ennisjack.com Weekly Newsletter
– October 30 - November 5, 2006 -
Welcome to the New ModeratorsA message from
EthanCowgirls and cowboys - it gives me pleasure to introduce our three newest moderators. I am sure many of you know them well. Please join me to welcome them.
City Slickin' Cowboy - "Member Interests and Fun & Games" CSC joined the forum on January 22 and below is his first post dated January 22. If you ever follow Pix of yours - CSC is our regular contributor and he is just gorgeous to look at.
I never thought I would ever be so emotionally affected by a movie. Other films have produced emotional responses, but nothing that has lasted more than a hour or two. I'm worried I will need professional help after the DVD is released. Maybe it would help to actually discuss this movie with a few people. I'm just not sure who that will be. Oh well, this forum helps.
Flwrchild - "Impact, Thought and Experiences, and Fanfic & Poem"Flwrchild joined the forum on April 26. She is one of the attendees in Montreal. Her nickname is "Sweet pee" - cham always calls her that.
Below is her post dated April 26.
To get somewhere new, we may have to leave somewhere else behind." I hope your journey is a positive one! And to everyone else out there, keep up the great posts. Your positive thoughts and insightful ideas are why I joined!
welshwitch - "Impact, Thought and Experiences, and Characters, Quotes and Scenes"welshwitch joined the forum on April 19 and she has been very helpful in making EGT possible. I am sure we will see her very soon.
Below is one of her first posts dated April 19
BBM opened my eyes to the fact that love is universal, unites us all and makes us human. Carpe diem, seize the day - if you find love, don't deny it. It's the greatest gift, whenever and wherever it's found, the one thing that lasts, up and beyond the grave.Thank you very much for volunteering,
CSC, Flwrchild and
welshwitch . Please feel free to add a few words.

Editorial The following editorial was written by our Guest Editor,
Jerasjr and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter Team.
Who’s, what’s and why’s have been discussed, deliberated and dissected. Threads are devoted to single scenes or the whole film; to the individuals or to the ensemble; to music, settings, quotes and pictures; a whole gamut of subjects catering to an individuals choice. What then is there to write about? From this gay man’s point of view, two things that are intertwined and lend credence and strength to the film, but often overlooked, are the time period and the location. On the verge of many technological innovations and inventions that are now commonplace, Jack and Ennis existed in a unique period that lends itself to making this film more memorable, and in a location that lends itself to underscoring the relative isolation of their lives.
Am not going to make this a trip down Memory Lane, but am going to ask you to suspend your personal experience for a while to think about Jack and Ennis’ life experience, and ask you to “unlearn” for a short period. Your frame of reference is not the context of the film and the time itself.
The concept of “creature comforts” was probably unknown to them, their reality was more harsh and rigid than anything most of us are used to – many of the foods, clothes, household items, vehicles, and homes that we take for granted were simply not available.
Let’s start with the most obvious, your computer: that would be the end of this observation – there would be no forum, there would be no communication and sharing among all the persons who inhabit this special place.
If you did not have a DVD and a player, there would be no chance to watch Brokeback Mountain or any other film at your leisure.
Your opportunity to listen to the film’s music or any other music was limited to vinyl or a transistor radio.
Your big-screen television would be the size of your monitor and that was the entertainment for your family with its choice of 3 channels.
A telephone booth or your rotary phone or a letter was the primary mode to reach out and touch your friends and relatives.
There were few restaurants that featured cuisine instead of food, and even fewer fast food restaurants.
If you were lucky, your community had a theater or a drive-in, to say nothing of having several screens in one location. Or possibly during the warmer months, your movie was projected on the side of a large building and your seating was the ground.
There was no gay community: there were no openly gay bars or meeting places, there was only word-of-mouth about the possibility of meeting someone at this or that bar or establishment. There were no support services available to this group that did not exist. There were no havens for the gay or lesbian person.
Brokeback Mountain did not hit me with a wave of nostalgia, but served to remind me of a simpler slower pace, one in large part delineated by location and time period, and one in which you were not able to carry your phone, television, CD player, DVD player or even your computer in your hand - yet somehow feel we have lost more than we have gained.
Collector's DVDThis thread was started by
JennisFinally, Universal Pictures announced they will release a Collector's DVD of Brokeback Mountain which will include
never seen footage (cut scenes) and
post-cards. Release date will be January 23 2007 in USA & Canada.
BBM Collectors Edition:*To Be Released Jan 23rd 2007*, click on the picture to go to the thread.
Fag Hag ManifestoSorry for the title but it is the Manifesto's name, we don't want to offend anyone here, it's worth the reading.
Posted by
EnnisTwist on October 20
Have you guys checked out the FAG HAG MANIFESTO yet? Gives a different kind of insight into this subject.
Why do women find men-in-love so compelling?Quotes of the weekPosted by
MississaugaRed on October 24
…How did ej come to be? We started with Annie's haunting short story. Thirty pages or so in the New Yorker, wasn't it? We have the screenplay. And then we were gifted with the film. A mere 2 hours and 14 minutes (est.) of the most perfect story telling you'd ever hope to see…
…Long story short - what's happened here at ej, the impact of BBM - actually helps me to understand and believe in the love Jack had for Ennis, and Ennis for him; I can believe that a brief but powerful exposure to something that touches an essential part of you will change your life forever…
Jack's love for EnnisClick here to read the full post.
Posted by
carbyville on October 25
There was a time when I thought that the scene prior (the final trip/fight) to the flashback was what made me sob. I love the dozy embrace so much (also my favorite scene, as it is for others) and I wanted to watch it without having to see the painful final meeting for Jack and Ennis. I skipped over everything just to get to this flashback scene and still found myself sobbing. That was when I realized that it wasn't the final meeting that upset me so much (even though it still did), it was the flashback scene that made the tears worse. It is one of the most beautiful and bittersweet moments I have ever seen in any movie right from the tenderness we get to see from Ennis, the sway, the humming, Jack getting lost in the moment and finally that look of sheer adoration as Ennis rides off. Incredible.
Flashback scene of Ennis and Jack Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends! Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in
London UK. Next December 9 we will see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.

There are 2 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.
This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.
New Gathering ProjectsEnnisjack.com Spring 2007 Gathering in America Started by
City Slickin’ CowboyUnfortunately the Central Virgina gathering has been cancelled. There has been some discussion about a possible gathering during Memorial Day weekend in Montreal or an easily accessible location in the US. Right now ideas and possible locations are being solicited.
Let's see what works for interested Brokies.
Click here to go to the thread.
Ennisjack.com Spring 2007 European get together Started by
Mars I would be interested to a new gathering in Spring time but in Europe!! 
Click here to go to the thread.
Meet the AuthorsFan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors, others than Annie Proulx.

You could find more about this

Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.
This interview was made by
LuvJackNasty from
Midwest-Girl author of
"If I asked" and
"Shades of Grey"Are you a professional writer?
No, but that's my ultimate goal.
If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?
Up until three months ago I was an attorney. I have practiced federal criminal defense for the last ten years. I quit my job in July to stay home and spend more time with my two young children and to concentrate on my writing.
What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?
I became friends with Jenna when she started writing "Somebody New." She knew I was working on a novel and asked me why I hadn't written any fanfiction about BBM. I told her the idea hadn't crossed my mind (which was the truth) and I was just enjoying reading the stories. Then a few nights later I woke up with "If I Asked" Jack whispering in my ear and I had to write the story.
Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?
Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?
I've been blessed with really respectful and insightful readers for both my stories. Sometimes people offer constructive criticism, but no one has been mean or hurtful, ever. I don't mind receiving constructive criticism at all, whether it's that I used a cliche or that I forgot where the whiskey bottle was in a scene. I also don't mind when a reader says they have trouble with a scene or idea in the story. I don't always agree with them, but I like hearing their opinions.
If you could changed one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... we all would change that if we could!)
Oh...I can't keep Jack alive? If I could change one thing in the story/movie it would be for Ennis to admit out loud how he felt about Jack. I know Jack knew, but I think he wanted to hear it. Or maybe I just wanted to hear it. Okay, this whole train of thought is just breaking my heart....
Annie Proulx’s talk in Casper Wyoming last October 21Adrian.delmar attended the Annie Proulx’s talk in Casper Wyoming on October 21.
I ended up flying into Denver and met up with a friend from the DC forum. He and I drove to Casper and stayed the weekend to enjoy the lectures, movie screenings, etc.. It was a wonderful event.
This is a wonderful post and there are many pictures too,
Adrian is the owner of the horse we see Ennis carving in the movie. Click on the picture to read Adrian's story
New Threads from Last WeekBBM/ennisjack in Yahoo Time CapsuleStarted by
Ksxks on October 25
Maybe we should put something Brokeback into the Yahoo Time Capsule? It must be submitted by November 8.
We think about submitting one of our banner but, which one?

We added a poll and need your opinion.
Click here to read the full post go to the thread and
Pictures from the cities we love, started by
Androclo on October 23.
I love this cityHello brokies 
I like travelling and I love city's pics.
This thread is for busted the pics of the cities that you love......
In the last summer I was going to Berlin, I enjoy it and I'm lovin'it...
I Love this City Human Rights Campaign, part IIJennis is now the happy owner of Alma Jr.'s clothing and yes, she will bring them to the London Gathering.

Click here to read how she got them.
A word of warning Posted by
JT about the bids on Ebay.
Congrats to you guys that won on these items. I bet you'll forever treasure them. I was betting on several items also but I was always outbid. Oh well, I hope these items will go to good homes.
A word of caution to everyone who bid but didn't win. Sometimes you'll get e-mails sent to you claiming "second chance offer" from ebay. I got several sent to me and they were all frauds! I forward all of them to ebay and they say they didn't sent them. So just becareful.
In Your Words: an ennisjack.com retrospective If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.
Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.
Thank you to
Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.
Pix with PoemsPosted by
Jessi on October 26.

One more time tonight,
Another notch for my dreams
Not never enough.
Can we freeze the now?
Make this taste last forever?
Don't need tomorrow.
Pix with Poems Calendar for next week October 30 - Birthdays:
Aela (34),
BohemianRhapsody October 31 -
Halloween, Birthdays:
ana (29)
November 1 - Birthdays:
pjf (48),
Frankito (45)
November 3 - Birthdays:
Umi_Slash (17)
November 4 - Birthdays:
TJ (64)
November - Birthdays:
mikewh99 (26)
Member's levels updates20 posts, Alma Jr.One_on_one, on October 23rd
Short Leash, on October 23rd
200 posts, Almala musica, on October 26th
Jack, 500 posts Rosie, on October 23rd
Carbyville, on October 26th
Ennis, 1000 posts Elisabetta, on October 25th
Jack + Ennis, 2000 postsMikele, on October 25th
Special achievements Tpe,
12 000 posts on October 23rd,
Greenfrog 9000 posts and
Twisted 7000 posts on October 25,
City Slickin' Cowboy,
10 000 posts, on October 26.
Congratulations to all!
DVD release around the worldU.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)
Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)
Any update about the release in your country?
Click on the picture to post the information.
Got News or Ideas? Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:
Newsletter Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly. If you are interested,
click here Archives of the previous Newsletter Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click here:
ArchivesBye Brokies, see you next week.

October 30 - November 5, editor:
Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.