Support & Services > Forum Newsletters Newsletter Archive, October to December 2006
chameau: Weekly Newsletter
December 11 - 17, 2006
Dearest Brokies...
This weekend was a blessing...just like, the Base2Stay hotel (G1 room) was filled with the love and respect and beautiful souls of our members.
So much happened, and yet, there is never enough time, never enough, when we meet up.
Putting faces and voices to some people we "speak" to everyday, people who are part of our lives and thoughts was fantastic
...just a shame I could not hug Ang, Jake, Michelle, Anne and Heath in person!!! LOL!!!! But the 1000s hugs I received from the EGT Brokies compensated 200% over!!!
Our weekend's moto was What Happens at Base2Stay, stays at Base2Stay...but for some reason, I am pretty sure some pap shots leaked into the live
From Ethan and myself
Thank you all sooooooooooo much. %)
~~~ Live from London ~~~ Join Us from December 8 - 11
We made it! 22 Brokies for 12 differents countries and 3 different continents reunited in London, UK. Click on the picture below to go to the live thread. There are videos to download and many, many pictures from the gathering.
Oscar Night Screening of Brokeback Mountain
When? Sunday, February 25, 2007
Where? Bay City, Michigan
BayCityJohn is organizing a get together, the movie will be open to the public, but free for forum members from the ennisjack, bettermost, and davecullen forums. Click here for all the details.
New Gathering Projects Spring 2007 Gathering in America
Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007. The target is Denver Colorado since 2 other forums, bettermost and davecullen, are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end. Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together
Are we going to meet next Spring in Europe? we need to set up the place and the dates. :) Click here to discuss about it.
Reminder, this is the last week.
--- Quote ---December 17 marks one year anniversary at Yes, one year. Just think how far we have come along - the emotion and the friendship. To commemorate our 1st anniversary and to share our bounding experience as a result of BBM, would like to ask you the following questions. It is our time capsule for many years to come and to cherish.
--- End quote ---
This thread will be locked after December 17. Click here to see the questions and answer them. Please add your experience.
About our first Anniversary
Why I love this place
Posted by Bram on December 7
--- Quote ---I love this place, because I leave for months at a time and everytime that I come back the people that were here when I first came are still here and still just chatting and talking about BBM. It's like I'm coming back home.
--- End quote ---
Why I love this place
In Your Words: an retrospective
Started by BBBOY on May 21
If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them. Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.
We keep talking about it
It's almost a year and we are still discussing about the basics.
Jack's love for Ennis
Posted by Tpe on December 4
--- Quote ---I think the abiding characteristic of Jack's love for Ennis is hope, and a whole world of patience. In spite of the ending, Jack's love was a patient love. In the end, it was almost sel-sacrificing. It was resigned. But we can be sure that even if hope had given way in the end to resignation, love was still there.
--- End quote ---
Reply from Flwrchild on the same day
--- Quote ---It was. And we know this because if it wasn't, he would not remember the dozy embrace with such fondness and wistfulness. He loved Ennis because he couldn't help but do so.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
When Did Your Tears Start during BBM?
Posted by BBBOY on December 3
--- Quote ---Having watched the movie so many times now, I know when I'm going to cry but I never know when the unexpected tears will come, and they always do. This is a movie that continues to grip me in so many ways, I will never get over it.
--- End quote ---
Reply from Cowgirl19 on December 4
--- Quote ---Amen BBBoy. I watched it yesterday and I started crying when Jack says "It can be like this, just like this, always. It killed me inside. And ofcourse the flashback scene. It's my favorite scene out of all the movies in the world.
--- End quote ---
Reply from Hpv on December 6
--- Quote ---Now, it's starts on the first accord of the guitar....
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
Posted by Koka on December 9
tizi hun, believe me, I know what you're going through. And as everyone said before me- you'll ALWAYS find comfort and a shoulder to cry on here...
--- Quote ---... I learnt to see and FEEL beauty in tragedy! my most memorable BBM viewing was my 4th one, I remember it like it were yesterday. it was a sunny sunday afternoon ( 2 p.m. ) and there were only few people in the theater with me. it's that viewing that 'healed' me, it was that viewing that mended the whole in my sould made by the first three!...
... but brokeback will always be something only MINE, something I will love and cherish forever, a feeling I will always keep inside of me and remember with utter joy!...
--- End quote ---
Click here to read the full post.
Jake’s Birthday
It will be Jake's Birthday next December 19. If you want to send greetings, this is the address where to send them.
