I didn’t want to come here, because I knew it’d be too much. But I needed to hug everyone and being hugged in return, so I tried to be strong, but as soon as I saw the banner I totally lost it and started to sob…
So I closed my laptop without reading a post.
I was helping my mother to eat while she was watching the news. I just heard that our baby got the Oscar nomination. I cried my eyes out in front of my mother, and she thought I was sad because of my lost job. How to explain what can’t be explained? How put in words what only can be felt?
I tried one more time to be brave and come here and write something beautiful about the sweetest man ever, but as you see I’m not doing ok.
My head aches.
I read these two posts and now my chest hurts so bad and I can’t breathe, so I won’t read anything else…I can’t be here today. I’ll be hidden in a corner and will return tomorrow or the day after tomorrow…..
One year already?
Over the year, I wonder if sadness has any expiration date. Could it last longer because of more love or quickly disappear with less? Simply not so. I know eventually I have to let you go but I just don’t know how. My sadness never disappears for your leaving. Instead, time forces it to quietly slip into a corner of my heart and often hits me off guard. It makes me miss you even more. On this day of your parting a year ago, all I can think of is - I don’t want to say goodbye.
I understand now why Ang Lee only needed to stare at you for 45 minutes without you even speaking a word for the role of Ennis Del Mar. The entire YOU spoke louder than anything. Thank you for being you and giving us this life-changing experience of Brokeback Mountain. I know one day I will see you in the place where blue bird sings with whiskey spring. I will be honored to have some drinks with you.
For now - whenever my sadness strikes, I will be looking for the brightest star in the sky. Fly free with your wings.
to everyone and your heartfelt words. Here is my little tribute to Heath for what he has given us.
I'm sobbing and will have to come back later when I'm not such a mess.
Ethan, you couldn't have put it any more beautifully. :\'(
And those items you'll keep with you all day, Kathy, Ethan.... :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(
I'm somehow going to have to go away and muster some strength to write a poem for our dear boy, now.
Oh God, my heart is just shattered...it feels like it's happening all over again. He was still here exactly one year ago...but the tether binding him here was getting so damn thin....
The notion kills me.
He would likely have been tossing and turning in bed now, unable to sleep, and getting closer and closer to departing this plane. :\'(
My heart is broken. It is so damn broken. :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(
This week is becoming a nightmare. I just want to wake up.
:\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(