Author Topic: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes  (Read 700279 times)

Offline chameau

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #600 on: Mar 14, 2008, 05:50 PM »
Very welcome.

Beauty must be seen.

You bet! :)
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Offline B_Mountain_Girl

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #601 on: Mar 14, 2008, 05:53 PM »
The Queen's Gambit , might go on with a new director. Everyone know it was Heath's cinema baby... it would be interesting to see.
Since the script was already written while Heath was alive... his visions are in it.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #602 on: Mar 14, 2008, 07:19 PM »

Thank you BMG!!  :ghug:

The vids were absoultly amazing and I could see what you mean, he had such a different view and way of using different dimententions in a way that they can come together. Oh, and the article on the "Queen's Gambit"...i could only imagine what that movie could've been if Heath was there to guide it. Though I'm glad that he helped bring it to back up from just a screenplay. I can only hope that whoever takes his place will use what Heath gave as well as their own vision, to make this movie a delicate but beautiful work of heart  :\'( 
"The day I stop having fun, I'll just walk away." -- Heath Ledger

"For a moment in our lives, forever in our hearts." -- Heath Ledger, 1/22/08

"In the dark, I really felt like I could escape to anywhere.
To a place where anything could happen at any time.
Where chaos could reign but the world would never end."
-- Noah Mayer

As the World Turns -- April 2, 1956 - September 17, 2010

Offline FlwrChild

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #603 on: Mar 14, 2008, 07:42 PM »
Thank you for posting those links. The videos were wonderful to see, and the article about The Queen's Gambit was interesting too. Wish we'd had a chance to see it as he envisioned it.
For a moment in our lives. Forever in our hearts.

"They were respectful of each other’s opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected." ~ BBM Short Story

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Offline lancecowboy

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #604 on: Mar 14, 2008, 11:04 PM »

It is real. And one day we'll probably even accept that. But yeah, we were in tune, and there is actually comfort in that. Still, I have those moments of thinking why someone so special? Why someone so worth being? But then I try to remind myself there could have been a world without him in it at all, and that would really be bleak, so I'll give thanks for those 28 years he had and the few years we had of his graciously sharing himself, and go from there.

Yup. I am with you there, FlwrChild. I cannot imagine a world without Heath, so I am thankful for every picture of him I see on the web. I am grateful for every interview I found, whether on youtube, or in text, where I can learn a little bit more about the man behind the screen. I am forever indebted to everyone who helped to bring Heath into the world, on to the screen, and most of all, in all the roles that I love and cherish. For the moment, that includes Ennis in Brokeback Mountain, and William in A Knght's Tale. I am not too crazy about Skip in Lords of Dogtown. I recall the son in The Patriot only vaguely, so I will just have to watch it again.

I could never understand in the past, when I saw people crying and fainting in Beatles or Elvis concerts. Or how some people were fanatical about Elvis memorabilia. Now I understand, because I cry watching Heath in different movies, interviews or photographs, because I want to collect everything that is connected with Heath, because I think about Heath whenever I am not busy or distracted with mundane things. It is the same mourning process that went on for years twenty eight years ago. I wish I can say that it gets better. I think it got better for a while, after I watched A Knight's Tale. But it got worse, after I watched Lords of Dogtown. The antidote for that was watching Brokeback Mountain again, and bookmarking all the great moments of Heath, capturing the visual poetry we spoke of. I try to see all the good that Heath gave us, and try to ride out the sense of loss. There is no other way, and if I've learned anything from Ennis in Brokeback Mountain in the last few scenes, and to paraphrase myself from the poetry corner way back when, before that tragic day:

I spent too many years
thinking of yesterdays with you
when I can be looking ahead
to warm hearts and embraces
right here and right now

I am thankful that if I gotta stand it, I gotta stand it with all you warm and wonderful people.

 :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: %)
Heath, you are loved, like this, always.

Offline FlwrChild

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #605 on: Mar 14, 2008, 11:20 PM »
That's beautiful lc. :ghug:
For a moment in our lives. Forever in our hearts.

"They were respectful of each other’s opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected." ~ BBM Short Story

There are three ways to ultimate success:
The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind. (Mister Rogers)

Offline LuvJackNasty

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #606 on: Mar 14, 2008, 11:34 PM »
I watched the vids Heath directed. Stunning! Esp the Ben Harper ones- that first one- the whole kaliedoscope thing was awesome! and then second one- the close ups on the instruments were beautiful! I wasn't too fond of the music in the last two but the vids were amazing- the cause and effect teamed up with color and negative. God I miss him.  :-\\ I didn't read the Queen's Gambit article yet though.

