Who would pass up a chance to see Heath on the big screen? But I'll be going alone, since none of my friends share my taste in movies when they vere off the beaten path of romantic comedies! Actually, I can't wait to see it, but wish I had a bunch of brokies to go with.
Lamusica, you might consider going outside your circle of friends, fess up to being a Brokie, and scout around for an acquaintance, maybe even from your church, for what should be....an expedition. You might be surprised at who just might be interested. But, either way, if you have to go it alone (which may also happen, for me, too), leave an empty seat beside you. Brokies are never really alone. Pat the seat, with a smile, settle in. We'll be there. As for me, I will be greatly interested in your take on Heath's performance and the film itself, and will be looking for your reaction on the TDK thread. Much love-Tony.