Author Topic: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes  (Read 700481 times)

Offline myprivatejack

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1080 on: Nov 02, 2008, 12:46 PM »
  why everybody tell so many wonderful things about him?i mean he was perfect he was so cute...of

That's because he was,aside of being a good person,a great friend for his friends,and a very supportive person for his fellows and people who worked with him.And you can realise this when friends and fellows are lacked of him... :\'(
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1081 on: Nov 02, 2008, 01:22 PM »
In "A Knight's Tale", Prince Edward said to William (Heath's character) something like, "your men love you. If I didn't know anything else about you, that was enough". I don't remember the exact quote but it was something along these lines.

This is just the thing about Heath. He had so many friends, and the huge love and loyalty that they had - and still have - for him speaks volumes about the kind of man he was. He was so special to so many people.

SARA CLINE: In his absence, I feel as though Heath has sort of slowly and quietly taken all of the people in his life that meant something to him, picked them up, and set them on this invisible road that's only become known in his passing. We're all kind of standing on it saying, "Well here we are." And we have no choice but to walk forward and to do so together.
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Offline lancecowboy

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1082 on: Nov 02, 2008, 08:15 PM »
In "A Knight's Tale", Prince Edward said to William (Heath's character) something like, "your men love you. If I didn't know anything else about you, that was enough". I don't remember the exact quote but it was something along these lines.

This is just the thing about Heath. He had so many friends, and the huge love and loyalty that they had - and still have - for him speaks volumes about the kind of man he was. He was so special to so many people.

SARA CLINE: In his absence, I feel as though Heath has sort of slowly and quietly taken all of the people in his life that meant something to him, picked them up, and set them on this invisible road that's only become known in his passing. We're all kind of standing on it saying, "Well here we are." And we have no choice but to walk forward and to do so together.

Keren, the line you quoted is one of my favorite in the movie. It always bring tears, and it is what I remember most, watching the movie after Heath's passing, and reading all the tributes from people who worked with him, who knew him.

The second quote, from Sara Cline, has been what I remember while listening to Rascal Flatt's Bless the Broken Road, the road that Heath set me on, when he created Ennis Del Mar, and made a character came to life. And then, with the grief and out pouring of love after his death, his own greatness set up a beacon at the end of that Broken Road for me to find my way when I get lost.

Thanks for reminding them to me. It's good to see them once in a while. I need a little reminder now and again.
Heath, you are loved, like this, always.

Offline ksxks

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1083 on: Nov 02, 2008, 11:34 PM »
In "A Knight's Tale", Prince Edward said to William (Heath's character) something like, "your men love you. If I didn't know anything else about you, that was enough". I don't remember the exact quote but it was something along these lines.

This is just the thing about Heath. He had so many friends, and the huge love and loyalty that they had - and still have - for him speaks volumes about the kind of man he was. He was so special to so many people.

SARA CLINE: In his absence, I feel as though Heath has sort of slowly and quietly taken all of the people in his life that meant something to him, picked them up, and set them on this invisible road that's only become known in his passing. We're all kind of standing on it saying, "Well here we are." And we have no choice but to walk forward and to do so together.

Thank you for that quote, Keren.  That has always been so strongly important to me, giving me strength in the beginning, that we were all in this together...

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Offline Audrey twist

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1084 on: Nov 04, 2008, 03:38 PM »

Tim Clarke
November 4, 2008 - 12:39PM

The state opposition says Heath Ledger's family could have been spared more grief if premier Colin Barnett had shown sensitivity before publicly casting doubt on naming Perth's new theatre complex after the Dark Knight star.

Mr Barnett admitted this morning that continuing public debate over the way the Western Australia should honour Heath Ledger - parked by comments he made last week - was causing even more grief to the dead actors' family.

After casting serious doubts over whether the proposed name of the Heath Ledger Theatre complex would go ahead, the premier said this morning he had had a long conversation with Ledger's father Kim - an old football team-mate - about what should be done to honour the actor.

But Ben Wyatt, opposition arts spokesman, said Barnett had shown 'gross sensitivity' in not contacting the actor's family before raising about the issue.

'Colin Barnett has shown more front than Myer on this one, and certainly I would not treat my old football buddy the way he has treated Kim Ledger,' Wyatt told

'He knew this would cause grief so perhaps he should have made that call to him before he made the decision to raise this issue publicly.