I could never understand in the past, when I saw people crying and fainting in Beatles or Elvis concerts. Or how some people were fanatical about Elvis memorabilia. Now I understand, because I cry watching Heath in different movies, interviews or photographs, because I want to collect everything that is connected with Heath, because I think about Heath whenever I am not busy or distracted with mundane things. It is the same mourning process that went on for years twenty eight years ago. I wish I can say that it gets better. I think it got better for a while, after I watched A Knight's Tale. But it got worse, after I watched Lords of Dogtown. The antidote for that was watching Brokeback Mountain again, and bookmarking all the great moments of Heath, capturing the visual poetry we spoke of. I try to see all the good that Heath gave us, and try to ride out the sense of loss. There is no other way, and if I've learned anything from Ennis in Brokeback Mountain in the last few scenes, and to paraphrase myself from the poetry corner way back when, before that tragic day:

I spent too many years
thinking of yesterdays with you
when I can be looking ahead
to warm hearts and embraces
right here and right now

I am thankful that if I gotta stand it, I gotta stand it with all you warm and wonderful people.

 :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: %)

Beautiful post Andrew  :ghug: I'm in that same mourning process as I was 6 years ago, I didn't think I'd ever feel that bad again. I was wrong. It took years for me to get "right" again with that and this hit with as much impact so I guess I'm strapped in the car waiting to see where the "ride" goes.

The last line of your post is so well stated and right back at ya.  :^^) :ghug: %)

“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #607 on: Mar 15, 2008, 12:58 AM »
:\'( Beautiful comment Andrew.  :ghug:
All of these comments from everyone do seem to confirm what we felt and in a way that is nice because it shows that we did have some connection, however tenuous or hazy, but we were in tune. And you know they are heartfelt and sincere. It's heartening to see so many peope saying such deep, meaningful words of tribute. I know most people won't come out and speak ill of the dead but there is a difference in   saying "He was a great guy" and the comments that Michelle and SP made. SP's made me cry all over again- the words "visual poet" are just haunting me now-it's conjuring up so many images in my mind. I'm still doing the head shake while my mind continues to ask "It's real isn't it?" The initial shock has worn off but all that does is allow the stabbing pain of reality to permeate slowly. As Keren said: It's like as time goes by, the loss gets bigger.  :\'( :ghug:

"He might have been a giant" got to me, too.  He was a giant.  A giant talent and heart and soul...

They were respectful of each other's opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #608 on: Mar 15, 2008, 01:19 AM »
OMG! Thank you so much B_Mountain_Girl! These clips are beautiful  :\'(

Yes, thank you BMG for posting these.  I'd heard about Heth's videos he directed, but had never seen any.  These are fascinating!  I love the first and second ones, especially the kaleidoscope one.  The last one is intriguing, too.  All of them are -- seeing them gives us more pieces of Heath, yes, the "visual poet."

They were respectful of each other's opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected.

Offline christie wood

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #609 on: Mar 15, 2008, 05:27 AM »
I've seen the Heath-directed videos before but I'm glad they were posted again - thanks B_Mountain_Girl!!  they are incredible - he had so much talent.
"Look at my boots, old and dingy" - Heath Ledger


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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #610 on: Mar 15, 2008, 06:51 AM »
Thank you so much for the vids; they're wonderful!! I loved especially the second one: Ben's Morning yearning. It's stunning, utterly beautiful and mesmerizing.

Yeah, Heath might have been a giant....  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(

Thank you for your so touching posts Andrew. I can see all the precious things Heath was through your words and the other brokie's words cause I can't keep watching or reading interviews, I can't keep looking at his pics. I quit that two weeks ago more or less. I couldn't stand the pain anymore. And now you made me cry again.  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(
« Last Edit: Mar 15, 2008, 06:59 AM by Baby Tammy »

Offline LuvJackNasty

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #611 on: Mar 15, 2008, 06:57 AM »
 :ghug: Tammy
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #612 on: Mar 15, 2008, 08:06 AM »
The Queen's Gambit , might go on with a new director. Everyone know it was Heath's cinema baby... it would be interesting to see.
Since the script was already written while Heath was alive... his visions are in it.

