Author Topic: Newsletter Archive, October to December 2006  (Read 11863 times)

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin' Weekly Newsletter
– October 2 - 8, 2006 -

Hello Brokies,

For  this week's introduction we will  quote City Slickin’ Cowboy, his comments are about the spirit of the forum, well said CSC.   O0

Have a nice week on


Posted by City Slickin' Cowboy on September 25

What started out to be a place to unload my thoughts and feelings regarding BBM has become much more.  Looking back at my emotional state during the first few viewings of this masterpiece, I was a complete (yet functional) wreck.  Since joining, the following months have allowed me to discuss these thoughts and feelings while gradually getting a grip on some emotional turmoil unleashed as a result of the film.  I never expected this site to become a place where actual friendships would develop.

I guess I could say that I love this place because it has made me more aware of something so important....a community of friends and family can develop from the acknowledgment of a single common bond.

Why I love this place

Click here to go to the thread.


The following editorial is the second of two written by our Guest Editor, Welshwitch and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter Team.

The Mountains

Mountains have figured prominently in American experience since the early settlers started to move away from the East Coast. The Appalachians were a formidable barrier, after which came the plains, apparently attractive but presenting their own problems. Then came the Rockies, explored by mountain men who found passes and routes through to open up the Far West. The Rockies, however, caused enormous suffering and claimed many lives before they were crossed first by the railroad then by roads; later they were criss-crossed by air lanes and their importance as an obstacle to movement came to an end. They have remained, however, a place of danger as well as of natural beauty, of threat as well as promise.

This is embodied in the fictional Brokeback Mountain, which is the location for the first and some later sections of the movie. What strikes the viewer most forcibly is first the scale, then the bleakness, the emptiness of the setting. We register the brilliant green of the grass, the intense blue of the sky, and the ominous grey it can quickly assume. As a setting it reflects both the beauty and the harshness of nature – we see its peak as bare rock, sometimes covered with snow, and hear the wind which whistles hauntingly through the sound-track. There are the storms that characterize the Rockies – thunder, lightning, rain and hail all feature in the movie. Sunshine is often short-lived; the cloud-scape ever-changing .Up here Jack and Ennis live in close proximity with nature – they follow their natural inclinations in this high-altitude Eden, but are also the victims of natural forces they cannot control and which seem, in their violence and unpredictability, to mirror the emotions both experience. It is, in the end, the forecast storm from the Pacific, that ironic name, which allows Aguirre to order them back down before the summer is over. While above the realm of more earth-bound mortals, they are free to be themselves, away from society in a time out of time, rarely measured even by Aguirre’s watch, which later in retrospect is actually the time of their lives.

As a symbol the mountain calls to mind the ancients’ beliefs in mountains as the abode of the gods, a realm above that inhabited by mere mortals and unaffected by mundane considerations. Christian thought reflects this: “I will life up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help,” as the psalmist has it. Hills and mountains have often been seen as places to which to retreat in time of danger, their rocks and valleys providing natural barriers to confuse enemies and creating hiding-places from which defenders can make surprise attacks. Mountains are the abode of the unknown; it is no coincidence that the Yeti and Bigfoot, among other mythical creatures, are believed to live at high altitudes. The highest mountain of all, Everest, is seen as a sacred place by the locals and as one profaned by the hordes of climbers who have reduced it merely to a destination for an extreme form of package tour. Mountains have also been seen as a source of inspiration – the Romantics loved the chasms and cataracts of the Alps. Brokeback creates a sense of loneliness and isolation, but also appears as a place where the pretences of the outside world are stripped away and essential truths revealed, As the rocks are the bones of the landscape, laid bare here so that their strength and permanence are revealed, so the love of Jack and Ennis is revealed in this high place, and remains in all its underlying strength for the rest of their lives whether they are together or apart, on the plains or in the mountains.

New Threads from Last Week

The Rodeo Clown and Liminality

Started by AnitaSmith on September 26

In one scene, Jack Twist offers to buy the rodeo clown a drink.  The clown refuses explaining that he was just doing his job and that Jack should save the money towards his entry fee.  Clowns are very symbolic.  In the case of this particular scene, I could not help but see the clown as a type of messenger.  I found this on Wikipedia...

Click here to go to the thread.

Jack's impression of Alma

Started by Aintfoolin on September 28

In the reunion scene Jack comes into the foyer of the apartment. His demeanor seems cautious , almost timid as if he knows that Alma knows something IMO.  then he sees her for the first time and the look on his face to me is one of  suprise and .....well I want to say disappointment but I'm not sure. Compared with his own wife Lureen, Alma looks downright dowdy. Is this what he expected Ennis wife to be? This is the person he is "competing with for Ennis. Then in a later scene, Jack says "you and Alma? that's a life? what did he mean by this? Did Jack look down on Alma. What does he learn about Ennis from Alma's demeanor? What does Jack really think of Alma? Please help me get inside Jack's head concernig this.

Click here to go to the thread.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.  :)

Quote of the Week

An interesting discussion started after Koka posted this on September 29.  The post is quite long but very interesting and well done, these are some excerpts:

…I've yet again got a new teacher- a male one this time. The guy's amazing of course… 
…then he asked the following question: 'if you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and what would you ask him/why' I started talking about this 'amazing actor, who always chooses roles because of a message he wants to send out into the world, whose acting is almost poetic...' and the teacher got all curious and asked who the actor is. 'You've probably never heard of him....Jake Gyllenhaal' one had a clue. then I said 'he starred in donnie darko, brokeback mountain' and the professor interrupted me and replied 'oh, brokeback mountain, an excellent movie. was he the black or the blond one?'...I was like 'the black one of course, and....uhm, hold on a sec, did you just say BBM is EXCELLENT???!?!?!!?…
…after which the other students started sighing and saying stuff about how they had that teacher last year and how he was totally pro-gay and how they argued with him for 3 school hours straight!!!! …

PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

Please click here to read it all and the replies that followed.

Meet the Authors

Hello everyone, and welcome to this weeks 'Meet the Authors' Interview. This week our author is MadLori, author of the very popular 'Human Interest', and it's sequel, 'Two Crows Joy
Thanks for reading... enjoy!


Are you a professional writer?

Yes, I am. Not full-time, sadly.  Someday!

If yes, have you published anything and if so what?

I've published two freelance manuscripts with Quirk Productions (they're the makers of those Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide books). They were for the intermediate reader audience (ages 9-12).  One was "The Dragon Hunter's Guide" and the other was the "Ghost Hunter's Guide."  They were fun to write, but only a paycheck, pretty much.  I think they're still available on Amazon if anyone cares.

I have an agent who represents my original writing; we're hoping to be able to shop my current novel after the new year.

What's your job in the ''real'' world?

I have a day job, too!  I'm a chemist and I work at Chemical Abstract Services, which is basically a database of molecules and chemical reactions.  I do structure input analysis.  Basically I'm a molecular librarian and I work on a computer all day.  That's how I keep my blog
so up-to-date, ha ha.

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?

Well, like everyone else here, the film and story touched me deeply.  I was also enthusiastic about such a mainstream, artistic portrayal of a same-sex relationship and felt moved to write about the characters.

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?

I've spent the last  six years writing in the Harry Potter fandom.  The third volume of my series there is still a work in progress, as I am reminded daily by the readers impatient for an update!

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?

Not really.  I'm hard to upset in general.  Criticism is only upsetting to me if it's offensive or directed at ME, not the writing.  If a
reader has legitimate critiques to make I'm more than glad to hear them.

If you could changed one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... we all would change that if we could!)

I wish that more of Ennis's dialog from the motel scene had been preserved.  I feel that it's much more clear in the short story that Ennis is in love with Jack, and the film Ennis is more ambiguous about that.  In particular, I wish they had allowed Ennis to tell Jack that
he never should have let him out of his sight.  Story Ennis is more expressive to Jack than Film Ennis is.

Pix with Poems

As you now many authors of fan fiction joined the forum but, we also have poets.  A new member, Jessi, started to post her poems.

Posted on September 27

Goin a Head Out
By Jessi
I’m goin a head out to them sheep now.  Hear me, Jack?
So tired, got a get me a little rest first, then
I’m goin a head back t’Brokeback, find that place
where we played.
More likely be on my knees this time,
Grass staining jeans,
Tears soakin t’ground,
‘Cause I don’t have nobody to go there to,
Only wind full o’ghost,
A high meadow haunted,
From a few drops o’long ago blood.
Two boys, two shirts… a patch o’ mountain carpet,
A place where you took my bleedin,
Tried t’wipe away my pain, but cried softly and alone.
When it seemed all I knew how was to hurt
You took the punch.
And gave and gave and gave, all you knew, dammit,
All you could give was love.
I’m goin a head back t’Brokeback now, find that place…
Where I don’t have nobody to go there to.
So tired, got a get me a little rest first, then…
I’m goin a head on out to sleep now, dreams need tendin, hear me, Jack?

Pix with Poems 

Click here to go to the thread.

Calendar for next week

October 3 - Birthdays: supertrampdan (16), jerseygyllenhaalic (22)
October 5 - Birthdays: Jamie1981 (25)

October 6 - Birthdays: Asali (50), lislis (50)

October 7 - Birthdays: Jack Nasty (16)

Forum Achievements

270,000 posts on the forum on October 1st.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Androphile, on September 23rd (We missed this one  ???)
Midwest-girl, on September 24th (Another one we missed from last week  %&))
MadLori, on September 27th
Brokie007, onSeptember 27th
Julia, on September 29th
Jessi, on October 1st

200 posts, Alma

Aintfoolin, on September 27th

Jack, 500 posts

FulOfSadness, on October 1st

Ennis 1000 posts

Cortomaltese, on September 29th

Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

Koka, on September 28th
Jennis, on September 29th

Special achievements

Welshwitch, 3000, Asali, 3000 and Tpe, 10,000 posts on September 26, Mars, 12,000 posts on September 27, Tom, 5000 posts on September 29th, Hanna, 5000 posts on October 1st

Congratulations to all!     ^-^ O0

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we have good chances to see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   8)
We need to be at least 30 persons to be able to make it.  :s)
There are 2 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

Central Virginia get the Blue Ridge Mountains

Posted by Mrl

October 27 though 30, 2006

Montfair the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Central Virginia...near Charlottesville, in the town of Crozet.

We have reserved cottage #2...sleeps 6, has full, towels, linens. An additional "A" frame cottage is available, sleeps 4, with all the accomodations as well. Please contact Mrl for the details.

Please join us in the beautiful mountains....for a great Ennisjack / BBM weekend. Camping areas are available too!

Click here for the thread.

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Ciao Brokies, see you next week     ;)

October 2 - 8,  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.

« Last Edit: Mar 07, 2008, 06:16 PM by chameau »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #1 on: Oct 15, 2006, 04:45 PM » Weekly Newsletter
– October 9 - 15, 2006 -

Hello Brokies,

In this Weekly Newsletter,  we will start a poll about your interest in the Newsletter.  Following your answers we may ask you to vote again in the future.  Time flies, Brokies are posting like a blue stream and we busted 275,000 posts last week.  8)

Have another good week on the forum,

Chameau  ;)

Italians Get Together (IGT)

Some of our members in Italy met last week end in Vallombrosa near Florence.  There are pictures and comments of the event, click on the flag to visit the thread. 


The following editorial was written by our Guest Editor, LuvJackNasty and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter Team.

The Mirrors

It is believed that to look into a mirror is to see ones soul. We twice see Jack looking into a mirror and both times he sees Ennis. The mirror on Jack’s truck is a circle and a circle represents totality, wholeness, the self, eternity, timelessness and symbolizes potential, or the embryo. When Jack first views Ennis in the mirror it is outside of Aguirre’s trailer. Ennis is inside that circle or embryo- a love waiting to be born. The mountain serves as the womb- a safe environment for that love to develop and grow.  That love took its first breaths of life up on Brokeback and what was born was something that each man would carry with him his entire life. The bond that was forged was one that each clung to and it was only when they were together that each felt alive. Sadly we never got to see that love realized to its fullest potential .The second time we see Jack looking into the mirror it is after they part at the end of the summer. Again Ennis is framed in that circle- the center of Jack’s world.  We watch as Jack drives farther away gazing upon the piece of him that he is forced to leave behind. The truth of Jack’s whole life is reflected in that mirror. Instead of seeing himself, he saw Ennis- a reflection of his soul, the man who made him as complete as that circle.  The mirror is a reflection of the soul; it does not lie, it is absolute truth and there are truths you can’t deny.

Congrats to the proud parents ~ October 3rd, birth of Ramona, daughter of Maggie and Peter

Maggie Gyllenhaal and her fiancé, Peter Sarsgaard, have welcomed their first child, a rep for the actress confirms to PEOPLE exclusively.

The baby girl, who was born Tuesday afternoon in a New York City hospital, is named Ramona...

Please Brokies avoid to post on the forum eventual pictures of Ramona, we do respect the private life of the artists. Click here to read the full article.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.  :)

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we have good chances to see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   8)
We need to be at least 30 persons to be able to make it.  :s)
There are 2 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

Central Virginia get the Blue Ridge Mountains

Posted by Mrl

October 27 though 30, 2006

Montfair the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Central Virginia...near Charlottesville, in the town of Crozet.