'It shows a gross lack of sensitivity, and a gross lack of judgement.

While no firm decision has yet been reached about the Carpenter government proposal for the theatre to be named after The Dark Knight star, Mr Barnett said all the speculation was hurtful to Ledger's relatives.

'I have spoken to Heath's father, Kim Ledger … and I guess all I would say is when this is debated this is very upsetting for Heath Ledger's family and parents,' Barnett said on 96FM

'Kim and I had a long discussion about it, and I would hope that the family would agree to commemorate Heath in some way

'For the simple reason because he was so well known and so popular his legacy would provide an encouragement for people to go into the theatre and into the arts.

'But the family has had enough of public debate about their son.'

Wyatt said he believed Barnett had reacted before thinking of the broader consequences.

'I dare say there were some people who did not support naming the theatre after the late Heath Ledger, and he has reacted without thinking through the broader consequences, and the likely impact on our reputation on us internationally.'

Former Labor premier Alan Carpenter stood beside Heath's father Kim at the construction site in July to announce that the 575-seat theatre and 200-seat performance studio would honour the actor's life.

The government was considering naming one of the theatres after the star instead of the entire complex.

But Mr Barnett previously said there was disagreement in the community about what the complex would be named.

But that drew accusations from the state opposition that Mr Ledger had been 'disappointed' at the approach taken by Mr Barnett's government, and labelled it 'unsavoury'.

Ledger died of an accidental overdose of prescription medicine in his New York apartment in January this year after a short but successful career in Hollywood.

Mr Barnett today said the government was still to finalise its decision on the naming of the theatre.

'A decision has not been finally made on that, there has been differing opinions particularly in the arts community about it,' Mr Barnett said.

This story was found at:

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Offline Audrey twist

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1085 on: Nov 04, 2008, 03:51 PM »
NZ pizza chain withdraws Heath Ledger ads

November 3, 2008 - 4:42PM
...Somewhere over the Rainbow...

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1086 on: Nov 04, 2008, 04:06 PM »
How insensitive can people be?
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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1087 on: Nov 04, 2008, 05:19 PM »
tacky much  >:( and if people wanna memorialize Heath then talk to the family first like these people need to be in the spotlight of which they dont seek

Offline LuvJackNasty

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1088 on: Nov 04, 2008, 05:55 PM »
That's just disgusting.  >:(
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

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Offline myprivatejack

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1089 on: Nov 04, 2008, 06:26 PM »
Which bunch of assholes had this great idea? They can win the prize to the greatest stupidity of the year¡. ^^) ^^) ^^) ^^)
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline Emzan

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1090 on: Nov 05, 2008, 07:42 AM »
WTF is wrong with some people?? That has to be one of the most stupid things I've heard in my entire life!  >:(
Nuke the EFF on!!

Offline christie wood

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1091 on: Nov 05, 2008, 09:15 AM »
omg, thats is horrible....what are these people thinking when they do something like that?
"Look at my boots, old and dingy" - Heath Ledger

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1092 on: Nov 05, 2008, 12:00 PM »
Obviously they don't think because they don't have much of a brain. Or a heart. I'm still shocked at how insensitive and disrespectful people can be.
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Offline Melvisik

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1093 on: Nov 15, 2008, 02:18 AM »

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1094 on: Nov 15, 2008, 06:05 AM »
This is my tribute to the amazing actor:

That's so beautiful and sad Melvisik, thank you. :\'(
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline Candy

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1095 on: Nov 15, 2008, 10:59 AM »
wht bout tat pizza ?i didn't understand.can u explain me pls?
here is my youtube's new:P

Offline Audrey twist

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1096 on: Nov 16, 2008, 04:17 AM »
 Russell Crowe may replace Heath Ledger in ’Dirt Music’

Washington, Nov 12 : Hollywood actor Russell Crowe may replace late actor Heath Ledger in a movie adaptation of a Tim Winton novel. According to website MovieHole, the Gladiator star is in talks with Aussie director Phillip Noyce to step into the shoes of Ledger in a new film titled 'Dirt Music', reports Contactmusic.

The plot of the film revolves around a couple in a loveless relationship.

The Brokeback Mountain star was attached to the film before he died in January (08).

...Somewhere over the Rainbow...

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1097 on: Nov 16, 2008, 10:24 AM »
This is my tribute to the amazing actor:

 This is beautiful Melvisik, thank you.
Can't take my eyes off of you Heath.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1098 on: Nov 19, 2008, 06:43 AM »
Studio unveils plan to secure Oscars for Ledger
19th November 2008, 9:45 WST

The Hollywood studio behind this year’s blockbuster, The Dark Knight, has launched an ambitious campaign to dominate the coming Academy Awards and score Heath Ledger a posthumous Oscar.

Warner Bros this week rolled out its first Oscar specific ad, a "For Your Consideration" poster aimed at members of the Academy as well as voters of the key lead-in award ceremonies, the Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild and Directors Guild of America.

Read the entire story at:
we get to drinkin' and talkin' an all

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1099 on: Nov 19, 2008, 10:02 AM »
I hope the Academy members will be fair and do the right thing this time. Heath deserves an Oscar, plain and simple.
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Offline myprivatejack

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1100 on: Nov 19, 2008, 01:36 PM »
AMEN TO THIS,KEREN ¡¡¡   (:)  (:)  (:)
Ennis’s eyes gone bright with shock, mouth opening then closing again. “Love?” Ennis said finally, voice strangling in his throat.

Jack smiled sad. “Yeah, Ennis. Love.” Leaned forward and kissed Ennis’s temple, whispered, “What’d you think it was, all this time?”
("If I asked")
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger (1979-2008)/Rajel Karen Ashkenazi (1986-2008)
You will be forever in my heart,friends.

Offline chameau

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1101 on: Nov 20, 2008, 10:00 AM »
Moderator's hat is on.

A little reminder Brokies, articles posted here are articles in Memory of Heath Ledger only, other articles shall be posted in the appropriate threads:

Heath THE Joker

Various Articles/Interviews

Unaproppriate articles will be relocated in approriate threads or even deleted depending of their content.

Thanks for your help!  :)
« Last Edit: Nov 20, 2008, 11:15 AM by chameau »
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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1102 on: Dec 02, 2008, 11:31 PM »
In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly (double issue, last week Dec. 08/first week Jan. 09) there is a section titled FAREWELL, entertainers who passed away.  Heath was not mentioned.  I could not believe it.  I am so upset, I think I will email them and complain.  They will probably get  many complaints about this.  I still can't believe it!  I even looked through the section about three times thinking I must have missed Heath, but he just wasn't there!  Donna :\'( &*&
This is the forest primeval.  The murmuring pines and the hemlocks, bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight...but where are the hearts that beneath it leaped...

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1103 on: Dec 03, 2008, 02:27 AM »
In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly (double issue, last week Dec. 08/first week Jan. 09) there is a section titled FAREWELL, entertainers who passed away.  Heath was not mentioned.  I could not believe it.  I am so upset, I think I will email them and complain.  They will probably get  many complaints about this.  I still can't believe it!  I even looked through the section about three times thinking I must have missed Heath, but he just wasn't there!  Donna :\'( &*&

What the?!  You're kidding.  That is absolutely abysmal.  I mean, I don't think I'm being biased in saying that that is an outright disgrace. 

You do mean entertainers who have passed away this year, right?  But hey...even if that's not even the case, even if the segment was for departed entertainers in general, I still think that to neglect Heath is appalling.  ^*)

It is more than fair to say that he is as sorely missed as any other entertainer the world has lost, and that the collective grief and devastation still felt around the globe over the loss is undeniably profound.

 :\'( :\'( :\'(


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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1104 on: Dec 05, 2008, 11:46 AM »
THERE is a scene in the new Hollywood blockbuster Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke finds impossible to watch without shedding a tear.

Tears rolled down her face when she shot the scene. Again in the quiet and darkness of the editing booth.

The emotional trigger has nothing to do with the storyline of Twilight or the acting by the young cast.

The scene takes place in a rugged, forest region of Oregon in the US north-west and it was while scouting the location on January 22 that Hardwicke heard her beloved friend, Heath Ledger, was dead.

"We were in a van scouting," Hardwicke, her eyes moistening again and hands trembling slightly, told AAP during an interview in a suite in Los Angeles' Beverly Wilshire Hotel.
"Someone's phone rang. They answered it and I instantly realised something was wrong with the reaction.

"It was very strange. The person said: 'OK, I won't say anything'.

"I said: 'What was that about?' and they said: 'We don't even know if it is true. There's rumours Heath has passed away'.

"Then one second later my cell phone rang and it didn't stop ringing."

Hardwicke, a 53-year-old California director whose breakthrough was the 2003 independent drama, Thirteen, cast Ledger as the lead of her 2005 film, Lords of Dogtown, set on the Los Angeles beaches of Santa Monica and Venice.

The director soon received confirmation the rumours were true.

Ledger had died from an accidental overdose of prescription painkillers and anti-depressants in his Manhattan apartment.

"Everybody who worked on Dogtown called because they all loved Heath," Hardwicke said.

"To all of the kids, Emile Hirsch and Victor Rasuk, Heath was their mentor. They all freaked out beyond despair.

"For me, I can't really watch the one scene in Twilight where I received that call.

"That's where I heard that news. It is my one little thing. My moment.

"To hear about someone you love, someone so magical, passing like that, was just crushing.",23739,24755211-5003420,00.html

Offline keren_b

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1105 on: Dec 05, 2008, 12:02 PM »
 :\'( :\'( :\'(

it hurts so much just to read it.
The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.


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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1106 on: Dec 05, 2008, 06:24 PM »
"I’ve been humbled by the honor of tattooing memorial tattoos on Heath Ledger’s mother, father and sisters at his house the night before his memorial service."  :\'( :\'(

With two new gorgeous pics of our beautiful Heath... :\'( :\'(

Offline ksxks

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1107 on: Dec 06, 2008, 03:05 AM »
THERE is a scene in the new Hollywood blockbuster Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke finds impossible to watch without shedding a tear.

Tears rolled down her face when she shot the scene. Again in the quiet and darkness of the editing booth.

The emotional trigger has nothing to do with the storyline of Twilight or the acting by the young cast.

The scene takes place in a rugged, forest region of Oregon in the US north-west and it was while scouting the location on January 22 that Hardwicke heard her beloved friend, Heath Ledger, was dead.

"We were in a van scouting," Hardwicke, her eyes moistening again and hands trembling slightly, told AAP during an interview in a suite in Los Angeles' Beverly Wilshire Hotel.
"Someone's phone rang. They answered it and I instantly realised something was wrong with the reaction.

"It was very strange. The person said: 'OK, I won't say anything'.

"I said: 'What was that about?' and they said: 'We don't even know if it is true. There's rumours Heath has passed away'.

"Then one second later my cell phone rang and it didn't stop ringing."

Hardwicke, a 53-year-old California director whose breakthrough was the 2003 independent drama, Thirteen, cast Ledger as the lead of her 2005 film, Lords of Dogtown, set on the Los Angeles beaches of Santa Monica and Venice.

The director soon received confirmation the rumours were true.

Ledger had died from an accidental overdose of prescription painkillers and anti-depressants in his Manhattan apartment.

"Everybody who worked on Dogtown called because they all loved Heath," Hardwicke said.

"To all of the kids, Emile Hirsch and Victor Rasuk, Heath was their mentor. They all freaked out beyond despair.

"For me, I can't really watch the one scene in Twilight where I received that call.

"That's where I heard that news. It is my one little thing. My moment.

"To hear about someone you love, someone so magical, passing like that, was just crushing.",23739,24755211-5003420,00.html

That is so beautiful.  I was always interested in Catherine Hardwicke and the young guys in LOD, just about how the experience of making that movie must have been.

I so feel for her,that that scene in her movie will always carry that most sad memory.  Well, I feel for everyone, for us all, for all the moments that will be colored by our experience of this loss to us.

They were respectful of each other's opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1108 on: Dec 06, 2008, 03:06 AM »
"I’ve been humbled by the honor of tattooing memorial tattoos on Heath Ledger’s mother, father and sisters at his house the night before his memorial service."  :\'( :\'(

With two new gorgeous pics of our beautiful Heath... :\'( :\'(

Yes, indeed, beautiful.  Seems many of those were drawings, not tattooed on after all.  But I love his t-shirt, "Matilda's Restaurant."

They were respectful of each other's opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected.

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Re: Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes
« Reply #1109 on: Dec 06, 2008, 03:37 AM »
Yes, indeed, beautiful.  Seems many of those were drawings, not tattooed on after all.  But I love his t-shirt, "Matilda's Restaurant."


I wondered about that too but I think they're tattoos, you can also see them in his portrait.

The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.