Author Topic: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory  (Read 1902539 times)

Offline jessicat80

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4140 on: Oct 09, 2008, 08:54 PM »

I just came back from Brussels, from seeing my brokie family there, and you were there with us, like I carried you there with me.

Watching the movie again was both beautiful and painful... I started crying a few minutes after it started just from looking at you and thinking how beautiful you are. Watching every little nuance, every subtle expression, every move, thinking how talented and amazing you were there, giving life to Ennis. Watching the movie is not the same for me again since you left us, all of a sudden different lines have extra meaning ("is there anything interesting up there in heaven?") and I find myself crying not only for Ennis and Jack, but for you.

It was amazing to see how many forum members wore stripey socks - or anything else with stripes on it. I had my Joker socks and striped gloves, both gifts from my wonderful friends. I kept seeing you in every street corner, in every shop window. In the shirts and the crazy hats that you used to wear (and we'd point and say "oh, Heath would love this one"), in the yellow Dukati parked on the pavement (just like yours), in the man who walked by us carrying his little daughter on his shoulders. You were everywhere.

You're in my heart, wherever I go.

Haven't posted in here for a while, but I just had to respond to this, it's just so true. He's just everywhere.....I loved that you listed happy things Keren, like clothing style, and a man walking with his daughter on his shoulders....I love that while they can make us hurt a bit, the things that remind us of him also make us smile.

I will be 28 years old a little over 9 months I will have lived longer than you were able to Heath....and that's just not fair.

I will never be able to look at anything with stripes again and not least a little.

"I’d rather live in his world…..than live without him….in mine."                                       (Midnight Train to Georgia)

Offline ksxks

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4141 on: Oct 09, 2008, 10:14 PM »
Haven't posted in here for a while, but I just had to respond to this, it's just so true. He's just everywhere.....I loved that you listed happy things Keren, like clothing style, and a man walking with his daughter on his shoulders....I love that while they can make us hurt a bit, the things that remind us of him also make us smile.

I will be 28 years old a little over 9 months I will have lived longer than you were able to Heath....and that's just not fair.

I love that also, the sweet and crazy and smart things about Heath's life that we can manage to appreciate and be happy about, through the sadness.

And, I have often thought, since 1/22, about all of you who are around Heath's age.  That adds another dimension to the whole thing.  And Jessica, that feeling of yours that soon you will be older than he ever got to be...  I've had a lot of that in my life...but 28 is so too young!  So not fair.   :\'(

They were respectful of each other's opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected.

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4142 on: Oct 10, 2008, 06:11 AM »
Haven't posted in here for a while, but I just had to respond to this, it's just so true. He's just everywhere.....I loved that you listed happy things Keren, like clothing style, and a man walking with his daughter on his shoulders....I love that while they can make us hurt a bit, the things that remind us of him also make us smile.

I will be 28 years old a little over 9 months I will have lived longer than you were able to Heath....and that's just not fair.

I will never be able to look at anything with stripes again and not least a little.

((((((((Jess))))))))  :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline myprivatejack

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4143 on: Oct 10, 2008, 06:34 AM »
Haven't posted in here for a while, but I just had to respond to this, it's just so true. He's just everywhere.....I loved that you listed happy things Keren, like clothing style, and a man walking with his daughter on his shoulders....I love that while they can make us hurt a bit, the things that remind us of him also make us smile.

I will be 28 years old a little over 9 months I will have lived longer than you were able to Heath....and that's just not fair.

I will never be able to look at anything with stripes again and not least a little.
Yes,Jessica,it's curious how everything,even the littlest things,could remind us Heath;these details we have never realised before and that now get a tottally different dimension...And you're right in that on one side,they hurt us,but on the other side,they make us smile with an infinite tenderness,thinking about him. <^(
About your age,I think all of us have thought abut this in many moments of our lives; thinking that someone won't arrive to your age of nowadays,make all the things you've done up to now,LIVING ALL THE LIFE HE WON'T BE ABLE TO...And it's so unfair,yes;but there's nothing we can do,except remembering him and loving him forever. :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline LauraLovesLedger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4144 on: Oct 15, 2008, 11:53 AM »
Here are a couple of sonnets I wrote for Heath.  The first one, I wrote after seeing him on the big screen in The Dark Knight, and the second one, very shortly after his passing.