We have reserved cottage #2...sleeps 6, has full, towels, linens. An additional "A" frame cottage is available, sleeps 4, with all the accomodations as well. Please contact Mrl for the details.

Please join us in the beautiful mountains....for a great Ennisjack / BBM weekend. Camping areas are available too!

Click here for the thread.

Quote of the week

Posted by Philchel on October 6th

I has been years ago that I cried watching a movie (although I could block them till the shirt scene) and I also wondered why I'm still feeling sad 1 week later when thinking about it.

Is is because :
- I have difficulties in seeing it as a 'movie' and I have the impression it is real. I usually can enjoy a movie/story but clearly know it's 'just a movie', but this time this is not the case.
- Frustrations that there is so much that we can fill in ourselves to complete the story (why didn't they do this, why didn't they do that, ...) and not being able to ask Ennis/Jack for some more explanation
- I'm always more touched by people showing emotions when it concerns 'brother-love', 'father-son', 'men-men', since men showing their emotions can be so touching
- Similar experiences
- .......

But why doesn't my partner have these feelings ? We watched it together ? He probably sees it as a 'good movie' but thus not feel so connected/concerned.

Is it normal still crying even after the 3rd time wacthing BbM?

Click here to go to the thread.

Calendar for next week

October 9 - Birthdays: Paul (34), nussy (21), Thanksgiving (Canada)

October 11 - Birthdays: Sassenach (20)

October 12 - Birthdays: justlikethisalways

October 13 - Birthdays: love_bbm (28), tiffany331 (31)

October 14 - Birthdays: dk_psy (23)
October 15 - Birthdays: Keldara (20)

Forum Achievements

300 posts in the Jake's Pix thread on October 4th. 275,000 posts on on October 5th, 1500 pages and 45,000 posts in the Silver Wolves chat thread on October 7th.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Satin_Hephaistion, on October 2nd
Jennis Del Twist, on October 4th
Philchel, on October 6th

100 posts, Lureen

Louisev, on october 6th

Jack, 500 posts

Smilesalot, on October 5th

Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

NoReins, on October 4th
Ksxks, on October 4th
MississaugaRed, on October 6th
Hpv, on October 6th

Special achievements

City Slickin' Cowboy, 9000 posts on October 3rd. 

Congratulations to all!     :clap:

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye bye Brokies, see you next week   

October 9 - 15,  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

  • Moderator
  • Jack + Ennis
  • ***
  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #2 on: Oct 22, 2006, 12:18 PM » Weekly Newsletter
– October 16 - 22, 2006 -

Bonjour Brokies,

Next Monday October 23 will be Ang Lee's Birthday.  If you want to send greetings, this is the address where to send them:

Ang Lee
   c/o Creative Artist's Agency
   9830 Wilshire Blvd.
   Beverly Hills CA 90212

We will keep the actual poll active for next week and talking about next week... it's DVD release on October 16 in Germany,  Yeehaw!  :clap:

Have a great week Brokies!


3000 members

October 10, 02:08:45pm EST. Our 3000th member, MGB76, registered. Congratulations to ennisjack.

Posted by Ethan


The following editorial was written by our Guest Editor, LuvJackNasty and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter Team.

…the pair like two skins, one inside the other, two in one.

Upon learning about Jack’s death Ennis calls Lureen and then goes to the Twist ranch. In both cases he takes big steps in acknowledging that Jack was an important part of his life. While sitting in Jacks room he is looking out the window and then suddenly turns his head as if summoned. Ennis enters the closet where he ultimately discovers the shirts. It is in this moment that he finally realizes the depth of Jack’s love for him. He is breathing in Jack, looking at the bloodstained sleeve.

A bloodstain represents close ties to guilt. Since it is Ennis blood that stains those shirts would the guilt be his? Guilt for denying them both that sweet life? Guilt for threatening Jack at their last meeting? Guilt for sending Jack away after he drove up to Wyoming after Ennis’ divorce?  Guilt for canceling August? Guilt for telling Jack to just let him be? Guilt for finally going to the Twist ranch only after Jack is dead? When the blood was spilled onto those shirts it was at the end of that perfect summer and the beginning of their separate and difficult lives. A battle was sealed in blood that day that would define each man: Ennis battling his inner demons while Jack’s dreams are pitted against the reality of a coupla high altitude f***s once or twice a year.

Ennis emerges from the closet and he is holding “Jack”. He brings himself, Jack and their love out of the darkness. As he leaves the  Twist house he looks up towards Jack’s room. We see the wind rustling through the trees- Jack’s spirit being freed.
Those shirts must have been a painful reminder to Jack each time he returned home to Lightning Flat after his brief times with Ennis- the only tangible part of the dream.  They are kept in the room where Jack, as a child, did his dreaming- "crazy to be somewhere, anywhere else than Lightning Flat". When Ennis needed it the most, his ministering angel was there, even in death, to offer reassurance that he held Ennis inside all of those years.

Ennis switches the shirts so he can now hold and protect Jack. We see the change in Ennis when he relents and agrees to attend Junior’s wedding- a painful lesson learned too late, but learned nonetheless. Ennis makes a shrine for Jack out of  the shirts and a postcard of Brokeback Mountain- the shirts (their love) dwarf the mountain. Ennis couldn’t fulfill Jack’s wishes in life and he has been denied the opportunity to fulfill Jack’s last wish. To me the postcard is Ennis symbolically bringing Brokeback to Jack and sending one final message- wish you were here.

Quotes of the week

Posted by Flower on October 11th

It's just a movie. Just a movie! Nothing to be so sad about, nothing to cry about, it's just a movie. I keep saying that to myself. But it doesn't help, I'm still sad.     :\'(
I was thinking about watching Brokeback mountain today but I have to get up early tomorrow so I didn't see it. But I watched the beginning and then I was stupid to watch the end. It makes me so sad. The first time I saw BBM I got shocked about how the movie ended. Now I knew what was going to happen but still I get so sad about it. I really hope that Jack and Ennis made up before they left each other the last time.
In a way I just hate BBM because it has a sad ending, I wanted a happy end! No I don't hate the movie. But I think about it a lot, too much maybe, I just can't stop think about it. Why not?? If I knew that...
I don't want to see it again because it makes me so sad and angry. But I know I'm going to see it again one day. I can't stay away from a great movie...

PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

Click here to go to the thread.

Posted by Ethan on October 12

Adding my thanks to many of you.  :^^)

You are me....I am you. We are proud Brokies.

Out of the closet

Click here to go to the thread.

Festa Iinternazionale Di Roma | Romefilmfest 2006

New thread started by Malawix on October 13

CINEMA. Festa Internazionale di Roma: a great new festival taking place in a great city. And not just a festival but a real feast for movie lovers and a great event for all those who work for cinema, show cinema, tell us stories through cinema.
Not just a great city, but THE city of cinema par excellence, will host the Festival which will transform its centre - the Auditorium Parco della Musica - in the Parco del Cinema for nine days.

Click here to go to the thread and the link to the film festival.

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we will see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   8)
The theater could seat 24 persons, we are 18 confirmed so far and there is a possibility of 4 more Brokies.  If you want to assist to the event, please let us know.
There are 2 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

Central Virginia get the Blue Ridge Mountains

Unfortunately, for many reasons, this event is postponed:( It was due for the last week-end of October but it won't happen.  So the next meeting is London UK and we are lookin' for somethin' for the last week-end of May in Montreal...  ??? maybe?   ::) ;)

The last week-end of May is a long week-end in USA, Memorial Day.

Pix with Poems

Our latest poet in residence, Jessi, posted this one on October 9.  :-\\ :\'(
Please Jessi keep posting.

Too Much

It hurts too much.
The hell steals my breath.
A place of such painful longing
Unbearable agony of perfect regret,
He defines heart broken, a soul’s lonely
A time called too late, where nothing else matters,
Only the what was, and his what was not.
Because now it really can’t be fixed,
And the price of standing it,
Is way too much.


Click here to go to the thread.

I want one!

Thanks Ethan for finding it.  <^(

vivi - one of our members in Taiwan posted this photo in the Chinese thread. It is a present from one of the gatherings. Someone made this mini-size of the shirts. It is amazing. 

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.

Calendar for next week

October 16 - Birthdays: Big Dan (58), bleedinghearts13 (18), cowboyfangirl (18), DVD Release in Germany

October 18 - Birthdays: jetzenpolis (52), chefjudy (48)

October 19 - Birthdays: VodkaDunhill (18), maria1 (37) 

Forum Achievements

Our 3000th member, MGB76, registered on October 10, 300 pages/9000posts on the BBM Recital thread on October 15.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Fiona-Berlin, on October 9th
MaineWriter, on October 13th
Dodolea, on October 15th
Saul, on October 15th

100 posts, Lureen

Carbyville,on October 15th

Special achievements

Tpe, 11,000 posts on October 9, Chameau, 13,000 posts on October 12.

Congratulations to all!      O0

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Auf Wiedersehen Brokies, see you next week.  ^f^

October 16 - 22  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

  • Moderator
  • Jack + Ennis
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  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #3 on: Oct 29, 2006, 10:56 AM » Weekly Newsletter
– October 23 - 29, 2006 -

Buongiorno Brokies,

For the last two weeks you had the opportunity to vote concerning the Newsletter, you coud see the results below.

Do you read the Weekly Newsletter?

Always   38   (50%)
I used to before but, no longer      1   (1%)
Sometimes   12    (16%)
Only since we get the Email notification   22   (29%)
Never   2   (2%)

Total Votes: 75

79% of the members who voted read the Newsletter when we combine the ones who always read it and the ones who read it since we send an Email notification.  8)
Don't forget, if you don't want to receive any Email notification, you could edit your profile.  Thanks for voting and a new poll will be included in a future edition.

Have a nice week,


Construction Ahead

The forum will undergo some re-organization again.

The board of Member Interests will be locked and gradually be relocated to two new boards

Fun & Games - this board will host all threads just for lighter stuff.

Life & Leisure - for threads related to your personal interests and your life outside of BBM.

Please help us during this transition. If you have any idea to make this forum better organized, we love to hear from you. Thank you.

Message from the Mod Squad

Starting October 22, all nested quotes will be automatically removed.

Here is an example of nested quote. Post #1, 2, and 3 will be removed.

Post #1

Post #2

Post #3

Post #4

Posting Tips & Guidelines

Lately the forum has experience excessive quoting of pix. Please try to make a conscious effort when quoting other posts. Just think of this forum as our home and let's keep it clean and not too cluttered.

As a friendly reminder, here are some posting guidelines and tips.

Paparazzi Shots and Manips

    After previous discussions in the mod team, some pictures posted on the forum had to be removed. We understand many members are big fans of Heath and Jake. As supportive fans, let's respect them as who they are and not manipulate their pics to fulfill our fantasy. For this very same reason, this forum also discourages members from posting paparazzi shots. We thank you for your understanding and support.
If you are not sure about the pix, please check with the mod team first.


Do you know that you can edit the quote when reply someone's post?

Please try not to reply with a long quote, especially quotes within quotes. Why? It just makes reading a lot easier and reduces unnecessary scrolling. You can delete unwanted text or pix in the quote as long as the quote is within the code [quote ] ---------- [ /quote]

For more detailed explaination, please click here.

How to downsize a picture?

Before posting images on the forum, we suggest you to preview your post.  In many events you will find the picture is too big to fit the page.  Images who are too big will also take more time to download, specially for members who have dial up connections. If you must quote someone's post containing pix, please downsize the photo. You could refer to this tutorial.

Human Rights Campaign

Carlton5 started this thread on September 15

Brokeback Mountain Wardrobe Auction

There will be an auction of BBM clothing- i.e. belts, jeans, boots and more on October13-20th and proceeds benefitting the Human Rights Campaign-Web site for info is:

To go to the thread and see the pictures in full click here.

Some addicted Brokies from went to the auction and won  8)

We could  expect some emotional moments during the London Gathering since Ethan and Tpe will bring these relics with them.  The pup tent Tpe already owns will cross the pond too.

Posted by Ethan on October 20

Brokies...I have won this auction. At least something from Ennis.


Posted by Tpe on October 20

Friends, here are the results so far for the items I have been looking at:

I got the last meeting shirt and jacket for 2,650.00 USD minus shipping and insurance.



Quotes of the week

Posted by Saul on October 18

The Brokeback Mountain Wisdom System:

Faith can move the mountains in your life; Brokeback Mountain moves the life in your faith.


PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

Posted by ksxks on October 19

I just want to make sure everyone knows that their congratulations graphics and pictures are appreciated by all, whether being congratulated or not. Your little labors of love are delightful. This is such a fun and cheerful thread!


Congratulations for Achievement

Click on the picture to go to the thread.

Old Thread from the Past

SO Unbelievably CUTE (and funny) - Lego BBM

Started by Aela on February 22

Someone got the idea of making scenes of BBM with Lego... yup! It's called Brokebrick Mountain.  ??? ^-^
Click on the picture below to see more pictures.

You could find the thread here.

Meet the Authors

LuvJackNasty is giving a hand to Amtamburo with the interviews.  :t)

This interview is from MaineWriter author of A Love Born From Steel and it's sequel Through the Veil of Time:

Are you a professional writer?
I am a nurse and Editor-in-Chief of two nursing journals so yes, I am a writer, but not a fiction writer.

