Support & Services > Forum Newsletters Newsletter Archive, April to June 2007
chameau: Weekly Newsletter
April 2 - 8 2007
Good day dearest Brokies,
First of all, welcome to our new moderator, Asali . She is from Australia so we have now moderators from 3 different continents and 8 different countries. :)
This week's introduction of the Newsletter is a bit more serious than usual, this is an important message from the Mod Squad:
Lately, the forum has attracted a large number of spammers registering for the sole purpose of spam. We would like you to know that the mod team is working hard to remove spam posted in the forum.
There may be time when the mod team is not fast enough to remove them, please be cautious and DO NOT click any links which are suspicious as they may contain viruses.
Please report them to the mod's attention if you see suspicious spams. Thank you for your help and support. :^^)
Have a nice week,
Member Map
Are you on the map? ???
This is how the map looks like without you :-\\
This is how the map looks like with you, me, he, she and all the Brokies :)
Have a look at the full size map here and position yourself,
each time you will post on the forum, you will display the flag of your country. 8)
Posted in Why I love this Place by Tom and Flwrchild on March 26, Welshwitch on March 27 and Carmilla on March 28
--- Quote from: Tom on Mar 26, 2007, 05:17 PM ---I love this place because sometimes when I want to escape from a bad day I know I will feel better here. Other times when I have a great day I know I can share it here as well.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: FlwrChild on Mar 26, 2007, 05:56 PM ---I love this place because two beautiful boys introduced me to a world full of beautiful people. <^(
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: welshwitch on Mar 27, 2007, 12:59 PM ---This is a place where people speak from the heart, without disguise or pretence, and that's rare today.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: Carmilla on Mar 28, 2007, 02:35 AM ---Everything you said is so true. I love to be here! <^(
--- End quote ---
Link: Why I love this place
Posted by Welshwitch on March 27
--- Quote ---Life began in water - so maybe it's appropriate for Jack's ashes to end there. In a way the ashes could combine the four elements - they are the result of burning, some could fall to earth, some be blown away in the air and some carried off by water - and Jack would become, as we all eventually do, part of the Earth and one day part of the universe.
--- End quote ---
Link: What Would Ennis Do With Jack's Ashes?
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
Posted by Crabtreeblue on March 29
--- Quote ---:h) I found this site after watching BBM for the first time (PBS). I am a big youtube watcher and saw lots of BBM MVs uploaded by frog123 that were created by Ravenus. I saw that they were from so I came here to check it out and I'm glad I did. :clap:
--- End quote ---
Click here to tell us how you found
Pix with Poems
Once again, many thanks to all of you who write poems about the boys and share them with us, please keep writing and sharing. :c)
Posted by Tom on March 25
--- Quote ---Sway
I sit and watch. He sleeps, but wakes inside my head.
And takes me back into his bed
And there we are what we’re supposed to be
As I muse, his eyes are closed, but I still see
A look of love from him to me
And in his dreams, his eyes don’t see, my eyes gaze back
in wonder.
I reach for him, I trace the lines across his brow
And in his waking eyes so dreamy now
I search for the love I felt for him, and find it still
I take his hand and then he smiles and whispers sweet
“The very man I wished to meet”
And meet we did, though that was o’er the years
So seldom.
I smile at the memory of his words, of a time of youth
and lust and love
Now I dream he stands behind. And I sway with him
--- End quote ---
Link: Sway
Meet the Authors
Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx. ;)
You could find more about this here.
Warning ??? Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.
This is an interview posted by LuvJacknasty with Alexisg author of Fortunate Son
The discussion thread and the link to the story are here.
--- Quote ---1. Are you a professional writer?
I'm not a professional in the sense that I get paid to write, unfortunately. I majored in Lit/Creative Writing in college, and have pretty much written all my life. I have a lot of rejection letters from various endeavors, though! I had a few things published during my college years, but mostly in small press journals.
In my day-to-day, I work in the InfoSec field. I deal with computer security audits and risk. I do spend a lot of time writing, but it's pretty dry stuff!
2. What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?
I think I was just so intensely moved by their story, by the fact they spent 20 years reaching for something that they never could have. I felt I wanted to try to rectify that in some way, that I wanted to do something for them that they couldn't do for themselves.
3.Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?
Prior to writing in Brokeback Mountain fandom, I wrote in the Queer as Folk UK fandom. I've written about 40 stories in total for QAFUK.
4. Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?
I think that anyone can find it hard to deal with criticism and comments that might not be favorable. Most writing is intensely personal and it be hard to detach yourself from the story. That being said, I spent many years in an environment that was full of constructive criticism and am in many ways used to it. I do like when people tell me WHY something bothered them, rather than just telling me they didn't like it.
5. If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... I think we all would change that if we could!)
I'd probably say that I wish movie Ennis was closer to novella Ennis. I really think novella Ennis was a little more open to that 'sweet lfe', if given the right prodding. There were also a few scenes/phrases left out/changed around for the movie. Probably one of the biggest ones involves the scene up on the mountain, after their first night together. Jack is the one that tells Ennis it's a one-shot thing they have going on. It's little things like those that change perceptions of the characters.
--- End quote ---
Brokies Get Together Spring 2007 European get together
Paris, France
June 1 - 4 in Paris, France. We found the hotel, the price range is from 42 to 50 Euros per person/day for a shared room. Click here to go to the main discussion thread and the details..
There is a thread for attendance. If you're going to be in Paris, please post your name and dates here.
For informations about the hotel and traveling to Paris or traveling in Paris click on the picture below.
West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!
Seattle, WA
The dates are August 4 - 7, 2007, the place is Seattle WA. Dirtbiker will be the host, many members already posted their interest about this project, click here to go to the thread.
If you have questions about a future gathering please Email Chameau:
In Your Words: an retrospective
If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them. Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.
Calendar for next week
April 1 - April Fools
April 2 - Birthdays: martijnop (37), maya (18)
April 4 - Birthdays: Jürgen (47) Events: * Heath Ledger Birthday
April 5 - Birthdays: bluekate (32)
April 6 - Birthdays: mtlion2 (72)
April 7 - Birthdays: PST (58), Kemmer (62), dly64 (43)
Forum Achievements
75 000 posts in the Silver Wolves Thread on March 31.
Member's levels updates
20 posts, Alma Jr.
Crabtreeblue, on March 29
100 posts, Lureen
Jackster, on March 26
200 posts, Alma
MaxHim, on March 31
Jack, 500 posts
JT, on March 29
2000 posts, Jack + Ennis
KitKat , on March 31
Special achievements
Mars, 24 000 posts on March 29, Keren_b, 4000 posts, on March 30, Asali, 7000 posts, on April 1st.
Congratulations to all! :clap:
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletter
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click on: Archives
Good-bye, see you next week. :c)
April 2 - 8 2007, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
chameau: Weekly Newsletter
April 9 - 15 2007
Hi Brokies,
Where was my head last week? Probably where the blue birds sing and there's a whiskey spring. ::) I just forgot about Easter... So Happy belated Easter, huh?
Friends we have mentioned this subject in prior Newsletters, but since the last time many new members registered. We still have a number of members who do not know how to resize pictures. It is time for a recap. Large pictures take more time to download. An original post is fine, however, when you are quoting a post with a picture, we ask that you please downsize it. Downsizing helps pages load faster. Keep in mind that when several members are quoting the same post with the same picture, it can make some threads repetitive. We have a tutorial about this, just click on any of the pictures below.
Thanks for helping us keeping the forum in good shape and special thanks to City Slickin' Cowboy for his help in editing the current Newsletter. :ghug:
Have a nice week,
Since we moved to the new forum, maybe you didn't notice the gallery. We posted there the banners, a showcase of all the past banners used in the forum and the BBM Gathering T-Shirts, T-shirt prints from gatherings in London and Bay City and the project for the Paris gathering T-Shirt. You could post comments in the gallery. :)
Click here to visit the gallery.
Pix with Poems
Posted by frenchcda on March 25
--- Quote ---
The banter…!
Tell me oh fortitude of death
You who has broken asunder my heart
Now still in loneliness
Wondering in the ever
While seven tides
Severed seven sides
Upon the seven seas
And among the heaven and earth
Growling nothing
But empty sounds remained
In the end spawned a birth
In the bowels of empty streets
Between shades of grey
Where ghosts from past near and afar
Hissed the air before
A sun too soon had risen
Upon a new life
That is where the dying of night
Man’s hatred faded old memories to lull
Upon too many icy folds
To unveil but a simple hush
Is what mortals sung by its evil
No less brethren
It revealed my breath
It truest of mortal tongue,
Sleepless on my own,
Now stands holy
As I lay beneath a bed of roses
To even your sake in what time created
Knowing well my peace
Was made of love
--- End quote ---
Link: The banter…!
Posted by Manolo on April 3
--- Quote ---After I saw BBM the first time, I was emotionally stunned. All I could see was the crater where the movie had hit. Only later did PBS set in. I see it as a healing process. It involves gradually filling in the crater. I saw some of my oldest relationships, those causing the most suffering for so many years, in radical new ways. Somehow the movie helped authenticate those experiences, making me realize that they were worth the suffering. As a result, the suffering eased up. I saw that, given the circumstances of the time, I could not have done anything different, and neither could the other people in my life. It makes no sense to blame myself or anyone else.
I won't try to say too much at this time. The crater is only about half filled. I'm getting a new emotional life, a far better model than the old one.
En amistad,
--- End quote ---
Link: PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
Posted in Why I love this place by titabeille on April 2, ten-chi-ka-sui and jerasjr on April 4 and froggy on April 5.
--- Quote from: titabeille on Apr 02, 2007, 01:25 PM ---I like this place because in these difficult moments, there is always somebody to go up the moral one. :)
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--- Quote from: ten-chi-ka-sui on Apr 04, 2007, 09:00 AM ---I had visited many other forums before I found this one. Here is the only place I know, where people talk and share feelings and experiences without any aggression, judging or quarrels. You do not criticize each other nor deride, prejudge and so on. I feel comfortably and welcome here, that's why I really love this place. You all people make this place so open, frienldy and comforting. Thank you ^f^
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--- Quote from: jerasjr on Apr 04, 2007, 10:38 AM ---I love this place because it has allowed us to go beyond our safe and familiar spaces, sharing that which is important to us, and learning what is important to others. What we find is familiar to all of us, that we be treated with respect and care for us as a person, a person who counts, a person who has feelings and opinions, a person who has multitiudes to give to others if given the chance. Ennisjack has given us that chance, and we would be foolish not to take full advantage of that, so that in the time to come we will be able to say that in this time and this space, BBM and were a gift of joy and caring and hospitality that will stay with us and those who touched us.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: Froggy on Apr 05, 2007, 01:08 PM ---I love this place for many reasons, but lately even more so because it has carried me through highs and lows.
I have been away for quite some time, but I knew that if I needed my ennisjack friends, they would be here.
Some helped greatly, they don't know it, but looking at some of their cards and presents helped me through difficult days.
Waking up to Ethan's poster and cham's photos, Tom's DVDs, Esme's Jack and Cody's cards as well as Jan's sheep and tpe's brouch have been rays of sunshine in the greyest of days.
I love this place, but most of all I love you guys x
--- End quote ---
Link: Why I love this place
Meet the Authors
Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx. ;)
You could find more about this here.
Warning ??? Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.
This week, an interview of passionscowboys, author of A Mother's Love, you could read and discuss about it here.
--- Quote ---1. Are you a professional writer?
No, this is the first time I was ever so moved by a film that I felt I had to write about it, as a catharsis. I saw that others were exploring their feelings through writing, and I thought I would as well.
2. What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?
I was just so moved by the story, haunted actually, and I had unanswered questions and thoughts about it that I wanted to pursue.
3.Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?
4. Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers? No, not at all - I'm happy to get any kind of comment, because as I said I'm not a professional writer. Most everyone has been kind, and constructive criticism is helpful.
5. If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... I think we all would change that if we could!)
Of course I'd love to have Jack alive, but I think the question that haunted me most of all is that they never told each other how they felt, or how much they meant to each other - and that they loved each other. Jack died I feel not knowing this, and Ennis was left with the regret of not having said it.
--- End quote ---
Brokies Get Together Spring 2007 European get together
Paris, France
June 1 - 4 in Paris, France. We found the hotel, the price is about 50 Euros per person/day for a shared room. Click here to go to the main discussion thread and the details..
There is a thread for attendance. If you're going to be in Paris, please post your name and dates here.
For informations about the hotel and traveling to Paris or traveling in Paris click on the picture below.
West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!
Seattle, WA
The dates are August 4 - 7, 2007, the place is Seattle WA. Dirtbiker will be the host, many members already posted their interest about this project, click here to go to the thread.
If you have questions about a future gathering please Email Chameau:
In Your Words: an retrospective
If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them. Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.
This one was posted on February 9 2006 by Shieldmaid
--- Quote ---I think this all just shows what a powerful and amazing movie BBM is. It invites us in--it lets us see exactly how these characters become friends, fall in love, share intimacy, hurt one another, feel joyful together, and finally mourn what they have lost. Our pain is so intense because the film shows us exactly how vulnerable the characters themselves are--and we feel so frustrated because they have this beautiful love that society won't let them celebrate. Every time I've seen this movie, I just want to hug them both to me and tell them it's OK--they should love and be happy together. I wish I could keep them both safe in my heart--I think we all do.
Link: Is it normal still crying even after 3rd time watching BBM?
--- End quote ---
Calendar for next week
April 9 - Birthdays: Hoshi_No_Ame (19), Mellon (16)
April 10 - Birthdays: carolcat (24)
April 11 - Birthdays: Stef1104 (21), Prepster (16), Lattoflex (51)
April 14 - Birthdays: bretski40 (44), BBM Bulgaria (25)
Member's levels updates
20 posts, Alma Jr.
Fierytopazgirl, on April 2
Momiji, on April 5
100 posts, Lureen
Crabtreeblue, on April 2
200 posts, Alma
Crabtreeblue, on April 4
Manhattangirl, on April 8
Ennis, 1000 posts
Titabeille, on April 8
Special achievements
Chameau, 18 000 posts on April 2, LuvJackNasty, 15000 posts, on April 2, Tpe, 21000 posts, on April 4, Flwrchild, 10, 000 posts, on April 5
Congratulations to all! :cr)
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletter
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click on: Archives
Ciao Brokies! <^(
April 9 - 15 2007, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
chameau: Weekly Newsletter
April 16 - 22 2007
Bonjour Brokies,
Last week was our fiftieth edition of the Newsletter, we only skipped a week since the first edition on April 23 2006. Due to the Montreal ghatering and the holiday and vacation period in North-America we skipped a week. Next week will be our Newsletter's first anniversary. This is what I wrote in the introduction of the July 3 - July 18 edition after a week of absence:
--- Quote ---Hi Brokies,
Time flies so fast :P Sorry for skipping last week's Newsletter but it's summer, many editors are on vacation and the Montreal Gathering kept others busy. Montreal's first encounter of members was a huge success, better than what we expected. The live chat on Sunday July 2nd was one of a life time experience for my guests and I. :-\\ :\'( <^(
--- End quote ---
As a reminder the archives of all past Newsletters could be find here. Yes the time flies so fast indeed, the first week-end of June I'll be in Paris to meet my Brokie sisters and brothers for the 4th time since last July, not even a year, yes you could call me crazy.
On another subject, it's time for our regular maintenance routine next April 17 & 18, the date depends on where you live on our little planet, the details are below.
Friends, have another excellent week on
The forum is going to have maintenance and perform backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time.
Here is the maintenance schedule:
Pacific Time, 8:00pm April 17
Mountain Time: 9:00pm April 17
Central Time: 10:00pm Apirl 17
Eastern Time: 11:00 pm April 17
United Kingdom: 4:00am April 18
Western Europe: 5:00am Apirl 18
Central Europe: 6:00am Apirl 18
Taiwan: 11:00 am April 18
Australia (Sydney): 4:00pm April 18
If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback, please report them here.
In Your Words: an retrospective
If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them. Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.
This one was posted on may 17th 2006 by BBBOY
--- Quote ---For me, watching Brokeback Mountain is like watching a rose bud open. Each petal opens and reveals one more beautiful than the last. There is not a moment that is not always new and revealing of the human condition. I am content with that, I need nothing else. We live in a world where everything seems to be programed, categorized, compartmentalized, desensitized. People are too busy making money, raising kids without really raising them, being aggressive, being negative and nasty, being lost with no base. Give me a rose to watch bloom and I can live with the rest.
--- End quote ---
Link: Is it normal still crying even after the 3rd time wacthing BBM?
Posted by Jackster on April 10
--- Quote ---IMHO one of Annie’s inspirations is the complex balance she creates in the SS. So much of modern American life is focused on finding whose at fault when things go wrong or don’t work out. I think she shows rather beautifully that sometimes things just go wrong and it can’t be blamed on any person or event. Especially when it involves complicated constructs like people’s lives and loves. These two guys were pretty good for each other given a time and a place when the choices were pretty limited, and they both did achieve a bit of painful self-realization of who they were.
One difference I have in interpreting her simple phrases “Nothing ended, nothing begun, nothing resolved” and “they torqued things almost to where they had been” – to me this indicates a slight movement (the direction isn’t specified) but some movement. These are kind of contradictory, but I’m optimistic enough to think of it as an advancement in understanding their relationship if not a sea-change. Ennis’s “heart shot” (in the film his admittance that he couldn’t stand it any longer) is, IMHO a sign of progress.
--- End quote ---
Link: How did Ennis and Jack Really see each other?
Posted by Masetane on April 14
--- Quote ---I just watched the movie for a second time and I just feel so awful. I feel awful that people have to feel like this at all. :\'(
But poor Ennis. He managed all he could and I feel so sad that he is now all alone. Kids growing up not with him, Jack is gone, fight with Jack the last time they met and finding out that Jack was going to try and live a life without him with Randall (so I can only guess..)....
It's just all so sad. I just feel so awful that he is alone and has no one to share his feelings with anymore.....that's such a sad place to be.
I think his comment "I swear Jack.." was that he was going to try and live outside his box to make others happy. Such as being a part of his daughters wedding instead of his job and how happy it made her. I think Jack taught him that lesson.
--- End quote ---
Reply by tamlynn on April 14
--- Quote ---Now I haven't watched Brokeback at all today... and have shed no tears... til I read your message. I know, as we all do here, what you are going through. Isn't it frustrating? Ennis is living like a stick because the odds were against having the one he loved in his life. I only first saw the movie 2 weeks ago, and every other day since then and I just can't quit it or the feelings it stirred up. People here seem to be helped a lot by sharing and by delving into details. It seems to be very healing to shift one's focus from the sadness to the dirth of details. So keep sharing and caring, tender heart. You aren't alone.
--- End quote ---
Reply by keren_b on April 15
--- Quote ---It amazes me to see how the movie affected all of us in the same way... "PBS" is not just some concept we invented, it really does exist. when I read posts by new members it reminds me of the very same things I wrote when I first came here, and the things I've read from people who came after me: "I can't stop thinking about Ennis and Jack." "the music doesn't leave my head." "I feel so empty." "how do you get over the sadness?" "I can't stop crying." "does it get better?" I kept reading the same things from more and more people, from all around the world, and I realized I was not alone. But PBS is not a disease, I feel that we're blessed to have it. And as much as it hurts sometimes to go through all these feelings, if this is what they call a disease, I'd rather be sick than healthy. And yes, it does get better eventually.
--- End quote ---
Link: PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
Tales of a Festival
There is a new webpage dedicated to the Cannes Festival and it's history.
Warning! You could spend hours there, it's very addictive. :P
Click on the logos below for either the French or the English version.
Click on CELLULOID to visit our thread dedicated to the seventh art.
New thread
Started by manhattangirl on April 9
--- Quote ---Jack and Ennis were partners, friends, and lovers. They proved to work well together, enjoy drinking and talking with each, and they loved each other deeply.
The question I have that's always lingering in the back of mind, was there ever a question of dominance between the two?
Before the FNIT you could call them "buddies", not a threat to one another, no power plays made. But from the FNIT to the Final Confrontation the dynamic of their relationship changed. Ennis exerted his will on Jack on how thing were going to go sexually and emotionally, the when, and the where, but Jack in turn exerted his will initiating these moments to happen, sexually, emotionally. In every relationship there is, whether we admitted or not, a power game is going on. The struggle between Jack and Ennis was a constant battle.
Does this question dominance applies to them? Was dominance between Jack and Ennis interchangeable? If one was a dominate force who was it?
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Pix with Poems
Posted by Tom on April 8
--- Quote ---The Return
It wasn’t easy coming back here
Looking down upon this ground
Where we once held each other dear
Where years ago we rolled around
It wasn’t easy getting up here
I’m not the boy who though so agile
Couldn’t move , was struck with fear
Then gave his heart and soul, so fragile
I found it hard to catch my breath
As the sky grew dim and moon so bright
I did not think of untimely death
'Stead the memories took me to that night
And as I looked the tears just flowed
Over this shirt so worn and old
O’er every crease, the sweat and blood
That I thought I’d lost, and you'd kept hold
But I’m here because your mother called
And said 'he' had gone and that she knew
That I’d make things right, I’d fix it all
And make your final wish come true.
So here we are together again
I’m saying goodbye to my dearest love
You fly from my hand through the trees as they bend
And I watch you soar in the winds above
I tell myself I’ll let junior know
To bring me here when my time is through
And our one shot thing will be ever more
And once again I’ll soar with you
--- End quote ---
Link: The Return
Brokies Get Together Spring 2007 European get together
Paris, France
June 1 - 4 in Paris, France. We found the hotel, the price is about 50 Euros per person/day for a shared room. Click here to go to the main discussion thread and the details..
There is a thread for attendance. If you're going to be in Paris, please post your name and dates here.
For informations about the hotel and traveling to Paris or traveling in Paris click on the picture below.
West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!
Seattle, WA
The dates are August 4 - 7, 2007, the place is Seattle WA. Dirtbiker will be the host, many members already posted their interest about this project, click here to go to the thread.
If you have questions about a future gathering please Email Chameau:
Calendar for next week
April 16 - Birthdays: seyer (32), bettel (38)
April 18 - Birthdays: Krispera (17)
April 20 - Birthdays: dissident (33), atz75 (32)
April 21 - Birthdays: cremetorte (20), MississaugaRed (44), queen_of_the_road (20)
April 22 - Earth Day, Birthdays: wojciech (33), Jack F. Twist (JFT) (48)
Forum Achievements
100 pages in the Who the hell is more sexy? Ennis or Jack? thread.
Member's levels updates
20 posts, Alma Jr.
Front Ranger, on April 14
Jack, 500 posts
Crabtreeblue, on April 15
Special achievements
Mars, 25000 posts on April 9, MississaugaRed, 3000 posts on April 12, Tizi17, 3000 posts on April 14, Rosie, 3000 posts on April 15.
Congratulations to all!
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletter
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click on: Archives
See you next week
April 16- 22 2007, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
chameau: Weekly Newsletter
April 23 - 29 2007
Weekly Newsletter - 1st. Anniversary Edition
Dear Brokies,
A year ago, the forum posted its very first issue of the Weekly Newsletter. How time flies.
As the countdown toward 1st anniversary winds down, it is fitting that we take a look back at the year gone by. There are so many wonderful events and people to chronicle for the Newsletter, that I am sure some have been overlooked. Therefore, apologies in advance. The Newsletter could not exist without the contribution of all members, so each one of you should take pride in your own efforts for making the Newsletters possible. Your contribution to this forum is the heart of the Newsletter. We hope there will many more to come.
My sincerest gratitude goes to chameau who is committeed and working tirelessly for the Newsletters weeks after weeks. Please join me to acknowlegde his devotion and efforts. Also, many thanks to those who have helped edit and contribute along the way.
Let's celebrate this important milestone of Happy Anniversary!!
Love, Ethan – administrator
In Your Words: an retrospective
If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them. Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.
Posted by Titabeille on April 16
--- Quote ---If I could whrite in english as well as you crabtreeblue, CSC, Keren, Ksxks, Flwrchild, Cham and all the others...I could say : that movie has changed my view of love between two men.
First, when I heared about BBM (by my daughter) I said : "I'll never want to watch such things...".
But once I've seen it, I changed my mind. Now, I can't stay a long time far from it. The way the story is showed is full of emotions and you can't help to be furious against narrow minded people who condemned homosexuals. The movie shows us how a love can be deep whatever the partners.
--- End quote ---
Link: PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
Posted by Flwrchild on April 18, a very interesting discussion followed all week long.
--- Quote ---Just a quick comment on some of the references made to who had the power, or control, in this relationship. It is usually percieved that Ennis did, and in many ways I would agree. But I have been in a relationship where both parties thought the other had the power. And when you believe you don't have that power, then to a certain extent it's true. It was in Ennis's power to grant what Jack wanted/needed, Jack couldn't make him do it. But Ennis was a prisoner of his own perceptions and therefore not just unwilling but unable to make those things happen. Because he genuinely believed that he had no power or control at all.
As to what each thought of the other in regard to power in the relationship, Jack probably had a better sense of what he was up against (namely Ennis's fears and confusion). Ennis, I think, didn't feel that he was up against Jack in a power struggle, so much as he was up against the whole universe.
Ennis was trapped in a room that was only locked in his mind. But even though the door was unlocked all the time, as long as he believed it was locked, he would never be able to open it.
--- End quote ---
Link: How did Ennis and Jack Really see each other?
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about Click on the picture below to share your story.
New thread
Started by Aintfoolin on April 17
--- Quote ---This is what Jack wanted and it's what most of us wanted for them, but could this really work? This is speculation but with these two personalities living together ....well I don't know I have some doubts. Jack is outgoing , agressive and willing to take chances. Ennis, Quiet, reserved and so restrained? What would be the glue that really holds this * marriage* together? Could they trust each other? What roles would each play? Could Ennis *live* with Jack? What would happen if Jack's dream came true? Where would they live? and how? These are things Ive thought about often. It's all speculation, but what if?......
--- End quote ---
Link: The Sweet Life?
Brokies Get Together Spring 2007 European get together
Paris, France
June 1 - 4 in Paris, France. We found the hotel, the price is about 50 Euros per person/day for a shared room. Click here to go to the main discussion thread and the details..
There is a thread for attendance. If you're going to be in Paris, please post your name and dates here.
For informations about the hotel and traveling to Paris or traveling in Paris click on the picture below.
West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!
Seattle, WA
The dates are August 4 - 7, 2007, the place is Seattle WA. Dirtbiker will be the host, many members already posted their interest about this project, click here to go to the thread.
If you have questions about a future gathering please Email Chameau:
Let's get to know each other!
Started by Crabtreeblue on April 15
--- Quote ---So I was thinking that we should start a thread for newbies like me to get to know all the pro brokies and other newbie brokies better. This is kind've like "The Person Below" game and "Wrong Answer" but with real answers and questions. First you post your response to the question above. Then, you can post any question you want that anyone can answer. Guess I'll start this with a random bit of info about me.
My most favoritest cheese is Mozarella. ;D
Who is your favorite BBM character and why?
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Pix with Poems
We have now 100 pages in Pix with Poems, 100 pages of love, 100 pages of feeling, thank you for sharing your work and please, don't stop.
Posted by Jessi on April 13
--- Quote ---
Moon rose and lighted
Lonely Night, found...loved...worshiped
His treasure, than set.
--- End quote ---
Link: Moon
Posted by Frenchcda on April 13
--- Quote ---
It was not in knots
What torments upon these hands
One couldst thou kiss the moon without fear
Yet against all odds trough the fading skies
Thee lied before the gale awaken
Deemed to hold on dearly unto thy name
As my heart half a world away died among the poor
Hollowed of life like a borough emptied from its water
When the river too soon has gone dry
At the doorway of the dead
Seeking an everlasting peace
Out of this min bitter soul
When all streams have but gone dry
I will dare and not die
Bare and cold
Hopelessly alone
For I truly know, I held unto thou name
Despite bathing in confusion
Upon a tumultuous ocean of sleepless darkness
My eyes, my ears, my breathe
Remain the Eden of our love
Among the holocaust of sadness
Audible to the solace broken asunder by what winded
Burning this earth, our devotion echoed
Be it only to beguile the hills
That once held our youth in her bosoms
To become the promises of the old
Weeping willows and standing oaks
This forest holds as a legacy
More memories to be filled with mercy
Stories of the likes of you and me
In secrets fond be its streams
That time will seep
In words we alone feel
--- End quote ---
Link: Knots
Calendar for next week
April 23 - Birthdays: Jennis Del Twist (51)
April 24 - Birthdays: _____ghostrider (19)
April 25 - Birthdays: wny (40)
April 26 - Birthdays: CoraJack (37)
April 27 - Birthdays: natalia (17), bbmlover (35), pify (20)
April 28 - Birthdays: Toadily
Forum Achievements
100 pages in Pix with Poems on April 18, First year Anniversary of the Newsletter on April 22
Member's levels updates
20 posts, Alma Jr.
Masetane, on April 16
Tamlynn, on April 16
eric_idle_rules, on April 16
Voyageur, on April 17
tpring64 , on April 21
200 posts, Alma
Maggie, on April 19
Special achievements
Mars, 26 000 posts on April 16, City Slickin' Cowboy, 16 000 posts on April 17, Tpe, 22 000 posts on April 18
Congratulations to all!
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletter
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click on: Archives
Ciao Brokies.
April 23 - 29 2007, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
chameau: Weekly Newsletter
April 30 - May 6 2007
Bonjour Brokies,
The Paris gathering is getting closer every day and yes... I'm kind of getting more and more excited every day.
Many new French members joined lately and we started an information thread in French concerning the coming Paris reunion. If you don't mind for now the next part of this this introduction will be in French.
--- Quote ---Les Brokies à Paris - 1er au 4 juin 2007
Salut les francos, il y aura une réunion des Brokies de à Paris au début juin, vous êtes tous les bienvenus. Il y aura entre autres activités le visionnement de Brokeback Mountain. Pour connaître tous les détails vous n'avez qu'à cliquer sur l'émoticon tricolore ci-dessous.
--- End quote ---
Back to English... if you want to look at the Paris Gathering thread in French, click on the smiley above. ;)
On another subject, many new members have been asking about the Brokeback Mountain character's name and stars showing under their member's name each time they post. This will change automatically depending on what membership level you achieved.
Membership Levels are related to your number of posts :
0 - 19 Cassie
20 - 99 Alma Jr.
100 - 199 Lureen
200 - 499 Alma
500 - 999 Jack
1000 Ennis
2000 Jack + Ennis
Newsletter Editors have 1 blue star
Moderators have 3 green stars
Global Moderators have 3 orange stars
Administrators have 3 red stars
Friends, have a nice week!
In Your Words: an retrospective
If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them. Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.
This one was posted on March 13 2006 by JerBear418720
--- Quote ---A few times in a life, if you're lucky, you get to bear witness to something that can be called magnificent.
In its purity, simplicity, honesty and beauty, Brokeback Mountain is one of those experiences.
I feel privileged that this extraordinary work of art was created during my lifetime so that I could be here to see it, love it, stand in awe of it, and preserve it in my heart along with all of the rest of you extraordinary people.
With reverence,
Jerald L. Collins
Link: Tribute to BBM - please add yours
--- End quote ---
Posted by wideawake on April 22
--- Quote ---Its been 2 months since I first saw BBM. After a period of being emotionally wrecked and heart-broken, I noticed a few changes in my life. First - I have reknewed hope that I too might find love again - as I had given up after my last relationship failed. Second - I look for and take opportunities that come my way and find that I now try to build wonderful memories - on a daily basis. Third - I have a new energy and thirst for life that I never knew possible.
The overall effect this movie made on my life "I stopped existing and started living".
I cant begin to thank all involved in BBM - my life is now wonderful, packed full of energy, hope, love and beauty.
--- End quote ---
Link: Video Tribute to BBM & the Members
Posted by zephK on April 23
--- Quote ---I think that Ennis was charmed by Jack's outgoing nature. Ennis was a very deprived child, Mom and Dad dead when he was 14; lived with his older brother (17) and sister (no age given) with no stated outside support for these three orphans. They didn't have a lot of money, he didn't have a whole lot of fun, and given the remoteness of the ranches where he lived, you know there wasn't a lot of hanging together with anyone after school. He had to drive an hour to get there! Ennis hadn't met that many people in his life (due to his remote location - a small town on the edge of the least populated state, which is still some huge acreage) and he certainly had never met anybody as funny, creative and talkative as Jack. Jack, OTOH, looked at Ennis as the big butch can-do guy: Kill an elk, take over the "herder's" job for him, make decisions like sticking through separating the sheep, etc. Jack, fun; Ennis the anchor. (Not for nothing there's an anchor lamp on the wall over Jack's bed.) IMHO.
--- End quote ---
Link: How did Ennis and Jack Really see each other?
Posted by Hpv on April 27
--- Quote ---Froggy and everyone of the members of this wonderful forum.. every word is gold..
This place is so special to me,over and over again we will be meeting each other,this is all just the beginning for so many to come...and for those who we can't meet right will day. More and more people will notice the true miracle that this Forum has brought to us,in so many levels too....changing lives through moving or just changing (jobs even..) and most importantly...
we are evolving into butterflies...freeing ourselves from doubt and insecurities. To live our lives as we were meant to be.....
And that's why I love this place. <^(
--- End quote ---
Link: Why I love this place
Pix with Poems
The drabble was posted by Flwrchild on April 17, Chameau couldn't resist but add some pictures.
--- Quote ---A Moment in Time
Two boys, just becoming men, wrestled happily in the afternoon sun. The sheer joy of being together propelled their every movement, no thought given to the days to come.
A pair of eyes watched them from the trees, disapproving and scornful, a grim foretelling of what they would face from the outside world.
Another pair of eyes watched from above, loving eyes that knew the hardships they would face in the future. Preparing arms that would welcome them home when their long journey was through.
And on the grass below, blissfully unaware of the scrutiny from either set of eyes, the two figures came together in one moment of perfect happiness.
--- End quote ---
Link: A Moment in Time
Brokies Get Together Spring 2007 European get together
Paris, France
June 1 - 4 in Paris, France. We're getting closer every day to our next gathering. Click here for the latest news... there are latest news. 8)
There is a thread for attendance. If you're going to be in Paris, please post your name and dates here.
For informations about the hotel and traveling to Paris or traveling in Paris click on the picture below.
West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!
Seattle, WA
The dates are August 4 - 7, 2007, the place is Seattle WA. Dirtbiker will be the host, many members confirmed they will be in Seattle, click here to go to the thread.
If you have questions about a future gathering please Email Chameau:
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about Click on the picture below to share your story.
Calendar for next week
April 30 - Birthdays: julie_grrl135 (24), Gus (36), HQ (63)
May 1 - Birthdays: Cowboy Cody (41), josie81 (26), Midnight Cowboy (38)
May 2 - Birthdays: horo04 (36)
May 3 - Birthdays: my3rs (47), jack247 (13)
Member's levels updates
20 posts, Alma Jr.
FredPtiteFée, on April 24
100 posts Lureen
eric_idle_rules, on April 23
Lauren, on April 25
Voyageur, on April 26
FredPtiteFée, on April 27
200 posts Alma
eric_idle_rules, on April 26
csung0928, on April 27
thelastaerie, on April 29
Ennis 1000 posts
jacks_key, on April 26
Crabtreeblue, on April 27
Special achievements
Mars, 27 000 posts on April 24
Congratulations to all!
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletter
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click on: Archives
See you next week!
April 30 - May 6 2007, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
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