This article made me so sad... but then, everything I read about Heath these days makes me so sad. I'm crying now, just from reading this. Reading about his unique talent, his vision, his enthusiasm, and knowing that he will never get to see this movie done, thinking about what it could've been if he had the chance to complete this project like he dreamed, and knowing that it won't happen anymore. It just gets too hard. I'm thinking about him in those long sleepless nights, sitting in front of the computer and writing emails with his ideas and his thoughts, his mind working non-stop while the rest of the world is asleep. There was so much he wanted to do, to experience, so many plans and dreams, so much talent and potential. He was like a bright star in the sky, and there are just no words for such a loss.
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #613 on: Mar 15, 2008, 08:10 AM »
Thank you for the videos B_Mountain_Girl, Heath had so many talents...  :\'(
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline lancecowboy

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #614 on: Mar 15, 2008, 09:12 AM »
Thank you so much for the vids; they're wonderful!! I loved especially the second one: Ben's Morning yearning. It's stunning, utterly beautiful and mesmerizing.

Yeah, Heath might have been a giant....  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(

Thank you for your so touching posts Andrew. I can see all the precious things Heath was through your words and the other brokie's words cause I can't keep watching or reading interviews, I can't keep looking at his pics. I quit that two weeks ago more or less. I couldn't stand the pain anymore. And now you made me cry again.  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(

Sorry, Tammy,  :ghug: I try not to bare my soul too much on the forum, especially when it is still grieving for Heath. But once in a while, I just need to say it to feel better. I hope you will feel better soon, too. With Easter coming, and spring flowers blooming, let us both think happier thoughts, of Heath surfing clouds and singing with birds, twinkling from heaven's night sky, and whispering like the wind.

Heath, you are loved, like this, always.


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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #615 on: Mar 15, 2008, 09:32 AM »

Sorry, Tammy,  :ghug: I try not to bare my soul too much on the forum, especially when it is still grieving for Heath. But once in a while, I just need to say it to feel better. I hope you will feel better soon, too. With Easter coming, and spring flowers blooming, let us both think happier thoughts, of Heath surfing clouds and singing with birds, twinkling from heaven's night sky, and whispering like the wind.


No, please keep posting your thoughts, it makes me feel better that there are still others who are feeling the same, that I'm not alone on this road.

Offline christie wood

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #616 on: Mar 15, 2008, 10:40 AM »
This article made me so sad... but then, everything I read about Heath these days makes me so sad. I'm crying now, just from reading this. Reading about his unique talent, his vision, his enthusiasm, and knowing that he will never get to see this movie done, thinking about what it could've been if he had the chance to complete this project like he dreamed, and knowing that it won't happen anymore. It just gets too hard. I'm thinking about him in those long sleepless nights, sitting in front of the computer and writing emails with his ideas and his thoughts, his mind working non-stop while the rest of the world is asleep. There was so much he wanted to do, to experience, so many plans and dreams, so much talent and potential. He was like a bright star in the sky, and there are just no words for such a loss.

Beautifully said, Keren, I agree with it all.   :ghug:
"Look at my boots, old and dingy" - Heath Ledger

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #617 on: Mar 15, 2008, 10:42 AM »

I could never understand in the past, when I saw people crying and fainting in Beatles or Elvis concerts. Or how some people were fanatical about Elvis memorabilia. Now I understand, because I cry watching Heath in different movies, interviews or photographs, because I want to collect everything that is connected with Heath, because I think about Heath whenever I am not busy or distracted with mundane things. It is the same mourning process that went on for years twenty eight years ago. I wish I can say that it gets better. I think it got better for a while, after I watched A Knight's Tale. But it got worse, after I watched Lords of Dogtown. The antidote for that was watching Brokeback Mountain again, and bookmarking all the great moments of Heath, capturing the visual poetry we spoke of. I try to see all the good that Heath gave us, and try to ride out the sense of loss. There is no other way, and if I've learned anything from Ennis in Brokeback Mountain in the last few scenes, and to paraphrase myself from the poetry corner way back when, before that tragic day:

I spent too many years
thinking of yesterdays with you
when I can be looking ahead
to warm hearts and embraces
right here and right now

I am thankful that if I gotta stand it, I gotta stand it with all you warm and wonderful people.

 :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: %)

LC, all I can say is that your words are beautiful!! Your last words of your posts express what I have felt as's so hard to comprehend such a loss  :\'(  :\'(
"The day I stop having fun, I'll just walk away." -- Heath Ledger

"For a moment in our lives, forever in our hearts." -- Heath Ledger, 1/22/08

"In the dark, I really felt like I could escape to anywhere.
To a place where anything could happen at any time.
Where chaos could reign but the world would never end."
-- Noah Mayer

As the World Turns -- April 2, 1956 - September 17, 2010

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #618 on: Mar 15, 2008, 10:42 AM »
I definitely want this magazine, doubt I can get it here though. Hopefully it will be on line Keren.