If yes, have you published anything and if so what?

Lots and lots of articles in the professional nursing literature, plus book chapters and two books (which have gone into mulitple editions). I am proofing the final pages for a medical/surgical nursing textbook that is due to be published on Novembr 21, 2006.

If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?

See above. In addition to the journals, I consult on research, writing, and publishing. I worked as a Senior Research Associate at the Muskie School of Public Service for 10 years before starting my own business in 2001.

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?

A need to resolve the story in my own mind and write a different ending. My story, A Love Born From Steel and its sequel, Through The Veil of Time, are "utopian ranch fics" and yes, Jack survives.

I also started writing to cure myself of Brokeback Fever. For more on that disease, see

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?

No, but I would like to try to write original fiction.

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?

Generally, no. I appreciate the people who take the time to read and comment and I respect their opinions, even if I disagree. However, most of the comments I have received have been very positive.

If you could changed one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... we all would change that if we could!)

I would delete all the Cassie scenes. I felt like they didn't really add much, overall.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.

New Threads from Last Week

Started by Saul on October 16


I am English and have a classical education - I am well aware of the way language evolves and I often fall about in laughter at American English. I love Americans.

However, I see that BBM fans seem to describe themselves as Brokies - after Trekies and the like I assume.

The trouble is that the word "Brokies" should be pronounced with an "ok' sound, as in clock.

Strictly speaking Brokeies would be the most logical and literal way to write what is spoken, but the eie letter combination is unnatural to English.

Might I suggest the following spelling - Brokeys? This lends itself to being pronounced "bro-keys" and so retains the "Broke" sound.


Started by Silk on October 18

Here it is getting closer to a year of my journey and trying to figure out exactly what has happened to me.

I think now I have completly feel in love with the film, the characters, the story, and the people who feel the same as I do.

I mean really falling in love with it all.  It is way beyond being a fan or being touched by the film etc.  It is hard to explain to people but I am sure those here know what I am trying to say.  It has become such a part of me that I can't seem to put it where I think it should be as a memory and an appreciation of it all.  It is not an obsession in that sense that an obssession is painful and negative at its core.   What I feel is far at the other side of emotion spectrum.  I thought I should let it go but now I think keeping the feelings up top in my heart is going to make every other experience in my life more vivid and I will be able to bring out of it more joy and I will see beauty even in the tiniest things.

I am in love.  Rick says I have changed and become softer and have more patience with life. 


Is it possible to fall in love with Brokeback Mountain

Pix with Poems

Posted by Rick65 on October  16


You drove away slowly,
Yet it felt like a bullet
Speeding away from me.

Not even your shadow
Lingered long enough
To cool my heated head.

Why was I feeling this?
What did you cause in me?
Desire, hope and longing.

I ached when you became
A mere speck on the horizon.
Without you I could only
Retch at your absence.

I still crave your eyes,
That saw the real me.
I'll always want your arms,
That many times held me.

Once the world seemed all too bright,
Once there was but you to fight,
Once in darkness you were light.

Now I know we were right,
Now my days feel like night,
Now my heart feels our might,
"I shouldn't a let ya out a my sights."

Rick65 posted since then more overwelming poems he wrote, keep writing please.

Pix with poems

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we will see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   
There are 2 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

Calendar for next week

October 23 - Events: * Ang Lee's brithday
October 24 - United Nations Day, Birthdays: Koka (18), Chelita777 (23), thunder (27)
October 26 - Birthdays: The Monia 84 (22)
October 27 - Birthdays: ziedelis (26)
October 29 - Birthdays: unfoldshadow (28), Malle (19) 

Forum Achievements

200 pages on the Congratulations for Achievements and 150 pages on the Oh Baby Pix threads on October 16, 700 pages in the Italian Chat on October 18th, 400 pages in the French Chat on October 19th.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

EnnisTwist, on October 19th
Dudn3000, on October 19th
Condiments, on October 20th

100 posts, Lureen

Philchel, on October 19th
Saul, on October 22nd

200 posts, Alma

Carbyville, on October 17th
Louisev, on October 18th

Ennis, 1000 posts

Elisabetta, on October 17th

Special achievements

LuJackNasty and Greenfrog, 8000 posts each on October 16.  Mars, 13,000 posts and BBBOY, 8000 posts, on October 18th, Ethan, 6000 posts on October 21st.

Congratulations to all!

DVD release around the world

siredevienne38 reported that finally the DVD has been released in Austria. Congratulations!!

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Ciao Brokies, see you next week.   :f)

October 23 - 30  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the Newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

  • Moderator
  • Jack + Ennis
  • ***
  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #4 on: Nov 05, 2006, 04:20 PM » Weekly Newsletter
– October 30 - November 5, 2006 -

Welcome to the New Moderators

A message from Ethan

Cowgirls and cowboys - it gives me pleasure to introduce our three newest moderators. I am sure many of you know them well. Please join me to welcome them.

City Slickin' Cowboy - "Member Interests and Fun & Games"

CSC joined the forum on January 22 and below is his first post dated January 22. If you ever follow Pix of yours - CSC is our regular contributor and he is just gorgeous to look at.

I never thought I would ever be so emotionally affected by a movie.  Other films have produced emotional responses, but nothing that has lasted more than a hour or two.  I'm worried I will need professional help after the DVD is released.  Maybe it would help to actually discuss this movie with a few people.  I'm just not sure who that will be.  Oh well, this forum helps.

Flwrchild - "Impact, Thought and Experiences, and Fanfic & Poem"

Flwrchild joined the forum on April 26. She is one of the attendees in Montreal. Her nickname is "Sweet pee" - cham always calls her that.

Below is her post dated April 26.

To get somewhere new, we may have to leave somewhere else behind." I hope your journey is a positive one! And to everyone else out there, keep up the great posts. Your positive thoughts and insightful ideas are why I joined!

welshwitch - "Impact, Thought and Experiences, and Characters, Quotes and Scenes"

welshwitch joined the forum on April 19 and she has been very helpful in making EGT possible. I am sure we will see her very soon.

Below is one of her first posts dated April 19

BBM opened my eyes to the fact that love is universal, unites us all and makes us human. Carpe diem, seize the day - if you find love, don't deny it. It's the greatest gift, whenever and wherever it's found, the one thing that lasts, up and beyond the grave.

Thank you very much for volunteering, CSC, Flwrchild and welshwitch  . Please feel free to add a few words.  #$#


The following editorial was written by our Guest Editor, Jerasjr and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter Team.


Who’s, what’s and why’s have been discussed, deliberated and dissected.  Threads are devoted to single scenes or the whole film; to the individuals or to the ensemble; to music, settings, quotes and pictures; a whole gamut of subjects catering to an individuals choice.  What then is there to write about?   From this gay man’s point of view, two things that are intertwined and lend credence and strength to the film, but often overlooked, are the time period and the location.  On the verge of many technological innovations and inventions that are now commonplace, Jack and Ennis existed in a unique period that lends itself to making this film more memorable, and in a location that lends itself to underscoring the relative isolation of their lives.
Am not going to make this a trip down Memory Lane, but am going to ask you to suspend your personal experience for a while to think about Jack and Ennis’ life experience, and ask you to “unlearn” for a short period.  Your frame of reference is not the context of the film and the time itself.
The concept of “creature comforts” was probably unknown to them, their reality was more harsh and rigid  than anything most of us are used to – many of the foods, clothes, household items, vehicles, and homes that we take for granted were simply not available.
Let’s start with the most obvious, your computer: that would be the end of this observation – there would be no forum, there would be no communication and sharing among all the persons who inhabit this special place.
If you did not have a DVD and a player, there would be no chance to watch Brokeback Mountain or any other film at your leisure.
Your opportunity to listen to the film’s music or any other music was limited to vinyl or a transistor radio.
Your big-screen television would be the size of your monitor and that was the entertainment for your family with its choice of 3 channels.
A telephone booth or your rotary phone or a letter was the primary mode to reach out and touch your friends and relatives.
There were few restaurants that featured cuisine instead of food, and even fewer fast food restaurants.
If you were lucky, your community had a theater or a drive-in, to say nothing of having several screens in one location.  Or possibly during the warmer months, your movie was projected on the side of a large building and your seating was the ground.
There was no gay community: there were no openly gay bars or meeting places, there was only word-of-mouth about the possibility of meeting someone at this or that bar or establishment. There were no support services available to this group that did not exist.  There were no havens for the gay or lesbian person.
Brokeback Mountain did not hit me with a wave of nostalgia, but served to remind me of a simpler slower pace, one in large part delineated by location and time period, and  one in which you were not able to carry your phone, television, CD player, DVD player or even your computer in your hand -  yet somehow feel we have lost more than we have gained.

Collector's DVD

This thread was started by Jennis

Finally, Universal Pictures announced they will release a Collector's DVD of Brokeback Mountain which will include never seen footage (cut scenes) and post-cards.  Release date will be January 23 2007 in USA & Canada.


BBM Collectors Edition:*To Be Released Jan 23rd 2007*, click on the picture to go to the thread.

Fag Hag Manifesto

Sorry for the title but it is the Manifesto's name, we don't want to offend anyone here,  it's worth the reading.

Posted by EnnisTwist on October 20

Have you guys checked out the FAG HAG MANIFESTO yet? Gives a different kind of insight into this subject.

Why do women find men-in-love so compelling?

Quotes of the week

Posted by MississaugaRed on October 24

…How did ej come to be?  We started with Annie's haunting short story.  Thirty pages or so in the New Yorker, wasn't it?  We have the screenplay.  And then we were gifted with the film.  A mere 2 hours and 14 minutes (est.) of the most perfect story telling you'd ever hope to see…

…Long story short - what's happened here at ej, the impact of BBM -  actually helps me to understand and believe in the love Jack had for Ennis, and Ennis for him;  I can believe that a brief but powerful exposure to something that touches an essential part of you will change your life forever…

Jack's love for Ennis

Click here to read the full post.

Posted by carbyville on October 25

There was a time when I thought that the scene prior (the final trip/fight) to the flashback was what made me sob. I love the dozy embrace so much (also my favorite scene, as it is for others) and I wanted to watch it without having to see the painful final meeting for Jack and Ennis. I skipped over everything just to get to this flashback scene and still found myself sobbing. That was when I realized that it wasn't the final meeting that upset me so much (even though it still did), it was the flashback scene that made the tears worse. It is one of the most beautiful and bittersweet moments I have ever seen in any movie right from the tenderness we get to see from Ennis, the sway, the humming, Jack getting lost in the moment and finally that look of sheer adoration as Ennis rides off. Incredible.

Flashback scene of Ennis and Jack

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we will see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   
There are 2 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

New Gathering Projects Spring 2007 Gathering in America

Started by City Slickin’ Cowboy

Unfortunately the Central Virgina gathering has been cancelled. There has been some discussion about a possible gathering during Memorial Day weekend in Montreal or an easily accessible location in the US. Right now ideas and possible locations are being solicited.

Let's see what works for interested Brokies.

Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together

Started by Mars

I would be interested to a new gathering in Spring time but in Europe!!  O0

Click here to go to the thread.

Meet the Authors

Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors, others than Annie Proulx.  ;)

You could find more about this here.

Warning  ???  Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.

This interview was made by LuvJackNasty from Midwest-Girl author of "If I asked"  and "Shades of Grey"

Are you a professional writer?

No, but that's my ultimate goal.

If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?

Up until three months ago I was an attorney.  I have practiced federal criminal defense for the last ten years.  I quit my job in July to stay home and spend more time with my two young children and to concentrate on my writing.

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?

I became friends with Jenna when she started writing "Somebody New."  She knew I was working on a novel and asked me why I hadn't written any fanfiction about BBM.  I told her the idea hadn't crossed my mind (which was the truth) and I was just enjoying reading the stories.  Then a few nights later I woke up with "If I Asked" Jack whispering in my ear and I had to write the story.

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?


Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?

I've been blessed with really respectful and insightful readers for both my stories.  Sometimes people offer constructive criticism, but no one has been mean or hurtful, ever.  I don't mind receiving constructive criticism at all, whether it's that I used a cliche or that I forgot where the whiskey bottle was in a scene.  I also don't mind when a reader says they have trouble with a scene or idea in the story.  I don't always agree with them, but I like hearing their opinions. 

If you could changed one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... we all would change that if we could!)

Oh...I can't keep Jack alive?  If I could change one thing in the story/movie it would be for Ennis to admit out loud how he felt about Jack.  I know Jack knew, but I think he wanted to hear it.  Or maybe I just wanted to hear it.  Okay, this whole train of thought is just breaking my heart....

Annie Proulx’s talk in Casper Wyoming last October 21

Adrian.delmar attended the Annie Proulx’s talk in Casper Wyoming on October 21.

I ended up flying into Denver and met up with a friend from the DC forum. He and I drove to Casper and stayed the weekend to enjoy the lectures, movie screenings, etc.. It was a wonderful event.

This is a wonderful post and there are many pictures too, Adrian is the owner of the horse we see Ennis carving in the movie.  Click on the picture to read Adrian's story

New Threads from Last Week

BBM/ennisjack in Yahoo Time Capsule

Started by Ksxks on October 25

Maybe we should put something Brokeback into the Yahoo Time Capsule?  It must be submitted by November 8.

We think about submitting one of our banner but, which one?  :s)  We added a poll and need your opinion.

Click here to read the full post go to the thread and vote.

Pictures from the cities we love, started by Androclo on October 23.

I love this city

Hello brokies  :c)
I like travelling and I love city's pics.
This thread is for busted the pics of the cities that you love......

In the last summer I was going to Berlin, I enjoy it and I'm lovin'it...

I Love this City

Human Rights Campaign, part II

Jennis is now the happy owner of Alma Jr.'s clothing and yes, she will bring them to the London Gathering.  :)

Click here to read how she got them.

A word of warning

Posted by JT about the bids on Ebay.

Congrats to you guys that won on these items.  I bet you'll forever treasure them.  I was betting on several items also but I was always outbid.  Oh well, I hope these items will go to good homes. 

A word of caution to everyone who bid but didn't win.  Sometimes you'll get e-mails sent to you claiming "second chance offer" from ebay.  I got several sent to me and they were all frauds!  I forward all of them to ebay and they say they didn't sent them.  So just becareful.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.

Pix with Poems

Posted by Jessi on October 26.


One more time tonight,
Another notch for my dreams
Not never enough.

Can we freeze the now?
Make this taste last forever?
Don't need tomorrow.


Pix with Poems

Calendar for next week

October 30 - Birthdays: Aela (34), BohemianRhapsody
October 31 - Halloween, Birthdays: ana (29)
November 1 - Birthdays: pjf (48), Frankito (45)
November  3 - Birthdays: Umi_Slash (17)
November  4 - Birthdays: TJ (64)
November  - Birthdays: mikewh99 (26)

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

One_on_one, on October 23rd
Short Leash, on October 23rd

200 posts, Alma

la musica, on October 26th

Jack, 500 posts

Rosie, on October 23rd
Carbyville, on October 26th

Ennis, 1000 posts

Elisabetta, on October 25th

Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

Mikele, on October 25th

Special achievements

Tpe, 12 000 posts on October 23rd, Greenfrog 9000 posts and Twisted 7000 posts on October 25, City Slickin' Cowboy, 10 000 posts, on October 26.

Congratulations to all!   O0

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye Brokies, see you next week. %)

October 30 - November 5, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #5 on: Nov 12, 2006, 10:18 PM » Weekly Newsletter
– November 6 -12, 2006 -

Good day Brokies,

Next November 12 will be Anne Hattaway's birthday.  I you ever want to send a card, this is the address where you could send it to:

Anne Hathaway c/o
William Morris Agency
One William Morris Place
Beverly Hills, CA, 90212, USA

Latest news from last week, chances are we will have a gathering in America during the Memorial Day week-end, we also busted 300, 000 posts on the forum.  :)

Have a nice week  :^^)


Interesting Article

Posted by Tpe on October 31st



The 24 Finest Performances of 2005

Photograph By: Jennifer Cooper

Jake Gyllenhaal
Jack Twist, Brokeback Mountain
Age: 25
Birthplace: Los Angeles
Essential Filmography: October Sky (1999), Donnie Darko (2001), The Good Girl (2002), The Day After Tomorrow (2004), Jarhead (2005)

PREMIERE:Who are your idols?
Wow. Oh my God. Anthony Quinn. Paul Newman. Sean Penn, obviously. Bruce Springsteen. Bono.

What was your first acting job?
City Slickers with Billy Crystal. I played his son.

What was the hardest scene to play in Brokeback?
A lot of the love scenes are very physical, and very much like a fight scene, so there was something I could relate to. And it was a comfort place for me to go. But then there was one scene in the tent where I have to draw him in, and I really have to be the one who leads it, and I had absolutely no experience in any of that. I was very uncomfortable with that. I’m very proud of [the love scenes], and I know that they will bother a lot of people, and I know that they will comfort a lot of people. It bothers me and comforts me to see the scene, but that was the hardest thing for me to get, to take the lead there and pretend like I was the person who really knew what he was doing.

What’s your best piece of acting advice?
Chris Cooper once told me to never have any regrets. After Chris said that to me, I [now] walk into every scene thinking, “Exhaust every possibility.” Once you get to a certain place, it’s like you just deliver everything you’ve got. Don’t have any regrets. It pops up in my mind over and over and over again.

If you could have starred in any movie ever, what would it have been? Only one?
Oh, man. I’m trying to think of the beautiful women that I would have loved to have a sex scene with, or I’m trying to think of the great actors I wanted to work with. Searching for Bobby Fischer.

Various Interviews/News Articles

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we will see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   The countdown is now - 5 weeks.
There are 2 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

New Gathering Projects Spring 2007 Gathering in America

Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007.  The place is not chosen yet but Denver Colorado looks interesting since 2 other forums are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end, shall we join in? Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together

Started by Mars

I would be interested to a new gathering in Spring time but in Europe!!  O0

Click here to go to the thread.

Old Thread From the Past

Started by Ethan on January 7 2006

From David Letterman show
Top Ten Signs You're A Gay Cowboy

10. "Your saddle is Versace"

9. "Instead of 'Home On The Range', you sing 'It's Raining Men'"

8. "You enjoy ridin', ropin', and redecoratin'"

7. "Sold your livestock to buy tickets to 'Mamma Mia'"

6. "After watching reruns of 'Gunsmoke', you have to take a cold shower"

5. "Native Americans refer to you as 'Dances With Men'"

4. "You've been lassoed more times than most steers"

3. "You're wearing chaps, yet your 'ranch' is in Chelsea"

2. "Instead of a saloon you prefer a salon"

1. "You love riding, but you don't have a horse"

From David Letterman show
Top Ten Signs You're A Gay Cowboy

Top Ten Signs You're a Gay Cowboy - David Letterman

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.

Quotes of the Week

Posted by Stephen on October 30

I never thought this forum would become a cyber home, a home away from home, so to speak, and that would become a base of operations! I've just recently come to realize that I'm emotionally grounded here, and because of this, I'm freer to be me, more empathetic, loving, and thoughtful, than I was before BBM and this forum......Although I rarely add to the forum anymore,  I'm always here, reading, reflecting, and here, in print, I want to express my thankfulness to everyone who has added heartfelt thoughts to

Why I love this place

Posted by theohsocurlyone on November 3

How has BBM changed your view on life?

I feel ashamed; all of you have written such humbling, moving posts, and I feel as if I've "got off lightly", so to speak, even though Brokeback Mountain really feels like it *has* changed me.

I was only 14, nearly 15, when I went to see it back in March, and although I had heard a lot about the film; I'd read articles and reviews and each one sounded like a...I don't know...a love letter, and I was convinced that everyone was overreacting.  Surely films didn't do that to people?...

Click here to read the full post.

Meet the Authors

Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors, others than Annie Proulx.  ;)

You could find more about this here.

Warning  ???  Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.

Posted by LuvJackNasty

Here is the interview from Beatrice author of Tainted Evidence

Are you a professional writer?

In mind and spirit, I am a professional. In checking account balance, not yet.

If yes, have you published anything and if so what?

In college, I did have several short stories published in academic journals. When I read them now, I cringe. Dense, wordy ramblings filled with long descriptive paragraphs of literary chi-chi that requires hip boots to wade through all the metaphors.

If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?

Ex-high school teacher who escaped the miasma of public education to live the Bohemian way as a Theatre owner.

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?

Their tragedy absolutely devastated me. Spontaneous bouts of uncontrollable weeping sparked by a song, an image, a mundane remark in an otherwise unrelated conversation plagued me for weeks after BBM. As I had before with another love that never grows old, I turned to fanfiction. I found Human Interest. Jack was alive and living that sweet life with his Ennis! MadLori's words helped to fill the black hole of Jack's death  and the healing began.

I was also introduced to the BBM burgeoning fandom which I joined as a writer to connect with others changed by Jack and Ennis’ story. Canon one-shots and drabbles to start, then came the Brokeback Slash Challenge to write a modern Jack and Ennis. Tainted Evidence was born.

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?

In high school I wrote teenaged girl fantasies disguised as “Star Trek” fiction. In college it was “Quantum Leap”. But, it wasn’t until two hobbits stole my heart that writing became my passion.

Sam and Frodo needed closure, and so did I. In my search, I found the wonderfully diverse world of “Lord of the Rings” fandom, and the remarkably close knit group of hobbit slashers, purveyors of hobbitsmut. Read it religiously, can’t write it worth a damn. Too American, too 21st century. RPS is more to my style, and I have carved a sizeable niche there, Sean and Elijah exclusively.

The Ring Series, (this will sound familiar), a retelling of The Quest set in our time, is on hiatus right now as I complete TE. The fourth and final book, After the Ring, will be my next big project.

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?

The fact that something I created has generated such enthusiasm is almost orgasmic. The comments, discussions and insights from those who lurk on The Dark Side are nothing short of amazing, and I am humbled by the DSDers wit, intelligence and support. THANK YOU!!!

Constructive criticism, growth for the writer as its goal, is always welcomed and taken to heart. What really grinds my shorts is personal opinion touted as indisputable fact, negative blanket statements of no substance, commenting without reading and cliquish attacks on the author out of some bizarre sense of loyalty to another. These do nothing except denigrate, damage and destroy writer, reader and fandom.

If you could changed one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... we all would change that if we could!)

A declaration of their obvious love for one another. Those three little words would have given purpose to Jack’s twenty year sacrifice, comfort in his death and self-worth to Ennis.

New Threads from Last Week

Both started by Dirtbiker on November 1st

I was watching some BBM scenes at the gym today on my portable vid player and was wondering what if Ennis said yes to Alma Jr. moving in with him.  Would that even be possible?  He doesn't have custody of her so it would take a miracle for Alma/Monroe to agree to it anyway.  What do you brokies think?

What if Ennis said yes to Alma Jr. moving in with him?

I just realized that when Ennis asked Alma Jr whether Kurt loved her, that he was reflecting on whether Jack loved him.  He wanted to be sure he loved her and didn't want to lose the opportunity of a lifetime to give her away to a boy who really loves her as he had lost the opportunity with Jack.  That's probably why he decided to forgo the cowboy job at the Tetons, because this was something too important to miss.  :-\\ 

Rehash of (Ennis to Alma Jr) "Does he love you?"

Started by theohsocurlyone on November 3

Did you know most of the sheep in BBM are special effects?
I don't if this has already been posted (my apologies if it has), but someone put me on to this excellent little video which shows how the digital effects in BBM were put together:

Brokeback Mountain SFX comparison

Calendar for next week

November 6 - Birthdays: matt78 (28)

November 7 - Birthdays: NoReins (36)

November 8 - Birthdays: midnightxhighway (18)

November 9 - Birthdays: guyinjax (45)

November 10 - Birthdays: bubbaluna (56)

November 11 - Veterans Day

November 12 - Events: * Anne Hathaway's Birthday

Forum Achievements

300 000 posts on on November 1st

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Mountain, on November 1st
theohsocurlyone, on November 4th

200 posts, Alma

Philchel, on November 1st
Saul, on November 3rd
Silk, onNovember 4th

Jack, 500 posts

Carmilla, on October 31st
Louisev, on November 4t

Special achievements

NoReins , 3000 posts on October 30th, Greenfrog, 10 000 posts, on October 31st, Chameau, 14 000 posts on November 3rd, Mars, 14 000 posts, on November 5th, Jerasjr 7000 posts on November 5th..

Congratulations to all!    8)

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye Brokies, see you next week.    %)

November 6 -12, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #6 on: Nov 18, 2006, 07:10 PM » Weekly Newsletter
November 13 -19, 2006 -

 Hi Brokies,
 I would like to thank Kathy for her excellent work and commitment on the time capsule project, it was her initiative. O0

This is what she submited for the Yahoo Time Capsule,

Here is the final submission for the Yahoo Time Capsule, which I will submit later today.  I hope they don't come back and say we can't use banner because of copyright issues.  The final character count is 2985, with a 3000 limit, so we're pushing it.


The movie Brokeback Mountain touched us so deeply, we found our ways from far and wide to this on-line community to share feelings and heal wrongs.  We celebrate the people who gave life to Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist: Annie Proulx and Ang Lee, Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal.  We celebrate Ennis and Jack, and we celebrate each other for creating a space for warm and spirited discussion of this beautiful and tragic love story and its thousands of facets, and the changes that the movie and our community have wrought in us.  We came together strangers and have become friends.

Click here to read the full post.

Thanks Kathy  :^^)
Have a nice week Brokies  ;)

Chameau  %)

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we will see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   The countdown is now - 4 weeks.
There are 3 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

After the Screening of Saturday, we will meet and have dinner at the Strada, an Italian restaurant close to the Base2stay Hotel.  There is a new thread about the choice of the menu, a poll,  and general information how to get to London and the public trasnportation system.

Some useful info for the EGT ~ NEW POLL!!

Click here to go to the thread.

New Gathering Projects Spring 2007 Gathering in America

Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007.  The place is not chosen yet but Denver Colorado looks interesting since 2 other foruns are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end, shall we join in? Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together

Are we going to meet next Spring in Europe?  Click here to discuss about it.

Pix with Poems

Posted by jessi on November 8


You’d Love the Weather

Bud, you’d love the weather.
Got a warmin trend goin
Up at Pine Creek.
Nights made for keepin y’warm,
Low twenty-five
Sunny days,
Highs fiftish, most a the week.
Good ridin weather, huh?
Fine for shootin an elk,
Countin them stars,
Hot fire, coffee, me and you.
Goin a drive up for a couple days,
Cans a Vienna sausage,
Saddle up one horse,
And a pup tent a do,
Won’t need much.
Never did,
Only whut I wouldn’t have.
Only whut I don’t have.
Can’t never have…
Ah Jack, you’d a liked the weather.
I’d shoot y’that elk.
We’d a talked. Should a wrote.
Huh, so you’d a known
Nothin near ready to be quit,
Not by no long shot.
Should a called,
But I knew it all come t’me better
When my arms would hold…
On the 7th…
Should a called, let y’know....
Jack, I…
Ah bud,
You’d a loved the weather this week


Pix with Poems

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.

Meet the Authors

Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors, others than Annie Proulx.  ;)

You could find more about this here.

Warning  ???  Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.

Posted by LuvJackNasty, an  interview of  Maidnofthesea
Author of For A Little While/Some Silver Lining/Over The Bridge and Nobody’s Angel

Are you a professional writer? No

If yes, have you published anything and if so what? I've had two poems published in the Atlanta Review in 2003 and 2004

If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world? Clerical Assistant

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack? The scene in Don Wroe's cabin always fascinated me. I wondered if it was the only time they made love inside, in a semi home and For A Little While was born from that.

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM? Yes, loosely in Beatles

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers? No not really, I'm open to anything. I don't change my story because of any crit, bad or good, but feedback helps you to process what you've done and its a thrill to know people are enjoying your reading. I haven't had that many bad experiences with comments thankfully.

If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... we all would change that if we could!) I would have kept Jack at that house after the divorce and made him wait until Ennis got back so they could talk. I hate to see him drive away. It just kills me.

Quote of the Week

Posted by CrimsonSky on November 7

I wonder if Ennis truly knew what he had.  If Jack had really given him reason to not take him for granted, Ennis might have relented...butwe'll never know.


I'm sure Ennis knew, I think that's one of the reasons why he couldn't bring himself to agree to them living together, the fear that it would lead to one of them losing the other, like Rich lost Earl :\'(  In his own way, he was trying to protect their love, the tragic irony of course is that despite that (or maybe even because of it) he lost Jack anyway,as well as the lifetime of loving each other that they could have shared :\'( :\'( :\'(

Jack's love for Ennis

BBM coming to HBO

Posted by ep00sc

I do not know if any one has posted this yet - but HBO will be showing BBM on Nov. 26 at 7:30pm

HBO is available on cable in United-States and available only on satellite in Canada and probably many other countries.

BBM coming to HBO

HRC Campaign

Posted by LuvJackNasty on November 10

I got this in my email from the HRC concerning the elections

Thank you for believing in the mission of the Human Rights Campaign and our goal to be a powerful force in this election. Because of you, Tuesday was a watershed moment for our community. A wave of pro-equality candidates was swept into office, from Philadelphia to Fort Lauderdale and from Minneapolis to Tucson, and are now the majority in the United States House and Senate. To date, 93 percent of HRC-endorsed candidates have won their races (210 of 225), with a handful of races still pending...

Discussing gay issues - news from around the world

Click here to read the full post.

Old Thread from the Past

A Sampling of BBM Humor

Started by ranchgal on December 22, 2005

All the jokes and funny pictures about BBM including links to parodies on YouTube are posted there.  Click on the picture to visit the thread.

Calendar for next week

November 13 - Birthdays: THE WINGS (53)

November 17 - Birthdays: cybernaut (28), Allyce (16)

November 18 - Birthdays: enzino (44)

November 19 - Birthdays: ravenus19 (23)

Forum Achievements

50 000 posts in the Silver Wolves thread on November 7th

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Tizi17, on November 7th
one_on-one, on November 8th
Annika, on November 8th
Cactusjuice, on November 11th

100 posts, Lureen

one_on_one, on November 8th

Special achievements

Tpe, 13 000 posts and Jerasjr, 7000 posts on November 6th, Kathy, 3000 posts on November 7th, Twisted, 8000 posts on November 8th, LuvJackNasty, 9000 posts on November 12th.

Congratulations to all!    O0

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye Brokies, see you next week.     :)

November 13 - 19, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

  • Moderator
  • Jack + Ennis
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  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #7 on: Nov 26, 2006, 05:31 PM » Weekly Newsletter
November 20 -26, 2006 -

Hello Brokies,

This is your weekly Newsletter.  Is it the same for you, huh?  Last week looked like busy here, so many wonderfull posts, overwhelming poems and interesting new threads. We could feel some buzz about the London Gathering too  :P .  Before I go, I'd like to thank LuvJackNasty for her help, interviews and suggestions for the Newsletter.

Group hug for ya cowgirl  :ghug:.

Have a nice week on


Reorganizing the Forum

A message from Ethan

Mountain Cafe will be renamed as "" and remained locked

This board will be the central place for members to socialize and used for forum activities. If you have any idea for a new thread and would like to post in this board, please contact any moderator.

Thank you!!

Quotes of the Week

Posted by BBBOY on November  15

I was stunned when I first read the shortstory on my porch one afternoon. I was emotionally destroyed when I walked out of that movie theater last January. I could talk to no one, actually had no one to talk to. I went online to Annie Proulx's site and found some brief solace there, so moved I had read and enjoyed other pieces of her work. But it was not enough. I was lost in the most intense loneliness I had ever felt, emotions out of control, my life out of control. And then I found I literally fell into salvation here. From my first post I knew that there was someone out there who knew and understood what I was feeling......................and was feeling the same. For the first time in my life I didn't feel like I was alone. I have shared here, laughed and loved, found the family I always wanted. It has been all so unexpected and therefore so much more appreciated…

…I love this place because it has given me the chance to find myself in a way I doubt I ever would have, and therefore made me a better person…

Why I love this place

Please click here to read the full post.

Posted by GC, a new member, on November 16.  We were all there before and even now...  :-\\ 

I have to write this down, because maybe you guys can help me with this...

Yesterday, I bought the movie and watched it right before I got to bed. But I had no idea the movie would have such an impact on me. I started crying when Ennis and Jack saw each other for the last time, and I kept crying for like an hour and a half (I cried myself to sleep). When I woke up this morning (I didn't sleep well at all) I almost immediately started crying again. And when I was in school, tears got in my eyes everytime I thought about Jack and Ennis. Even now, when I'm writing this message, I'm almost crying again. Did you guys have the same problem ? When will it be over ?

I've never been so emotional after a movie, and I almost never cry when I watch sad movies, but with this one, I cried like a little child...

PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we will see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   The countdown is now - 3 weeks.
There are 3 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

After the Screening of Saturday, we will meet and have dinner at the Strada, an Italian restaurant close to the Base2stay Hotel.  There is a new thread about the choice of the menu, a poll,  and general information how to get to London and the public trasnportation system.

Some useful info for the EGT ~ NEW POLL!!

Click here to go to the thread.

We have now an official T-Shirt for the London gathering [/size]  
click here to see it.

Oscar Night Screening of Brokeback Mountain

When?  Sunday, February 25, 2007
Where? Bay City, Michigan

BayCityJohn is organizing a get together, the movie will be open to the public, but free for forum members from the ennisjack, bettermost, and davecullen forums. Click here  for all the details.

New Gathering Projects Spring 2007 Gathering in America

Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007.  The target is Denver Colorado since 2 other forums, bettermost and davecullen, are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end. Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together

Are we going to meet next Spring in Europe?  There is some talk about Paris. :) Click here to discuss about it.

New Threads

Started by martius1967 on November 12.

Considering that we all are from so many different parts across the world and that we have such a diverse cultural background, having different ages, different sexual orientations, ways in which we were brought up by our parents, partners that we have met, and a universe of different professions, occupations, activities, experiences, etc. Why is it then that we are all brought together bound by some sort of invisible and delicate however luminous and powerful link, a cumplicity of feelings and emotions that makes us speak out the profoundity of the impact that Brokeback Mountain had on all of us? There must be something else I´ve been pondering of late. I think that what keeps us wired together is the subject about love - unconditional love. Somehow I think I´m under the impression that no matter who you are or where you live or how much wealth or health you have, we are all lacking love surrounding us and to a certain extent love within us. Our world has somehow become a vast desert of love, with the same monotonous landscape crowded with people, ourselves namely, craving for giving love to someone and receiving love from someone. Something that BBM stirred inside of us and awakened us to it.

Transcultural impact of BBM across the world

Started by Dirtbiker  on November 15

I got this idea from surfing around....  So what would you say if you could step into a scene?

The two scenes I'd like to step in:

When they were parting ways after the summer of 1963 -  I'd like to say to Ennis to not pass up this opportunity to continue his relationship with Jack.

On their last get-together - I'd ask Ennis to say something to Jack and not sit there like a log, when Jack said he missed him so much, he couldn't hardly stand it.   :\'(

What would you say if you could step into a scene?

Pix with Poems

Our poets in residence were very inspired last week, their poems are overwhelming.   :\'(
Thanks for sharing your work Brokies.

Posted by rick65 on November 15


Recapturing Bliss

Here we are together,
I wished it’d been sooner,
But finally I can weather
Time alone with you.

Now I know you’re here
As I breathe your hair’s scent.
Hold my arms tight, dear,
As I try to make some sense.

If only we could stay
Enjoying each other,
Together every day!
Like this, like now, forever.

I won’t deny I knew
Our feelings’re just as strong,
As when our luck flew,
Our lives upturned, all wrong.

Yet something tells me softly,
As I peer into your eyes;
Doubt, uncertainty and costly
Factors damage what’s yours and mine.

“I don’t know” said once or twice,
But not because you weren’t sure.
Thoughts had been frozen in ice,
Back when you were ten, and way before.

“You gotta stand it,” I was warned.
“But I’m sick of beans,” I said.
The only thing that matters really
Is holding and loving you in the end.

Pix with Poems by Rick65

Posted by Jessi on November 17


Empty, my arms ache.
Sometimes I want you so bad,
I can’t even dream.

If you follow it,
On around, that pot’s handle’s,
Found in my hand.

Pix with Poems by Jessi

Meet the Authors

Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors, others than Annie Proulx.  ;)

You could find more about this here.

Warning  ???  Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.

Posted by LuvJackNasty, an Interview with Testadura author of 48 Days

Are you a professional writer?

No, I'm not though I hope to be some day and I have taken writing courses.

If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?
I'm a scientist - director of a QC lab.

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?

I loved the movie so much and it "lived in my head a long time" and the thought of what could have reasonably changed things for the better obsessed me for a while. "48 Days" is the result.

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?

Not currently though I have written in both the Voyager (Star Trek) and X-Files fandoms.

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?

No - I love the comments and any criticisms that are respectfully given are a learning opportunity.

If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... we all would change that if we could!)

I would have like to see more of their affection for each other over the years - especially in that last trip.  That affection was so clear in the short story but I think Ang made it seem like Jack and Ennis had devolved into sexless, almost distant friends.

A Bit of Humour

Pawning the White Moon- Caption your favorite BBM Photo

Brokeback Mountain made us cry... a lot.  It could also makes us laugh... a lot.  In this thread Brokies post pictures with a different line than the original one from the movie.  ;)

This one was posted by Louisev last November 8.


"One thing ta do when we get real bored is... drink a whole lot a whiskey then start rollin sheep down the side a the mountain.  Boy they can really pick up speed on a good incline."

Click here and have fun.

Calendar for next week

November 21 - Birthdays: honestjoe1959 (47), yolandany2826 (24)
November 23 - Thanksgiving (USA), birthdays: monicita (40)

November 24 - Birthdays: francis.shim (44)

November 25 - Birthdays: BBM Obsessed (45), dexxr9 (43)
November 26 - Birthdays: shiroi_kasumi (18) 

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Ellye, on November 12

100 posts, Lureen

Tizi17 ,on November 17th

Ennis, 1000 posts

Carbyville, on November 15th

Special achievements

Welshwitch and Asali, 4000 posts each on November 15.  Hanna, 6000 posts, on November 17.

Congratulations to all!   :^^)

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Hasta la vista Brokies, see you next week.     ^-^

November 20 - 26, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #8 on: Dec 01, 2006, 03:20 AM » Weekly Newsletter
November 27 - December 3, 2006 -

Farewell Robert, Farewell Philippe

Two legends of motion pictures passed away last week.  One great director is gone one great actor left us too.  Farewell Robert Altman, farewell Philippe Noiret.

Human kind lost two great souls.  :-\\

Robert Altman was and still is on my top 5 list of best movie directors ever with Milos Forman, Pedro Almodovar, Ang Lee and Stanley Kubrick.  He never won an Oscar for any of his work but got one last year for his career.  Most of the awards and prizes Robert Altman won were from foreign countries festivals.  Don't ask me what I think about the Academy but at least he got some recognition.  He directed most of the finest and brilliant comedies ever.  The one everybody will always remember, M.A.S.H., and some late movies I will always keep in my heart like The Player and Cookie's Fortune.  He also directed more ambitious projects like Nashville, Short Cuts and Gosford Park

I send my deepest sympathies to my American friends. I'll miss your sense of humour Robert

Philippe Noiret , was one of the most respected French actor.  I don't know if any of you ever watched Cinema paradiso but, this is what Philippe could do.  He could play good guys, bad guys, whatever, he always stole my heart.  He was from another class of actors, I mean legends.  Three roles out of about 125 movies he played just rocked my world:  Le vieux fusil (The Old Gun) with Romy Schneider  :\'(, I already mentioned Cinema Paradiso and there is also Gli Occhialli D'oro (the Golden Glasses) where he played a gay doctor in Fascist Italy.

I send my deepest sympathies to my French friends. I'll miss your soft eyes and deep voice Philippe

Sorry Brokies, it's not related to Brokeback Mountain but it is after all.  It's about cinema, directors and actors.  Robert and Philippe are gone to where Bluebirds sing and there's a whiskey spring.  You were both known as really hard workers.  Rest in Peace, you deserve it, you made movie history.  O0

Have a nice week Brokies,


New Thread


Started by Ethan on November 26

December 19 marks one year anniversary at Yes, one year. Just think how far we have come along - the emotion and the friendship. To commemorate our 1st anniversary and to share our bounding experience as a result of BBM, would like to ask you the following questions. It is our time capsule for many years to come and to cherish.

Please copy the questions and share your thoughts. The thread will remain open until December 19, 2006 and will be locked afterward. Please only post to the questions only. To avoid clutter of this thread, please refrain from replying. All posts other than answering these questions will be removed. Thank you and let's celebrate!!

When did you first join (check your profile)

What days are you on (check your user info)

Where are you from?

Has any member made an impact on you and why?

Who have you made friends with and how would you describe this friendship?

Name one thread that you can't live without at

What do you look forward to at

What makes you happiest at

What's the funniest/craziest thing you ever made with/to another member?

When you first joined, did you think you'd still be here and what has kept you here?

Click here to post your answers.

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we will see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   The countdown as of November 27 is - 12 days.
There are 3 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

After the Screening of Saturday, we will meet and have dinner at the Strada, an Italian restaurant close to the Base2stay Hotel.  There is a new thread about the choice of the menu, a poll,  and general information how to get to London and the public trasnportation system.

Some useful info for the EGT ~ NEW POLL!!

Click here to go to the thread.

We have now an official T-Shirt for the London gathering [/size]  
click here to see it.

Oscar Night Screening of Brokeback Mountain

When?  Sunday, February 25, 2007
Where? Bay City, Michigan

BayCityJohn is organizing a get together, the movie will be open to the public, but free for forum members from the ennisjack, bettermost, and davecullen forums. Click here  for all the details.

New Gathering Projects Spring 2007 Gathering in America

Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007.  The target is Denver Colorado since 2 other forums, bettermost and davecullen, are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end. Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together

Are we going to meet next Spring in Europe?  There is some talk about Paris. :) Click here to discuss about it.

Happy Thanksgiving

These are posts from last week all related to Thanksgiving.

Posted by MaineWriter on November 22

To all my friends and readers,

I have posted a Thanksgiving thank you, because you are all special people and mean so much to me.

Thank you for being there for me.


Please click on the link Leslie posted, her Brokeback Mountain experience is very similar to mine ours.  :-\\ :)

Fan Fic: A Love Born From Steel & Through the Veil of Time

Posted by Carbyville on November 23

YKYAA: When your family is sitting around for Thanksgiving dinner giving thanks and your grandma says to think of those who cannot be with us this Thanksgiving and you whisper to you husband "Jack and Ennis"  ^*()

You know you are addicted when...

Posted by Ethan on November 23

Just updated all the links for download.

On this Thanksgiving Day, I am grateful for all of you who made this video possible.

Thanks Ethan   :^^) The links he posted are now permanent, you could download our Video Tribute from there: Video Tribute to BBM & the Members

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.

Meet the Authors

From Luvjacknasty, here is the interview with Louisev author of:
Taking Chances
Looking for Answers
A Second Chance
Shelter From the Storm
The Long Way Home
The Red Stallion
A.K.A "The Laramie Saga"

Are you a professional writer?

Yes, but not full time.

If yes, have you published anything and if so what?

Yes.  A volume of poems entitled "Epistle to the North Americans" and a novel "The Erotic Etudes", as well as journalism. I was a journalist in the early 1980's.

If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?

I am a software development consultant.

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?

I was attracted to the story when the film started being advertised.  It took until March 2006 for the film to come to Europe and I read the story several times before getting to see the film.  I wrote some photo captions on a fan forum and was asked to try my hand at a fan fiction story, and start first one short piece, and then wrote a larger series of books after that.

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?

no, I haven't written any fan fiction outside of this fandom.

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?

My stories, which are about Ennis moving on to a new life, have been extremely controversial and have led to a lot of negative criticism and lashback.  Yes - it is quite difficult to deal with that, and I can't say I truly understand it.

Pix with poems

Last week again, our poets in residence were very inspired.  These are two examples of their talent, thanks for sharing Brokies.  Classic poems with great pictures from the movie were also posted.

Again from Life's Nothin but Lonely Roads, the dreamy part.  I separated this and the next one I will post because the second part upset a couple people.  Both parts are edited to remove some of Jack's rougher words.  My heart is so touched by the beautiful comments I am speechless.  Sharing my love of Jack and Ennis is one of the most exquisite experiences of my 55 years.

Soft snorty flutters
Itch at my neck,
Pine-soap clean sweat,
Fill the air with you.
Heart to heart
Shuttin down, letting be…

in that glazed mirror
like some washed out blue star
spittin  through
the tail end of a spring storm.
Even my very bones tingle
with you.
In that glazed mirror
I slip past the here,
Into my real
Rich earth, stormy winter's night hot chocolate,
the soul of soft brown,
Color of heaven.
Into you.

…heart to heart…
Arms from behind, slidin over shoulders…
Foldin my tremblin hands
in yours,
Holdin me, holdin me
…heart to heart…

Pressin back
against your cheek, whiskery
just wakin heated, perfect -
-Holdin me-
Swaying slowly to our heartbeat…
-Holdin me-

Hand in hand
Forever and ever…
Damn, all I want,
all there is, all there is…
body melted to body,
heart to heart.



Thought i'd get one out before Thanksgiving vac

Nice to Meet You

Not much was said between them,
They had only barely met.
A few beers, nuts and pretzels-
But still, it did seem heaven sent.

Why did he come this year?
I’d never known him before.
I’ll show him how not to fear,
If his riding skills are poor.

Some sparkle in his eyes,
Some roughness in his form.
Alongside him I will be;
Working and living, sun or storm.

by Rick65


PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

The PBS thread was quite busy last week.  It looks like many Brokies are still suffering from it, huh?  These are two examples of great quotes posted there.

Posted  Carbyville on November 22

I was just thinking about this and decided this would be the best place to post it (let me know if I am wrong). I’ve noticed, and I believe I’ve read other posts stating the same thing, that I seem to be affected worse the more I watch the movie.

I rarely watch it because of this. I don’t know if it’s because I DON’T want my heart ripped out again, or that I DON’T want that affect the movie has on me to fade away. Maybe it’s both…

…What gets me so bad is this recurring thought and vision I always see immediately after watching the movie. I keep seeing Ennis all alone in that trailer, his life passing him by without Jack…

Click here to read the full post.

Posted by Mario83 on November  23

In fact, i've got through the post BB syndrom , when i watched the movie twice , 3 days interval. I kept on crying and thinking of the movie and about Ennis and Jack for the whole day.
I went to my Best friend, talked to him and told him about my feelings, we searched through the net and i found out that it's not me that's the only one who's feeling that way but there are more than one million people feeling that way and going through what i feel... Since then, i felt better, i felt that many people understand me and got the idea of the movie... Those feelings showed me that i wasn't sick after all but that I am a Human and i am ALIVE because i still have the ability to feel and love...

PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

Calendar for next week

November 28 - Birthdays: keepitup84 (22), David (21), Mariza (18), Ommadawn (39)
November 29 - Birthdays: guaranain (28), malawix (39), karen1129 (59)
December 1 - Birthdays: phluka (31)

Forum Achievements

250 pages in the Congratulations for Achievements thread on November 21, 500 pages in the Jake's pix thread on November 22nd.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Daphne, on November 22nd
Heaven Eyes, on November 23rd
Audrey Twist, on November 25th

100 posts, Lureen

Dodolea, on November 25th

200 posts, Alma

Tizi17, on November 25th

Special achievements

Greenfrog, 12 000 posts and Tpe 14 000 posts, both on November 21st.  Keren_b, 3000 posts on November 23rd.

Congratulations to all!  :ghug:

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Au revoir Brokies, see you next week.       :)

November 27 - December 3, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #9 on: Dec 11, 2006, 03:50 AM » Weekly Newsletter
December 3 - 10, 2006

It is December finally. This December is a month of celebration and is very special month for many of us. December 9 marks the one year anniversary of BBM premier in USA and on December 17, our beloved will turn one year old (Yes one year). After several months of planning, the European gathering is under the way - many brokies will be reunited for the first time in London from December 8 - 11 with the highlight of BBM screening on December 9 (right on the date of 1 year anniversary of premier in USA). All of you are invited to join the celebration and will be with us in spirits.

I am also very excited to share with you that our forum will move to a new server. When it is ready, an announcement will be made for the down time and will have a new look. Stay tuned.

 :cr) Ethan - administrator

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, next week-end from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  December 9 we will see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen. The countdown as of December 4 is - 5 days.

Some Brokies are very excited, huh?

Live from London, click on the picture below to the live update during the London EGT.

There are 3 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

1. List of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in, there are a few places left for the screening.

After the Screening of Saturday, we will meet and have dinner at the Strada, an Italian restaurant close to the Base2stay Hotel.  There is a new thread about the choice of the menu, a poll,  and general information how to get to London and the public trasnportation system.

2. Some useful info for the EGT ~ NEW POLL!!
- Click here to go to the thread.

3. Official T-Shirt for the London gathering [/size] - click here to see it.

Oscar Night Screening of Brokeback Mountain

When?  Sunday, February 25, 2007     Where? Bay City, Michigan

BayCityJohn is organizing a get together, the movie will be open to the public, but free for forum members from the ennisjack, bettermost, and davecullen forums. Click here  for all the details.

New Gathering Projects Spring 2007 Gathering in America

Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007.  The target is Denver Colorado since 2 other forums, bettermost and davecullen, are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end. Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together

Are we going to meet next Spring in Europe?  we need to set up the place and the dates.  :) Click here to discuss about it.


Reminder, you have two weeks left, see below.

December 17 marks one year anniversary at Yes, one year. Just think how far we have come along - the emotion and the friendship. To commemorate our 1st anniversary and to share our bounding experience as a result of BBM, would like to ask you the following questions. It is our time capsule for many years to come and to cherish.

This thread will be locked after December 17.  Click here to see the questions and answer them.  Many members already answered... we suggest tissues.  ;)

About our first Anniversary Chronology - past, present & furture

Started by Ethan on July 17

The Birth of

I saw BBM on December 9 in New York City, the day of premier in the US. A friend of mine asked me to go and that was the first time I heard of the movie. I didn't know the short story, didn't know Annie Proulx - nothing. All I knew was Ang Lee. And yes..sorry didn't know Jake and Heath either. Nada. There I went with my friend and Bubu. I sobbed right after I left the movie theatre and BBM had stayed with me since then. Nothing prepared me for this magnitude of obsession, or fascination rather...

Click here to read about the genesis of the forum.

In Your Words: an retrospective

Started by BBBOY on May 21

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.


BBM Collectors Edition

Started by Carbyville on November 28

It’s about asking Universal Pictures for a real collector’s edition with footage never seen before.

Alright, folks. I've created the petition and have provided the first signature. I would love it if you all signed it and spread the word about it, as well. Thanks!

Click on this link: BBM Collectors Edition:*To Be Released Jan 23rd 2007* to go to the post

Gay Rights Petition (Stop the Hanging of Gay Men In Iran)

Started by Greenfrog on November  29
Hello everyone.

I number of you would have already received a PM about this. But considering that there is currently 3077 members (and that number will continue to rise), I'm going to instead start a thread about this (thanks Ethan).

I've started a gay rights petition and I would really appreciate it if you could add your signature to it.

Click here to go to the petition thread and sign it.

Out of the Closet

Posted by Philchel on November 27

I arrived on this thread after Ethan mentioning it on the 'one year anniversary' thread (thanks Ethan).

What a discovery - so many touching stories - especially the one of BBBoy touched me a lot (probably since 1st one with that much detail that I read).
You're so 'open' that I feel the need to also share my experience :

I'm a lucky boy to be 35 in 2006 (and to live in central Europe) and I have a lot of respect for the ones amongst you being in the 50's - 60's...

Philchel shared his own personal experience after this introduction.  Click on Out of the closet to read it.

Pix with poems

More members are posting their poems, you could see here two of them.  Many more from different authors were posted too.

Posted by la musica on November 29


Hey, Rodeo
Let's do-si-do
Up in the green mountain grass.
I grab your shirt,
You lasso my legs,
We both fall flat on our ass.

Hoot and holler,
tussle and roll,
And you with that ol' mouthharp.
Laugh and drink,
Logs on the fire
Shootin'off flames in the dark.

All over now,
Gone like a dream,
The horse-play and good times we had
Up in the hills
Together alone,
The memories good - nothing bad.

I loved you then.
I love you now.
That's one thing I never could say.
I just never knew
What it all meant to you
'Til now - way late in the day.


Hey, Rodeo

Posted by frenchcda on December 1

In wishing you life
Remember the wild wonders
A passion, ours that kills
On the waves of our flesh
Knowing well our blossoms

To unease men with ignorance
Glistening rage as it rest upon
Hypocrisy righteously binding their abode
Be their Hatchet that slaughter us 

When far in the wild
In darkness we rise out of our cot
Slowly and liquescent to our embrace
Blessed us our will
Spleen of our youthfulness falling sideways
In what sweetness our souls
Coo in the stillness of light

However forth whir the shadows of time
Gloominess a fire a lit
Where peace is but a weeping wound
That gave once and took twice

Promises and praises beneath our love
Meant only a longing in the mist of misery

Here nested in the western shadow of a deserted steeple
Rises a grave facing the northern sky
A lifeless’ breath
And I half alive
Starring south and eastward daring hiss
My words and forbid to dust a thousand deaths
Those to my hands I wrath this earth to shake
For God’s sake
In hope alone trouble less
Be my hate in vain
And there acclaim ten fold
At ease you’re name
In my heart I hold
Before my sleep
While sleep you be, asleep
Kiss to dust I reap
" Joseseph " 

In wishing you life

Calendar for next week

December 6 - Birthdays: Hitomi (22), Finlands Idependance Day

December 7 - Birthdays: pklein (48), Marge Innavera (57)

December 8 - Birthdays: Isbell (20), Audrey twist (22) , London Gathering day one

December 9 - Birthdays: fjdp (45), Events:  * Brokeback Mountain Day, London Gathering day two

December 10 - Birthdays: ennisandjack4ever (18), London Gathering day three

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Coffeecat33, on November 29
Rob in Puyallup, on November 30
Roco on November 30

100 posts, Lureen

Short Leash, on November 29

Special achievements

Flwrchild, 7000 posts, on November 27. 

Congratulations to all!   :ghug:

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

See you next week Brokies... from London.  :)

December 3 - 10, editor: Ethan. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #10 on: Dec 16, 2006, 01:02 PM » Weekly Newsletter
December 11 - 17, 2006

Dearest Brokies...

This weekend was a blessing...just like, the Base2Stay hotel (G1 room) was filled with the love and respect and beautiful souls of our members.
So much happened, and yet, there is never enough time, never enough, when we meet up.

Putting faces and voices to some people we "speak" to everyday, people who are part of our lives and thoughts was fantastic

...just a shame I could not hug Ang, Jake, Michelle, Anne and Heath in person!!! LOL!!!! But the 1000s hugs I received from the EGT Brokies compensated 200% over!!!

Our weekend's moto was What Happens at Base2Stay, stays at Base2Stay...but for some reason, I am pretty sure some pap shots leaked into the live

From Ethan and myself
Thank you all sooooooooooo much.  %)


~~~ Live from London ~~~ Join Us from December 8 - 11

We made it!  22 Brokies for 12 differents countries and 3 different continents reunited in London, UK.  Click on the picture below to go to the live thread.  There are videos to download and many, many pictures from the gathering.

Oscar Night Screening of Brokeback Mountain

When?  Sunday, February 25, 2007
Where? Bay City, Michigan

BayCityJohn is organizing a get together, the movie will be open to the public, but free for forum members from the ennisjack, bettermost, and davecullen forums. Click here  for all the details.

New Gathering Projects Spring 2007 Gathering in America

Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007.  The target is Denver Colorado since 2 other forums, bettermost and davecullen, are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end. Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together

Are we going to meet next Spring in Europe?  we need to set up the place and the dates.  :) Click here to discuss about it.


Reminder, this is the last week.

December 17 marks one year anniversary at Yes, one year. Just think how far we have come along - the emotion and the friendship. To commemorate our 1st anniversary and to share our bounding experience as a result of BBM, would like to ask you the following questions. It is our time capsule for many years to come and to cherish.

This thread will be locked after December 17.  Click here to see the questions and answer them.  Please add your experience.

About our first Anniversary

Why I love this place

Posted by Bram on December 7

I love this place, because I leave for months at a time and everytime that I come back the people that were here when I first came are still here and still just chatting and talking about BBM. It's like I'm coming back home.

Why I love this place

In Your Words: an retrospective

Started by BBBOY on May 21

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

We keep talking about it

It's almost a year and we are still discussing about the basics. 

Jack's love for Ennis

Posted by Tpe on December 4

I think the abiding characteristic of Jack's love for Ennis is hope, and a whole world of patience.  In spite of the ending, Jack's love was a patient love.  In the end, it was almost sel-sacrificing.  It was resigned.  But we can be sure that even if hope had given way in the end to resignation, love was still there.

Reply from Flwrchild on the same day

It was. And we know this because if it wasn't, he would not remember the dozy embrace with such fondness and wistfulness. He loved Ennis because he couldn't help but do so.

Click here to go to the thread.

When Did Your Tears Start during BBM?

Posted by BBBOY on December 3

Having watched the movie so many times now, I know when I'm going to cry but I never know when the unexpected tears will come, and they always do. This is a movie that continues to grip me in so many ways, I will never get over it.

Reply from Cowgirl19 on December 4

Amen BBBoy.  I watched it yesterday and I started crying when Jack says "It can be like this, just like this, always.   It killed me inside.  And ofcourse the flashback scene.  It's my favorite scene out of all the movies in the world.

Reply from Hpv on December 6

Now, it's starts on the first accord of the guitar....

Click here to go to the thread.

PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

Posted by Koka on December 9

tizi hun, believe me, I know what you're going through. And as everyone said before me- you'll ALWAYS find comfort and a shoulder to cry on here...

... I learnt to see and FEEL beauty in tragedy! my most memorable BBM viewing was my 4th one, I remember it like it were yesterday. it was a sunny sunday afternoon ( 2 p.m. ) and there were only few people in the theater with me. it's that viewing that 'healed' me, it was that viewing that mended the whole in my sould made by the first three!...

... but brokeback will always be something only MINE, something I will love and cherish forever, a feeling I will always keep inside of me and remember with utter joy!...

Click here to read the full post.

Jake’s Birthday

It will be Jake's Birthday next December 19.  If you want to send greetings, this is the address where to send them.

Jake Gyllenhaal
   c/o Creative Artist's Agency
   9830 Wilshire Blvd.
   Beverly Hills CA 90212

Pix with Poems

More and more beautifull poems where posted last week, this one was posted by Jessi on December 4.

Beginning of Life's Nothin but Lonely Roads, edited.  It was easier to just leave a few lines of out, Jack's language

Life's Nothin but Lonely Roads

Life's miles on lonely roads.
Ain't measurements a years,
Browned weeds tumblin,
Candles, graves,
Not ifs - coulda bins.
Cowboy howdys - so longs…

Life's runnin 65 – 70 – 90
Pedal to metal, wide open,
Clear creek water lasts and firsts,
Glances – touch,
Life's me gettin to you,
Warm tent in icy rain, the fire'n our heart.

Them other things…
Shit, most what I got...
Ain't nothin but a b** of damn useless,
Gettin in the way,
Grungy coffee
Scraped from a week old pot,

Life's rollin hard'n quick,
Can't make it fast enough,
Throwin miles behind,
Numb butt in a pickup.

Turnin `way and headin outs,
Eyes burnin, blood thin, cold,
Lettin go of holdin on.

Life's Nothin but Lonely Roads

Calendar for next week

December 11 - Events: * London Gathering day 4
December 13 - Birthdays: thee auld nick (34), cowgirl (20)
December 15 - Birthdays: Jack_ME (58)
December 16 - Birthdays: theresa (52)
December 17 - Birthdays: musicandsun (35), cowgirlfanfic (16), Events: * ennisjack 1st anniversary

forum achievements

325 000 posts on on December 4th.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Jackster, on December 5th
Kazza, on December 6th
Lady Ashkenazy, on December 9th

100 posts, Lureen

Audrey Twist, on December 5th

200 posts, Alma

Theresa, on November 27th (better late than sorry  ???)

Special achievements

Chameau and Mars, 15 000 posts each on December 5, BBBOY, 9000 posts on December 7, LuvJackNasty, Kathy, 4000 posts on Decemer 8, 10 000 posts on December 9,  Greenfog, 13 000 posts on December 9, Twisted, 10 000 posts on December 10.

Congratulations to all! 

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

This one was edited from London, have a nice week Brokies  :^^)

December 11 - 17, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #11 on: Dec 23, 2006, 03:19 PM » Weekly Newsletter
December 18 - 24, 2006

***Special 1st Anniversary Edition***

Born from their love...forever bound by ours

Dear Brokies,

December 17 marks one year anniversary of It is quite an accomplishment for a discussion board based on a movie. It started with a movie but over time the forum has evolved to a place where we bound with each other. It is a special place for us to share love and support to each other and to our beloved Brokeback Mountain. In this one year anniversary edition, we highlight our bonding experiences and gratitudes to Brokeback Mountain for making this possible. None of this would be possible without you. You made this forum so special and it is a home for many of us to find comfort and courage. For those who have come and gone, we wish you the best. To those with us and to those still to come - we had never dreamed this forum turning into this, and we are deeply grateful for all the insights and feelings and pain and sorrow and happiness and love we all have shared. Looking forward to a lot more and many years to come. Many thanks and wishing you the happiest holiday season.

Ethan and the Mod Team:cr)

Important Forum Update

In the last week of December, the forum will be moved to a new server. When the forum is ready to move, there will be a down time for a few hours. An announcement will be made when we are ready to move.

Once the move is complete, the forum will have a new look with faster speed and enhanced features. There will be no change of the forum structure and all you need to do is to log on with your username and password.

For those uploading their avatars to the forum, please back up and upload it again to the new forum. Thank you very much for your help during this transition and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Between now and moving the forum, the URL of ennisjack may not be working. If you can't access the forum using, please try the following URL:

Preview of New Forum


Last November 26, Ethan started this topic.

December 17 marks one year anniversary at Yes, one year. Just think how far we have come along - the emotion and the friendship... It is our time capsule for many years to come and to cherish...

Click here to see the questions and answers who were posted. Chronology - Past, Present & Future

This is the story of the birth of, click on the picture below to go to the thread.

About our first Anniversary

In Your Words: an retrospective

Started by BBBOY on May 21

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them for the past year.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Brokeback Mountain @  |  The Movie & Story  |  Impact, Thought & Experiences

We are still talking about Brokeback Mountain, how deeply it affected us, how deeply it touched our hearths and souls. These are some examples of old  discussion topics who are still active:

PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

Started by Toadily on January 3 2006

We all have it let's face it, the after glow that we can't shake, the drive to see it over and over again. The need to talk about it, the feeling no one will understand what we are going through... What is wrong with us?
I just saw it for the 4th time, I am a SICK woman!  I ducked out after certain someone knew I was seeing it
the 4th time, like Ennis thinking everyone *knows*. 

Tee hee, so I had to give this affliction a label, put it into a box so I can understand.  I need help!

Click here to go to the thread.

How long will your fascination of Brokeback last?

Started by Cybernaut on February 3 2006

As the hype goes down, so will the movie. So how long do you think this movie will take you? 3 months, 6 months, 1 year?

Click here to go to the thread.

Is it normal still crying even after the 3rd time watching BBM?

Started by Bharata on February 9 2006

It's been my 3rd time watching BbM. Still, I fall into hard cry and suddenly feels very alone. Is it normal guys? Any ways to prevent?

Click here to go to the thread.

To access the main board and find more topics about the impact Brokeback Mountain had on us, click on the picture below.

Our support of BBM

On March 5, the Oscars night, we were 113 members on line, hoping for the best and being quite confident for the best after all the prizes and awards Brokeback Mountain already won... We won't comment here, we all know what happened but we all know what is the best movie of 2005  ^-^ .  After the Academy Awards we just made everything possible to show our love and support of  BBM.  Many links to several different polls were posted too. There are some examples.

~~ Get Your "Thank You" Postcards & Mail them to BBM ~~

We had a postcards campaing, our own postcards many of us ordered and posted to the cast and crew with words of love and support. You could see the postcards below. Video Tribute to BBM & the Members

On March 28 our tribute video was posted, click on the picture below to go to the thread and the links to watch the video.

A Collective Thank You

Started by LuvJackNasty on August 2 2006-12-15

I consider BBM to be a gift, not only because it is a wonderfully moving movie/story but because of all of the love and goodwill that is seen on this forum daily. Since the brokie love has only deepened over time, would like to share that with those that brought BBM into our lives…

.. we would like to send a collective thank you/show of appreciation to them

The idea of this thread is to post a short message expressing a thank you, why I love BBM, what being a Brokie means to me - thoughts along those lines

LuvJackNasty patiently collected the best of the posts and special quotes some members posted for the occasion.  She mailed it to the women and men who were involved in the making of Brokeback Mountain.

Click here to go to the thread.

Some pictures of the packet who was sent are posted here.

To go to the main board and see all the topics and polls,[/color] click here.[/url]

Brokies Get Togheter

From last Spring until last week, many Brokies met in many occasions in North-America, Europe and Asia, this is a recapitulative.  

~~~ Live from London ~~~ Join Us from December 8 – 11

More than 30 pages of pictures, comments, video links, love, laugh and tears, click on the picture below to go to the thread. 

Decent People United - Thoughts from EGT London

The Brokies who attended the European Get Together in London were invited to share their toughts about this experience.  Click on the picture below to visit the thread.

Italians Get Together (IGT)

Started by Androclo on October 9

Some Italian members have got together on10.07/08.2006 at Vallombrosa, situated at thousand meters altitude, in the millennial woods of the Tuscan Appennine, 30 Km. far from Florence.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Brokies Meet In Massillon!

Started by Cowboy Cody on September 2

The Twins, City Slickin' Cowboy & Cowboy Cody took the town tonight. We had some chow, chatted up a storm, and took in a Football game. CSC will have some pictures to post when he returns home, he's computer less on the trip.

CSC is as wonderful in real time as he is here. Here's to my Buddy!  :^^)

Click here to go to the thread.

Chicago: Watching BBM (August 28 2006)

Started by Tpe on July 12

There was a public screening of Brokeback Mountain at the Waukegan Public Library last August 28 2006.  It was also the occasion for some Brokies to get together.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Taiwan Gathering of July 22 2006

It was hosted by jjmiao, click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Montreal Gathering Live Chat

The Montreal Gathering was from June 30 until July 3 2006.  We had a live chat on July 2nd.  Click the picture below to visit the thread, there are many pictures and video links.

Decent People United - Thoughts from Montreal Gathering

The Brokies who attended the Montreal Gathering shared their toughts about their experience.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

First Wyoming Campout in the Bighorns - Trip report + Photos

Started by ohio.myown on May 16 2006

The Yahoo! Brokeback Mountain message board organized a Wyoming Campout last June.  Ethan was there, click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Photos - Trip to Asia & BBM Meeting in Taipei, Taiwan

Started by Ethan on June 20 2006

During my trip to Asia, I had the opportunity to meet some members in Taipei, Taiwan at 6:30 pm on June 16. It was the highlight of the trip.

Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

More Gathering Projects

Oscar Night Screening of Brokeback Mountain

When?  Sunday, February 25, 2007
Where? Bay City, Michigan

BayCityJohn is organizing a get together, the movie will be open to the public, but free for forum members from the ennisjack, bettermost, and davecullen forums. Click here  for all the details. Spring 2007 Gathering in America

Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007.  The target is Denver Colorado since 2 other forums, bettermost and davecullen, are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end. Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together

Are we going to meet next Spring in Europe?  we need to set up the place and the dates.  :) Click here to discuss about it.

West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!

Started by Toadily on December 10

Dirtbiker says The first weekend in August would be good for the get together at his place in Seattle.
What does everyone else think?  That is Aug4/5
Looks like Kathy and I are on board for planning duties.

Click here to go to the thread.

Zodiac premiere meeting in London

Started by Monicita on December 12

My brokies and Jack-lovers!

during the wonderful EGT meeting in London last weekend the idea of going to the premiere of Zodiac (the new movie with Jake G.) in London came up. It is going to be in March (not totally clear yet when exactly). We are hoping Jake will be there and it would be a great chance to see some of the other brokies again. Some people said it should only be the premiere and then back home, but for me, flying in from Germany, that seems a pity. Why not at least have lunch or dinner together? I know there are a few of you who want to be there. Who would want to join us?


Click here to go to the thread.

I'm meeting a brokie from my country :D

Started by Koka on December 12

hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm finally meeting a girl, her name is nikolina ( short: nina ), who's also from croatia ( but she lives on the other side of the country ) who I met thanks to jake&brokeback on the internet half a year ago…

Click here to go to the thread.

Calendar for next week

December 18 - Birthdays: FulOfSadness (17)
December 19 - Birthdays: Fleur (28), MAC (54),  Event* - Jake's Birthday
December 22 - Winter Solstice, Birthdays: bnjmn3 (41), karind1 (59), laerwen (26)
December 24 - Birthdays: Surya (23)

forum achievements

First Year Anniversary of on December 17 2006.  800 pages of chit chat in the Italian Channel on December 17.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

MaxHim, on December 12

Jack,500 posts

Philchel, on December 11
Crimsonsky, on December 11
Audrey Twist, on December 12
Leanne, on December 13
Tizi17, on December 15

Ennis,1000 posts

Rosie,on December 14
Smilesalot, on December 14

Special achievements

Bubbaluna, 6000 posts on December 14, Tpe, 15 000 posts on December 15, Stephan, 3000 posts on December 16.

Congratulations to all!   :clap:

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Season's Greetings Brokies, see you next week.


December 18 - 24, editors: Ethan & Chameau. Please PM us if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Posts: 28148
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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #12 on: Dec 31, 2006, 01:41 PM » Weekly Newsletter
December 25 - 31, 2006

This is the last week of December, the last week of the year 2006.  Two weeks ago we were meeting in London, last week was the first anniversary of  Already one year... time flies so fast, specially when you are with your fellow Brokies.  <^( 
It's time for Love, Hope and Peace. Happy Holidays to all of you... and don't forget, the forum is moving to a new server.

xx Chameau


We are ready to move to a new home

A message from Ethan will be offline for upgrades and moving to a new server. Below is the scheduled date and time when the forum will go offline. The forum will be available again as soon as the upgrade and moving are completed. It is expected to take about 2 hours. 

December 27, 9 pm PST
December 27, 11 pm CT
December 28, midnight EST
December 28, 5 am London Time
December 28, 6 am Central Europe

Between now and the scheduled offline, the URL of may not be working. When it happens, please use to access the forum.

When the forum is offline, please visit for emergency updates.

After moving is completed, the new URL for the forum will be

IMPORTANT - If you uploaded your avatar to the forum, please backup a copy of it.

If you encounter any problem to log on to the new forum, please email or contact other moderators

Other than keeping this info handy, there is nothing else you need to do for the move. Please log on with your current username and password after the new forum becomes live.

If you have any question or concern, please contact the mods. Thank you for your help. We can't wait to greet everyone at the new home.


Last November 26, Ethan started this topic.

December 17 marks one year anniversary at Yes, one year. Just think how far we have come along - the emotion and the friendship... It is our time capsule for many years to come and to cherish...

Click here to see the questions and answers who were posted. Chronology - Past, Present & Future[/b]

This is the story of the birth of, click here to go to the thread.

In Your Words: an retrospective

Started by BBBOY on May 21

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them for the past year.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Memories from London

Decent People United - Thoughts from EGT London

Most of the attendees have posted their toughts about their experience during the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Brokies Will Get Togheter Again

Oscar Night Screening of Brokeback Mountain

When?  Sunday, February 25, 2007
Where? Bay City, Michigan

BayCityJohn is organizing a get together, the movie will be open to the public, but free for forum members from the ennisjack, bettermost, and davecullen forums. Click here  for all the details. Spring 2007 Gathering in America

Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007.  The target is Denver Colorado since 2 other forums, bettermost and davecullen, are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end. Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together

Are we going to meet next Spring in Europe?  We need to set up the place and the dates.  Click here to discuss about it.

West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!

Started by Toadily on December 10

Dirtbiker says The first weekend in August would be good for the get together at his place in Seattle.
What does everyone else think?  That is Aug4/5
Looks like Kathy and I are on board for planning duties.

Many members already posted their interest about this project, click here to go to the thread.

Zodiac premiere meeting in London

Started by Monicita on December 12

My brokies and Jack-lovers!

during the wonderful EGT meeting in London last weekend the idea of going to the premiere of Zodiac (the new movie with Jake G.) in London came up. It is going to be in March (not totally clear yet when exactly). We are hoping Jake will be there and it would be a great chance to see some of the other brokies again. Some people said it should only be the premiere and then back home, but for me, flying in from Germany, that seems a pity. Why not at least have lunch or dinner together? I know there are a few of you who want to be there. Who would want to join us?


Click here to go to the thread.

I'm meeting a brokie from my country :D

Started by Koka on December 12

hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm finally meeting a girl, her name is nikolina ( short: nina ), who's also from croatia ( but she lives on the other side of the country ) who I met thanks to jake&brokeback on the internet half a year ago…

Click here to go to the thread.

Quotes From Last Two Weeks

Since our last Newsletter was dedicated to the forum's first anniversary it's time to catch up a bit, huh? Here we go...

Posted by PST on December 11

When I fractured my ankle and had to wear a medical "boot," I was disappointed that I couldn't wear my cowboy boots to my first Brokie gathering in Texas this summer.  I told a friend and she offered to design and make me these felt Brokeback Mountain Boots that I could wear over my medical "boot."  &**)

You know you are addicted when...

Posted by Jessi on December 15


Come down the mountain.
Leave summer's sweet fire up there.
If you think you can.


Pix with Poems

Posted by rpmnh on December 19

Another sign...

Here is a sign that I am still have PBS, even after I thought that I was mostly over it, more or less. Lately, reading the newspaper, I have found myself looking for BBM in the movie listings! Some part of me is hoping beyond hope that they might show it at one of the "artsy" theaters around the anniversary of its initial release. I don't go to the newspaper intentionally looking for it, but when I come to the page with the listings, I find myself futilely searching.

My psyche will never be the same because of BBM   :)

PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

Posted by Jack F. Twist (JFT) on December 20

My partner tolerated my thing with BBM. Then he went with me to London. He was overwhelmed by all the love there was at the get-together. He is now going to join this forum himself!

BBM is special - but so is this forum and Brokies in general.

How has BBM changed your view on life?

Posted by Hpv on December 20

It's one year  E/J anniversary,I'm not sure whether to post it here or on the special thread, but
I keep coming back to this thread , and each time I find a new perspective, I'll try to sum up my feelings:
This movie has swept me off my feet and made me realize the changes I need to make in my life and how I need to be more honest with myself.I'm blessed to have met a great new friends on this forum ...and a spiritual home,posters came and poured out their hearts, their stories, their histories, their loves, their lost loves, their hopes, their despair, just felt everywhere the genuine LOVE from those who engaged with others -- both on line and in the PMs.  It's been the most overwhelming personal journey. I tried to understand what draws people to this place,Some are drawn to the energy here, some are drawn to the kinship, some are drawn to the support, some are drawn to the discussions. Personally it is the draw of good people who speak the same language !
We keep coming back, because we found like minded people here.I'm sure that if everyone here talked about the reactions of the "non-on line" friends to discussion of BBM, we'd all have the same responses.They are tired of hearing it, want us to move on already.They don't realize that we are moving on, with a group of people that we all found, who have had the same experience that each one of us did.
What other movie has had such a legacy in such a short period of time!

Why I love this place

Posted by Kemmer on December 24

This will be my first Christmas with Ennis and Jack, and after the film and all the fanfic stories, my feelings for them are even stronger than the devastation I felt after the first time I saw Brokeback Mountain last January.  I really am a changed man after BBM,  and I hereby want to wish the spirits of Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar the happiest of Christmas's, as well as their source, Annie Proulx, the same.  It's very hard to explain, but I even look at the mountains, the clouds, and even the grassy foothills near where I live in an entirely different light than I did last year.   Jack and Ennis are family to me--in some ways even more than my brothers.

Merry Christmas, Jack and Ennis---and many more to come!

PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

Posted by Malawix on December 22

Filmmakers love a good disaster, whether it's melting polar ice caps, a dinner party blowup, or a bank heist gone bad. So it's only fitting that the industry's movers and shakers would also be prone to catastrophes. But be warned: This list is like Nick Nolte's infamous mugshot. It might make you laugh. Or cringe. Or maybe shed a tear. Before you start writing letters about what we missed, though, understand that we steered clear of the Hollywood Babylon tragedies—the James Deans and Marilyn Monroes—which have been done to death (pun intended). So without further ado, here's a shotgun blast of the silly, the sordid, the sad, and the absurd.

Click on:  CELLULOID (All About Movies) to read the full article.

Academy gets it right

Posted by Cinemafervor on December 23

For the past 79 years, the Oscars have always issued an official / collectable poster for their upcoming ceremony a few months in advance. The posters are always beautifully designed and unique.

This year they designed a poster with an Oscar in the middle surrounded by quotes from classic movies. But here’s the catch…they tended to only picked one movie to quote per year. In other words, SCHINDLER’S LIST was the only movie quoted from 1993. Anyway… guess what film they picked to quote from 2005…

BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN: “I wish I knew how to quiet you”

Other classic quotes surrounding it are ones from;


…it’s all rather telling if you ask me. 

Your Thoughts & Reactions from Academy Awards

Calendar for next week

December 25 - Christmas, Birthdays: pierralex (27)
December 27 - Birthdays: katieljb (20)
December 29 - Birthdays: ArmyJeep (44), jacktwist (35), wayne1932 (74)
December 30 - Birthdays: xvbbJ (27), Magdalena (35)
December 31 - Birthdays: littlebad (45)

forum achievements

200 pages in the Oh baby...pix thread on December 22.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Del Mar Twist, on December 21
Magdalena, on December 23

100 posts, Lureen

Coffeecat33, on December 22
Del Mar Twist, on December 24

Jack,500 posts

Aintfoolin, on December 20

Ennis,1000 posts

Audrey Twist, on December 18

Special achievements

Jerasjr, 8000 posts on December 22, Mars, 16 000 posts, on December 24.

Congratulations to all!  ^-^ O0

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

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Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

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Season's Greetings Brokies, see you next week.


December 25 - 31 2006, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault