I find this thread and some of the views expressed increasingly worrying. It may be legitimate to mourn the loss of perceived potential but beyond that I think one should not go.
I saw this and truly began to fear responding....fear that I'd say something in anger and annoyance that I would later regret, so I'll try keep this as short as possible.
First, I see that I'm behind in responding to this, it was said, people responded, now lets move on. Except I think it's important to point out why I'm behind in responding. It's because I don't spend all day, everyday, sitting in Heath's memorial thread crying and screaming WHY! I come here when I need to come here, and that's why this thread still exists, because people's need to come here still exists. And if someone else no longer gets that need...then stay out of here. Just like when people didn't like Brokeback existing, if you don't want to see it, turn the channel.
I think it's really sad that there seems to have been a line drawn across the entire ennisjack forum dividing those that agree with the memorial thread, and those that don't. This isn't what brought us to this site, and it is not what continues to hold us here. What brought me here personally was a want, and a need, to go to a place and not be judged for loving and respecting something that is much bigger than myself. What I found here was a group of people that have given me a whole new perspective on loving and respecting my own self, and my beliefs...as well others'.
Do I see a post sometimes and think, "wow, they really seem way too upset about someone they didn't know personally"? Yes I do. Then a song, or a film, or something comes on, and suddenly I'm really upset, and that judgement of others completely dissapears, and I regret ever having that judgement in the first place. We have no right to decide what is an acceptable mourning period for others anymore that we have the right to decide who lives or dies. Maybe there is higher power that has the right to decide those things, I certainly hope there is, but I seriously doubt if he does, he has an ennisjack account.
This thread is not about judgement, it's about the love and loss of someone who was very real, and talented.
I did not "perceive his potential" I simply appreciated the fact of it's existence.