
As soon as I saw the banner, I just lost it. I'm sobbing and will have to come back later when I'm not such a mess.
Ethan, you couldn't have put it any more beautifully. :\'(
And those items you'll keep with you all day, Kathy, Ethan.... :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(
I'm somehow going to have to go away and muster some strength to write a poem for our dear boy, now.
Oh God, my heart is just shattered...it feels like it's happening all over again. He was still here exactly one year ago...but the tether binding him here was getting so damn thin....
The notion kills me. He would likely have been tossing and turning in bed now, unable to sleep, and getting closer and closer to departing this plane. :\'(
My heart is broken. It is so damn broken. :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(