ennisjack.com Newsletter
December 17 - 30, 2007
Special EditionDear Brokie family,
December 17, 2007, the forum will be celebrating its 2nd anniversary. "Damn...two years." In the past, I was often asked a question if I had thought this forum would have lasted this long. To this very date, my answer is "never had I imagined" and I can proudly say that it is still growing and growing strong. In fact, the forum welcomed its
4000th member on
December 5, 2007. Can you imagine all 4000 gather at one time? What makes it extraordinarily significant is that Brokies are all over the world. It is just gratifying to see that we have connected and bonded. It doesn't matter if we have met in person.
For this special occasion, I can only thank you for your continued support to Brokeback Mountain and this forum. Thank you for allowing me and this forum a small part in your life. Congratulations on our 2nd anniversary and I look forward to many more. You all have made it possible.
Finally, I'd like to dedicate this poem to all the members. It fits perfectly what we got going on here.
A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.
And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.
Annie Proulx puts it best - "they were respectful of each other's opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected." To me, this is a true Brokie spirit.
Lots of kisses and hugs,
Ethan (administrator)
For more about the forum, I invite you to visit
"ennisjack.con chronology" , just click
Celebrating Two years2-year anniversary at ennisjack.com - A tribute to members You are invited to complete a quizz about your ennisjack.com experience. Click
here to go to the thread.
ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY @ ennisjack.comYou could find
here the answers from the members who completed the quizz last year.
Your ennisjack.com experience Post
there your toughts, greetings and other goodies about our second anniversary.
Collection of ennisjack.com videosOn this thread you will find videos from many gatherings but also our tribute video to the cast and crew of Brokeback Mountain. Click on the picture below.
GalleryVisit our gallery to view all the banners used over the last two years and the t-shirts from the diffferent gatherings.
GalleryMember MapJust a reminder that for members to place themselves on the member map, it is great to see the locations of Brokies around the world, just click on the map.
We met, We meet, We'll meet!Taiwan, Montreal, Michigan, Paris, Chicago, Italy, London, Wisconsin, Finland, Ohio, Norway, New York, Toronto, North Carolina, Israel, Seattle, Maryland, San-Francisco, Barcelona (was it Madrid?

) and so... We must forget somethin' here, huh?

Over the last two years we had many wonderful occasions to meet for real and just be closer friends, more occasions are coming. You will find further on this Newsletter a list and the links to the future projects. If you click on the picture below you will access the Member Connection Board where all the past gatherings links and future ones are posted.

Talking about meeting,
Diana &
Twisted recently met in Finland, click
here for the pictures and the story.
Brokies Keep Getting TogetherBBM screening in London January 2008London, UKBrokeback Mountain is showing in the NFT2 cinema on two dates in January – 10th and 13th. Some lucky Brokies are already lining up. Click
here for the details.
Meeting in Las Vegas, Feb 29- March 3 2008Las Vegas, NevadaJT will be the host from in Las Vegas from February 29 to March 3 2008, we don't meet there to visit casinos but like always be with sisters and brothers Brokies, some hiking in the desert is on the menu too

. Click
here to go to the thread. And please let us know if you want to attend this gathering.
Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008Eau Claire, WisconsinMay 2 -5 2008,
Jerasjr will be the host in
Eau Claire, WI. Click
here to go to the thread.
There are two new threads about the Eau Claire gathering:
Rendezvous Attendees, post on this thread your dates/times of arrival/departure, if you could share a hotel room and if you're interested in renting/sharing a car.
Eau Claire Info page, all you need to know about the city, the hotel, etc...
Connecting to Eau Claire from Strasbourg, FranceStrasbourg, FranceSome Brokies who can't make it to Eau Claire plan to meet in Strasbourg. From there they'll connect to Wisconsin thru video conferences and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Muntain.

here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008Oxford, EnglandThe members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next
June 20-22, 2008, click
here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages Seattle, WA - August 2008It looks like
Dirtbiker wants to see us again next summer, if you're interested click
Brussel's gathering - October 2008Brussels, BelgiumTitabeille and her husband will be the hosts from
October 1 to October 7 2008 in
Brussels, click
here to go to the thread.
Memories...All the links posted here were already posted on the forum and in previous Newsletters, these are some good memories of the last two years. The TrailerI don't know for you but the Trailer still makes me cry, there are many links to it on the web but with this one you could look at it in a full screen version.

Click on the picture.
March of the PenguinsSome people have really a lot of imagination! Click on the picture.
The Wings Video RemixOne of many music videos inspired by BBM. Click on the picture.
BBM FXThere are special effects and digital sheep in BBM, did you know it?

Click on the picture.
Lego BBMTalking about people with imagination...

Click on the picture.

Willie Nelson & Gay CowboysWillie Nelson wrote this song in 1981 and it remained in the closet until Valentine Day 2006... It came out because of Ennis & Jack.
Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other
There's many a strange impulse out on the plains of West Texas;
There's many a young boy who feels things he don't comprehend.
Well small town don't like it when somebody falls between sexes,
No, small town don't like it when a cowboy has feelings for men.
Well I believe in my soul that inside every man there's a feminine,
And inside every lady there's a deep manly voice loud and clear.
Well, a cowboy may brag about things that he does with his women,
But the ones who brag loudest are the ones that are most likely queer.
Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other”
What did you think those saddles and boots was about?
There's many a cowboy who don't understand the way that he feels towards his
Inside every cowboy there's a lady who'd love to slip out.
Ten men for each woman was the rule way back when on the prairie,
And somehow those cowboys must have kept themselves warm late at night.
Cowboys are famous for getting riled up about fairies,
But I'll tell you the reason a big strong man gets so uptight:
Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other”
That's why they wear leather, and Levi's and belts buckled tight.
There's many a cowboy who don't understand the way that he feels towards his
There's many a cowboy who's more like a lady at night.
Well there's always somebody who says what the others just whisper,
And mostly that someone's the first one to get shot down dead:
When you talk to a cowboy don't treat him like he was a sister
Don't mess with the lady that's sleepin' in each cowboy's head.
Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other”
Even though they take speed and drive pickups and shoot their big guns;
There's many a cowboy who don't understand the way that he feels towards his
There's many a cowboy who keeps quiet about things he's done. Click on the picture to see the video.
Forum MaintenanceIt is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time.

Here is the maintenance schedule:
December 19Pacific Time, 8:00pm
Mountain Time: 9:00pm
Central Time: 10:00pm
Eastern Time: 11:00 pm
December 20
United Kingdom: 4:00am
Western Europe: 5:00am
Central Europe: 6:00am
Taiwan: 11:00 am
Australia (Sydney): 3:00pm If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback, please report them
here.How Did You Find/Know this Forum?We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about
ennisjack.com. Click on the picture below to share your story.
Calendar for the next two weeks December 17 - Birthdays:
musicandsun (36),
cowgirlfanfic (17)
*ennisjack.com 2nd AnniversaryDecember 18 - Birthdays:
FulOfSadness (18)
December 19 - Birthdays:
Fleur (29),
MAC (55),
* Jake Gyllenhaal's Birthday December 20 - Birthdays:
ayashae (32)
December 21 - Birthdays:
Del Mar Twist (31),
Carolien (26)
December 22 -
Winter Solstice 
bnjmn3 (42),
karind1 (60),
laerwen (27)
December 24 - Birthdays:
Surya (24)
December 25 -
, Birthdays:
pierralex (28)
December 26 - Birthdays:
Nightwish (34)
December 27 - Birthdays:
katieljb (21)
December 29 - Birthdays:
jacktwist (36),
wayne1932 (75),
whodo64755 (49)
December 30 - Birthdays:
xvbbJ (28),
Magdalena (36)
Member's levels updates20 posts, Alma Jr.Emzan, December 6
100 posts, LureenYB, December 14
Special achievements December 3:
35 000 postsDecember 6:
21 000 postsDecember 13:
Audrey twist,
12 000 postsDecember 14:
10 000 posts &
48 000 postsCongratulations to all!
Got News or Ideas? Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:
Newsletter Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues
Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletter Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click on:
Season's Greetings!

See you in two weeks!
December 17 - 30 2007, editors:
Asali ,
Chameau &
Ethan . Please PM us if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.