I felt inspired to put them in sonnet form as a nod to his role in Ten Things, as his love interest writes one about him for class.

     Cinematic Sonnet

Like tidal waves capsize a raft
So grief sweeps o'er me,
As I sit here dazzled by your craft
Before the silver screen.
Oh that it could be a gate,
A threshold you could cross.
Oh if you could cheat cruel Fate
Replenish us your loss.
Alas, the silverscreen's a wall
Impregnable as brick
You won't waltz through it - it's a pall
For this my heart is sick

The star has truly left the stage
And flown free of the earthly cage.

   Goodnight, Sweet Prince

Goodnight, sweet prince, and bon boyage
So long, farewell, goodbye.
Robbed from us, thy sweet visage
Who knew thy time was nigh?
Goodnight sweet prince, adieu, adieu
They'll sing thee to thy rest.
That thee would drift, who knew, who knew?
Oh, how could one have guessed?
Sweet prince, goodnight.  Goodnight, goodnight!
Goodnight until the morn.
Let seraphim and angel-flights
Sing thee to thy dawn

Sweet Prince, thou art the very best
Dwelleth in thy heav'nly rest.

Offline LauraLovesLedger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4145 on: Oct 15, 2008, 12:03 PM »

A Villanelle for Heath - He Went So Gentle 

(My response to the great Dylan Thomas Villanelle, "Do Not Go Gentle")

He did go gentle into it, into that good night -
He knew not that he'd have to fight the dying of the light.
He went so gentle into it, the dying of the light

How could he prepare to fight
The dying of the light?
He did go gentle into it, into that good night.

Wish he'd known he'd have to fight,
Then he'd have the might....
He went so gentle into it, the dying of the light.

As winter thieves the sunrays bright,
So Death did steal your Life.
He did go gentle into it, into that good night.

Death - a thief with jealous spite.
He went so gentle into it, the dying of the light.

So brave was he, at heart a knight,
...If he'd only known to fight...
He did go gentle into it, into that good night,
He went so gentle into it, the dying of the light.

*I love the incanting quality to Villanelles, and think Dylan Thomas' one to be one of the greatest.  I hope I haven't committed a travesty of any sorts in attempting to refer to it in mine...

Offline LauraLovesLedger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4146 on: Oct 15, 2008, 12:08 PM »
Oh, Jessica.   Honey, I completely understand you.  I'm twenty-seven and dread out-aging Heath next year.  It's just unthinkable.   :\'(

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4147 on: Oct 18, 2008, 03:02 PM »

The morning sunrise spread her wings
While the moon hung in the sky
Held the sea in your hands
And happy everafter in your eyes

Couldn't leave you to go to heaven
I carry you in my smile
For the first time my true reflection i see
Happy everafter in your eyes

Every star in the night
Promises the dawn
I will be there if you fall
To ever so heavily rest upon

All that i can give you
Is forever yours to keep
Wake up every day with a dream
And happy everafter in your eyes

Happy ever after is in your eyes

Happy Everafter In Your Eyes - Ben Harper
Written for Matilda
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline christie wood

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4148 on: Oct 18, 2008, 04:15 PM »

The morning sunrise spread her wings
While the moon hung in the sky
Held the sea in your hands
And happy everafter in your eyes

Couldn't leave you to go to heaven
I carry you in my smile
For the first time my true reflection i see
Happy everafter in your eyes

Every star in the night
Promises the dawn
I will be there if you fall
To ever so heavily rest upon

All that i can give you
Is forever yours to keep
Wake up every day with a dream
And happy everafter in your eyes

Happy ever after is in your eyes

Happy Everafter In Your Eyes - Ben Harper
Written for Matilda

 :\'( :\'( :\'(

This is so beautiful and so sad. I can't bear to listen to this song anymore.... :\'( :\'(
"Look at my boots, old and dingy" - Heath Ledger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4149 on: Oct 19, 2008, 10:05 AM »

The morning sunrise spread her wings
While the moon hung in the sky
Held the sea in your hands
And happy everafter in your eyes

Couldn't leave you to go to heaven
I carry you in my smile
For the first time my true reflection i see
Happy everafter in your eyes

Every star in the night
Promises the dawn
I will be there if you fall
To ever so heavily rest upon

All that i can give you
Is forever yours to keep
Wake up every day with a dream
And happy everafter in your eyes

Happy ever after is in your eyes

Happy Everafter In Your Eyes - Ben Harper
Written for Matilda

I love this song SOO much...but haven't listened to it in quite awhile, it's too sad.. :\'( :\'( :\'(
« Last Edit: Oct 19, 2008, 05:49 PM by chameau »
"The day I stop having fun, I'll just walk away." -- Heath Ledger

"For a moment in our lives, forever in our hearts." -- Heath Ledger, 1/22/08

"In the dark, I really felt like I could escape to anywhere.
To a place where anything could happen at any time.
Where chaos could reign but the world would never end."
-- Noah Mayer

As the World Turns -- April 2, 1956 - September 17, 2010

Offline myprivatejack

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4150 on: Oct 20, 2008, 06:40 AM »

The morning sunrise spread her wings
While the moon hung in the sky
Held the sea in your hands
And happy everafter in your eyes

Couldn't leave you to go to heaven
I carry you in my smile
For the first time my true reflection i see
Happy everafter in your eyes

Every star in the night
Promises the dawn
I will be there if you fall
To ever so heavily rest upon

All that i can give you
Is forever yours to keep
Wake up every day with a dream
And happy everafter in your eyes

Happy ever after is in your eyes

Happy Everafter In Your Eyes - Ben Harper
Written for Matilda

This song is as beautiful as sad... :\'( 
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline myprivatejack

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4151 on: Oct 22, 2008, 06:45 AM »

In a day like today you left us...Nine months have already passed,like a pregnancy full with sorrow and pain that gives birth to an infinite hole in our hearts.We're not fathers or mothers,but orphans of your talent,your beauty and your intelligence.Rest in peace,our sweet eyes cowboy... :\'(
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline LauraLovesLedger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4152 on: Oct 22, 2008, 06:56 AM »

In a day like today you left us...Nine months have already passed,like a pregnancy full with sorrow and pain that gives birth to an infinite hole in our hearts.We're not fathers or mothers,but orphans of your talent,your beauty and your intelligence.Rest in peace,our sweet eyes cowboy... :\'(

Alicia, this is so beautiful, and so true.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4153 on: Oct 22, 2008, 07:00 AM »
Alicia, this is so beautiful, and so true.

Thank you so much,sweetie,but it's how I feel...Moreover,today I'm strangely sad thinking about him and Rajel,the Brokie who died also this year... :\'(
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline LauraLovesLedger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4154 on: Oct 22, 2008, 07:04 AM »
You're welcome, dear Alicia.  You write like an angel.  I too am always saddened when this date rolls around; I guess we all Brokies are. 

I'm so sorry to hear a Brokie passe away, too, this year.  I was unaware of this, and offer belatedly my condolences to Rajel's friends.  A hard year for ennisjack, to be sure.

On the ninth month marker of the loss of sweetest Heath, I'd just like to post this beautiful poem by Victor Hugo, "Tomorrow, At Dawn".  It's sadly sublime, and one of my favourites.

Here it is in it's original French, followed by an English translation:

Demain,  dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne,
Je partirai.  Vois-tu, je sais que tu m'attends.
J'irai par la forêt, j'irai  par la montagne.
Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.

Je  marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées,
Sans rien voir  au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit,
Seul, inconnu, le dos  courbé, les mains croisées,
Triste, et le jour pour moi sera  comme la nuit.

Je ne regarderai ni l'or du soir qui tombe,
Ni  les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur,
Et quand j'arriverai,  je mettrai sur ta tombe
Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère  en fleur.

Tomorrow, at dawn, at the hour  when the countryside whitens,
I will set out.  You see, I  know that you wait for me.
I will go by the forest, I will  go by the mountain.
I can no longer remain far from you.

I  will walk with my eyes fixed on my thoughts,
Seeing nothing  of outdoors, hearing no noise
Alone, unknown, my back curved,  my hands crossed,
Sorrowed, and the day for me will be as the  night.

I will not look at the gold of evening which falls,
Nor  the distant sails going down towards Harfleur,
And when I arrive,  I will place on your tomb
A bouquet of green holly and of flowering heather.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4155 on: Oct 22, 2008, 07:11 AM »
Laura,it's really beautiful but so sad¡  :\'(   :ghug: 
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline LauraLovesLedger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4156 on: Oct 22, 2008, 07:32 AM »
Yes, 'tis sad indeed, Alicia.  :\'(  It always made me so sad even before associating it with Heath...  So now it's even sadder to me.

