ennisjack.com Newsletter
February 25 - March 9 2008 
Hello Dearest Brokies,
Next weekend some of us will meet in Las Vegas. For myself it will be a more than welcome break from Winter and indeed another opportunity to reunite with my beloved sisters & brothers that I met here on
ennisjack. I said it before, I say it again... meeting Brokies is a blessing. So lets talk more about getting together.
Las Vegas meeting gets closer every minute, no need to say I can't wait

You could find more about it
Next meeting after Las Vegas will be in
Eau Claire Wisconsin the first weekend of May. Some Brokies already confirmed their attendance but since hotel reservations and car pooling are involved we need to know as soon as possible how many of you will make it. So far for the ones arriving by plane there are two points of meeting. One group will meet in Chicago, another one will meet in Minneapolis, from both points we look for car rental and drive to Eau Claire. Please post
here if you are interested. We have for now Brokies traveling from Australia, Canada, Finland & Israel among others who already booked flights.
During the same weekend Brokies in Europe who can't make it to Wisconsin plan to meet in
Strasbourg, France. From there they will connect to Eau Claire through video conferences, telephone, text messages and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Mountain?

here for the details.
As of next weekend there will be only two months left for both
Eau Claire &
Strasbourg gatherings planning.
There is a new project June 1 -7,
The Brokeback Roundup in Wyoming, click
here for the details.
The next meet will happen in
Oxford, England June 20-22, 2008. Once again many Brokies posted they will attend this gathering. Click
here if you are interested to make it.

And there is also another new project of meeting in
Albany New York, July 4-6 2008. It's like a three hours drive from Montreal, how could I resist?

here to go to the thread.
If you are curious about how crazy, funny, overwhelming a Brokie gathering can be you will find
here videos from the Montreal, London, Paris & Seattle reunions. If you click on
Members Connection you will find the links to all the gatherings with loads of pictures and comments.
If it's going to be your first time don't be shy or afraid to meet Brokies ... we are family and sorry if I repeat myself, meeting Brokies is a blessing. Actually there are more projects for later in the Summer and Fall of this year, we'll talk about 'em later, huh?
Stay tuned,
chameauHeath Ledger - In Loving MemoryNote from the Editors, we couldn't quote here all your beautiful tributes, this is a little sample of them.Posted by
LuvJackNasty on February 14
I’ve been having trouble really articulating my thoughts on all of this. I don’t really know why- too painful? If I say them will it make it real? Haven’t figured that out yet and am not sure I ever will. This morning gave me another crying commute to work. Hearing one song that triggers the tears is more than enough, but lately they’ve been coming in groups. I suppose the logical thing to do would be to change the station but logic isn’t always ever present. Anyway, I don’t know what this is going to come out as- a rant, a ramble, I have no idea. I guess I feel the need to purge some of these thoughts in any way they choose to manifest themselves.
Is it “normal” to be stuck standing still? I know we all handle our grief in different ways and at different paces but shouldn’t denial be over with by now? I keep bouncing back and forth through the “stages”. I know there are no hard and fast rules to those stages but… Is it “normal” to be so suspended in disbelief? I thought NY would be a big reality check for me- nope. Then the word “autopsy”- no, again. Then words like “funeral” and “cremation” would surely be a huge clue. But no, nothing is making this seem real. I don’t know what more I need to have the slightest bit of reality come knocking at my door. I’m not looking for acceptance because that won’t ever come- I may always border the outskirts in order to incorporate this into my life, but I don’t foresee me ever entering that stage. I have moments where I hear my friend’s voice in my head uttering those horrible words in my ear on January 22. Moments where I’ve actually “scolded” myself for buying into such a horrible malicious story (that he had passed away) when that couldn’t possibly be true, only to snap out of it and realize that this is not something that my imagination created.
There is nothing to fix this. No way to change this. There isn’t anything we can do to change the ending. The mind conjures up many, at times too many, thoughts. Some of them should be comforting: “This was meant to be”; “One day we’ll be okay” etc. And those are all very valid and true and I think some small part of me takes comfort in them even if I don’t believe them just yet. But the heart? The heart tells quite a different story. The heart is not only bruised and broken; it is angry and it tells the mind to shut the hell up. Maybe one day the heart will come to understand what the mind has been trying to tell it but it will never accept.
here to go to the thread.
Posted by
Carmilla on February 21
Rest in peace, Heath baby 
I went to my local cemetery yesterday and lighted a candle for Heath in the place what is meant to the candles and messages to those who are buried elsewhere. It was snowing and the day was turning to the dark in the afternoon. The place was so quiet and beautiful.
The original was posted
Brokies Keep Getting TogetherLast Call! Meeting in Las Vegas, Feb 29- March 3 2008Las Vegas, NevadaJT will be the host in Las Vegas next weekend. No need to ask, yes we will post loads of pictures and comments about this new reunion

. Click
here to go to the thread.
Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008Eau Claire, WisconsinMay 2 -5 2008,
Jerasjr will be the host in
Eau Claire, WI. Click
here to go to the thread.
There are two new threads about the Eau Claire gathering:
Rendezvous Attendees, it is getting time to sign up for the meet in Eau Claire. If you are not sure, you can post your name as maybe, post on this thread your dates/times of arrival/departure, if you could share a hotel room and if you're interested in renting/sharing a car. We need to know how many would make it in order to reserve hotel rooms and other facilities accordingly.
Eau Claire Info page, all you need to know about the city, the hotel, etc...
Connecting to Eau Claire from Strasbourg, FranceStrasbourg, FranceSome Brokies who can't make it to Eau Claire plan to meet in Strasbourg. From there they'll connect to Wisconsin thru video conferences and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Mountain.

here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008Oxford, EnglandThe members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next
June 20-22, 2008, click
here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages Seattle, WA - August 1-4 2008Dirtbiker will be the host at the Tee Lake house the first weekend of August, if you're interested click
BBM Screening at the Samuel Golden Theater in Beverly Hills Beverly Hills, California Started by
BayCityJohn on January 8, Brokeback Mountain will be shown this summer at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in
Beverly Hills,
California on
August 4,
2008 at 7:30 PM as part of the Academy's “Great To Be Nominated” series. Click
here to go to the thread.
Brussel's gathering - October 2008Brussels, BelgiumTitabeille and her husband will be the hosts from
October 1 to October 7 2008 in
Brussels, click
here to go to the thread.
Pix with PoemsPosted by
jessi last September 14 2007 in
Pix with PoemsNever Enough Time, haiku

Riding in shadows
beneath our timeless mountain,
never enough time.
Loving in shadows
high on a timeless mountain
never enough time.
Crying in shadows
beyond our timeless mountain
never enough time.
Meet the AuthorsFan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx.

You could find more about this

Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.
In this edition of the Newsletter, an interview from
LuvJackNasty with
Cynical21 author of
Night Fire~ The Last Ember;The Greatest Love; Fractured Moments, Broken Dreams; The Short Leash and other ones shots and poems. Are you a professional writer?
Not really, although I've been dabbling my whole life - which is a LOOONNNGGG time.
If yes, have you published anything and if so what?
Nothing except for a few editorial-type articles for a local newspaper, a few verses in a poetry anthology, and some items for professional journals.
If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?
I work in a public hospital and spend my life trying to figure out a way to create and monitor professional contracts and grants . . . and convince corporate sponsors and philanthropic organizations that it really is to their benefit to give "just a little bit more".
What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?
Wow! That's complicated. First of all, I should mention that the person who meant more to me than almost any other - the 'brother' of my soul - was gay and was also, beyond doubt, the finest man I have ever known. He was a cousin, but he was ever so much more, and we lost him several years ago. And when I saw this incredible film, my first thought was that I wish he had lived long enough to see it, and to find hope that the world might be capable of changing - not overnight and maybe not completely - but enough to enable people like him to find a niche for themselves and be accepted.
Second, I was blessed to have a "Jack" of my own - my own sweet lost love, who shared so many of Jack's qualities that I could barely stand to watch Jake's performance at first. I lost my Jack in the dark horror of Viet Nam, and this character brought him back to me, so vividly that it was both a joy and an awful ache in my heart.
And finally, this story reinforced a belief I have held all my life - that, in a world filled with so much violence and bitterness and hatred, love - in whatever form it takes - cannot be wrong.
Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?
Not currently, but I have written in other fandoms in the past. I am, for example, a huge fan of Ewan McGregor, even going so far as to travel to England to watch him perform on stage in Guys and Dolls, so, of course, I was head-over-hills with him as the young Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars and wrote quite a bit of SW fanfic several years ago. And I was once a Trekker, so I have drawers full of notebooks, filled with scribblings, dating from a time before the Internet made posting fan fic possible.
Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?
Not really. I'm pretty confident and satisfied with my own work, and not insulted or angered when people question or criticize. No one is going to please everyone, and that's something that even professional writers have to accept. I do have a problem with rudeness, but that's a whole different thing.
The only thing that's ever really bothered me, feedback-wise, were some particularly nasty private messages, claiming that the PTB had been advised that I was violating copyright laws and would be investigated and could expect to receive a C&D order shortly. It was at that point that I friends-locked my LJ - but I still publish everything in my Skyehawke archive, available to anybody, because I refuse to be intimidated or driven underground by petty, vindictive individuals who suffer from a form of literary penis envy.
If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... I think we all would change that if we could!)
Well, maybe my take on this is a little bit different from most, because, although I love to daydream and visualize what that "sweet life" would have been like, I really would not change the way the story ends, because to change it is to dilute its message. I always believed that the purpose of BbM was to try to make society understand the terrible damage inflicted by homophobia and narrow minds, and that the story is one-half love story and one-half tragedy. To change either is to take away from the total effect.
On the other hand, the one thing I would have liked to see was in the scene at the very end. When Ennis was alone in that grubby old trailer, and straightened the shirts with tears in his eyes, and opened his mouth to speak, I, also weeping, thought to myself, "Oh, thank you, God. He's finally going to say it."
And he didn't - not exactly. Just once, instead of just "Jack, I swear", I'd have liked to hear, "Jack, I swear, I always loved you - and I always will."
Stories can be accessed
here .
Discussion thread can be accessed
QuotesPosted by
trekfan on February 14 in
Pawning the White Moon - Caption your Favorite BBM Photo
Ennis: "You wait right there, Jack, I'll be down those stairs two at a time!"
Happy Valentine's day everyone!
Posted by
white_angel on February 22 in
Your Thought - Review - Reaction after Viewing BBM - May it Be the Nth TimesThe film was done beautifully. I fell in love with the lead characters . Ennis and Jack.
It is so realistic.
The music. the sceneries. the performers. they are absolutely great!
Brokeback Mountain has definitely improved me a lot . my decisions and outlook in life .
It touches not just my heart but my whole being..
Thank you to all the performance in the movie which has made my unthinkable mind thinks many times to why people need the acceptance and the need of love.
Brokeback Mountain authors and producer and all the people behind, are great minds to make us a movie of a life time.
Now I can define love...
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about
ennisjack.com. Click on the picture below to share your story.
Picture by Ethan Calendar for the next two weeks February 25 - Birthdays:
welshwitch (65)
February 26 - Birthdays:
Fred (28),
fcb (30)
February 27 - Birthdays:
carriebeth (26),
roy_taylor (51)
February 29 -
Event * Las Vegas Gathering Day 1March 1 -
Event * Las Vegas Gathering Day 2March 2 -
Event * Las Vegas Gathering Day 3March 3 -
Event * Las Vegas Gathering Day 4March 1 - Birthdays:
cwhonse (57),
matron (19)
March 2 - Birthdays:
Padmé Briseis (27),
myprivatejack (46),
Vanch (17)
March 3 - Birthdays:
sergeyvzn (41),
hit_or_miss (28),
bruxa23 (24)
March 6 - Birthdays:
LukeGP (52),
Quills (42)
March 7 - Birthdays:
ande_nem (18)
March 9 - Birthdays:
carbyville (24)
Got News or Ideas? Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:
Newsletter Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues
Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletter Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click on:
See you in two weeks!
with pictures and stories from the Las Vegas gathering

February 25 - March 9, editors:
chameau &
Luvjacknasty . Please PM us if you have any questions regarding this issue of the Newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.