newsletter

Special Fifth Year Anniversary Edition

The member who wrote this editorial requested to remain anonymous...
...Which we respect, huh?

Five years already...damn. I feel in that time I've said so much and yet not enough. I was trying to find something 'new' to say, to express just what this place has meant and continues to mean to me. I keep coming back to things I've said prior and maybe there just isn't a different way to convey my thoughts or feelings, for they haven't changed, they've only intensified and have become a part of my core. When something is so good and fills you so completely, is redundancy such a bad thing?

I remember...

I remember feeling lost; confused and overwhelmed by the intense feelings that bobbed to the surface upon seeing this movie. I remember almost obsessively searching all over the internet for anything to do with this movie. It had latched onto me; it was almost all consuming. The emotions, tumultuous; salt water tears pooling; adrift in a dark stormy sea...I remember seeing a lifeline...I remember finding this place...

The journey...

I was pulled to solid ground; no, not sandy beaches but a mountain ridge, lush foliage, vibrant life; safety; plumes of smoke from a signal fire leading me down a path...I journeyed down it, finding markers along the way beckoning me forward. There, in a clearing, were so many people; at first I hid in the brush, listening and observing; amazed at how many others not only shared my emotions but were able to articulate those words my heart held. When I made myself known, I was immediately welcomed and embraced; handed a cup of whiskey and basked in the warmth and glow of the fire alongside future friends. The journey up the mountain was like passing from one life into another; the tears were like the shedding of old skin….the dark turned into light. I found a home.


I hold my memories close and revisit them often, but I'm sentimental about 'the firsts'...the first post, the first response, seeing faces for the first time; the beautiful faces behind the avatars and ultimately the beautiful souls behind the threads in this blanket that keeps me warm. Hearing voices for the first time, the first hugs, the first laughs, my first Brokie meet... every moment is special but as I said, I hold those firsts dear.


"Just like the light of the morning after the darkness has gone..." Every person here has touched and enriched my life in one way or another, even if I've never had direct contact or dialogue with them; we've all left our footprints on these rolling hills. It felt 'weird' and almost ridiculous to be held hostage by a movie, until I found out that there was a greater reason for it all. The ordinary became extraordinary. Gradually, life started to make sense again or maybe, for the first time…whether I was further ahead or had fallen behind; I was never alone. The voices of others have helped me to find my true voice, one that had long been stifled. I've been fortunate to know the joy of meeting with some of my fellow Brokies in person; I also know the joy of watching others meet and being there by proxy. I've had the privilege of sharing with over 4800 unique souls; to be offered either  a passing glance or full access into the hearts of others. I'm thankful for this journey; I'd do it all over again to find this place; a place where my heart can roam unfettered- "... a place where the sun always shines."


Life was confined to four walls; restricted to my immediate surroundings, now I can connect with anyone all over the world; logistics be damned. World Wide...Web? Silken lines intricately interwoven; solidly stitched together; an elegant, yet simple pattern anchored in the middle by two beautiful souls from which each of us radiate. Its tensile strength connecting and holding us all. Five years later and it still amazes me that something so strong and beautiful all began with a single thread.

Greetings from the Mod Squad!

.. unglaublich aber wahr..
nie hätte ich mir gedacht dass ein film so einen einfluss auf mein leben nehmen könnte.. und doch hat er es getan!
ich wünsche allen meinen freunden und brokies eine wunderschönes und glückliches Neues Jahr - und hoffentlich einen weiteren gemeinsamen Weg, alle hier zusammen!

... incredible but true..
i would have never thought that a film could have such an impact on my life.. and yet this one had!
i wish all my friends and fellow brokies a marvelous and happy New Year - and hopefully our way together will continue!

5 ans. Je sais que cela a déjà été dit, mais qui aurait cru que nous en serions là 5 ans après. Brokeback Mountain et ont véritablement changé nos, pour le meilleur. Bonnes fêtes à tous et bonne année à tous. Et rendez-vous dans 5 ans !

5 years. I know this has been told before already, but who would have believed whe would be there 5 years later. Brokeback Mountain and have truly changed us, for the best. Happy holidays and Happy New Year to all. And see you in 5 years!

Bene, che dire? Siamo ancora qui dopo ben cinque anni e ancora rappresentiamo una comunità viva e vivace che si alimenta di nuovi arrivi.Malgrado gli impegni della vita privata di ciascuno di noi, resta sempre il piacere di indirizzare a tutti i miei migliori auguri di un anno sereno e di prosperità.

