Author Topic: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory  (Read 1903908 times)

Offline FlwrChild

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #3990 on: Aug 12, 2008, 10:30 PM »
Big big  :ghug: What a ridiculous group of people you work with, Tammy, and what a wonderful group of friends we have here. <^(

I have been frustrated too when people start to talk about what happened, usually from some tabloid report they heard, and spout inaccurate information. It always makes me feel better on the occasions when they actually listen when I give them the facts. For the ones who won't, we just have to steel ourselves to ignore them and remember that there will always be ignorant people in our midst and we can only do so much to help them be more informed, better people. The fact that you work with these people and have to be around them all day makes this one an extra challenge for you, so I'm giving you some extra  :ghug:  :ghug: for support.
For a moment in our lives. Forever in our hearts.

"They were respectful of each other’s opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected." ~ BBM Short Story

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Offline tizi17

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #3991 on: Aug 13, 2008, 03:04 AM »
oh tammy... that is really upsetting.  :ghug:
but yes, as long as we here stay together let others say their stupid thing... >:(

i received a dvd from australia yesterday, from a friend, 30 min broadcast TV Heath story of his life...
it may have been a bit "TV" and gossipy.. but just looking at his pictures, moments from his movies, quotes from interviews...
i was crying..
and i really had thought to be over it - i often think of him. but never cried again...
until last night....  :\'(
".. a love that dare not speak its name.." oscar wilde


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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #3992 on: Aug 13, 2008, 10:25 AM »
Thank you so much my dear friends. Love you all so much.  <^(  :ghug:  :^^)

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #3993 on: Aug 13, 2008, 10:30 AM »
Tammy, I can only repeat what others have said here before me. I know it must have been terrible for you to hear people talking about Heath this way... but they're stupid and ignorant and they don't know nothing about him. Don't let them hurt you.  :ghug: :ghug:
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline rimasworld

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #3994 on: Aug 13, 2008, 10:35 AM »
although I was gassed to see TDK I'm not sure where I stand on the Parnassius yet hell I still havent watched the Crow yet starring Brandon Lee as he died while filming that movie it makes it harder for me to separate when an actor dies while in the process of their work
I know what you mean, I feel the same way. I have never watched that movie either for the same reason.

Offline FlwrChild

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #3995 on: Aug 13, 2008, 10:45 AM »
I never got around to seeing The Crow either. Kept thinking I would, but didn't want to right away and then the time just passed. But since the circumstances there were so different, I guess I felt differently about it. Heath's death had nothing to do with Parnassus, so I don't think I could stay away even if I wanted to.

For a moment in our lives. Forever in our hearts.

"They were respectful of each other’s opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected." ~ BBM Short Story

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Offline rimasworld

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #3996 on: Aug 13, 2008, 11:32 AM »
I never got around to seeing The Crow either. Kept thinking I would, but didn't want to right away and then the time just passed. But since the circumstances there were so different, I guess I felt differently about it. Heath's death had nothing to do with Parnassus, so I don't think I could stay away even if I wanted to.

That's true. I keep thinking about how years from now a new generation will be watching his films and appreciate how special and talented he was. Like now when I watch James Dean in those 3 great films he made, I'm in awe of how unique he was too. Heath will also live on in his  wonderful work.

Offline Matt Nasty

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #3997 on: Aug 13, 2008, 02:10 PM »
Here's the link to entire article:,,20174820,00.html
thanks :) its a lovely and sad article...

Offline rimasworld

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #3998 on: Aug 13, 2008, 03:19 PM »
thanks :) its a lovely and sad article...
Yeah, I thought what he did with the pic was very sweet.. brought a  :) to my face and a  :\'( to my eye at the same time.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #3999 on: Aug 14, 2008, 12:03 AM »
oh tammy... that is really upsetting.  :ghug:
but yes, as long as we here stay together let others say their stupid thing... >:(

i received a dvd from australia yesterday, from a friend, 30 min broadcast TV Heath story of his life...
it may have been a bit "TV" and gossipy.. but just looking at his pictures, moments from his movies, quotes from interviews...
i was crying..
and i really had thought to be over it - i often think of him. but never cried again...
until last night....  :\'(

 :ghug: tizi  :ghug: I have learned to embrace the tears when they come, sometimes when I least expect them. I think of them as tears of love, so I welcome them with my soul wide open. We are the lucky ones, to still feel the love for Heath, no matter how long time has past. Like you, I also find that I don't cry all the time, while thinking of Heath. Sometimes, I am just happy to have known his work, his life. And whenever I need to, I think of his smile, as Ennis, as Will Thatcher, as Harry, as himself, and the cold world can be as cold as ice, and I still feel warm, warm enough to share.  :ghug:
Heath, you are loved, like this, always.