For anyone in the UK, Borders stock this magazine.  I saw the march edition in there today...I know we will have to wait a little longer than others, but it will be worth it.   :)
"Look at my boots, old and dingy" - Heath Ledger

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #619 on: Mar 15, 2008, 06:27 PM »
I don't know about other people but I certainly believe death is just crossing on another "side". Like a two way mirror.
We can't see them, but they can see us. I am not surprised Ang Lee talks about Heath in the present tense.
When I saw his latest music clips I understood, he was fascinated by dimensions.
White/black, light/dark, liquid/solid... I really want to see Drake's clip... it must be fascinating, as much as I could make off of what they showed, he not only covered the line between life and death but he captured Drake’s struggle between living and dying.
The prim plan of his somber face on a Merry-go-round (could see the person’s mind already gone) vs. the spinning (twister) background (life still goes on weather you’re here or not). Heath and Drake’s minds were too fast for the pace the world was going for them.   
As the newscaster said the clip was “disturbing”… which at this point I really don’t care for their opinion. The clip must be a work of art.
These are the clips Heath directed… (thanks to Caroline for posting them on LJ)

Amazing!! I already saw the second clip on YouTube before Heath's passing...
Again you just can not help it, but say "what a talent"!!!, he was gifted!
"What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close,the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."
"I miss you so much I can hardly stand it."

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #620 on: Mar 16, 2008, 10:56 AM »
Todd Haynes dedicates Robert Altman Award to Heath Ledger

The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #621 on: Mar 16, 2008, 10:59 AM »
thank you keren.. wonderful...  ^f^
".. a love that dare not speak its name.." oscar wilde

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #622 on: Mar 16, 2008, 11:09 AM »
Todd Haynes dedicates Robert Altman Award to Heath Ledger

omg, that made me cry so much :\'( :-\\
Nuke the EFF on!!

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #623 on: Mar 16, 2008, 01:17 PM »
Todd Haynes dedicates Robert Altman Award to Heath Ledger

Thanks Keren  ^f^ What a beautiful dedication. I'm in tears now  :\'(
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon

Offline christie wood

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #624 on: Mar 16, 2008, 02:54 PM »
Todd Haynes dedicates Robert Altman Award to Heath Ledger

Oh god, Keren..... :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

Todd Haynes's words were so beautiful and touching, but they totally broke my heart.   :\'( :\'(
"Look at my boots, old and dingy" - Heath Ledger


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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #625 on: Mar 16, 2008, 03:47 PM »
Oh my, Keren....  :\'(  :\'(  :\'( His words are just precious....

And what about the gap they leave between Cate Blanchett and Bruce Greenwood?  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(

How touching this is. Damn.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #626 on: Mar 16, 2008, 03:57 PM »
Todd Haynes words were so touching.. I can't help but cry watching and listening.

Without Heath Ledger in the past and in the present, there will be no other actor who will  ever be remembered his share of  craft in acting, his very own unique personality as an actor , his natural charisma as a person. his very own way of delivering himself to the audience in his speeches during special awards and events.  he is a "gem" in every lives he touches with his courageous performance in our epic of Brokeback Mountain... he is a "diamond" among his peers.....He is not just someone but an angel who is always with us in our memories  till eternally.

A face we can't angel ...a legend.
Can't take my eyes off of you Heath.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #627 on: Mar 16, 2008, 04:20 PM »
Todd Haynes dedicates Robert Altman Award to Heath Ledger

So beautiful, but so heartbreaking.
Danny and me, Danny and me,  Danny and me and the sea,
Bobbing out of Pleasure Bay, the islands on our lee;
Spectacle, Georges, Gallops, the sun-wash on the brine
Castle Island where Skovo danced a bear-dance in bear-time.
The Golden Boy has chosen, I know what I will be
Danny and me, seanchai, Danny and me and the sea.

A Map of the Harbor Islands JG Hayes

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #628 on: Mar 16, 2008, 04:53 PM »
Todd Haynes dedicates Robert Altman Award to Heath Ledger

Really wonderful,but heartbreaking and so sad...Why does all this hurt so much still?  :\'(
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #629 on: Mar 16, 2008, 04:58 PM »
Really wonderful,but heartbreaking and so sad...Why does all this hurt so much still?  :\'(

oh  :ghug:

i dont think the pain will ever go away but it will get better
Nuke the EFF on!!