Author Topic: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory  (Read 1903549 times)

Offline myprivatejack

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4410 on: Jan 20, 2009, 06:27 PM »
It's the beautiful tribute he deserves,Laura¡ ^f^ But,I'm sorry,I recommend Keren not to watch it,not now,during these days..."Hallelujah" is a song that always makes me think in him,a song that always takes me where my heart is... :\'( And,even if I love all the images,combining his interviews with his voice and the music,well,sorry again...adding,f.e,Daniel Day-Lewis speech is a stab on the back-I hope you understand what I mean... #) -. I was strong at the beginning and I finish by crying:but it's logical,so I hope you don't hate me,Laura... :-\\
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline FlwrChild

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4411 on: Jan 20, 2009, 10:16 PM »
It's beautiful, Laura.  :\'(  :ghug:  :^^)
For a moment in our lives. Forever in our hearts.

"They were respectful of each other’s opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected." ~ BBM Short Story

There are three ways to ultimate success:
The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind. (Mister Rogers)

Offline NoReins

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4412 on: Jan 21, 2009, 12:31 PM »
Well, here's the tribute I made tonight.  I'll surely do another on the 22nd, and will post that here, too.

Laura, that tribute was beautiful :\'( :\'(
He will be eternally missed, but he will never be forgotten

Christopher Nolan, accepting the Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe on Heath's behalf.

He was, as an actor and a professional and a human being, one of a kind

Charles Roven, accepting Heath's BAFTA.

This award tonight would have humbly validated Heath's quiet determination to be truly accepted by you all here — his peers within an industry he so loved.

Kim Ledger, accepting Heath's Oscar.

Offline chameau

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4413 on: Jan 21, 2009, 03:25 PM »
Thanks Laura ***snif***  :\'(
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 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline Candy

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4414 on: Jan 21, 2009, 03:27 PM »
i know there are tones of tributes but i've done one tribute in the memory of his lifetime work...i would like to shaare with u all...   
here is my youtube's new:P

Offline Candy

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4415 on: Jan 21, 2009, 03:32 PM »
****edited by moderator, please do not post paparazzi pictures or links to such pictures, specially pictures of Matilda****
and this one i've made in the memory of his beautiful love with Michelle and i put one of my fav songs... can't understand why they didn't stay togeder until the death would separate them...maibe if they didn't split he wouldn't need antidepresion drugs and he would still be with sad...
« Last Edit: Jan 21, 2009, 03:38 PM by chameau »
here is my youtube's new:P

Offline titabeille

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4416 on: Jan 21, 2009, 04:23 PM »
Dear Laura, I have seen your wonderful tribute and it makes me  :\'(   :^^)
It could be like this, always like this....
Sometimes I miss you so much, I can't understand it.

As you get old you begin to wonder-
what was all that lightning and thunder
actually about ? (Gavin Ewart)

Offline titabeille

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4417 on: Jan 21, 2009, 04:26 PM »
****edited by moderator, please do not post paparazzi pictures or links to such pictures, specially pictures of Matilda****
and this one i've made in the memory of his beautiful love with Michelle and i put one of my fav songs... can't understand why they didn't stay togeder until the death would separate them...maibe if they didn't split he wouldn't need antidepresion drugs and he would still be with sad...

Can't understand too dear Candy...But we don't know, perhaps Michelle has her reasons  :s)
It could be like this, always like this....
Sometimes I miss you so much, I can't understand it.

As you get old you begin to wonder-
what was all that lightning and thunder
actually about ? (Gavin Ewart)

Offline ksxks

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4418 on: Jan 22, 2009, 12:13 AM »
I will just keep this in my pocket all day tomorrow...  It is one like I made that we left in the desert last March.


They were respectful of each other's opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected.

Offline ethan

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4419 on: Jan 22, 2009, 12:16 AM »
One year already?

Over the year, I wonder if sadness has any expiration date. Could it last longer because of more love or quickly disappear with less? Simply not so. I know eventually I have to let you go but I just don’t know how. My sadness never disappears for your leaving. Instead, time forces it to quietly slip into a corner of my heart and often hits me off guard. It makes me miss you even more. On this day of your parting a year ago, all I can think of is - I don’t want to say goodbye.

I understand now why Ang Lee only needed to stare at you for 45 minutes without you even speaking a word for the role of Ennis Del Mar. The entire YOU spoke louder than anything. Thank you for being you and giving us this life-changing experience of Brokeback Mountain. I know one day I will see you in the place where blue bird sings with whiskey spring. I will be honored to have some drinks with you.
For now - whenever my sadness strikes, I will be looking for the brightest star in the sky. Fly free with your wings.

 :ghug: to everyone and your heartfelt words. Here is my little tribute to Heath for what he has given us.

Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline ethan

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4420 on: Jan 22, 2009, 12:18 AM »
I will just keep this in my pocket all day tomorrow...  It is one like I made that we left in the desert last March.

Beautiful one and great idea. I will carry this with me - something we took away from the desert.

Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline FlwrChild

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4421 on: Jan 22, 2009, 12:20 AM »
Kathy, Ethan, those are just gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.  :ghug:
For a moment in our lives. Forever in our hearts.

"They were respectful of each other’s opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected." ~ BBM Short Story

There are three ways to ultimate success:
The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind. (Mister Rogers)

Offline chameau

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4422 on: Jan 22, 2009, 12:28 AM »
One year already?

Yup, one year already :(

Beautiful one and great idea. I will carry this with me - something we took away from the desert.

Got one too and I recall crying buckets when I got it in the mail, I just forgot about Kathy saying she was gonna mail them to us.  :\'(

Thanks guys for being here and all.  :ghug:
« Last Edit: Jan 22, 2009, 12:36 AM by chameau »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline jessicat80

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4423 on: Jan 22, 2009, 12:41 AM »
Beautiful one and great idea. I will carry this with me - something we took away from the desert.

What a beautiful idea Ethan, and the banner you made is lovely.

I started to write that I'd keep my bottle of sand with me tomorrow also, but I don't think I'd be able to stand the fear of it getting messed up or lost...

And I've also come to find, that the only reminder I to simply wake up....

Reminded that he is gone....but to also remember that I am lucky to still be here.

:ghug: to my brokies today.
"I’d rather live in his world…..than live without him….in mine."                                       (Midnight Train to Georgia)

Offline hpv

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4424 on: Jan 22, 2009, 02:51 AM »
One year already? ...
Over the year, I wonder if sadness has any expiration date. .....
 :ghug: to everyone and your heartfelt words. Here is my little tribute to Heath for what he has given us.

Ethan, the banner is amazing  but owhh. so sad...!!  :\'( :\'( :\'(

YES..t's been a year already..(sigh) but it feels like yesterday,  :\'(
 such an unbelievable thing, it's hard for me to put it to words... I could say it better in my language.
תהיה נשמתך צרורה בצרור החיים... ת.נ.צ.ב.ה.

R.I.P. my sweet angel in the camp up the mountains in heaven,


To all the brokies on this sad anniversary of yearning, I offer my love and hugs to everyone!! 

 :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

« Last Edit: Jan 22, 2009, 02:57 AM by hpv »
"What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close,the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."
"I miss you so much I can hardly stand it."

Offline tizi17

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4425 on: Jan 22, 2009, 03:02 AM »
thank you ethan.. this is beautiful...  ^f^   :ghug:

my thoughts and a hug to all of you...  :ghug:
".. a love that dare not speak its name.." oscar wilde

Offline Emzan

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4426 on: Jan 22, 2009, 03:27 AM »
I don't really know what to say...
This year has gone by so fast and I can still remember it like yesterday when I found out that you're not here anymore. My heart break for the millionth time and my eyes hurt because of the crying... :\'( :\'(
I know I will see you some day and that day I will thank you for changing my life, you have no idea how much you mean to me.

To all my Brokies :ghug: :ghug:
Nuke the EFF on!!

Offline LauraLovesLedger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4427 on: Jan 22, 2009, 03:55 AM »
 :ghug: Everyone  :ghug:

As soon as I saw the banner, I just lost it.  I'm sobbing and will have to come back later when I'm not such a mess.

Ethan, you couldn't have put it any more beautifully.   :\'(

And those items you'll keep with you all day, Kathy, Ethan....  :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

I'm somehow going to have to go away and muster some strength to write a poem for our dear boy, now. 

Oh God, my heart is just feels like it's happening all over again.  He was still here exactly one year ago...but the tether binding him here was getting so damn thin....

The notion kills me. 

He would likely have been tossing and turning in bed now, unable to sleep, and getting closer and closer to departing this plane.   :\'(

My heart is broken.  It is so damn broken.   :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

Offline LauraLovesLedger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4428 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:00 AM »
i know there are tones of tributes but i've done one tribute in the memory of his lifetime work...i would like to shaare with u all...

Chrisy, this is absolutely beautiful, sweetie.  Thank you so much.   :ghug:

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4429 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:14 AM »
One year. one year in which you were always on my mind. at this hour last year you were still alive, I wonder what you were doing. I wonder if you were asleep or awake. one can never tell, with you. I wish I could turn back the time and be there and stop you before you took those pills, and tell you what they were going to do to you. You had no idea. you just wanted to sleep...

Thank you for everything that you've given us, for sharing your special gifts, for shining so bright. Rest in peace my love.

The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline LauraLovesLedger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4430 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:18 AM »
One year. one year in which you were always on my mind. at this hour last year you were still alive, I wonder what you were doing. I wonder if you were asleep or awake. one can never tell, with you. I wish I could turn back the time and be there and stop you before you took those pills, and tell you what they were going to do to you. You had no idea. you just wanted to sleep...

Thank you for everything that you've given us, for sharing your special gifts, for shining so bright. Rest in peace my love.

((((Hugs you so tight))))

you just wanted to sleep...

Oh, God...I'm shattered. 

Offline LauraLovesLedger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4431 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:19 AM »
This is absolutely amazing, in his own words....  <^(  :\'(


I'll watch it later, sweetie, if I can fortify myself enough.  I can't afford to sob any harder right now.   :\'( 

Offline christie wood

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4432 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:22 AM »
I will just keep this in my pocket all day tomorrow...  It is one like I made that we left in the desert last March.


This is a wonderful idea Kathy......
"Look at my boots, old and dingy" - Heath Ledger

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4433 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:26 AM »
:ghug: Everyone  :ghug:

As soon as I saw the banner, I just lost it.  I'm sobbing and will have to come back later when I'm not such a mess.

Ethan, you couldn't have put it any more beautifully.   :\'(

And those items you'll keep with you all day, Kathy, Ethan....  :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

I'm somehow going to have to go away and muster some strength to write a poem for our dear boy, now. 

Oh God, my heart is just feels like it's happening all over again.  He was still here exactly one year ago...but the tether binding him here was getting so damn thin....

The notion kills me. 

He would likely have been tossing and turning in bed now, unable to sleep, and getting closer and closer to departing this plane.   :\'(

My heart is broken.  It is so damn broken.   :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(


 :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline christie wood

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4434 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:28 AM »
One year. one year in which you were always on my mind. at this hour last year you were still alive, I wonder what you were doing. I wonder if you were asleep or awake. one can never tell, with you. I wish I could turn back the time and be there and stop you before you took those pills, and tell you what they were going to do to you. You had no idea. you just wanted to sleep...

Thank you for everything that you've given us, for sharing your special gifts, for shining so bright. Rest in peace my love.

((((((Keren))))))   :\'( :\'(  and everyone, on this day, the saddest of all days...... :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
"Look at my boots, old and dingy" - Heath Ledger

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4435 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:38 AM »

It is a hard day. I have a candle burning next to a picture of him...  :\'(
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline NoReins

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4436 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:41 AM »
Our beautiful boy - I miss you so much. But I'm sending up a prayer of thanks for everything you gave us and the memories which will never die.

Is there anything interesting up there in heaven? :\'( :\'( :\'(

 :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: to everyone, today and always.

He will be eternally missed, but he will never be forgotten

Christopher Nolan, accepting the Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe on Heath's behalf.

He was, as an actor and a professional and a human being, one of a kind

Charles Roven, accepting Heath's BAFTA.

This award tonight would have humbly validated Heath's quiet determination to be truly accepted by you all here — his peers within an industry he so loved.

Kim Ledger, accepting Heath's Oscar.

Offline christie wood

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4437 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:46 AM »

It is a hard day. I have a candle burning next to a picture of him...  :\'(

It is a hard day, but at least we have this place, and each other.... :ghug: :ghug:

"Look at my boots, old and dingy" - Heath Ledger


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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4438 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:49 AM »

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #4439 on: Jan 22, 2009, 04:55 AM »
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.