It is so difficult to read all these things, what Michelle said and what Sean Penn said, about how amazing and talented he was. I know he was an amazing person, but every thing I read that validates that makes my heart break a little more. It's like as time goes by, the loss gets bigger.
I thought Ang's interview was so emotional and heartfelt. I could really feel his honesty and his pain in speaking about Heath. And I couldn't help but notice that he still talks about him in the present tense - "he's a great actor, he's a great guy". I wonder if Heath knows how many hearts and lives he touched.
It was like Haynes said, "we lost a lot, we lost double, we lost triple."
I noticed that too Keren.
And of course I'd say he knows now, but being the kind of person he was, I doubt he really knew just how much he touched people because he just seemed a little more humble than that. I mean, how many people would give themselves that much credit? But I do think that he knew what a big impact BBM had on people, and how much his work was appreciated in that. And my guess is that his friends and family let him know how much he was valued.
I was going to highlight and bold the part that touched me, but I ended up highlighting most of your post. Reading it the first time, in the context of Keren's post, in reference to Ang Lee, I thought your post referred to Ang Lee, but then I realized it could equally apply to Heath. One aspect of Heath that constantly amazed me was his humility given his immense talents. He never showed off, and that was why few people outside of his closed friends knew of his many different aspects of talents. Visual poetry, from Sean Penn, really got me. I have noticed Heath's ability to move, like the cliche in sports - poetry in motion, or bringing to mind the Russian ballet dancer, Mikhail Nikolaevitch Baryshnikov (I googled it

) . His every movement on screen is as Mark Addy said in A Knight's Tale special features, so self-possessed, never hurried, always measured. Yet at the same time, his self-possessiveness is also so generous, to the other actors, to the director, to the crew. He gave so much until he felt empty, and could give no more. :\'( Someone once wrote in this forum that he died because his heart couldn't keep up with his spirit. I can see that now. And now his spirit is free to soar without earthly limits. Every bird circling in flight reminds me of the hawk's calling in Brokeback Mountain, and Heath's spirit, surfing the clouds.