Hello Brokies..
Yesterday, as everyone knows, some of my friends came over to watch Heath Ledger movies. Sadely, we did not realize how long each would take and in the end, only got to see Brokeback. I wanted everybody to watch the whole thing, wanted them to just sit, without a sound and watch every moment this beautiful movie brought to us, but time started to creep up on us. I had to skip a few parts but I made sure to show the end, the heartbreaking fight, this time, almost brought me to tears. For some reason, in Ennis' tearful, exhausted, frustrated eyes, I saw Heath. I didn't wanna watch it any longer, hearing Ennis' words "I can't take this anymore, Jack"...but then, the loving embrace came on, and all I could do was smile, like everyone else did as well. By the end, when Ennis finds the shirts, takes them with him, and puts it on the closet door, my friends were balling. Some have never seen it before and were amazed.
To Heath!By 10pm, 2 of my friends had to leave and all that was left was me, my friend Val and friend Vicky. We were so exhaused, both from controllling the other girls and also, from the movie. I felt, after some people left, like Heath's death happened all over again. But luckily, my friends were there to help me. We told stories about people we have losts, the grieving process, and how Heath and the many others, were looking down on us. It was hard for us, but in the end, worth it, we watched and thanked god for bringing this legend into our lifes and we prayed that he was in heave now, watching over his daughter and smiling. Heath, we love you and you will never be forgotton...