Offline tizi17

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4000 on: Aug 14, 2008, 02:25 AM »
:ghug: tizi  :ghug: I have learned to embrace the tears when they come, sometimes when I least expect them. I think of them as tears of love, so I welcome them with my soul wide open. We are the lucky ones, to still feel the love for Heath, no matter how long time has past. Like you, I also find that I don't cry all the time, while thinking of Heath. Sometimes, I am just happy to have known his work, his life. And whenever I need to, I think of his smile, as Ennis, as Will Thatcher, as Harry, as himself, and the cold world can be as cold as ice, and I still feel warm, warm enough to share.  :ghug:

thank you dear one for your kind and loving post...  :ghug:  ^f^
".. a love that dare not speak its name.." oscar wilde

Offline Lis

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4001 on: Aug 14, 2008, 12:32 PM »

Tammy  :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

People can be so ignorant and close-minded, like you said and there is nothing really we can do about it. Everyone here in support of Heath, has probably went through the same thing, where people have thought Heath was messed up, doing pills or shooting up heorine, all those false rumors. You don't know how many times I've had to try and fight back, whether it was a good friend of mine or just somebody random in my class. The important thing to know is that you know the truth, how influentutial and loving Heath was and even if your co-workers don't agree with you now, there might come a time when one of them regrets saying those comments, because you spoke up. Heath was a great man, and we can just wish that one day, everyone will finally realize that as well..
"The day I stop having fun, I'll just walk away." -- Heath Ledger

"For a moment in our lives, forever in our hearts." -- Heath Ledger, 1/22/08

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To a place where anything could happen at any time.
Where chaos could reign but the world would never end."
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Offline lamusica

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4002 on: Aug 15, 2008, 06:07 PM »
Now that I have seen TDK, I know for sure that this movie had NOTHING to do with Heath's tragic passing.
Every scene he's in in the movie reeks with his joie de vivre.  Despite the vileness of the Joker, Heath was loving this experience.  He was freed up; he finally had a role that he could mold in any direction he wanted because the Joker was so totally unbound by any human rules or strictures.  I really believe Heath loved playing this character, and I can see NO evidence at all that this could have contributed to his depression or illness.  I think that's just BS some media nerds cooked up to sell more press. If for no other reason than that, I am glad I saw the movie because now I know his death was not attributable in any way to this film or this role.  He was truly at the height of his career.  God bless our boy!
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Offline Ranchand1

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4003 on: Aug 16, 2008, 12:23 AM »
     I was just wondering what this world would be like if each of us could touch just one person the way Heath has touched million/bill.

     Katharine Hepburn once said in an interview when asked what made her a great actress.

    "I don't know what it is.  Some kind of electricity or something.  But I got it."

     I think that sums up Heath Ledger nicely....boy did he ever have it.


Offline Raisa

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4004 on: Aug 16, 2008, 01:53 AM »

Tammy  :ghug:  :ghug:  :ghug:

If people start to speak stupid and nasty things about Heath, I just ignore it, let it go over. I'm in very fortunate situation, cos' people  around me don't even speak much about Heath, for example where I work.

I just finished reading John McShane's book Heath Ledger - his beautiful life and mysterious death, and this book was very nice to read because it doesn't speak about Heath in a nasty way at all. Instead it tells about his career and making different movies very nice and interesting way, and about his death tells only the facts about prescribed drugs which were found. Nothing scandalous, nothing exaggeration. When I read about the wake Heath's family held at the Indiana Tea House at Cottesloe Beach near Perth, one of Heath's favourite places, I had teary eyes but was smiling at the same time. The event was so beautiful and if you can use word "happy" in this context, happy too. Some family members and friends went down to the beach and entered the surf. The author ends this chapter: " The sun sank slowly in the distance, casting a beautiful pink glow as the sound of laughter travelled across the sands that he had known and loved for so long: it was a fitting end to a brief, but astonishingly full life - a finale that Heath Ledger would no doubt have approved of."
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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4005 on: Aug 16, 2008, 02:28 AM »

All I can say, it's not getting easier as I thought.. I feel the sadness, now, even more then before .  