Well, what could I say? We're still here since five years and we still represent an alive and lively community which goes on growing and growing with new arrivals. Notwithstanding oneself own engagements of real life, pleasure is mine to address to you all my best wishes of a serene and prosperous year. Mars

Another year has passed of calling Ennisjack home and all of you my family and friends. I can’t think of a greater gift than to find a place where love, compassion and respect are the only laws of the land. Where everyone is welcome to share his/her thoughts and feelings about so many things. And where you always know you’ll find a caring ear, a supportive shoulder, and an open heart anywhere you turn. Happy holidays to all of you and may 2011 bring all good things.

All my love,


Mga kaibigan:

Sana'y manatili tayo sa ginhawa at kapayapaan ng ating pagsasalo.  Nawa'y pagpalain tayo sa mga araw ng ating mainam na pagsasama.  Huwag tayong makakalimot sa panahon ng ating paghihiwalay.  At maging palatandaan natin ito: na ang ating pagkakaibigan ay isang mahiwagang regalo sa isa't isa.  Sapat na ito.

My friends:

May we all revel in the comfort and peace of our being with each other.  May we be blessed in the days of our fellowship.  Let us not be forgetful, even in times of separation.  And let this be our remembrance: that our friendship is one magical gift to each other.  It will suffice.

ברכות לכל חבריי מכל העולם, ביום השנה החמישי לאניסג'ק.קום. כשהצטרפתי לפורום הזה במרץ 2006, מספר חודשים אחרי הקמתו, לא היה לי מושג לאן המסע הזה יקח אותי. בסך הכל רציתי למצוא נשמות אחיות שאיתן אוכל לדבר על הרגשות החזקים שהסרט הזה עורר בי. מה שמצאתי היה הרבה יותר מזה. האנשים כאן הפכו לחלק ממני. ביחד צחקנו ובכינו, חווינו אובדן ושמחה, חלקנו את הטוב ואת הרע ובילינו הרבה שעות נפלאות יחד, בין אם אונליין או פנים אל פנים. אני מחשיבה את כולכם למשפחתי.


Greetings to all my friends around the world, on the 5th anniversary of When I joined this forum on March 2006, a few months after it's creation, I had no idea where this journey would take me. I just wanted to find kindred spirits, with whom I could talk about the overwhelming feelings that this movie has evoked in me. What I found was much more than that. The people here became a part of me. Together we laughed and cried, experienced loss and joy, shared the good and the bad and spent many wonderful hours together, whether it was online or in person. I consider you all my family.

with love,

No words can express my gratitude for BBM and this wonderful family as a result of it. Past five years have been wonderful and I look forward to many more. Happy anniversary, EnnisJack and happy holidays to all.

語言實在無法表達我對"斷背山"和以"斷背山"成立的大家庭的衷心感謝. 這5年來都是這麼的美好. 我希望能有更多的5年! 5周年慶, EnnisJack 也祝大家佳節愉快!!

"The language of friendship is not words but meanings."~ (Henry David Thoreau) Happy Anniversary to EnnisJack! Thank you to everyone for five years of friendship, love and support; so many memories and so many more to be made. Happy Holidays to everyone! Wishing you all lots of love, peace and everything you're wishing for in the coming year. ~LJN/Michelle

Kjære Brokies. Enda et år har kommet og gått, og vi er fremdeles her. Forumet føles mer som en familie og ikke et uplasserbart sted i cyberspace. Så jeg vil med dette ønske min familie i fjern og nær en riktig god jul og et godt nytt år. Og jeg sier som psykiater Sidney i MASH. Mine damer og herrer, dra ned buksa og skli på isen.
Dear Brokies. Another year has come and gone, and we are still here. The forum feels more like a family and not an undefined place in cyberspace. So with this in mind I would like to wish my family, both near and far away, a merry christmas and  a happy new year. And I'll quote shrink Sidney from MASH. Ladies and gentlemen, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

Love, Rønnaug

5 ans, déjà 5 ans... 5 ans de joies, 5 ans de rencontres ici sur le forum et au bout du monde, en personne.  5 ans de découvertes, de partages, de larmes, de câlins et de rires.  Merci à vous, mes soeurs et mes frères pour ces 5 merveilleuses annés passées en votre compagnie... on se voit l'été prochain? ;)

5 years, already 5 years... 5 years of joys, 5 years of gathering here on the forum and all over the World, meeting for real.  5 years of discoveries, sharing tears, hugs and laughter.  Thanks to all of you my sisters and brothers for these 5 wonderful years we shared... see you next Summer? ;)


It has been the most amazing ride, and it keeps on going. Trips and friends all over the world, amazing meets and friendship made in 5 years that will stay forever. We have been so lucky that our dear Ethan created this little place of heaven for us to gather as one big and very happy family.

We have had some highs, really high highs and sadly some lows...but I wish you all the best for 2011 and may the new year bring you all the happiness you deserve.

I cannot express how much this place has done for me. So after 5 years all I can say is thank you all and with all my heart and all my love wish you a Happy New year,
Froggy xxx

Tous mes meilleurs voeux pour 2011, a notre grande et belle famille de Brokies
Froggy xxx

Hard to believe it's been 5 years. It's so amazing the amount of brokie meets that have taken place and the number of members that have met, I am pleased to be part of such a wonderful forum and amazing brokies. Best wishes and happy new year to everyone.

Love Asali
Asali 5th Anniversary

Five Years Damn Five Years! Post here your gifts and greetings!

Click on the banner below to post your gifts and greetings for the 5th anniversary.

Five Years Damn Five Years: Show yourself with Ennis and Jack

Post a picture with Ennis & Jack, click on the picture below to participate.

Collection of videos & goodies

For the past five years, videos of many gatherings, calendars and other goodies were posted for the members to watch and download, click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Member Connection

Over the past five years members met for real here and there kind of all around the World, click on the picture below to visit many threads of many gatherings with loads of pictures.

Discussion of 2011 Trip to Alberta

Well...  We no longer discuss but many members already reserved plane tickets and hotels, this will happen for real next August 2011, some pilgrimage to the locations where Brokeback Mountain was shot.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

*** Important information for Alberta - August 2010 ***

There is a summary of members arrivals and departures plus the existing accommodations already booked, click on the picture below for the details.

Discussion of 2011 Road Trip in BC

Prior to the Alberta gathering, some members will meet in Vancouver to visit and then do a road trip across the Rockies to meet more Brokies in Alberta.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Meeting in Montreal August 19 -21 2011

After the British Columbia & Alberta gatherings, some members will end their trip to Canada by visiting Montreal, you are welcome to join in.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

In Memory of Heath Ledger

Almost three years now Heath Ledger left this world.  He gave flesh and blood to many characters but for many of us he was never better than when he ''was'' Ennis Del Mar.  We will be always grateful for this, we will remember him forever.  Click on the picture bellow to go to the memorial board dedicated to Heath.

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about  Click on the picture below to share your story.


The forum has a blog for server updates. Any outage will be posted to inform the members. Please bookmark the site and check the blog if you are experiencing server errors.

Technical Tips

Testing and posting from an iPhone app. Ennisjack is now accessible thru mobile app on iPhone, blackberry and android smartphones. Click on the picture below for more information.

Post Pictures

If you are not familiar with posting pictures click here for a tutorial.

How to Downsize a Picture

Some pictures are just too big to fit a screen or when you quote a post that includes a picture, we would like you to downsize the quoted picture.  Click here for a tutorial.

About Posting Pictures

If you don't mind this is a reminder of our guidelines about posting pictures on the forum.  

We understand many members are big fans of Heath, Jake and others. As supportive fans, let's respect them as who they are and not manipulate their pics to fulfill our fantasy. Collages are allowed of the Brokeback Mountain characters, and of each actor individually, but not of both actors mixed together or the actors mixed with others, like ourselves. To maintain this level of respect, the forum also asks the members not to post paparazzi photos or photos that constitute a clear invasion of their privacy.  In the interests of protecting this forum and making it accessible to all ages, please do not post images of nudity, either front or back, in any form except famous classical artwork. We thank you for your understanding and support. If you are not sure about the pix, please check with the mod team first.

You will find all the Forum's Guidelines & Rules here.

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.

Newsletter Feedback

You could click here if you wish to provide feedback about the Newsletter.


Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all here in the Forum Newsletter Board.

Born from their love... forever bound by ours!

Season's Greetings!

Fifth  Anniversary Special Edition, editors:  The Mod Squad.

« Last Edit: Jan 03, 2011, 08:29 PM by chameau »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault