Support & Services > Forum Newsletters Newsletter Archive, January to March 2008
chameau: Newsletter
December 31 2007 - January 13 2008
** Special Edition **
A Collective Greeting from the Staff
Hello Brokies,
Each Moderator wrote a few words to wish you a Happy New Year, some of us wrote them in their native language... the Moderators are originating from Australia, Canada, England, France, Israel, Italy, Norway, Philippines, Taiwan and the United States of America. Many thanks to you Brokies for supporting
We Love You!
--- Quote ---Two years its incredible, thankyou to everyone at ennisjack for the love and support during this time. I can't believe that in less than two weeks I will be meeting ethan and then next year travelling to the US and Canada to visit friends that I know and love but have never met and looking forward to it more than you'll ever know.
Thankyou brokies, I LOVE YOU.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---It is so very hard for me to believe another year on has come and gone. And, what a year it has been for me. The gifts of love and acceptance I have received here have multiplied into, for me, unimaginable moments and personal movement forward. I have relocated, thank you God, and found the career I have always been looking for. I have traveled across the country to meet new friends and have had the pleasure of having old and new friends come and enjoy my new home. I have watched myself dare to reach out, and I have been kindly rewarded. To quote a line from Brokeback Mountain, "It's because of you I'm like this.", and I thank each and everyone of you for being who you are and for making this forum such a wonderful place for me to call home. has given me the most wonderful gift I could ever have hoped for on a Christmas eve. To all the friends I have made here and to all of you I have not had the privilege of speaking to, Happy Holiday greetings. May the coming year be a blessing to you and yours, and may we all be here again next year keeping the light of Ennis and Jack alive.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---Déjà une autre année? ???
Je ne pouvais imaginer passer cette année en meilleure compagnie. C'est un honneur et un plaisir d'être ici en ligne avec vous et encore mieux, ce fut merveilleux de rencontrer plusieurs d'entre vous en personne. Je vous aime! Bonne et heureuse année!
Already another year? ???
I couldn't imagine spending a year in better company. It's a honnor and a pleasure to be here on line with you. Even better it was wonderful to meet many of you, for real. I love you! Happy New-Year!
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---Clutch the pearls!! Another year has gone by??
Life on this mountain has been full of excitement in 2007. Our family continues to grow and friendships continue to blossom. I look forward to 2008 and extend heart felt well wishes to each and every Brokie on this mountain. May 2008 bring something very special to each and everyone!
I wish you all a joyous and Happy New Year!
Je vous souhaite à tous une joyeuse et bonne année!
Ich wünsche Sie alle ein freudiger und Gutes Neues Jahr!
¡Deseo a todos ustedes un alegre y ¡Feliz Año Nuevo !
Vi auguro tutti nuovo un anno joyous e felice!
Σας εύχομαι όλοι έναν χαρούμενο και μια καλή χρονιά!
--- End quote ---
City Slickin' Cowboy
--- Quote ---OMG! Another year over and I'm still on here. I'm very thankful of my extended family here and the flame that continues to burn for the memory of Ennis & Jack! :ghug: Hope everyone has a great 2008!
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---Kjære ennisjack medlemmer
Så har det gått ett år til, et år med dette flotte forumet som jeg er veldig stolt av å være medlem av. En av over 4000 vidunderlige medlemmer, forumet hadde ikke vært det samme uten dere.
La oss alle sammen håpe på et godt nytt år og et godt og koselig ennisjack år.
God jul og stor klem fra Esme
Dear ennisjack members.
Another year gone, another year with this great forum that I am so proud to be a part of. One of over 4000 wonderful members, the forum would not be the same without you.
Let us all hope for a happy new year and a good and cosy ennisjack year.
Merry christmas and a big hug from Esme
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---時間過的真快 在山上又是一年過去了
謝謝大家一路相伴 用心分享這一份難得的緣份
新的一年 祝心想事成 :^^)
Another year went by fast in our Brokeback Mountain here.
Thanks to everyone for your company and sharing this rare fate with hearts.
May your wishes come true in the new year. :^^)
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---As we come to the end of another year and prepare for a new one, I find myself looking back, not just on 2007, but on 2006 as well. So many of the good things in my life right now started here in April of that year. I never would have predicted that I would still be here almost two years later, and that I would find such treasures as I have. We are now 4,000 members strong, we reach all around the globe, and we are comprised of the very best people the world has to offer. You have shared your thoughts and feelings, embraced new people and new ideas, and made the world a better place simply by being in it. I have made lifelong friends here, some of whom I’ve had the great privilege to meet in person and others I have come to know through the beauty of your words here on the forum. All of you have touched my heart and made me feel a part of a truly amazing community and for that I thank you. To each and every one of you, I wish happiness in the new year, success in your endeavors, and above all, love.
^f^ Barb
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---Chers Amis,
Je vous souhaite à toutes et à tous une très bonne et heureuse année 2008.
Dearest friends,
I wish you all a very happy new year.
There isn't enough words to express how glad I am to have found and such a wonderful group of people. So I will keep this sweet and short:
Froggy xoxo
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---חברים יקרים
הפורום הזה הוא אחד מהדברים הטובים ביותר שקרו לי. מצאתי כאן בית ומשפחה. אני רוצה להודות מעומק הלב לאיתן שיצר את המקום הנפלא הזה, ולאניס וג'ק שהביאו אותנו לכאן.זהו מקום של אהבה, סובלנות וקבלה שהופכים אותו ליחיד במינו, ואני גאה להיות חלק ממנו. אני מאחלת לכולנו עוד שנה קסומה של חברות ואהבה ביחד, ועוד רבות אחריה
אוהבת את כולכם
Dear Friends
This forum is one of the best things that happened to me. I found here a home and a family. I wanna thank from the bottom of my heart to Ethan who created this wonderful place, and to Ennis and Jack who brought us all here. This is a place of love, tolerance and acceptance that make it one of a kind, and I am proud to be a part of it. I wish us all another magical year of friendship and love together, and many more to come.
Love you all
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---Well Brokies, another year has come and gone, but what a year it was. From the member meets to the day to day interaction online, the bonds have just gotten stronger. I look back to the start and how I thought this would be a place I’d haunt for a few months and then move on. Almost two years have passed since those boys moved into my heart and I couldn’t be happier to still be here. Who would have thought? But then you can’t question fate. I’m so grateful to be a part of it all-always have been, always will be. I want to wish everyone lots of love, success, peace and happiness for 2008 and always.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---E' il secondo anno passato in compagnia di tante belle persone nel quale è
aumentata la nostra conoscenza reciproca e la nostra stima.Vorrei ancora
una volta abbracciarvi tutti idealmente, augurandovi ogni benessere.
It's the second year lived together with you,all beautiful people, so
our reciprocal knowledge and esteem are increased better and better.
I'd like once again to hug all of you ideally, wishing the best future.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---Une année de plus se termine, pleine des merveilleux souvenirs que nous avons accumulé avec nos amis - non, avec notre famille - d' Des rires, des larmes, des joies, des peines, des accolades. Des instants inoubliables. Alors, souhaitons à cette année 2008 d'être toute aussi chargée d'émotion et de bonheur (et de rencontres de Brokies). Bonne année à tous et meilleurs voeux.
One more year is ending, full of these wonderful memories we shared all year long with our friends - no, with our family - from Laughters, tears, joy, sadness, hugs. Unforgettable moments. So, may this year 2008 be filled as well of emotion and happiness (and of Brokies meetings). Happy new year to all and best wishes.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---Dear all,
It's hard to believe it's been two years, I still remember the first time I saw Brokeback. And driving home after wanting to lecture Ennis, and feeling the characters were all still with me. Then feeling compelled to google to find out more.
There, through my google search, I found and hooked up with you all, other insane Brokies. I then saw the movie 8 more times in a theater, one time sneaking in after seeing another movie. I can't believe I did that, like some truant teen ager. I never told anyone I saw it that many times. The movie touched me more than I can express and finding other like minded folks has been such a blessing in a misguided world. It makes you believe in miracles because if we can bond over the love of the movie and characters that Annie Proulx brought to us, then anything seems possible. And that we are from all over the world is particularly lovely.
Anyways, thank you all. It's so comforting to know this place is here. ^f^ :ghug:
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---I greet you all with a wish in the language of my Heritage: the same wish made by my beloved Tagalog poet, Jose Corazon de Jesus, when he wrote:
Maiisipan ko'y mga malikmatang
sukat ikalugod ng tao sa lupa;
malikikha ko rin ang mga hiwaga,
sa buhay ng tao'y magiging biyaya.
(I paraphrase it as: I dream of happiness, of miracles, that will come to bless all peoples.)
Manigong Bagong Taon sa inyong lahat! (Happy New Year to you all!)
--- End quote ---
*** 2008 printable calendar
In case you missed it, pierralex made and posted for us a 2008 calendar you could print. Click on the picture below to go to the link.
Posted by Kemmer on December 16
--- Quote ---I can't believe it's been almost two years I've been locked into this site. It's almost like a lifeline; reading and rereading the fanfics for me is keeping the spirits of Ennis and Jack alive, vital, and oh so real to me. Wednesday the 19th my partner and I are headed for Antarctica and the Straights of Magellan and won't be back till January 11th with no or very sketchy computer access. I'm going to secretly pack along one or more of the fanfics just to stay "connected" to Brokeback Mountain (God, I love writing those words!!), together with Jack and Ennis. I will sorely miss this site, but at least I'll have the stories and the BBM CD to listen to when alone and meditative---we'll have at least 10 days at sea.
I think of all the names and places which have become almost sacred to me: Riverton (occasionally I click on weather sites to check on the current weather in Riverton WY), Pine Creek, Signal, Farmingdale, Ft. Collins, Lightning Flat, Childress, Quanah TX, etc., etc. Sorry for getting so maudlin all of a sudden, but there you are.
Because I won't be here then:
Merry Christmas Ennis and Jack, wherever and whoever you are!!
--- End quote ---
Link: PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
Yup, More Brokies Mini Meets
Christmas in Belgium
Jack F. Twist (JFT) & Titabeille met in Belgium during the Holidays, there is a "trailer teaser" video JFT made, click on the picture below to go to the thread and watch it.
The Party is Continuing in Maryland
BBBOY is the host in Salisbury, Maryland and City Slickin' Cowboy just drove all the way from North Carolina, without asking for directions! ???
Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
Australian Meetup
Asali, Ethan & Bubu met in Sydney, they plan to meet again next week. :)
Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
Brokies Keep Getting Together
BBM screening in London January 2008
London, UK
Brokeback Mountain is showing in the NFT2 cinema on two dates in January – 10th and 13th. Some lucky Brokies are already lining up. Click here for the details.
Meeting in Las Vegas, Feb 29- March 3 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
JT will be the host in Las Vegas from February 29 to March 3 2008, we don't meet there to visit casinos but like always be with sisters and brothers Brokies, some hiking in the desert is on the menu too :) . Click here to go to the thread. And please let us know if you want to attend this gathering.
Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI. Click here to go to the thread.
There are two new threads about the Eau Claire gathering:
Rendezvous Attendees, post on this thread your dates/times of arrival/departure, if you could share a hotel room and if you're interested in renting/sharing a car.
Eau Claire Info page, all you need to know about the city, the hotel, etc...
Connecting to Eau Claire from Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg, France
Some Brokies who can't make it to Eau Claire plan to meet in Strasbourg. From there they'll connect to Wisconsin thru video conferences and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Mountain. :) Click here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008
Oxford, England
The members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next June 20-22, 2008, click here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages
Seattle, WA - August 2008
It looks like Dirtbiker wants to see us again next summer, if you're interested click here.
Brussel's gathering - October 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the thread.
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about Click on the picture below to share your story.
Picture from frenchcda
Calendar for the next two weeks
December 31 - Birthdays: littlebad (46)
January 1 - New Year's Day , Birthdays: gayhuntr (63), AndreA (40), nutstoyou (33), My Man Jack (28), TheBoyFromNoWhere (32), GC (17), jake_love (29)
January 2 - Birthdays: momiji (17)
January 5 - Birthdays: Tom (51)
January 6 - Birthdays: leanne (20)
January 7 - Birthdays: ludagurl3d2005 (20)
January 8 - Birthdays: Badarsila (28)
January 9 - Birthdays: keren_b (32), suffused (46)
January 10 - * Event: BBM Screening 1 in London, Birthdays: garciara (49), Twisted (24), rizzyhayee (18)
January 11 - Birthdays: cerulean (20)
January 12 - Birthdays: Faerie Tale Ending, chameau (48), BruceinNewYork (44), manolo (70)
January 13 - * Event: BBM Screening 2 in London, Birthdays: josh_peralta (24), Rodeojack (20)
Member's levels updates
20 posts, Alma Jr.
Marge Innavera , December 22
irkaiel, December 30
100 posts, Lureen
maidenofthesea, December 21
Ennis,1000 posts
ayashea, December 23
Special achievements
December 21: Magdalena, 4000 posts & Rosie, 9000 posts
December 27 FredPtiteFée, 5000 posts & Mars, 49 000 posts
Congratulations to all! ^-^
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletter
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click on: Archives
Born From their Love... Forever Bound by Ours
Happy New Year Brokies!
December 31 2007 - January 13 2008, editors: Asali & Chameau. Please PM us if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.
chameau: Newsletter
January 14 - 27 2008
Howdy Brokies. I hope the new year is treating you all well so far. I can’t believe that many of us have celebrated or will be celebrating their two year anniversary of experiencing this movie for the first time. Time flies by up on the mountain. But whether it’s been two years, one year or even one day since you first saw it, I’m so glad that everyone found their way here to share the love and the tears from this beautiful movie.
In many ways what we have here is a parallel to what our boys found: something so unexpected, friends waiting to be found, something that changed your life, even in a small way.
And Brokie love has spanned the globe once again. Ethan, Bubu and Asali had a meeting Down Under. To see some pictures from their meeting click here .
Forum Maintenance
It is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time.
Here is the maintenance schedule:
January 17
Pacific Time, 8:00pm
Mountain Time: 9:00pm
Central Time: 10:00pm
Eastern Time: 11:00 pm
January 18
United Kingdom: 4:00am
Western Europe: 5:00am
Central Europe: 6:00am
Taiwan: 11:00 am
Australia (Sydney): 3:00pm
If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback, please report them here.
New Threads
"Did You Ever Get The Feeling He knew That She Knew?"
Started by manhattangirl on December 1, 2007
--- Quote ---My apologies if you have been over this before. I just wanted to know what you think.
Did Ennis know Alma knew about him and Jack? In ss when Alma sees the reunion kiss, there was hint of "Well, you caught us." tone in the ss. In the Thanksgiving scene in the film there was no straight up denial, but Ennis defending Jack, himself, what they did have, and condemning Alma her ignorance. Did he have a feeling that Alma knew all along, but it all came out on Thanksgiving?
At that point, after the revelation, this should say more than anything that Ennis was committed to Jack in his way, because wouldn't he have ended it, especially if that someone who knew was his ex-wife. But instead he kept going back to Jack. For someone who didn't say "I love you," feared love, he suffered a great deal for love.
What do you think? And again my apologies if this has already been discussed.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
What does having a ranch together mean to Jack? or Ennis?
Started by jerasjr on December 12, 2007
--- Quote ---It seems that we have two different mindsets as to what this means to our boys - a battle of acceptance versus ostracism that shapes the future for them
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Pix with Poems
Posted by lancecowboy2007 on November 11
--- Quote ---
You say a few words with a smile
I hear a thousand stories in you voice
You ask a single question with a single word
I answer with my whole life, shared only with you
You look at me with a single glance
I see the depth of your character, the pain of your loneliness
You embrace me with your strong arms
I feel our souls bond eternally in that moment
Your pain becomes my pain
Your fear becomes my fear
Your hurt becomes my hurt
Let me wipe away those tears
Let me bring back that smile
Let me make better our sweet life together under the stars
Ennis, I swear <^(
--- End quote ---
Link: Ennis
Posted by Ayashae on December 8, 2007
--- Quote ---Dear Alicia...your story is so similar to BbM, no wonder that you felt it like your own
Things that could have happened but never did, leave the bitterest taste, especially since there wasn't a true reason...Well, this is only a half truth: If your heart is imprisoned, those bars are as real as the iron ones.
One of the things that touches me in the deepest in this movie, and I guess in one way or another it happens to us all, is the impossibility to grab the things or the people you love forever. Everything is temporary, nothing escapes to this statement…or at least it seems so in the world we live in, since hopefully, eternity is a fact and we’re a part of it. Here we just walk a path that leads you to somewhere else, and certainly not the very end. All the people you meet, and especially, those who leave such a deep trace is your heart help you to learn lessons that guides you to where you belong, even the painful ones, like yours.
You know? It’s so difficult for me to believe my own words…We’re conditioned to not believe what we cannot see, having faith is not a simple thing to do. But I’m sure that our eyes cheat us all the time, and I’m aware that there are some things I’ll never see or understand. That’s all we can do. We all have heard that Einstein quotation “Nothing is ever created or destroyed just transmuted” I think it includes us people, or love…everything actually, everything is energy.
Maybe I’m speaking nonsense for some but…it’s my humble perception of spirituality, even if I’m not a religious person. I have that intuition, that confronts my rational mind. But I’m convinced that there’s much more beyond rationality, all that, can’t be proved by science…And some of the most brilliant scientist of our age are aware of this: At the highest levels of understanding, we just can believe or not to our intuition.
I don’t talk normally about all these thoughts, I don’t wanna be taken for a weirdo But I trust you’ll understand what I mean or won’t think I’m crazy, even if you don’t share my opinions. Excuse me for the long speech, and for being so thick…Sometimes I ramble on and on, and maybe you got lost of what I was really speaking about: Alicia, I think your Jack appear in your life for some reason, and, your experiences together and your love are some things that will never disappear, at any rate you’re tied to each other for the eternity, like Ennis and Jack…it’s only that our human eyes are incapable to see this
--- End quote ---
Link: Do you Have Your Brokeback Mountain?
Posted by aintfoolin’ on December 19, 2007
--- Quote ---Some the very best posts on the forum are in this thread imo. I'm always learning new lessons in the film. Thanks everyone.
Dont't know if any one has said this but,I feel the very title of the film speaks volumes. Brokeback is a mountain, has a very solid foundation. such as their love, but there are rocky surfaces, and stomy weather, some dangerous and scarey places here even predators dwell.
As was their love. It was a mountain hard to climb. , Intimidating in it's strength,their love reached highs and lows. But the mountain is also beautiful. it's scenery wide open and free. It's what Ennis and Jack :f)found on Brokeback. At times, this was their love too.
I feel a mountain is a fitting symbol of their journey of love. So high you can't get over it, so big you can't get arround it. Jack felt leaving Brokeback Mt. was an end of a beginning, Jack was serious about his dreams with Ennis, all he needed was Ennis himself. . Ennis felt it as the beginning to an end. He knew he could not deny accepting Jack's love , givin so freely, yet he felt undeserving of it. Jack has the nearly impossible task of making Ennis feel differently. That's a hard mountain to climb, and for him it was.
Did they ever conquer this mountain? I feel Jack reached the top and looked over, Ennis joined him only after Jack's death in the closet scene, when he found the shirts. , Ennis's moment of love lost and found. Too bad they could'nt reach the top together.
--- End quote ---
Link: Double Meanings in BBM
Brokies Keep Getting Together
Meeting in Las Vegas, Feb 29- March 3 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
JT will be the host from in Las Vegas from February 29 to March 3 2008, we don't meet there to visit casinos but like always be with sisters and brothers Brokies, some hiking in the desert is on the menu too :) . Click here to go to the thread. And please let us know if you want to attend this gathering.
New!!! BBM Screening at the Samuel Golden Theater in Beverly Hills New!!!
Beverly Hills, California
Started by BayCityJohn on January 8, Brokeback Mountain will be shown this summer at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, California on August 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM as part of the Academy's “Great To Be Nominated” series, and I hope we can have a great turnout. Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI. Click here to go to the thread.
There are two new threads about the Eau Claire gathering:
Rendezvous Attendees, post on this thread your dates/times of arrival/departure, if you could share a hotel room and if you're interested in renting/sharing a car.
Eau Claire Info page, all you need to know about the city, the hotel, etc...
Connecting to Eau Claire from Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg, France
Some Brokies who can't make it to Eau Claire plan to meet in Strasbourg. From there they'll connect to Wisconsin thru video conferences and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Mountain. :) Click here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008
Oxford, England
The members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next June 20-22, 2008, click here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages
Seattle, WA - August 2008
It looks like Dirtbiker wants to see us again next summer, if you're interested click here.
Brussel's gathering - October 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the thread.
Meet the Authors
Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx. ;)
You could find more about this here.
Warning! ??? Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.
This week an interview of Flwrchild & LuvJackNasty co-authors of Where the Road Leads
--- Quote ---Are you professional writers?
No, but we’ve both harbored ambitions to write professionally.
If yes, have you published anything and if so what?
Not yet.
If no, What's your jobs in the ''real'' world?
FC: Stay at home mother, for now.
LJN: Merchandising Analyst for a supermarket- for now -once we get the final word on our fate I have no idea what I’ll be doing. And my other full time “job” is being Mommy to my three daughters.
What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?
They crawled into our heads and our hearts, and wouldn’t leave. We both see the characters the same way, and feel all the same things for them, so collaborating on a story seemed like a logical progression from our solo efforts.
Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?
No. These are the only ones that are demanding to be put on the page right now. But we do have plans and a storyline in place for an au!au that was thought up while WTRL was being born- We opted for the canon setting first.
Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?
No. We’ve been very fortunate and gotten a lot of supportive feedback. It’s nice to hear both what is and is not working for the readers, though, even if we ultimately choose to go with our original vision for something.
How is it to deal with a writing partner, how does that work?
So far, it’s been great! Since we do have such a shared vision for the characters, the real challenge is just to get our thoughts to each other in a coherent way, and keep our focus on what we want the structure of our story to be. There are always little surprises, and we’ve been able to bend with the story as it grows.
As to how it works, we’re so used to editing for each other already, it’s kind of a constant process as we go along. We just write what comes into our heads, pass it back and forth, and smooth out the rough edges, until before we know it, we have a chapter. Frequently, by the time a chapter is done, there are parts where we can’t even remember who wrote what.
If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... I think we all would change that if we could!)
FC: Wow. What was my original answer to that question? For me, it’s always about time, never enough time. So I guess I’d have to say I wish they could have said “I love you” to each other just once, and just had more time. One more trip, one more embrace, one more moment together. Oops, that’s two things, isn’t it?
LJN: I don’t think that I’d want to change anything. I’d want to see the deleted scenes but just as an extra on a DVD. Sure I’d love for them to have that sweet life and all that that entails and more importantly I’d love for Jack to be alive but then it wouldn’t be the story that has had a stranglehold on me for almost two years. The story that is Jack and Ennis-heartbreak and all. This story has made me think about my own life, brought me many tears but even more happiness in the friends I have found here. So to me it’s fine as it is and that’s what we have fan fic for.
--- End quote ---
This is what Flwrchild originaly answered in an interview published in our Januray 8 - 14 2007 edition
--- Quote --- if you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive...I think we all would change that if we could!)
Just more time. One more day, one more hour. One more moment for them to hold each other.
--- End quote ---
**sigh** :\'(
Discussion threads for Where the Road Leads and their individual pieces:
Flwrchild, click here.
LuvJackNasty, click here.
Where the Road Leads, click here.
Heath THE Joker
Posted by carbyville on December 16
--- Quote ---Official, HD version of the trailer is up NOW...
--- End quote ---
Click on the picture below to go to the thread and access the trailer's link for The Dark Knight.
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
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Calendar for the next two weeks
January 15 - Birthdays: barsonlyone (22)
January 16 - Birthdays: ethan (37), SilverRains, mellwell22 (31), Yox3 (24), rpmnh (46)
January 17 - Birthdays: JMLerma (47)
January 18 - Birthdays: ninisin (23)
January 20 - Birthdays: Daniella (49), amtamburo (37)
January 22 - Birthdays: Fiona-Berlin (29), MaxHim (32), Daniblondy (29)
January 24 - Birthdays: LadybugLara (24)
January 25 - Birthdays: TopGun (45), Swisscowboy (49)
January 26 - Birthdays: xox_Toxic_Candy_xox (18), Stacy2626 (27)
January 27 - Birthdays: Yannick (20), atalley (50)
Member's levels updates
20 posts, Alma Jr.
lolitaray, January 11
100 posts, Lureen
irkael, January 12
200 posts, Alma
believer, January 5
Ennis,1000 posts
myprivatejack, January 10
Jack + Ennis,2000 posts
bigheart, January 10
Special Achievement
January 13, Titabeille, 6000 posts
Congratulations to all!
**Very Special Achievement**
January 9
50 000 posts!!!
That's some serious competition, huh?
Forza Italia
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Baaahhhh! *
* See you in two weeks!
January 13 - 27 2008, editors: Chameau & LuvJackNasty. Please PM us if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.
chameau: Newsletter
January 27 - February 10 2008
Special Edition
Picture posted by Carefree Wind on January 25, here.
Sending up a prayer of thanks
from froggy
I am using some of Heath’s quotes from his movies, I am sure you will recognise some of them. They are modified to fit my message, and I sincerely hope I am not offending anyone by using them so freely. I apologize in advance.
When something like this happens you are lost. You don't know who you are anymore and what you're capable of. But if you can't fix it, dear brokies, you gotta stand it.
Through his work, Heath’s talent, youth and beauty will last forever.
Some quotes will always make me smile, others have just started to make me cry.
Today, the pieces of my broken heart are so small that they could be passed through the eye of a needle. I miss you like the sun misses the flower; like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter. Instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world your absence has banished me to.
Here is the deepest secret nobody knows. Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide. And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart... we carry your heart, we carry it in our hearts.
It's because of you Heath, that we are like this! We've always loved you. You've changed things... forever. There's no going back. There ain't no reins on this one.
...and I guess we'll see you around, huh?
Rest in peace,
Your faithful squires.
The editorial is from our dearest Papa Wolf, jerasjr
Everyday Heroes
I must be the least curious person in the world.
In the last few days, the thought comes to me that so much of our life is dominated by those people who make the headlines – those athletes or politicians or celebrities or religious figures who come to our attention through the news. Is that news always good? Certainly not, but whatever they do is news, good or bad. And much of what we learn is filtered through sources who choose to report, responsibly or irresponsibly, what they learn in the process of finding a way to make a story. There are some events that capture us and our minds and hearts, just as there are others that are nothing more than a passing thought.
And I say that I must be the least curious person in the world, because for me the real heroes on this earth are those who day by day continue to journey through this life, and who share with others their thoughts, feelings and caring. These are the real heroes in our lives. And on this forum, in this community, many heroes have made themselves known – those who offer comfort and insights, those who encourage, those who simply watch and offer to help, these things are the essence of being heroic. To simply be there, to actively be there, to comfortably be there offers more than one can hope for.
I am the least curious person in the world, for nothing stands out for me more than the simple fact that a person who has touched us all has died. That is it, nothing more is needed to be known for me. But what it says to me is that however this affects me or others, there is a message to be carried forward, for his life to continue to have meaning then each of us must continue to have meaning, to continue to be everyday heroes on this forum, in this community and further. That is imperative.
For the message of Brokeback Mountain, however any of us sees it, and for his life and art, however each of us perceives it, to endure – the best testament, is to live those thoughts and insights brought out by the film and the actor. That is the finest memorial one can achieve.
Posted by frenchcda on January 25
--- Quote ---
In the Soho
Twenty-eight years younger
Thee ere thy birth, more love
And yet now comes thy reaper
Thee send to ye
From the land of the free
Then spoke to ye of thy heart and of human life
Just one moment enough to cold thy veins
With courteous care
Then be done, alone thy cast beneath
The night with mighty grace
As all stood firmed upon this land
As cold thy flesh I sleep
Full moon winding thy path
The fairest far where losses be gone
And lesser fondness upon silence
Awaken the dawning of thy tongue
As thee begged to let thou live
For no wrongs ye behold to this day
In what ye see
As wondrous but nameless charm
A breath itself thou speak
O thee of loneliness
In prayer sad and long
I beg answer thee not
For this life thou harvest is indeed its seed
To the morrows of deeds
That has yet to touch our hearts
Nobler desires and tastes of joy
For one more moment do let ye stay and be
Upon this earth before the sun
In rest thee keep
For Love in all they seek
And in ye magic they see
--- End quote ---
This poem was originaly posted here.
Posted by lancecowboy2007 on January 24
--- Quote ---Why I love this place...
...because in this terrible time, I know I do not grief alone, nor mourn in silence.
...because when shared with friends, with unconditional acceptance, grief is reduced, and someday, joy is multiplied.
...because when the cold cruel world outside speculates about the why, how, and what ifs, we in this peaceful valley of like-minded friends, respect and love the man for his works, for his gentle generosity, for the character that he was, that he portrayed.
...because I know in loving memory, Heath lives on in each of us, in our daily living Brokeback Mountain, a simpler, more caring, more open living, loving each other, as if tomorrow never comes, as if we've never been hurt before, as if each person is special, as Heath treated everyone around him.
...because there is no other place where I can speak of love for Ennis, and of grieving for Heath, without being misunderstood, where this is as natural as can be expected.
--- End quote ---
Link: Why I love this place
Picture from lil_dwarf_611 posted on January 22, here.
It was maybe only for ten years but Heath Ledger made for sure movie history, you'll find here a list of his movies and roles.
"The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus"
"The Dark Knight"
The Joker
"I'm Not There"
Robbie Clarke
"Brokeback Mountain"
Ennis Del Mar
"The Brothers Grimm"
Jacob Grimm
"Lords of Dogtown"
''The Order''
Alex Bernier
"Ned Kelly"
Ned Kelly
"The Four Feathers"
Harry Faversham
"Monster's Ball"
Sonny Grotowski
"A Knight's Tale"
Sir William Thatcher
"The Patriot"
Gabriel Martin
"10 Things I Hate About You"
Patrick Verona
Two Hands
Toby Ackland
Awards Nominations and Wins
Heath Ledger was nominated for the following awards, the ones he won are in red.
10 Things I Hate About You
10 Things I Hate About You
Two Hands
Two Hands
The Patriot
A Knights Tale
A Knights Tale
A Knights Tale
A Knights Tale
Ned Kelly
Ned Kelly
Lords of Dogtown
Lords of Dogtown
The Brothers Grimm
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
I’m Not There AWARD
Teen Choice
MTV Movie
Australian Film Industry
Film Critics Circle of Australia
Blockbuster Entertainment
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
MTV Movie
MTV Movie
Aust Film Ind
Film Critics Circle of Australia
Teen Choice
Central Ohio Film Critics Assoc
Central Ohio Film Critics Assoc
Sierra Award
New York Film Critics Circle
Online Film Critics Soc
San Francisco Film Critics
Phoenix Film Critics Soc
WashingtonDCFilm Critics
MTV Movie
London Critics
Aust Film Ind – International
Aust Film Ind – News Ltd Readers Choice
Critics Choice
Central Ohio Film Critics Assoc
Central Ohio Film Critics Assoc
Chicago Film Critics Assoc
Golden Globe
NRJ Cine
Independent Spirit
Santa BarbaraIFF
Central Ohio Film Critics Assoc
Film Critics Circle of Australia
Aust Film Ind
Independent Spirit AwardsCATEGORY
Sexiest Love Scene
Best Musical Performance
Best Performance By A Leading Actor
Best Male Actor
Favourite Male – Newcomer
Film – Choice Actor
Film – Choice Chemistry
Best Kiss
Best Musical Sequence
Best Actor In A Leading Role
Best Male Actor
Movie Actor-Action/Adventure/Thriller
Actor of the Year
Actor of the Year
Best Actor
Best Actor
Best Actor
Best Actor
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama
Best Actor
Best Kiss
Actor of the Year
Best Ensemble Cast
Best Performance By An Actor In A Leading Role
Best Actor
Best Performance By An Actor In A Leading Role
Best Actor
Best Lead Performance
Actor of the Year
Best Actor
Best Actor
Best Perfomance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama
Best Kiss
Best Male Lead
Breakthrough Performance of the Year
Outstanding Cast Performance
Actor of the Year
Best Actor
Best Actor in a Lead Role
Best Lead Actor
Robert Altman Award (cast & crew)
Tribute from Ethan it was posted originaly here.
Thank you so much for lighting the candles with us. Seeing these pics is heartening and gives me a lot of comfort. LuvJackNasty is a fine trooper and the tribute she made is just heart warming. :ghug:
Words can not express the trip today to pay our respect at the places. Now I fully understand how Ennis must have felt when he went to visit Jack's parents. It is still hard to believe what had happened. It was very special to have LuvJackNasty and all of your thoughts with me. The love we shared for him beyond the physical boundaries speaks volume. As LuvJackNasty and I just stood there, leaned on each other and starred at the memorial, for a moment I felt that Heath knew and is immersing himself in love from all of us. Will there be a closure on this and how long will it take? I don't know. However, I do know that I am not and will not be alone. Thank you all. :ghug:
In Brooklyn
These are the posts from the vigil thread used for the candles.
(Chameau) Farewell Heath ♥ (Kemmer) Rest and be happy, Heath. Your work changed my life. ♥ (ethan) Anything interesting up there in heaven ♥ (edgar) Good night, sweet prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. ♥ (Lancecowboy2007) Heath, you are always in my heart, your work will be admired into the next millennium. ♥ (crabtreeblue) You will be missed and not forgotten. ● (backtobrokeback) For you, Heath. You gave us so much. ♥ (shogun) Rest in peace Heath. ♥ (camom) Rest in peace, Heath. The gift you brought to all of us will never be forgotten. ♥ (FlwrChild) Thank you, Heath, for sharing so much of yourself with us. It was an honor simply to watch you, and learn some of the lessons your craft was able to teach us. You will forever be remembered with love. May God bless and keep you. ♥ (greenfrog) May Heath and Ennis Rest in Peace ♥ (FredPtiteFée) Fly with Angels Little Darlin ♥ (Asali) In memory of my country's best ever actor. ♥ (bruxa23) Dear Heath..You will never be forgotten.... ● (titabeille) We'll never forget you little darlin, I swear :\'(♥ (moonbat) ♥ (Esme) ♥ (jetblaster) Sometimes I miss you so much , I hardly can stand it Gone but not forgotten ♥ (yenraylin) ♥ (NoReins) Rest in peace, Heath. Gone but never forgotten. ♥ (ten-chi-ka-sui) Thank you Heath. You made so much for us. The world will not forget you. ♥ (aintfoolin) I'm totally devastated . Just got home and found this very sad news posted on homepage. May God rest his soul. I will miss him, Peace be with him and his family. Godspeed my friend. ♥ (Carmilla) I'll never forget you Heath! ♥ (Baby Tammy) You changed my life and my soul. You'll be in my heart till the day I die. You was loved, you always will cowboy. ♥ (Goldfish) ♥ (myprivatejack) We’ll never forget you Heath, I swear. Ride up to the starts, cowboy! ♥ (Koka) Heath baby, you will never be forgotten! I'm still in utter denial. Rest in peace sweet cowboy, rest in peace! ♥ (Androclo) Ciao Heath Thanks. ♥ (christie wood) Dearest Heath, you made such a difference to my life. I'll never forget you. Rest in Peace ♥ (Ivanhoe) :\'( :\'( :\'( ♥ (yb) Rest in peace, dear Heath. ♥ (tizi17) you will be in my life - forever ♥ (ennisjack007) in loving memory Heathcliff forever in my heart. ♥ (Rosie) Rest In Peace Heath. You live on in my heart. ♥ (Canmore) :'(♥ ( We'll never forget. And these aren't just words. Rest in peace. ♥ (cowgirlKt!) Rest in peace angel. Thank you for giving us the gift of happiness you will never be forgotten. ● (Jack F. Twist) I am shocked. Its not sunk in yet. I feel cold. ♥ (Lady) I awoke this morning to this extremely sad news, I thought for a while I was dreaming it,, but now I know I’m not, so very sad, don’t know what to say really, just shocked at the moment,, hugs to all. ♥ (shieldmaid) Good night, sweet prince, and may angels sing thee to thy rest. I can't fix it, and I can't stand it either. Thank you for all you brought to us. ♥ (manhattangirl) Heath, you are all too brief life brought so much to ours, thank you for that. ♥ (jackster) You Inspired Us All. Just Sending Up A Prayer of Thanks ♥ (Carefree Wind) There are no words. ♥ (jerasjr) In remembrance ♥ (bigheart) Rest in Peace beautiful Heath ♥ (Audrey twist) Dear Heath, now you've opened your delicate wings to fly in heaven where you'll be a guardian angel. Your beautiful interpretation in BBM gave hopes and courage to love to those that don't want lose this blessing feeling. We'll love you forever dear cowboy. Thanks for everything ♥ (Annika) May he rest in Peace I’ll never forget you. ♥ (Hanna) Ruhe in Frieden. :\'( I will miss you. ♥ (Twisted) Rest in Peace, sweet Heath, we'll miss you forever. ♥ (vivi) Rest in peace, Heath ♥ (gimmejack) Rest Peacefully Heath, you deserve it...Thank you for touching our lives through your undeniable talent. ♥ (luna81) It feels so unreal... ♥ (tpe) ♥ (rpmnh) Heath, I hope that you realized the positive impact that you had on us and the world. Rest in Peace. ♥ (Nikita111) I love you, you brought something so beautiful in my life. It was you who bound me to Brokeback, who gave my heart a direction that I should follow. I love you like I never did any actor. I feel absolutely ruined and I cannot breathe live. You were such a sweet thing. I love you. I always will.♥ (csung0928) Rest In Peace Heath ♥ (Maggie) You were a sweet, talented, beautiful person who will be missed by many. ♥ (hpv) RIP little darlin' ♥ (eric_idle_rules) Rest in peace, Heath. ♥ (keren_b) :\'( ♥ (ande_nem) RIP Heath, such a tragic, untimely loss. You'll always be our Ennis. ♥ (JAKELANDIA) R.I.P. my love ♥ (LuvJackNasty) I still can't find the words. I'm sending up a prayer of thanks for all that you were, all that you gave to us. There is a brand new angel up in heaven. Rest in peace sweet Heath. ● (Snuit) Sweet, sweet Heath, may you rest in peace. ♥ (blueeyesgyll) Rest in peace Heath..I will never forget you ♥ (cortomaltese) Mirror of my soul, You'll be forever alive in my heart. ♥ (Froggy) Heath...I swear. ♥ (jesseanne21) Heath, You didn't say much but you got your point across. ♥ (pierralex) Heath, we'll keep you in our hearts. Thank you for what you gave to us. ♥ (Philchel) ♥ (Ginny) For Heath. I have no words. R.I.P. ♥ (guyinjax) Well, now we know how Ennis felt when he got the postcard. Heath, I swear. "Time to hit the hay, cowboy. I got a go." There were only the two of them on the mountain flying in the euphoric, bitter air, looking down on the hawk's back and the crawling lights of vehicles on the plain below, suspended above ordinary affairs and distant from tame ranch dogs barking in the dark hours. They believed themselves invisible. ♥ (Sergey) ♥ (Tatia85) Rest in peace. ♥ (mikele) God bless you Heath ♥ (Elisabetta) ♥ (boo_boo) You are missed ♥ (KitKat) My thoughts and prayers are with your family, most especially your dear little girl. May you rest in peace. ♥ (greenfrog) ♥ (bellissimo) Rest In Peace Heath. You'll always be remembered as Ennis. ♥ (ayashae) We'll love you sweetheart, forever...See you later Heath. ♥ (BBBOY) THANK YOU FRIEND ♥ (Titus) "Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen." ♥ (Stephan) My heart feels so empty. So empty. ♥ (Iswear) You have changed my life and I will miss you so much...I still can't believe this...Love you heath, Rest in Peace. ♥ (Cowboy Cody) And it seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to cling to when the rains set in...Be at Peace, Friend. ♥ (susan marie) I cannot believe the devastating effect Heath's death has had on me, and on everyone. He was a prince, with the true marrow in his bones. His portrayal of Ennis will shine like a star in the night sky of the human psyche, forever and ever. Goodnight, sweet prince; and flights of angels attend thee to thy rest. ♥ (ImEnnisShesJack) Sweet Heath, you will live on in our hearts and memories for being a good person, a good friend, son, father, partner, brother, and human. May Matilda run into at least one person every day for the rest of her life who tells her how much you meant to them. Till we see you again, rest well, and watch over your little girl. Guide her well and she will grow into someone you will be proud of. Take care, and may all your nights be restful ones. ♥ (Littlejimmy) MAY YOU REST IN PEACE. YOU WILL NEVER BE FOGOTTEN YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR HEARTS AND AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH. ♥ (sarah beth) Heath, I swear... ♥ (teveoymeveo) My eyes are full of tears, just as Heath in "Jack, I swear" scene. When someone has given you so much and you have connected to him in such an inspirational level, you feel so close in a way not everybody experiences... that's how I feel right now, like someone so close to me has just left this life. Heath, you're close to us, hope you feel us in your continuance... ♥ (darrel_rivers) Rest in Peace, Sweetie. ♥ (ksxks) Heath, In the arms of the angels...and may they watch over Matilda. ♥ (jeffreymarc85) GOODBYE, SWEET MAN. ♥ (emilia_ku) Heath baby, Rest in Peace. ♥ (gnikts) Time to hit the stars, cowboy. Rest in peace! We'll meet someday. ♥ (Cliffy) Heath forever in my heart... ♥ (freetraveller) Dear Heath, Your beautiful soul has changed the lives of so many... may it rest in peace. ♥ (jjmiao) I will remember you forever....from a friend in Japan who can't speak English --- tmk, she loves you so much too. ♥ (SisterMadly) Your art changed me. ♥ (Aurora) Fly on proud bird. You are free at last. ♥ (masetane) Thinking of you Heath and your beautiful little girl and loved ones. Thank you sharing yourself with us! ♥ (GayFred37) NOUS PENSERONS TOUJOURS À TOI, HEATH / ENNIS! CONTINUE À PARCOURIR LA BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN SUR TON CHEVAL, AVEC TON JAKE / JACK À TES CÔTÉS! WE WILL ALWAYS THINK OF YOU, HEATH / ENNIS ! CONTINUE TO TRAVERSE BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN ON YOUR HORSE, WITH YOUR JAKE / JACK AT YOUR SIDES ! ♥ (anya76) and "all we got now is Brokeback Mountain" ♥ (Kemmer) Soar with the eagles, Heath. Hail and farewell. ♥ (alfredochan) Dear Heath, may you RIP! A Chinese poem for you: 《也許》 聞一多 也許你真是哭得太累 也許,也許你要睡一睡, 那麼叫夜鷹不要咳嗽。 蛙不要號,蝙蝠不要飛, 不許陽光撥你的眼簾, 不許清風刷上你的眉, 無論誰都不能驚醒你, 撐一傘松蔭庇護你睡, 也許你聽這蚯蚓翻泥, 聽這小草的根鬚吸水,也許你聽這般的音樂 比那咒罵的人聲更美; 那麼你先把眼皮閉緊, 我就讓你睡,我讓你睡, 我把黃土輕輕蓋著你 我叫紙錢兒緩緩的飛。♥ (randy_ast) ♥ (MississaugaRed) Dearest Heath, You will live on forever in the lives you've touched, the hearts you've filled and the minds you've set free. Be at peace. ♥ (mel08) Thank you for saving my life. I'm so sorry we couldn't save yours! You were loved and you will be missed. Now, spread your wings and fly. You are free. ♥ (Emzan) Thank you for being a big part of my life, I just wish It would have lasted longer. I will never forget you. I love you so much and I'll be seeing you in heaven someday. ♥ (CrimsonSky) Beautiful Heath, I'm forever in your debt for the way Brokeback Mountain changed my life. There'll be a place in my heart for you until the day my own time comes. Thank you, and rest in peace, lil darlin'. ♥ (JAKELANDIA) Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. Amor eterno. Podrá nublarse el sol eternamente; Podrá secarse en un instante el mar; Podrá romperse el eje de la tierra Como un débil cristal. ¡todo sucederá! Podrá la muerte Cubrirme con su fúnebre crespón; Pero jamás en mí podrá apagarse La llama de tu amor. ● (June) Rest In Peace, Heath. ♥ (cynical21) So the prince has left the stage, Strangers watch him go and sigh. And the world spins right along, But there is no mourning song, Save the one that weeps “Good-bye.” Good night, Sweet Prince. ♥ (Jack F. Twist) From HenriQues :\'(♥ (lil_dwarf_611) Heath, I do not know how to express my true gratitude to you. You are an inspiration and a true hero to me. I pray that you are up there in heaven, smiling down on us and that one day, I will be able to meet you up in heaven and thank you for all that you have done. You will always be a legend, son, father, role model, hero, a shining star, we lost too soon. ♥ (ravenus19) Rest in peace Heath, I will always remember you :\'(♥ (goblondie) Rest in peace Heath, I will always remember you. ♥ (Tom) Thank you for your gifts. ♥ (Franklin68) Thank you, Heath, and farewell. Rest in peace and in our hearts - forever. ♥ (nellie_82) Heath, you will be deeply missed by so many people. You have touched so many hearts with your beautiful soul and your wonderful talent. It's such a great loss for everyone who knew and/or admired you. ♥ (jacks_key) Dearest Heath, May you soar with the angels. Your legacy lives on in your beautiful daughter, and in your wonderful body of work, especially Brokeback Mountain. Go in peace, you dear sweet man. ♥ (City Slickin' Cowboy) Heath it's because of you Ennis Del Mar will live in my heart forever. ♥ (martius1967) Heathcliff Andrew Ledger: Somehow I wish this message will be translated into light to assist you in your passing to a higher plane of existence. You are a very special soul and may all the light you have brought us be doubled and cast upon your path ahead as a token of our deepest gratitude for all the enlightenment you have given us. We all love you and admire you deeply. ♥ (ejluv) Thank you, Heath. I wish you peace. ♥ (sweetlilg) May your soul rest in peace sweet angel ♥ (BBMaddict) Your beautiful soul and wonderful talent will be sorely missed. ♥ (Sammeh) Good night, Good night, parting is such sweet sorrow, that I should say good night until it be morrow. ♥ (roryennis) Although your gone physically, you will live in our hearts and souls forever. Through your talent you have inspired us, challenged us, and taught us that if we take that one step anything is possible. May you look down from Heaven and see the joy and love that you have created here on earth. Goodnight Sweet prince and Rest in Peace. Heath Andrew Ledger
Tribute from LuvJackNasty made in the name of all of us, one candle was left at the Brooklyn house and the other at the Soho's flat.
This is the text of what is on the back of the picture
Our Dearest Heath
Thank you for all that you were
Thank you for all that you gave
Thank you for the gift of you
Thank you for always remaining true to yourself
Thank you for being that quiet, quirky soul we all love
You changed so many lives and we wonder if you ever really knew
As long as a Brokie heart beats you will live on
We’re sending up a prayer of thanks to heaven’s newest angel.
Is there anything interesting up there in heaven?
May your family and friends find comfort and peace
We love you. You will remain in our hearts forever.
Rest in peace sweet angel.
With our deepest sympathies,
Your Friends and Fans
A tribute from Brokies who met in Paris, originaly posted here by pierralex.
Friday night with some french brokies (HGB, Fredptitefée, canmore, Alec_Scudder, Chrichri and me), we went to watch BBM on theater in Paris. We learned that it was on screen the day before, what a coincidence!
It was very weird and sad at the beggining, seeing Heath on the screen and thinking that he isn't here anymore... And then I felt into the story as the previous times, forgetting about Heath, Jake, the world around me. Just Ennis, Jack and me. In a way, it warmed my heart to see that although we lost Heath, Ennis was still here in front of me, and that he would always be. Being with fellow brokies also helped a lot. We even managed to laugh. Being with brokies is just priceless!
Then, we went to Notre Dame de Paris to light up candels for Heath. It was unseasy because of the wind, but we managed to find a good place just in front of the cathedral and suddenly the wind stopped.
It was so beautiful, we were standing up silently, in front of the candels, thinking about Heath, thanking him.
No need to hide pain, no need to explain, we huged and talked about him. It was a big relief doing it. I feel much better now. Finally we went off, letting Notre Dame take care of the tiny flames glowing in the dark...
Thank You Heath...
...Have a Safe Ride Cowboy!
We couldn't quote every post made on since January 22 by all of you but we would like to thank you kindly for your love and your support.
January 28 - February 10 2008, edited by the Mod Squad. Please PM any of us if you have questions or comments regarding this issue of the newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.
chameau: Newsletter
February 11 - 24 2008
Greetings Brokies,
It has been a busy and difficult two weeks. Watching the way you have all come together, both to mourn the loss of our dear Heath Ledger and to support one another during this sad time, has been a comfort to me. The love and respect you have all shown toward him and toward each other is a testament both to the beautiful soul who inspired it and to the bonds we have formed here in this forum. Being a part of that right now has made me feel proud, not just to be a Brokie, but to be a member of this wonderful community. I thank you for that.
It has also been heartening to see activity resuming in the threads as we move forward and continue to celebrate this wonderful story that Heath and Jake brought to life for us on screen. It seems like a good time to review some of our policies and help you understand our posting guidelines, so I hope you’ll look over the update posted in this issue.
Thank you for your beautiful words of love and light in the Heath Memory threads, your patience with and cooperation for the Moderating team, and simply for being the wonderful Brokies that you are.
FlwrChild ^f^
In Memory of Heath Ledger
Forum video tribute - 10 minutes.
Click here to watch and download the video made by Ethan
On the board In Memory of Heath Ledger there are the following topics:
You will find in Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory the tributes from the members of
You will find in Heath Ledger - News Articles and Tributes, articles and tributes from Newspapers, Magazines and other Webpages.
Did you lit your candle? If no, go to Vigil for Heath - light a candle.
You will find in Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger a compilation of the member's tributes & the Vigil for Heath - light a candle.
Posted by jessi on January 24 in Pix with Poems
--- Quote ---I wish I had the photo shop to make this what I'd like. I also wish I had more beautiful words, nothing I can say willl touch what is in my heart.
It is end of day.
The sun has truly gone down,
such small chance to shine.
I'll never find words
your beauty...beyond this world,
your beauty...legend.
--- End quote ---
Posted by jessi on January 25 in Pix with Poems
--- Quote ---
Asked myself the reason, told myself he was just too damn sweet.
Thought I had to have a reason, thought maybe we'd been bad,
not good enough
so the cosmos took back this, this rarest of gifts.
I had to wonder the reason, heart demanded one, gut needed
something to take away the fist.
Told myself too young, too alive, too much to give,
so much to live...
but there's got to be a reason, there's just got to be...
was he too brilliant, too brave, too wonderful, too deep
is that why the pain, our pain, our swear...
Maybe his soul was just too precious, too good, maybe,
or, was he just too damn sweet.
--- End quote ---
Posting guidelines for Pictures
Our current policy for posting images, as found in the forum guidelines, states:
"After previous discussions in the mod team, some pictures posted on the forum had to be removed. We understand many members are big fans of Heath, Jake and others. As supportive fans, let's respect them as who they are and not manipulate their pics to fulfill our fantasy. Collages are allowed of the Brokeback Mountain characters, and of each actor individually, but not of both actors mixed together. To maintain this level of respect, the forum also asks the members not to post paparazzi photos or photos that constitute a clear invasion of their privacy.. Please do not post any nude images - either front or back. We thank you for your understanding and support. If you are not sure about the pix, please check with the mod team first."
Just to clarify this policy, and as the guidelines state as posted above, collages of the different characters within BBM are allowed, collages using various images of any one actor and any of his/her roles are allowed. Collages mixing two or more actors (outside of their BBM roles) are not allowed.
This allows us to avoid confusion about what is permitted, while giving our members room to be creative and share blended collages of any one actor at a time. It doesn't matter if it's the actor as him/herself or a mix of the actor and his/her roles.
So a collage of pictures of Jack and Ennis would be all right, but a collage of pictures of both Jake and Heath would not.
Further, a collage doesn't manipulate the setting or context the character or actor is in. Meaning, you can overlap pictures of BBM characters over a mountain scene, because they are separate images sharing a frame. But you cannot take the screencap from the drive-in scene and superimpose Jack's face over Alma's to make it look like Jack and Ennis are sitting together in the truck.
~ ~ ~
Regarding the policy on paparazzi pictures, we do allow pictures from public events, at which the actors might reasonably be expected to be photographed (sporting events, premieres, etc) unless they are leaving and/or clearly trying to avoid being photographed. We do this out of respect for their wishes regarding privacy. Similarly, as Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams always made it clear that they wanted to maintain their own privacy and that of their daughter, all pictures of Matilda are considered pap shots and will not be allowed.
~ ~ ~
We hope that these guidelines are clear. We look forward to seeing the pictures you post, and hope that you will feel free to ask any moderator anytime you're unsure of the parameters - that's what we're here for!
~ ~ ~
Forum Maintenance
It is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time. If you could please help us in cleaning the inbox & outbox of your personal messages before we proceed.
Here is the maintenance schedule:
February 21
Pacific Time, 8:00pm
Mountain Time: 9:00pm
Central Time: 10:00pm
Eastern Time: 11:00 pm
February 22
United Kingdom: 4:00am
Western Europe: 5:00am
Central Europe: 6:00am
Taiwan: 11:00 am
Australia (Sydney): 3:00pm
If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback, please report them here.
BBM screening in London January 2008
Some lucky Brokies met in London for a screening of Brokeback Mountain in a theater last January 13. They posted their toughts about the experience, Kazza was the first to post about it on January 14. She summaries very well what is it to meet Brokies, we are family. :ghug:
Kazza also organized the event. In two words little darlin': Thank You! ^f^
--- Quote ---…I had read a post of Andy’s on the Oxford thread where he said that meeting with other Brokies, even though they might be strangers to you, is a very special experience…
...I have to say that it was the first time that I have ever been able to sit and speak freely and openly about the film and the feeling that it inspired in me with people who totally understood each other. Brokeback Mountain is something that I’ve not discussed much with other people, not being able to properly and eloquently describe the impact that it has had on me (and I confess being somewhat wary of their reaction). Being with the group yesterday made me feel that I could reveal that part of myself for the first time, and that’s quite something…
--- End quote ---
Click here for the full story and pictures from the event.
Brokies Keep Getting Together Members Reunion - Traveling & Meeting other Brokies
Posted by Ethan on January 17
--- Quote ---I will be traveling in Europe in July and would love to meet up some brokies during my stop.
July 4 - 5, Barcelona
July 13 - 15, Rome
July 15 - 19, Vienna
It will be great to meet up with some of you.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread
Meeting in Las Vegas, Feb 29- March 3 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
JT will be the host in Las Vegas from February 29 to March 3 2008, we don't meet there to visit casinos but like always be with sisters and brothers Brokies, some hiking in the desert is on the menu too :) . Click here to go to the thread. And please let us know if you want to attend this gathering.
BBM Screening at the Samuel Golden Theater in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, California
Started by BayCityJohn on January 8, Brokeback Mountain will be shown this summer at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, California on August 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM as part of the Academy's “Great To Be Nominated” series. Click here to go to the thread.
Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI. Click here to go to the thread.
There are two new threads about the Eau Claire gathering:
Rendezvous Attendees, it is getting time to sign up for the meet in Eau Claire. If you are not sure, you can post your name as probable so, post on this thread your dates/times of arrival/departure, if you could share a hotel room and if you're interested in renting/sharing a car. We need to know how many would make it in order to reserve hotel rooms and other facilities accordingly.
Eau Claire Info page, all you need to know about the city, the hotel, etc...
Connecting to Eau Claire from Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg, France
Some Brokies who can't make it to Eau Claire plan to meet in Strasbourg. From there they'll connect to Wisconsin thru video conferences and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Mountain. :) Click here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008
Oxford, England
The members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next June 20-22, 2008, click here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages
Seattle, WA - August 1-4 2008
Dirtbiker will be the host at the Tee Lake house the first weekend of August, if you're interested click here.
Brussel's gathering - October 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the thread.
When is your personal Brokeback Anniversary?
When was the first time you experienced Brokeback Mountain? If you haven't already done so and you feel like sharing, click on the picture below to go to the thread.
Picture by Bruxa23
New Thread
When Jack got mad...
Started by aintfoolin on January 20, 2008
--- Quote ---First---This is not a bash Jack thread niether do I place blame. I only seek to explore the root of his anger. Sometimes I feel it's justified, sometimes I don't. In his marriage ,LD, and Lureen appear to be controlling factors, in his relationship with Ennis, Ennis seems the controlling factor,( though he could'nt live without :s) Jack) Could'nt stand Aguirre's rules, but needs him too. This had to be frustrating for him.
Rejection from his father, himself very controlling and abusive. Could this be it? Jack's lack of control over his life? An inability to control the direction of his own life? Was he contributing to his own frustration and anger by waiting so long for Ennis? or did he feel led on with *mixed signals* seeing only what he wanted to see? .
I think he only wanted it all to make sense to him. When it did'nt, well just ask LD who dared go toe to toe with him at Thanksgiving. . but was his anger really justified in the confrontation scenes? The divorce scene? He was no wimp, that's for sure. Was his anger focused just on Ennis's rejection ,or at all the people who controlled who he could be his whole life?
Yeah, Ennis could've helped in a big way by agreeing to ranching up, but that was'nt happening, but does'nt he get some credit for being the sacrificing ,faithful , lover? He had his inner demons, yes, so did Jack. And last, did'nt Jack just grow to dread what being in love with someone who could'nt commit to him, did to him and his pride despite all his own sacrifices?, and try desperatly to quit Ennis but could'nt? I mean "one of them things " Ennis did'nt know about, and Jack was'nt tellin), was Randall ,waiting in the wings in Texas. Just sayin...../askin.
Jack brought alot of true happiness to alot of people , but to himself, it proved elusive. Was he just confused ? or an angry victim of fear?
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Brokeback Craft Corner
Posted by Toycoon on February 2
--- Quote ---Howdy Cowfolk,
Here is your newest craft project: the "Old Rose" whiskey label.
Print out the page and back with a sheet of self adhesive paper. Then, trim the label to the line and apply to a blank whiskey bottle. Cut out the collar band and apply to the neck of the bottle. Now you've got a bottle of the fellas' favorite hootch.
Impress yer friends; get loaded and speak more than you have in a whole year!
--- End quote ---
Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about Click on the picture below to share your story.
Picture by Bruxa23
Calendar of the last two weeks
January 28 - Birthdays: voyageur (50)
January 29 - Birthdays: shieldmaid (34), Mariah Lynn (17)
February 1 - Birthdays: aileen (30), atruant (61)
February 2 - Groundhog Day, Birthdays: minorTHREAT (17)
February 4 - Birthdays: darth_tater (27), KatKat (21)
February 5 - Birthdays: whisker (58), ericsantos (42)
February 7 - Chinese New Year, Birthdays: lauren (21)
February 8 - Birthdays: merry (22), lost699 (18)
Happy Chinese New Year!
The Year of the Rat
1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2008 is a Year of the Earth Rat , which begins on February 7, 2008 and ends on January 25, 2009. First in the cycle of 12 Animal signs, Rat Year begins the sequence and recurs every twelfth year. It is a time of renewal in so many ways. From New Year to Valentine's Day, to the arrival of spring, may all the blessings and delights of the New Year be yours.
A Rat Year is a time of hard work, activity, and renewal. This is a good year to begin a new job, get married, launch a product or make a fresh start. Ventures begun now may not yield fast returns, but opportunities will come for people who are well prepared and resourceful. The best way for you to succeed is to be patient, let things develop slowly, and make the most of every opening you can find. People born in an Earth Rat are said to be logical realists, shrewd, charming, ambitious, and inventive. Of course, the entire horoscope must be considered when making any personality assessment.
Calendar for the next two weeks
February 12 - Birthdays: Lent (34), jerasjr (62), helen snail (33)
February 13 - Birthdays: daminya (25), The Artifact (29)
February 14 - Valentine's Day , Birthdays: LuvYouJake (20)
February 15 - Birthdays: lamusica (63), Emzan (17)
February 17 - Birthdays: Magnificat (32), gensfan17 (52)
February 19 - Birthdays: Sanne (22), prairways (34)
February 20 - Birthdays: yann
February 21 - Birthdays: PITA1960 (48), lloydus123 (17)
February 22 - Birthdays: filazahies (41), bram (24), thelastaerie
February 23 - Birthdays: cowgirlKt!
February 24 - Birthdays: jeffjoe (27)
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletter
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click on: Archives
Happy Valentine!
See you in two weeks!
February 11 - 24 2008, editors: Chameau, Flwrchild & Luvjacknasty . Please PM us if you have any questions regarding this issue of the Newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.
chameau: Newsletter
February 25 - March 9 2008
Hello Dearest Brokies,
Next weekend some of us will meet in Las Vegas. For myself it will be a more than welcome break from Winter and indeed another opportunity to reunite with my beloved sisters & brothers that I met here on ennisjack. I said it before, I say it again... meeting Brokies is a blessing. So lets talk more about getting together.
The Las Vegas meeting gets closer every minute, no need to say I can't wait :P You could find more about it here.
Next meeting after Las Vegas will be in Eau Claire Wisconsin the first weekend of May. Some Brokies already confirmed their attendance but since hotel reservations and car pooling are involved we need to know as soon as possible how many of you will make it. So far for the ones arriving by plane there are two points of meeting. One group will meet in Chicago, another one will meet in Minneapolis, from both points we look for car rental and drive to Eau Claire. Please post here if you are interested. We have for now Brokies traveling from Australia, Canada, Finland & Israel among others who already booked flights.
During the same weekend Brokies in Europe who can't make it to Wisconsin plan to meet in Strasbourg, France. From there they will connect to Eau Claire through video conferences, telephone, text messages and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Mountain? :*( Click here for the details.
As of next weekend there will be only two months left for both Eau Claire & Strasbourg gatherings planning.
There is a new project June 1 -7, The Brokeback Roundup in Wyoming, click here for the details.
The next meet will happen in Oxford, England June 20-22, 2008. Once again many Brokies posted they will attend this gathering. Click here if you are interested to make it. :)
And there is also another new project of meeting in Albany New York, July 4-6 2008. It's like a three hours drive from Montreal, how could I resist? :i Click here to go to the thread.
If you are curious about how crazy, funny, overwhelming a Brokie gathering can be you will find here videos from the Montreal, London, Paris & Seattle reunions. If you click on Members Connection you will find the links to all the gatherings with loads of pictures and comments.
If it's going to be your first time don't be shy or afraid to meet Brokies ... we are family and sorry if I repeat myself, meeting Brokies is a blessing. Actually there are more projects for later in the Summer and Fall of this year, we'll talk about 'em later, huh?
Stay tuned,
Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
Note from the Editors, we couldn't quote here all your beautiful tributes, this is a little sample of them.
Posted by LuvJackNasty on February 14
--- Quote ---I’ve been having trouble really articulating my thoughts on all of this. I don’t really know why- too painful? If I say them will it make it real? Haven’t figured that out yet and am not sure I ever will. This morning gave me another crying commute to work. Hearing one song that triggers the tears is more than enough, but lately they’ve been coming in groups. I suppose the logical thing to do would be to change the station but logic isn’t always ever present. Anyway, I don’t know what this is going to come out as- a rant, a ramble, I have no idea. I guess I feel the need to purge some of these thoughts in any way they choose to manifest themselves.
Is it “normal” to be stuck standing still? I know we all handle our grief in different ways and at different paces but shouldn’t denial be over with by now? I keep bouncing back and forth through the “stages”. I know there are no hard and fast rules to those stages but… Is it “normal” to be so suspended in disbelief? I thought NY would be a big reality check for me- nope. Then the word “autopsy”- no, again. Then words like “funeral” and “cremation” would surely be a huge clue. But no, nothing is making this seem real. I don’t know what more I need to have the slightest bit of reality come knocking at my door. I’m not looking for acceptance because that won’t ever come- I may always border the outskirts in order to incorporate this into my life, but I don’t foresee me ever entering that stage. I have moments where I hear my friend’s voice in my head uttering those horrible words in my ear on January 22. Moments where I’ve actually “scolded” myself for buying into such a horrible malicious story (that he had passed away) when that couldn’t possibly be true, only to snap out of it and realize that this is not something that my imagination created.
There is nothing to fix this. No way to change this. There isn’t anything we can do to change the ending. The mind conjures up many, at times too many, thoughts. Some of them should be comforting: “This was meant to be”; “One day we’ll be okay” etc. And those are all very valid and true and I think some small part of me takes comfort in them even if I don’t believe them just yet. But the heart? The heart tells quite a different story. The heart is not only bruised and broken; it is angry and it tells the mind to shut the hell up. Maybe one day the heart will come to understand what the mind has been trying to tell it but it will never accept.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Posted by Carmilla on February 21
--- Quote --- Rest in peace, Heath baby
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---I went to my local cemetery yesterday and lighted a candle for Heath in the place what is meant to the candles and messages to those who are buried elsewhere. It was snowing and the day was turning to the dark in the afternoon. The place was so quiet and beautiful.
--- End quote ---
The original was posted here.
Brokies Keep Getting Together
Last Call! Meeting in Las Vegas, Feb 29- March 3 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
JT will be the host in Las Vegas next weekend. No need to ask, yes we will post loads of pictures and comments about this new reunion :*( . Click here to go to the thread.
Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI. Click here to go to the thread.
There are two new threads about the Eau Claire gathering:
Rendezvous Attendees, it is getting time to sign up for the meet in Eau Claire. If you are not sure, you can post your name as maybe, post on this thread your dates/times of arrival/departure, if you could share a hotel room and if you're interested in renting/sharing a car. We need to know how many would make it in order to reserve hotel rooms and other facilities accordingly.
Eau Claire Info page, all you need to know about the city, the hotel, etc...
Connecting to Eau Claire from Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg, France
Some Brokies who can't make it to Eau Claire plan to meet in Strasbourg. From there they'll connect to Wisconsin thru video conferences and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Mountain. :) Click here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008
Oxford, England
The members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next June 20-22, 2008, click here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages
Seattle, WA - August 1-4 2008
Dirtbiker will be the host at the Tee Lake house the first weekend of August, if you're interested click here.
BBM Screening at the Samuel Golden Theater in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, California
Started by BayCityJohn on January 8, Brokeback Mountain will be shown this summer at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, California on August 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM as part of the Academy's “Great To Be Nominated” series. Click here to go to the thread.
Brussel's gathering - October 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the thread.
Pix with Poems
Posted by jessi last September 14 2007 in Pix with Poems
--- Quote ---Never Enough Time, haiku
Riding in shadows
beneath our timeless mountain,
never enough time.
Loving in shadows
high on a timeless mountain
never enough time.
Crying in shadows
beyond our timeless mountain
never enough time.
--- End quote ---
Meet the Authors
Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx. ;)
You could find more about this here.
Warning! ??? Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.
In this edition of the Newsletter, an interview from LuvJackNasty with Cynical21 author of Night Fire~ The Last Ember;The Greatest Love; Fractured Moments, Broken Dreams; The Short Leash and other ones shots and poems.
--- Quote ---Are you a professional writer?
Not really, although I've been dabbling my whole life - which is a LOOONNNGGG time. :)
If yes, have you published anything and if so what?
Nothing except for a few editorial-type articles for a local newspaper, a few verses in a poetry anthology, and some items for professional journals.
If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?
I work in a public hospital and spend my life trying to figure out a way to create and monitor professional contracts and grants . . . and convince corporate sponsors and philanthropic organizations that it really is to their benefit to give "just a little bit more".
What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?
Wow! That's complicated. First of all, I should mention that the person who meant more to me than almost any other - the 'brother' of my soul - was gay and was also, beyond doubt, the finest man I have ever known. He was a cousin, but he was ever so much more, and we lost him several years ago. And when I saw this incredible film, my first thought was that I wish he had lived long enough to see it, and to find hope that the world might be capable of changing - not overnight and maybe not completely - but enough to enable people like him to find a niche for themselves and be accepted.
Second, I was blessed to have a "Jack" of my own - my own sweet lost love, who shared so many of Jack's qualities that I could barely stand to watch Jake's performance at first. I lost my Jack in the dark horror of Viet Nam, and this character brought him back to me, so vividly that it was both a joy and an awful ache in my heart.
And finally, this story reinforced a belief I have held all my life - that, in a world filled with so much violence and bitterness and hatred, love - in whatever form it takes - cannot be wrong.
Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?
Not currently, but I have written in other fandoms in the past. I am, for example, a huge fan of Ewan McGregor, even going so far as to travel to England to watch him perform on stage in Guys and Dolls, so, of course, I was head-over-hills with him as the young Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars and wrote quite a bit of SW fanfic several years ago. And I was once a Trekker, so I have drawers full of notebooks, filled with scribblings, dating from a time before the Internet made posting fan fic possible.
Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?
Not really. I'm pretty confident and satisfied with my own work, and not insulted or angered when people question or criticize. No one is going to please everyone, and that's something that even professional writers have to accept. I do have a problem with rudeness, but that's a whole different thing.
The only thing that's ever really bothered me, feedback-wise, were some particularly nasty private messages, claiming that the PTB had been advised that I was violating copyright laws and would be investigated and could expect to receive a C&D order shortly. It was at that point that I friends-locked my LJ - but I still publish everything in my Skyehawke archive, available to anybody, because I refuse to be intimidated or driven underground by petty, vindictive individuals who suffer from a form of literary penis envy. ::)
If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... I think we all would change that if we could!)
Well, maybe my take on this is a little bit different from most, because, although I love to daydream and visualize what that "sweet life" would have been like, I really would not change the way the story ends, because to change it is to dilute its message. I always believed that the purpose of BbM was to try to make society understand the terrible damage inflicted by homophobia and narrow minds, and that the story is one-half love story and one-half tragedy. To change either is to take away from the total effect.
On the other hand, the one thing I would have liked to see was in the scene at the very end. When Ennis was alone in that grubby old trailer, and straightened the shirts with tears in his eyes, and opened his mouth to speak, I, also weeping, thought to myself, "Oh, thank you, God. He's finally going to say it."
And he didn't - not exactly. Just once, instead of just "Jack, I swear", I'd have liked to hear, "Jack, I swear, I always loved you - and I always will."
--- End quote ---
Stories can be accessed here .
Discussion thread can be accessed here.
Posted by trekfan on February 14 in Pawning the White Moon - Caption your Favorite BBM Photo
--- Quote ---
Ennis: "You wait right there, Jack, I'll be down those stairs two at a time!"
Happy Valentine's day everyone!
--- End quote ---
Posted by white_angel on February 22 in Your Thought - Review - Reaction after Viewing BBM - May it Be the Nth Times
--- Quote ---The film was done beautifully. I fell in love with the lead characters . Ennis and Jack.
It is so realistic.
The music. the sceneries. the performers. they are absolutely great!
Brokeback Mountain has definitely improved me a lot . my decisions and outlook in life .
It touches not just my heart but my whole being..
Thank you to all the performance in the movie which has made my unthinkable mind thinks many times to why people need the acceptance and the need of love.
Brokeback Mountain authors and producer and all the people behind, are great minds to make us a movie of a life time.
Now I can define love...
--- End quote ---
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about Click on the picture below to share your story.
Picture by Ethan
Calendar for the next two weeks
February 25 - Birthdays: welshwitch (65)
February 26 - Birthdays: Fred (28), fcb (30)
February 27 - Birthdays: carriebeth (26), roy_taylor (51)
February 29 - Event * Las Vegas Gathering Day 1
March 1 - Event * Las Vegas Gathering Day 2
March 2 - Event * Las Vegas Gathering Day 3
March 3 - Event * Las Vegas Gathering Day 4
March 1 - Birthdays: cwhonse (57), matron (19)
March 2 - Birthdays: Padmé Briseis (27), myprivatejack (46), Vanch (17)
March 3 - Birthdays: sergeyvzn (41), hit_or_miss (28), bruxa23 (24)
March 6 - Birthdays: LukeGP (52), Quills (42)
March 7 - Birthdays: ande_nem (18)
March 9 - Birthdays: carbyville (24)
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletter
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click on: Archives
See you in two weeks!
with pictures and stories from the Las Vegas gathering
February 25 - March 9, editors: Asali, chameau & Luvjacknasty . Please PM us if you have any questions regarding this issue of the Newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.
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