Heath, I swear....   :\'(

"What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close,the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."
"I miss you so much I can hardly stand it."

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4006 on: Aug 16, 2008, 05:36 AM »

All I can say, it's not getting easier as I thought.. I feel the sadness, now, even more then before .  

Heath, I swear....   :\'(

 :ghug: :ghug:

I know how you feel, its the same way for me.
Nuke the EFF on!!

Offline Nikita111

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4007 on: Aug 16, 2008, 03:50 PM »
I finally saw The Dark Knight today and it hit me so much I can't stop crying again. He was so great, so unigue. I cannot get his image out of my eyes, still seeing him, crying at the destiny's unjustice. That is just not fair. He was just so talented. He totally blown me away. He stole my every sight, my every thought, my every feeling as the Joker. It was a real masterpiece I was witnessing and the pain of him unable to shoot any other movie in the future is just too much to bear.

I feel such love, such deep frustrating painful love for him. No release for me, no release from pain.

I must tell it to you, darling once again. I love you so much, Dear darling, I am so unhappy and heartached. I wish nothing but you coming back and LIVE.
I feel like again being in the place of no hope, no relief. You gone, your beautiful person, being,  gone forever. It is just so tragical. The world seems so dark, so helpless now, I am lost in love and pain. I am crying forever and never stops crying for you, Heath angel.

I will never undestand the ways of fate. You have been taken. It shouldn't have been. All I know with my entire being that you shouldn't have died in your prime. It is not RIGHT, I will never understand it.

And I love you, even more now, my love is not fading with you being gone. I feel like I have never ever loved any actor more than I love you now.

Sleep well, my love, I cannot.

Your Ennis, your Joker will never be forgotten.

Offline FlwrChild

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4008 on: Aug 16, 2008, 10:38 PM »
     I was just wondering what this world would be like if each of us could touch just one person the way Heath has touched million/bill.

     Katharine Hepburn once said in an interview when asked what made her a great actress.

    "I don't know what it is.  Some kind of electricity or something.  But I got it."

     I think that sums up Heath Ledger nicely....boy did he ever have it.


He sure did. That was beautifully said. :)

hpv, em, Nikita big big  :ghug:  :ghug:
For a moment in our lives. Forever in our hearts.

"They were respectful of each other’s opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected." ~ BBM Short Story

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Offline rimasworld

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4009 on: Aug 16, 2008, 10:50 PM »
I finally saw The Dark Knight today and it hit me so much I can't stop crying again. He was so great, so unigue. I cannot get his image out of my eyes, still seeing him, crying at the destiny's unjustice. That is just not fair. He was just so talented. He totally blown me away. He stole my every sight, my every thought, my every feeling as the Joker. It was a real masterpiece I was witnessing and the pain of him unable to shoot any other movie in the future is just too much to bear.

I feel such love, such deep frustrating painful love for him. No release for me, no release from pain.

I must tell it to you, darling once again. I love you so much, Dear darling, I am so unhappy and heartached. I wish nothing but you coming back and LIVE.
I feel like again being in the place of no hope, no relief. You gone, your beautiful person, being,  gone forever. It is just so tragical. The world seems so dark, so helpless now, I am lost in love and pain. I am crying forever and never stops crying for you, Heath angel.

I will never undestand the ways of fate. You have been taken. It shouldn't have been. All I know with my entire being that you shouldn't have died in your prime. It is not RIGHT, I will never understand it.

And I love you, even more now, my love is not fading with you being gone. I feel like I have never ever loved any actor more than I love you now.

Sleep well, my love, I cannot.

Your Ennis, your Joker will never be forgotten.
So Beautiful.. I'm  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(

Offline Nikita111

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4010 on: Aug 17, 2008, 02:45 AM »
     Oh sweet darlin nikita come sit by the fire with us. 

     We will watch the moon rise and share a drink or three and talk of the love       we have shared. 

     We will make it through this night together.
     And when the sun comes round again my hope is for you, for us all, to find that love still waiting there.

Thank you, I am so sad.

It is morning here and my thoughts are with him. My mum looks at me and saying I am stupid that I cry for an actor. Surely you went hrough this. OMG, but it is so hard to let him go. He was so talented. For now I wish he was someone like Orlando Bloom, only dull pretty face, no talent whatsoever. It would hurt much less.