Jake Gyllenhaal
c/o Creative Artist's Agency
9830 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills CA 90212
Pix with Poems
More and more beautifull poems where posted last week, this one was posted by Jessi on December 4.
--- Quote ---Beginning of Life's Nothin but Lonely Roads, edited. It was easier to just leave a few lines of out, Jack's language
Life's Nothin but Lonely Roads
Life's miles on lonely roads.
Ain't measurements a years,
Browned weeds tumblin,
Candles, graves,
Not ifs - coulda bins.
Cowboy howdys - so longs…
Life's runnin 65 – 70 – 90
Pedal to metal, wide open,
Clear creek water lasts and firsts,
Glances – touch,
Life's me gettin to you,
Warm tent in icy rain, the fire'n our heart.
Them other things…
Shit, most what I got...
Ain't nothin but a b** of damn useless,
Gettin in the way,
Grungy coffee
Scraped from a week old pot,
Life's rollin hard'n quick,
Can't make it fast enough,
Throwin miles behind,
Numb butt in a pickup.
Turnin `way and headin outs,
Eyes burnin, blood thin, cold,
Lettin go of holdin on.
--- End quote ---
Life's Nothin but Lonely Roads
Calendar for next week
December 11 - Events: * London Gathering day 4
December 13 - Birthdays: thee auld nick (34), cowgirl (20)
December 15 - Birthdays: Jack_ME (58)
December 16 - Birthdays: theresa (52)
December 17 - Birthdays: musicandsun (35), cowgirlfanfic (16), Events: * ennisjack 1st anniversary
forum achievements
325 000 posts on on December 4th.
Member's levels updates
20 posts, Alma Jr.
Jackster, on December 5th
Kazza, on December 6th
Lady Ashkenazy, on December 9th
100 posts, Lureen
Audrey Twist, on December 5th
200 posts, Alma
Theresa, on November 27th (better late than sorry ???)
Special achievements
Chameau and Mars, 15 000 posts each on December 5, BBBOY, 9000 posts on December 7, LuvJackNasty, Kathy, 4000 posts on Decemer 8, 10 000 posts on December 9, Greenfog, 13 000 posts on December 9, Twisted, 10 000 posts on December 10.
Congratulations to all!
DVD release around the world
U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)
Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)
Any update about the release in your country?
Click on the picture to post the information.
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here
Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter
The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly. If you are interested, click here
Archives of the previous Newsletter
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click here: Archives
This one was edited from London, have a nice week Brokies :^^)
December 11 - 17, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
chameau: Weekly Newsletter
December 18 - 24, 2006
***Special 1st Anniversary Edition***
Born from their love...forever bound by ours
Dear Brokies,
December 17 marks one year anniversary of It is quite an accomplishment for a discussion board based on a movie. It started with a movie but over time the forum has evolved to a place where we bound with each other. It is a special place for us to share love and support to each other and to our beloved Brokeback Mountain. In this one year anniversary edition, we highlight our bonding experiences and gratitudes to Brokeback Mountain for making this possible. None of this would be possible without you. You made this forum so special and it is a home for many of us to find comfort and courage. For those who have come and gone, we wish you the best. To those with us and to those still to come - we had never dreamed this forum turning into this, and we are deeply grateful for all the insights and feelings and pain and sorrow and happiness and love we all have shared. Looking forward to a lot more and many years to come. Many thanks and wishing you the happiest holiday season.
Ethan and the Mod Team. :cr)
Important Forum Update
In the last week of December, the forum will be moved to a new server. When the forum is ready to move, there will be a down time for a few hours. An announcement will be made when we are ready to move.
Once the move is complete, the forum will have a new look with faster speed and enhanced features. There will be no change of the forum structure and all you need to do is to log on with your username and password.
For those uploading their avatars to the forum, please back up and upload it again to the new forum. Thank you very much for your help during this transition and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Between now and moving the forum, the URL of ennisjack may not be working. If you can't access the forum using, please try the following URL:
Preview of New Forum
Last November 26, Ethan started this topic.
--- Quote ---December 17 marks one year anniversary at Yes, one year. Just think how far we have come along - the emotion and the friendship... It is our time capsule for many years to come and to cherish...
--- End quote ---
Click here to see the questions and answers who were posted. Chronology - Past, Present & Future
This is the story of the birth of, click on the picture below to go to the thread.
About our first Anniversary
In Your Words: an retrospective
Started by BBBOY on May 21
If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them for the past year. Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.
Brokeback Mountain @ | The Movie & Story | Impact, Thought & Experiences
We are still talking about Brokeback Mountain, how deeply it affected us, how deeply it touched our hearths and souls. These are some examples of old discussion topics who are still active:
PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
Started by Toadily on January 3 2006
--- Quote ---We all have it let's face it, the after glow that we can't shake, the drive to see it over and over again. The need to talk about it, the feeling no one will understand what we are going through... What is wrong with us?
I just saw it for the 4th time, I am a SICK woman! I ducked out after certain someone knew I was seeing it
the 4th time, like Ennis thinking everyone *knows*.
Tee hee, so I had to give this affliction a label, put it into a box so I can understand. I need help!
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
How long will your fascination of Brokeback last?
Started by Cybernaut on February 3 2006
--- Quote ---As the hype goes down, so will the movie. So how long do you think this movie will take you? 3 months, 6 months, 1 year?
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Is it normal still crying even after the 3rd time watching BBM?
Started by Bharata on February 9 2006
--- Quote ---It's been my 3rd time watching BbM. Still, I fall into hard cry and suddenly feels very alone. Is it normal guys? Any ways to prevent?
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
To access the main board and find more topics about the impact Brokeback Mountain had on us, click on the picture below.
Our support of BBM
On March 5, the Oscars night, we were 113 members on line, hoping for the best and being quite confident for the best after all the prizes and awards Brokeback Mountain already won... We won't comment here, we all know what happened but we all know what is the best movie of 2005 ^-^ . After the Academy Awards we just made everything possible to show our love and support of BBM. Many links to several different polls were posted too. There are some examples.
~~ Get Your "Thank You" Postcards & Mail them to BBM ~~
We had a postcards campaing, our own postcards many of us ordered and posted to the cast and crew with words of love and support. You could see the postcards below. Video Tribute to BBM & the Members
On March 28 our tribute video was posted, click on the picture below to go to the thread and the links to watch the video.
A Collective Thank You
Started by LuvJackNasty on August 2 2006-12-15
--- Quote ---I consider BBM to be a gift, not only because it is a wonderfully moving movie/story but because of all of the love and goodwill that is seen on this forum daily. Since the brokie love has only deepened over time, would like to share that with those that brought BBM into our lives…
.. we would like to send a collective thank you/show of appreciation to them…
…The idea of this thread is to post a short message expressing a thank you, why I love BBM, what being a Brokie means to me - thoughts along those lines…
--- End quote ---
LuvJackNasty patiently collected the best of the posts and special quotes some members posted for the occasion. She mailed it to the women and men who were involved in the making of Brokeback Mountain.
Click here to go to the thread.
Some pictures of the packet who was sent are posted here.
To go to the main board and see all the topics and polls,[/color] click here.[/url]
Brokies Get Togheter
From last Spring until last week, many Brokies met in many occasions in North-America, Europe and Asia, this is a recapitulative.
~~~ Live from London ~~~ Join Us from December 8 – 11
More than 30 pages of pictures, comments, video links, love, laugh and tears, click on the picture below to go to the thread.
Decent People United - Thoughts from EGT London
The Brokies who attended the European Get Together in London were invited to share their toughts about this experience. Click on the picture below to visit the thread.
Italians Get Together (IGT)
Started by Androclo on October 9
Some Italian members have got together on10.07/08.2006 at Vallombrosa, situated at thousand meters altitude, in the millennial woods of the Tuscan Appennine, 30 Km. far from Florence. Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
Brokies Meet In Massillon!
Started by Cowboy Cody on September 2
--- Quote ---The Twins, City Slickin' Cowboy & Cowboy Cody took the town tonight. We had some chow, chatted up a storm, and took in a Football game. CSC will have some pictures to post when he returns home, he's computer less on the trip.
CSC is as wonderful in real time as he is here. Here's to my Buddy! :^^)
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Chicago: Watching BBM (August 28 2006)
Started by Tpe on July 12
There was a public screening of Brokeback Mountain at the Waukegan Public Library last August 28 2006. It was also the occasion for some Brokies to get together. Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
Taiwan Gathering of July 22 2006
It was hosted by jjmiao, click on the picture below to go to the thread.
Montreal Gathering Live Chat
The Montreal Gathering was from June 30 until July 3 2006. We had a live chat on July 2nd. Click the picture below to visit the thread, there are many pictures and video links.
Decent People United - Thoughts from Montreal Gathering
The Brokies who attended the Montreal Gathering shared their toughts about their experience. Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
First Wyoming Campout in the Bighorns - Trip report + Photos
Started by ohio.myown on May 16 2006
The Yahoo! Brokeback Mountain message board organized a Wyoming Campout last June. Ethan was there, click on the picture below to go to the thread.
Photos - Trip to Asia & BBM Meeting in Taipei, Taiwan
Started by Ethan on June 20 2006
--- Quote ---During my trip to Asia, I had the opportunity to meet some members in Taipei, Taiwan at 6:30 pm on June 16. It was the highlight of the trip.
--- End quote ---
Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
More Gathering Projects
Oscar Night Screening of Brokeback Mountain
When? Sunday, February 25, 2007
Where? Bay City, Michigan
BayCityJohn is organizing a get together, the movie will be open to the public, but free for forum members from the ennisjack, bettermost, and davecullen forums. Click here for all the details. Spring 2007 Gathering in America
Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007. The target is Denver Colorado since 2 other forums, bettermost and davecullen, are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end. Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together
Are we going to meet next Spring in Europe? we need to set up the place and the dates. :) Click here to discuss about it.
West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!
Started by Toadily on December 10
--- Quote ---Dirtbiker says The first weekend in August would be good for the get together at his place in Seattle.
What does everyone else think? That is Aug4/5
Looks like Kathy and I are on board for planning duties.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Zodiac premiere meeting in London
Started by Monicita on December 12
--- Quote ---My brokies and Jack-lovers!
during the wonderful EGT meeting in London last weekend the idea of going to the premiere of Zodiac (the new movie with Jake G.) in London came up. It is going to be in March (not totally clear yet when exactly). We are hoping Jake will be there and it would be a great chance to see some of the other brokies again. Some people said it should only be the premiere and then back home, but for me, flying in from Germany, that seems a pity. Why not at least have lunch or dinner together? I know there are a few of you who want to be there. Who would want to join us?
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
I'm meeting a brokie from my country :D
Started by Koka on December 12
--- Quote ---hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm finally meeting a girl, her name is nikolina ( short: nina ), who's also from croatia ( but she lives on the other side of the country ) who I met thanks to jake&brokeback on the internet half a year ago…
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Calendar for next week
December 18 - Birthdays: FulOfSadness (17)
December 19 - Birthdays: Fleur (28), MAC (54), Event* - Jake's Birthday
December 22 - Winter Solstice, Birthdays: bnjmn3 (41), karind1 (59), laerwen (26)
December 24 - Birthdays: Surya (23)
forum achievements
First Year Anniversary of on December 17 2006. 800 pages of chit chat in the Italian Channel on December 17.
Member's levels updates
20 posts, Alma Jr.
MaxHim, on December 12
Jack,500 posts
Philchel, on December 11
Crimsonsky, on December 11
Audrey Twist, on December 12
Leanne, on December 13
Tizi17, on December 15
Ennis,1000 posts
Rosie,on December 14
Smilesalot, on December 14
Special achievements
Bubbaluna, 6000 posts on December 14, Tpe, 15 000 posts on December 15, Stephan, 3000 posts on December 16.
Congratulations to all! :clap:
DVD release around the world
U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)
Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)
Any update about the release in your country?
Click on the picture to post the information.
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here
Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter
The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly. If you are interested, click here
Archives of the previous Newsletter
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? Click here: Archives
Season's Greetings Brokies, see you next week.
December 18 - 24, editors: Ethan & Chameau. Please PM us if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
chameau: Weekly Newsletter
December 25 - 31, 2006
This is the last week of December, the last week of the year 2006. Two weeks ago we were meeting in London, last week was the first anniversary of Already one year... time flies so fast, specially when you are with your fellow Brokies. <^(
It's time for Love, Hope and Peace. Happy Holidays to all of you... and don't forget, the forum is moving to a new server.
xx Chameau
We are ready to move to a new home
A message from Ethan will be offline for upgrades and moving to a new server. Below is the scheduled date and time when the forum will go offline. The forum will be available again as soon as the upgrade and moving are completed. It is expected to take about 2 hours.
December 27, 9 pm PST
December 27, 11 pm CT
December 28, midnight EST
December 28, 5 am London Time
December 28, 6 am Central Europe
Between now and the scheduled offline, the URL of may not be working. When it happens, please use to access the forum.
When the forum is offline, please visit for emergency updates.
After moving is completed, the new URL for the forum will be
IMPORTANT - If you uploaded your avatar to the forum, please backup a copy of it.
If you encounter any problem to log on to the new forum, please email or contact other moderators
Other than keeping this info handy, there is nothing else you need to do for the move. Please log on with your current username and password after the new forum becomes live.
If you have any question or concern, please contact the mods. Thank you for your help. We can't wait to greet everyone at the new home.
Last November 26, Ethan started this topic.
--- Quote ---December 17 marks one year anniversary at Yes, one year. Just think how far we have come along - the emotion and the friendship... It is our time capsule for many years to come and to cherish...
--- End quote ---
Click here to see the questions and answers who were posted. Chronology - Past, Present & Future[/b]
This is the story of the birth of, click here to go to the thread.
In Your Words: an retrospective
Started by BBBOY on May 21
If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them for the past year. Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.
Memories from London
Decent People United - Thoughts from EGT London
Most of the attendees have posted their toughts about their experience during the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the thread.
Brokies Will Get Togheter Again
Oscar Night Screening of Brokeback Mountain
When? Sunday, February 25, 2007
Where? Bay City, Michigan
BayCityJohn is organizing a get together, the movie will be open to the public, but free for forum members from the ennisjack, bettermost, and davecullen forums. Click here for all the details. Spring 2007 Gathering in America
Latest news about this project, the time is Memorial Day week-end, May 26, 27 & 28 2007. The target is Denver Colorado since 2 other forums, bettermost and davecullen, are having a B.B.Q. in Denver during this week-end. Click here to go to the thread. Spring 2007 European get together
Are we going to meet next Spring in Europe? We need to set up the place and the dates. Click here to discuss about it.
West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!
Started by Toadily on December 10
--- Quote ---Dirtbiker says The first weekend in August would be good for the get together at his place in Seattle.
What does everyone else think? That is Aug4/5
Looks like Kathy and I are on board for planning duties.
--- End quote ---
Many members already posted their interest about this project, click here to go to the thread.
Zodiac premiere meeting in London
Started by Monicita on December 12
--- Quote ---My brokies and Jack-lovers!
during the wonderful EGT meeting in London last weekend the idea of going to the premiere of Zodiac (the new movie with Jake G.) in London came up. It is going to be in March (not totally clear yet when exactly). We are hoping Jake will be there and it would be a great chance to see some of the other brokies again. Some people said it should only be the premiere and then back home, but for me, flying in from Germany, that seems a pity. Why not at least have lunch or dinner together? I know there are a few of you who want to be there. Who would want to join us?
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
I'm meeting a brokie from my country :D
Started by Koka on December 12
--- Quote ---hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm finally meeting a girl, her name is nikolina ( short: nina ), who's also from croatia ( but she lives on the other side of the country ) who I met thanks to jake&brokeback on the internet half a year ago…
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Quotes From Last Two Weeks
Since our last Newsletter was dedicated to the forum's first anniversary it's time to catch up a bit, huh? Here we go...
Posted by PST on December 11
--- Quote ---When I fractured my ankle and had to wear a medical "boot," I was disappointed that I couldn't wear my cowboy boots to my first Brokie gathering in Texas this summer. I told a friend and she offered to design and make me these felt Brokeback Mountain Boots that I could wear over my medical "boot." &**)
--- End quote ---
You know you are addicted when...
Posted by Jessi on December 15
--- Quote ---
Come down the mountain.
Leave summer's sweet fire up there.
If you think you can.
--- End quote ---
Pix with Poems
Posted by rpmnh on December 19
Another sign...
--- Quote ---Here is a sign that I am still have PBS, even after I thought that I was mostly over it, more or less. Lately, reading the newspaper, I have found myself looking for BBM in the movie listings! Some part of me is hoping beyond hope that they might show it at one of the "artsy" theaters around the anniversary of its initial release. I don't go to the newspaper intentionally looking for it, but when I come to the page with the listings, I find myself futilely searching.
My psyche will never be the same because of BBM :)
--- End quote ---
PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
Posted by Jack F. Twist (JFT) on December 20
--- Quote ---My partner tolerated my thing with BBM. Then he went with me to London. He was overwhelmed by all the love there was at the get-together. He is now going to join this forum himself!
BBM is special - but so is this forum and Brokies in general.
--- End quote ---
How has BBM changed your view on life?
Posted by Hpv on December 20
--- Quote ---It's one year E/J anniversary,I'm not sure whether to post it here or on the special thread, but
I keep coming back to this thread , and each time I find a new perspective, I'll try to sum up my feelings:
This movie has swept me off my feet and made me realize the changes I need to make in my life and how I need to be more honest with myself.I'm blessed to have met a great new friends on this forum ...and a spiritual home,posters came and poured out their hearts, their stories, their histories, their loves, their lost loves, their hopes, their despair, just felt everywhere the genuine LOVE from those who engaged with others -- both on line and in the PMs. It's been the most overwhelming personal journey. I tried to understand what draws people to this place,Some are drawn to the energy here, some are drawn to the kinship, some are drawn to the support, some are drawn to the discussions. Personally it is the draw of good people who speak the same language !
We keep coming back, because we found like minded people here.I'm sure that if everyone here talked about the reactions of the "non-on line" friends to discussion of BBM, we'd all have the same responses.They are tired of hearing it, want us to move on already.They don't realize that we are moving on, with a group of people that we all found, who have had the same experience that each one of us did.
What other movie has had such a legacy in such a short period of time!
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Why I love this place
Posted by Kemmer on December 24
--- Quote ---This will be my first Christmas with Ennis and Jack, and after the film and all the fanfic stories, my feelings for them are even stronger than the devastation I felt after the first time I saw Brokeback Mountain last January. I really am a changed man after BBM, and I hereby want to wish the spirits of Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar the happiest of Christmas's, as well as their source, Annie Proulx, the same. It's very hard to explain, but I even look at the mountains, the clouds, and even the grassy foothills near where I live in an entirely different light than I did last year. Jack and Ennis are family to me--in some ways even more than my brothers.
Merry Christmas, Jack and Ennis---and many more to come!
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PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
Posted by Malawix on December 22
--- Quote ---Filmmakers love a good disaster, whether it's melting polar ice caps, a dinner party blowup, or a bank heist gone bad. So it's only fitting that the industry's movers and shakers would also be prone to catastrophes. But be warned: This list is like Nick Nolte's infamous mugshot. It might make you laugh. Or cringe. Or maybe shed a tear. Before you start writing letters about what we missed, though, understand that we steered clear of the Hollywood Babylon tragedies—the James Deans and Marilyn Monroes—which have been done to death (pun intended). So without further ado, here's a shotgun blast of the silly, the sordid, the sad, and the absurd.
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Click on: CELLULOID (All About Movies) to read the full article.
Academy gets it right
Posted by Cinemafervor on December 23
--- Quote ---For the past 79 years, the Oscars have always issued an official / collectable poster for their upcoming ceremony a few months in advance. The posters are always beautifully designed and unique.
This year they designed a poster with an Oscar in the middle surrounded by quotes from classic movies. But here’s the catch…they tended to only picked one movie to quote per year. In other words, SCHINDLER’S LIST was the only movie quoted from 1993. Anyway… guess what film they picked to quote from 2005…
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN: “I wish I knew how to quiet you”
Other classic quotes surrounding it are ones from;
…it’s all rather telling if you ask me.
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Your Thoughts & Reactions from Academy Awards
Calendar for next week
December 25 - Christmas, Birthdays: pierralex (27)
December 27 - Birthdays: katieljb (20)
December 29 - Birthdays: ArmyJeep (44), jacktwist (35), wayne1932 (74)
December 30 - Birthdays: xvbbJ (27), Magdalena (35)
December 31 - Birthdays: littlebad (45)
forum achievements
200 pages in the Oh baby...pix thread on December 22.
Member's levels updates
20 posts, Alma Jr.
Del Mar Twist, on December 21
Magdalena, on December 23
100 posts, Lureen
Coffeecat33, on December 22
Del Mar Twist, on December 24
Jack,500 posts
Aintfoolin, on December 20
Ennis,1000 posts
Audrey Twist, on December 18
Special achievements
Jerasjr, 8000 posts on December 22, Mars, 16 000 posts, on December 24.
Congratulations to all! ^-^ O0
DVD release around the world
U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Belgium - September 26 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany/Austria - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)
Collector's Edition - USA & Canada, January 23 2007 (zone 1 DVD)
Any update about the release in your country?
Click on the picture to post the information.
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Season's Greetings Brokies, see you next week.
December 25 - 31 2006, editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
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