Just did a couple of my own (even if it probably is unwise to post them right next to Hugo's...)

 Lunar Elegy

The Moon has brought it round again
For a ninth and sorrowed time
And I would that my words could give you
The bouquet in my mind.                                                                     

Claire de Lune

Claire de Lune
Oh light of the moon
Your beauty is sallow
This night
Where teardrop shapes
And crescent shapes
A date so wintry blue

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4157 on: Oct 22, 2008, 09:32 AM »
Lovely,Laura¡ I'm sure Heath would like them...  :)
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline Candy

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4158 on: Oct 22, 2008, 09:57 AM »

I only wanted you
They say memories are golden
well maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.

A million times I needed you,
a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.

If tears could build a stairway
and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.
here is my youtube's new:P

Offline white_angel

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4159 on: Oct 22, 2008, 10:58 AM »

I only wanted you
They say memories are golden
well maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.

A million times I needed you,
a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.

If tears could build a stairway
and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.

 If only our tears could build a stairway..
and heartaches could make a lane....
.. I know all of us who loves Heath  will walk the path to heaven.
and bring Heath back here with us.

 Thank you Candy.. this is so beautiful.
 It speak our mind.. our heart of wanting Heath alive and safe.

« Last Edit: Oct 22, 2008, 04:00 PM by chameau »
Can't take my eyes off of you Heath.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4160 on: Oct 22, 2008, 11:15 AM »

I only wanted you
They say memories are golden
well maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.

A million times I needed you,
a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.

If tears could build a stairway
and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.

Wonderful,Candy,I love it¡  ^f^  Yes,if only love could save someone's life,Heath's would be saved because he was very loved... :\'(
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4161 on: Oct 22, 2008, 11:18 AM »
On this day I have no words... I'll let the photos speak for me right now

The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline Candy

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4162 on: Oct 22, 2008, 11:22 AM »
pls keren tell where do u have this pics?they ae so so sad... :\'(
here is my youtube's new:P

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4163 on: Oct 22, 2008, 11:23 AM »
These are different tributes from ennisjack members around the world

The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4164 on: Oct 22, 2008, 11:33 AM »
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4165 on: Oct 22, 2008, 11:46 AM »
9 months already  :(...9 months without you it is very long, very hard, very sad  :\'(
It could be like this, always like this....
Sometimes I miss you so much, I can't understand it.

As you get old you begin to wonder-
what was all that lightning and thunder
actually about ? (Gavin Ewart)

Offline white_angel

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4166 on: Oct 22, 2008, 01:24 PM »
9 months. 9 months ..........

  I still can't can't believe you are gone.

 I am listening to your voice at your Santa Barbara speech right at this very moment and still finding a reason for you leaving us so soon.

With that very clear voice. how would anyone say we will never hear that voice again?

Every words are so clear and keeps me clinging to  those words one by one. one by one Heath....
How I wish  to hear more .. how I wish to hear you more.

I just can't let you go..................

AUDIO. Heath Ledger . Santa Barbara Speech,,20173623,00.html

Can't take my eyes off of you Heath.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4167 on: Oct 22, 2008, 01:29 PM »
9 months. 9 months ..........

  I still can't can't believe you are gone.

 I am listening to your voice at your Santa Barbara speech right at this very moment and still finding a reason for you leaving us so soon.

With that very clear voice. how would anyone say we will never hear that voice again?

Every words are so clear and keeps me clinging to  those words one by one. one by one Heath....
How I wish  to hear more .. how I wish to hear you more.

I just can't let you go..................

AUDIO. Heath Ledger . Santa Barbara Speech,,20173623,00.html

 :ghug: white_angel  :ghug: you don't have to ever let go. Hold on for as long as you want, because you are not alone. When you are ready to move on, you know, also, that we will be there. I am with you, Heath is unforgettable.  His voice, his everything :ghug: :^^)

Heath, you are loved, like this, always.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4168 on: Oct 22, 2008, 01:56 PM »
 :ghug:  Everyone.

Keren  :ghug: The pictures just set me off.  :\'(
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4169 on: Oct 22, 2008, 02:00 PM »
 :ghug: :ghug: to everybody who needs them

The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.