The Joker - I am a devoted co-criminal forever :\'(


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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4011 on: Aug 17, 2008, 07:59 AM »
Nikita, baby, come here!!!  :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

You made me cry so bad. I understand you so well.

(((hug you tight)))

Offline titabeille

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4012 on: Aug 17, 2008, 08:32 AM »
Dear Nikita, your post makes me cry  :\'(...I don't know what to say because, I have also seen "The dark knight" and I can't accept a so wonderful actor will no more make movies  :(.  He was too young to die, life is too cruel....  Sorry my dear but I can't say in english all the thoughts I wish  explain because I am french....But I give you a big  :ghug:

« Last Edit: Aug 17, 2008, 08:43 AM by titabeille »
It could be like this, always like this....
Sometimes I miss you so much, I can't understand it.

As you get old you begin to wonder-
what was all that lightning and thunder
actually about ? (Gavin Ewart)

Offline titabeille

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4013 on: Aug 17, 2008, 08:48 AM »
     Oh sweet darlin nikita come sit by the fire with us. 

     We will watch the moon rise and share a drink or three and talk of the love       we have shared. 

     We will make it through this night together.
     And when the sun comes round again my hope is for you, for us all, to find that love still waiting there.

Dear Ranchand, may I share a drink with you too while the moon'll rise ???   :ghug:
It could be like this, always like this....
Sometimes I miss you so much, I can't understand it.

As you get old you begin to wonder-
what was all that lightning and thunder
actually about ? (Gavin Ewart)

Offline titabeille

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4014 on: Aug 17, 2008, 09:06 AM »
In Heath's memory....

Dear Heath, I give you a present : all the brokies's love for you, all our memories for you, all our veneration for you, all of our gratitude for yo, all of our endless pain for you, we miss you too much  :\'( :\'(

Heath, I hope you are peaceful where you are  ^f^
It could be like this, always like this....
Sometimes I miss you so much, I can't understand it.

As you get old you begin to wonder-
what was all that lightning and thunder
actually about ? (Gavin Ewart)

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4015 on: Aug 17, 2008, 09:20 AM »
I finally saw The Dark Knight today and it hit me so much I can't stop crying again. He was so great, so unigue. I cannot get his image out of my eyes, still seeing him, crying at the destiny's unjustice. That is just not fair. He was just so talented. He totally blown me away. He stole my every sight, my every thought, my every feeling as the Joker. It was a real masterpiece I was witnessing and the pain of him unable to shoot any other movie in the future is just too much to bear.

I feel such love, such deep frustrating painful love for him. No release for me, no release from pain.

I must tell it to you, darling once again. I love you so much, Dear darling, I am so unhappy and heartached. I wish nothing but you coming back and LIVE.
I feel like again being in the place of no hope, no relief. You gone, your beautiful person, being,  gone forever. It is just so tragical. The world seems so dark, so helpless now, I am lost in love and pain. I am crying forever and never stops crying for you, Heath angel.

I will never undestand the ways of fate. You have been taken. It shouldn't have been. All I know with my entire being that you shouldn't have died in your prime. It is not RIGHT, I will never understand it.

And I love you, even more now, my love is not fading with you being gone. I feel like I have never ever loved any actor more than I love you now.

Sleep well, my love, I cannot.

Your Ennis, your Joker will never be forgotten.

Nikita, what can I say, I know how you feel so well...  :\'( :\'( :\'(

Hold on  :ghug: :ghug:
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4016 on: Aug 17, 2008, 09:45 AM »
I am here, dear Brokies, I know I appear once in a while and cry here desperately maybe ruining your acceptance.
I thought I was OK about his passing, but I am not. I am maybe at odds with higher power but I feel like I will never make peace with his death.

Anybody feel it like I do?


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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4017 on: Aug 17, 2008, 10:25 AM »
Anybody feel it like I do?

Everyone feels like you, baby.  :ghug: :ghug:

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4018 on: Aug 17, 2008, 01:37 PM »
I thought I was OK about his passing, but I am not. I am maybe at odds with higher power but I feel like I will never make peace with his death.

Anybody feel it like I do?

The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4019 on: Aug 17, 2008, 11:01 PM »
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« Last Edit: Aug 17, 2008, 11:20 PM by ethan »
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed