Around Brokeback Mountain > In Memory of Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes

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Carefree Wind:
Death notices reveal family's grief

christie wood:
Oh god, carefree wind, I read the tribute from Heath's family and burst into tears.   :\'( :\'( :\'( They all loved him so much.

Here's a more detailed transcript of what they said....

I am moving here Christie's link to Theresa's wonderful memorial blog for Heath.  Do take time to check out the many wonderful and moving articles therein:

--- Quote from: christie wood on Jan 24, 2008, 09:36 AM ---Thomas has given me permission to post a link to a wonderful memorial blog set up by Theresa, who some of you may remember. She used to run Heath Ledger Central which was a fantastic and very well respected site for Heath fans.  She was also a good friend to ennisjack, as well as to Heath himself.  Please visit if you can.

--- End quote ---


Our hearts are broken, say Ledger's family

Press Association
Friday January 25, 2008
Guardian Unlimited,,2246962,00.html

"You dreamed your dreams and lived them with passion and intelligent commitment. We have been privileged to accompany you on a ride through life that has simply been amazing and, through it all, we have loved each other beyond imagination.

"Your true legacy lives on in beautiful little Matilda, who will always remain in the greatest of care. Our hearts are broken."


It's reading these tributes from Heath's family that has finally broken me. However much we love and miss him, they're doing it a million times more - and their words are heartbreaking.

From his dad

"No more chess games, mate... this is it. Couldn't beat you anyway!

"My body aches for the sound of your voice, our chats, our laughs and our life and times together."

My heart goes out to all of them.


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