Author Topic: Newsletter Archive, July to September 2006  (Read 12883 times)

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin' Weekly Newsletter - July 3 - July 18, 2006

Hi Brokies,

Time flies so fast  :P  Sorry for skipping last week's Newsletter but it's summer, many editors are on vacation and the Montreal Gathering kept others busy  ::).  Montreal's first encounter of members was a huge success, better than what we expected.  The live chat on Sunday July 2nd was one of a life time experience for my guests and I  :-\\ :\'( <^(

What I liked about the MG experience, was that we proved we could make it!! We proved people that had never met before could meet, hug, laugh and cry as if they had lifelong time friends. 
I'm looking forward to meet friends in Chicago next August, and in Europe next December.

We are Decent People United

(thanks Froggy for the picture  :-*) I love you Brokies and thanks for your support at

Chameau  %)

Quoting posts with pictures

From Tpe

To all forumers:

The moderators have requested that in both the Heath and Jake pix threads, we should all refrain from quoting long sequences of BBM screencaps in their entirity.  I am quite guilty of this myself!  I plan to post a similar guideline in the Jake Pix thread.

I will try to edit such quotes that repeat multiple screencaps in their entirety.  But feel free to quote a few pix in a sequence of screencaps for specific comments.  This should not be a problem.

This decision was made for your convenience.  We appreciate your continued enthusiasm and show of support for Heath and Jake!

Thanks all. :)

The following editorial was written by Bubbaluna (Domenick) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team

[/u] [/size]
As I See It.. The Women Of Brokeback Mountain
[/b] [/size]

      Poor Alma.....Is she ever happy?? Does she bring happiness to anyone...I think not.....

      Alma's first three appearances in the movie are by far her happiest; she and Ennis getting married; she and Ennis frolicking in the snow; and she and Ennis at the drive in movie. In her subsequent appearances we find her increasingly burdened with chores, children and unhappiness...and burdening Ennis with something he has to take care of but doesn't want....a life without Jack.

       Alma is truly a tragic figure in Brokeback Mountain because she is a victim from the start. She is totally shocked when the kiss occurs and finds no way to deal with it. The little serenity and chance for happiness she might have dies with that kiss and the realization that Ennis loves Jack and not her. She does her best to deal with it but is trapped in a life of poverty, unhappiness and devoid of love. She finds a way out with Monroe but one sees that she cannot truly escape the humiliation and hurt of all the years she bore witness to having Ennis steal away with Jack.

       Alma's strength lies in her ability to carry on, raise her children while still providing a decent home for Ennis under very strained circumstances. Unlike Lureen who has her family's support (at least financially) and material goods to help compensate for what Jack cannot give her Alma has none of this. Alma has only her dignity and pride and the hope that she can raise beautiful children and rise above the hurt she feels every day.

       Very few viewers feel much for Alma...she seems only to "get in Ennis' way".....but I for I see her as heroic and brave....and a lady above all others......

and That is HOW I See It...

Some quotes from last 2 weeks

 If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I.
~Michel de Montaigne~
Pix with Poems
From gimmejack on July 3rd

This is why I love this place:

I wandered alone in a crowded world full of chaos and noise. Then through the darkness I saw a gentle light that somehow beckoned me near. As I reached the light I found a small community and the sign on the open gate read simply: ennisjack, with a note below - everyone welcome. So I continued in, thinking I’d just look around and be on my way. Then someone approached and said “Welcome friend. Stay awhile.” So I strolled the many paths and everywhere I went I was met by warm smiles, cordial handshakes, and the occasional pat on the back. Then, perhaps sensing I wanted to stay, someone took me by the hand and led me to a camp. Many friendly faces greeted me there. Someone said “Rest your feet by the fire.” And another said “If you’re tired, there’s a tent for you here; if you’re cold - a blanket; if you’re hungry - food and drink.” And as I sat by the warm glow of the fire, I realized what I had found - a new home; full of love, respect, support, and compassion. A place where you are free to come and go as you choose, to express yourself expansively or sit quietly in the shadows. Where everyone is equal and still everyone is unique. A place that allows you to take this warmth and love out into the world with you, yet never runs out for the supply is endless. A place that helps you to be the best you there is and that allows you to see how valuable that person you are already is. It sounds like a fictional place; too good to be true. But I have found it and it is real. And knowing how rare and valuable it is, I will always cherish, protect, and treasure the community of ennisjack.
Why I Love this Place
from Flwrchild on July 7th

Calendar for last and next week

July 3rd, Events: * Montreal Gathering

July 4th, Independence Day, USA Birthday: Insomniac487 (19)

July 6th, Birthdays: richardwatts (39), Desireé (17)

July 9th, Birthday: MChantal76 (30), Events: * Independance Day - Argentina

July 10th, Birthday: Mélanos (55)

July 12th Birthday: dblippy (37)

July 13th Birthdays sspude4 (30)

July 14 Birthday: Jack del Sur (47), Event:  Fête Nationale (National Day) France

July 15th Birthday: daveya26 (34)
July 16th Birthday: donnaread (57), Stephie (18)

Forum achievements

The amazing and heart tearing thread Pix with Poems reached 50 pages on June 26th.  The Silver Wolves reached 800 pages in their thread on June 27th.  The Congratulations for Achievements [/color] thread reached 75 pages on July 7th, reached 190,000 posts on July 9th

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

La musica, July 2nd
Browneyes, July 7th
Mélanos, July 8th

100 posts, Lureen

KatKat, June 27th
Amtamburo, June 28th
Rpmnh, July 9th

200 posts, Alma

Carmilla, June 28th
Ravenus 19, on July 5th

Jack, 500 posts

Shielmaid, July 1st

Ennis, 1000 posts

Welshwitch, July 4th

Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

Flwrchild, June 27th
Mrl, July 9th

Special achievements

Bubbaluna, 5000 on June 28th, Chameau, 10,000 on June 29th, City Slickin' Cowboy, 5000 on July 2nd, Froggy, 9000 , on July 3rd, LuvJackNasty, 4000 on July 5th, Frances and Jerasjr, 4000, on July 6th, BBBOY 5000 on July 7th, Twisted 3000 on July 7th, Esme, 4000 on July 8th


Congratulations to all!  :^^)

Topic of last week

Montreal Gathering Live Chat

Our first encounter ever of members on ennisjack .com, was a huge success.  This is the link to the live chat from Montreal,  935  posted messages read 2470 times.  The full story is there:

Topic of the week

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Following the success of our Montreal get together, there is now an Europe get together planned  next December, go there for the details:

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?  :P  Post it there:

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters  ???
Go there:

Bye Brokies, see you next week  :)

July 3 - July 16 editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
« Last Edit: Mar 07, 2008, 06:20 PM by chameau »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #1 on: Jul 23, 2006, 04:32 PM » Weekly Newsletter - July 17 - July 23, 2006

Howdy mates, ( ;D sorry it's hot and sunny and I though I was back in Australia!)

Most of you know me (I think ??? ), well just in case, I'm a crazy French Froggy who lives in the UK. I joined the forum last December and quickly became a Global Moderator... who just recently got the scary "Administrator" title!
It goes without saying that I am a HUGE BBM fan.. ;)

..Anyway, another week, another newsletter, which I have to say has been running quite smoothly thankx to our dear Chameau...well that's when he is not entertaining some brokies that is! But he has recruited some great chaps to help out, so once again, thank you and welcome to the Editors' team, Stephan and Carlos_H82.

Our dear Ethan is still away at the moment and I cannot wait to see his pretty face back here...we miss y'a x

I love it here. Alsmost 200 000 posts (already!) and over 2700 fantastic members ... We argue, we tease, we cry, we comfort and make each others laugh...I say let's have another crazy week of LaShawning shall we?

~ Froggy ~                 


Calling for Newsletter Team

First of all, welcome to Carlos_H82 and Stephan who volunteered to be Editors.  The forum still invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter, If you are interested in helping out, please click the picture below to post your reply, thank you!


The following editorial was written by Guest Editor Stephan and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter team

As I See It... The Women Of Brokeback Mountain

Alma Jr.

For this second contribution as guest editor, I have the pleasure of sharing a few thoughts on one of those women that has earned a place in all of our hearts : Ennis's eldest child, his daughter Alma, AKA Alma Jr. Different actresses for different ages, yet always the same character, and surely Ennis's best friend after Jack.

Undoubtedly, one of the traits that endears Alma Jr. to us is her confidence in her father. I mean the sort of confidence that stems from genuine love. In the very first word she utters («You girls need a push or something ?» «No-o-o.») she already shows that she can see behind the mask of her father's emotions ; both girls know somehow that their parents are more in pain than in anger, therefore their «No» contains that much more compassion. Some years later, at the end of that ghastly Thanksgiving dinner, Alma Jr. makes a point of saying a cheerful goodbye to Ennis in the face of a violently tense atmosphere. One can practically hear her saying «Goodbye Daddy, I love you.»

She has audacity, but also a sense of discretion. When sounding Ennis out about moving in with him, then later asking whether he will come to her wedding, she doesn't whine or cajole or use other forms of affective blackmail. When she hears the negative answer, she isn't surprised, but neither does she insist on having her own way. She displays understanding for her father, and places more value on his point of view than her own. She doesn't hide her disappointment, but neither does she throw it in his face like an accusation.

Thirdly, she understands Ennis and accepts him for what he is. Her remark to Cassie about him («Maybe he's just not the marrying kind») sums the situation up tactfully, while Cassie was unable or unwilling to face up to the fact. One could say that the teenaged daughter had a sense of reality that the waitress didn't possess.

All these admirable character traits, plus being a bouncy, smiling, pretty young lady, make Alma Jr. radiate with a rare light in this beautiful but otherwise sombre story of eternal love that begins on Brokeback Mountain.

There has, of course, been some discussion in the forum on Alma Jr. Just in case you are interested, you might want to participate. A few links you could click on :

**Not the marrying kind**

**Alma Jr. and Daddy Ennis**

**Alma Jr.**


Please help to support the movie Candy, for now it will be released in only one or two theaters in New-York City and Los-Angeles, for two weeks... that's all!  :(
No release at all is expected in the rest of U.S.A. and Canada  :( Click on any of the two pictures posted here to access our thread and the link to the addicted to the movie Candy webpage

Thread of the week

Why I love this place

Some of the most beautiful posts on this forum are posted there.  Everything about love, friendship, respect and dignity... Decent People are United on, this link will bring you to the latests posts but take the time to read a bit more, **Why I Love this Place**

 :) :-\\ :\'( Many posts will make you laugh but so many will make you...   :\'(

Have a box of tissues ready  ;)

Quote of the week

from Frances

“I wasn’t kissing him, I was whispering in his mouth.”
Suggested by Froggy
From the thread Pix with Poems **click here for the link**

From Make 'em Laugh

Everything you want to know about posting on a forum?  Click this link:  **The art of posting**

To go to the thread Make 'em Laugh click the Smileys:   ;D  ;D  ;D

Calendar for next week

July 17 Birthdays: torontoguy20 (25), TeddybearEyes (23)

July 18 Birthdays: Nerk (18), chinook (42)

July 19 Birthdays: SpanishEyes (33) Events: * DVD Release - France

July 21 Birthdays: Ghosted Angel (17)

July 23 Birthdays: just like this¯always (16)

Forum achievements

The Silver Wolves busted 900 pages in their thread on July 10th

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Theresa, on July 11th
Smilesalot,  on July 12th
Ms.bluesky, on July 14th
Jeffjoe, on July 16th

100 posts, Lureen

Gimmejack, on July 11th
Aintfoolin, on July 13th
Ms.bluesky, on July 15th

Ennis, 1000 posts

Allyce, July 10th
Hpv, July 14th

Special achievement

Cowboy Cody, 5000 posts on July 13th

Congratulations to all!  O0

Montreal Gathering Live Chat

Last week Old Cham was a bit lost and was lookin' for stuff for the newsletter he tought were lost... they were in a word document on his hard disk at home  :s) *^)

I would like to come back to the Montreal Gathering, there are 2 quotes I found very representative of the spirit of that very special Sunday in particular and the spirit of our forum in general

From Welshwitch
« Reply #786 on: Jul 03, 2006, 03:28 PM »
If we could bottle the love and support and affection between us and sell it, they could chuck away the missiles and tanks. How come we can love each other when so many others find nothing but people to hate?

Quoted by Esme
« Reply #789 on: Jul 03, 2006, 03:32 PM »
We are here because we all love one thing...a small wonderful film about love.... the Bushes and Blairs and Bin Ladens of the world don't think our little Brokeback is important... and that is why they are more hung up on hurt than love... I doubt none told them how wonderful they looked or offered a virtual shoulder when they have a tough day....

And I am pretty sure they have never had a live chat, skype or forum with a can of beans on their heads ... If they had tried that they might have had a little more tolerance for each other  ;)

This is the link to the quotes **Montreal Gathering Live Chat**

Decent People United - Thoughts from Montreal Gathering

We could make it... we made it.  A get togheter of members on is possible and believe me it's an unforgetable experience.  All the members wo attented the Montreal Gathering posted their toughts, the thread is now open to all,  click on the picture below to access it:

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Europe's Gathering is confirmed, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK, click on the London Bridge picture to go to the thread:   

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?    Post it there:  **DVD**

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  **Newsletter** [/u]

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  **Archives**

Bye Brokies, see you next week   %)

July 17 - July 23 editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #2 on: Jul 30, 2006, 04:35 PM » Weekly Newsletter - July 24 - July 30, 2006

Is this July?  Is this Summer?  Is this vacation time?  When we busted 100,000 posts, last April,  we were considering 200,000 would happen around the end of August or beginning of September.  :s)  If the Forum would be then still alive.

Yeah!  Right!  200,000 happened Monday July 17th, new members are still registering every day and some older members are posting like LaShawn is talking.  ::)  ;D 

You will find on this edition of the Newsletter a link to a new thread about history.  Thank you to Ethan, Froggy, the Moderators and all our dearest Brokies for making this place an island of love, peace and respect, our home on the cyberspace,

Born from their Love... Forever bound by ours
(Quote from LuvJackNasty)

I wish you another excellent week on

Chameau  ^f^


The following editorial was written by Stephan and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter team

As I See It... The Women Of Brokeback Mountain

(and Other Half Randall)

« I have no resistance ! »

One of my favourite lines in Brokeback Mountain is spoken by lively young Lashawn, another minor character in the film. She speaks a lot, in fact ; so much so that in slang, her name has become synonymous with long spates of posting on the forum  :-X. Yet without her, and her very cute husband Randall, we would be missing something in our perception of Jack's dilemma and distress.

The couple Randall/Lashawn illustrates what Jack tells Ennis about his marriage : they might as well do it over the phone. Jack and Lureen barely look at or speak to each other. The situation where they meet - a dinner and dance - also serves as a flashback to the rodeo bar where Jack and Lureen had met. In those days, Lureen was the lively gal, whereas Jack seemed tongue-tied. We recall Lureen's eagerness to get intimate with Jack... « Do you think I should put the brakes on ? »

The couple have now traded characters. Now Jack appears more eager and determined to enjoy himself, whereas Lureen appears to have engaged the parking brake - she doesn't get out of her chair at the dinner-dance. Lashawn presents Jack with an opportunity to enjoy the evening and an acceptable excuse to get away from Lureen. But here is the dilemma : Jack enjoys intimacy with men. And there is one gorgeous one sitting right next to Lashawn !

Randall... does not say much. Does not miss much either. When Jack says « Wanna dance ? » he knows Jack is really interested in dancing with him. Hence the suggestion of a week-end à deux while the two men are sitting outside waiting for their wives. Which is when Jack's dilemma becomes distress. Lashawn's husband is not just a boy from Mexico. A tryst with Randall would have an impact on Jack's relationship with Ennis that no Mexican encounter could ever have. Randall is offering something that Jack longs for but that he « don't hardly never get ». What to do ? Will Jack be able to put the brakes on ? Does he want to ? Is it time to give up on Ennis ?

Jack's subsequent relationship to the Randall/Lashawn couple remains ambiguous - if Jack and Randall get together, why does Jack tell Ennis that he « don't hardly never get » the intimacy he wants from Ennis ?

But thanks to the characters of Randall and Lashawn, we are better able to understand the depth of Jack's frustration when meetings with Ennis become increasingly difficult to arrange. Perhaps too we identify more closely with Jack : some of us in this forum may have had to deal with a similar experience in life....

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Europe's Gathering is confirmed, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.
Click on the picture to go to the thread: 

New Threads of the Week Chronology - past, present & future

When and how started, click on the banner below to read the full story

 And some sequel...

Your thought on the Chronology of

Click on the picture below to access this thread

Quote of the week

From Swisscowboy
I think after all I would not call Post Brokeback Mountain as a syndrom. Isn't it a kind of addiction to something we do understand, but can't understand either at the same time. The way Brokeback hit me and the way Brokeback the movie and the friends I found are sharing my life is unbelievable. I agree that most of the people I met and correspondend are only via the forums. But as we had a Brokeback Meeting in Switzerland with 12 people out of Switzerland, Germany and Austria we knew how it could be like this. Writing quite openly in the threads is totally different than standing in front of the persons you have only internet contact. And it worked out very, very well.
I can only encourage you to meet and to stand face to face. Each and every single one of the participants of the meeting very quite afraid to go. But we all took a step forward. And I think we always have to move forward.

PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
« Reply #1225 on: July 21 at 07:02:40am »
This is the link: Post Brokeback Syndrome

Your inputs to re-organize this forum

As the forum grows larger, we need your inputs to better organize the contents. The Mod's Team likes to hear your inputs/suggestions/comments on the current structure of the forum and how we can make it better.  Click on the picture to post your suggestions.

As a beginning of the re-organisation, a new Board has been created, Member Connection, all the topics concerning members reunions such as the Montreal Get Together, The Montreal Gathering Live chat, Decent People United, The European Get Together etc... have been re-united there.  You wish to meet your Brokie Brothers and Sisters? Click Here.

Talking about Member Connection

Talking about Member Connection, Ethan created this video/photo collage from the Montreal Gathering event, click the picture to see it:


Good one Fearless Leader  O0 To go to the thread, Click Here

Old Thread from the Past

March of the Penguins: Return to Brokeback

Another version of the BBM trailer  ;)
Click the picture to see the video

This is the link: March of the Penguins: Return to Brokeback

Another Old Thread from the Past

Willie Nelson & Gay Cowboys

Willie Nelson Releases Homage to Gay Cowboys

Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly (Fond of Each Other)’ available on iTunes

The Associated Press
Feb. 14, 2006

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Country music outlaw Willie Nelson sang “Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys” and “My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys” more than 25 years ago.

He released a very different sort of cowboy anthem this Valentine’s Day.

“Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly (Fond of Each Other)” may be the first gay cowboy song by a major recording artist. But it was written long before this year’s Oscar-nominated “Brokeback Mountain” made gay cowboys a hot topic.

Available exclusively through iTunes, the song features choppy Tex-Mex style guitar runs and Nelson’s deadpan delivery of lines like, “What did you think all them saddles and boots was about?” and “Inside every cowboy there’s a lady who’d love to slip out.”

The song, which debuted Tuesday on Howard Stern’s satellite radio show, was written by Texas-born singer-songwriter Ned Sublette in 1981. Sublette said he wrote it during the “Urban Cowboy” craze and always imagined Nelson singing it.

Someone passed a copy of the song to Nelson back in the late 1980s and, according to Nelson’s record label, Lost Highway, he recorded it last year at his Pedernales studio in Texas.

Nelson has appeared in several Western movies and sings “He Was a Friend of Mine” on the “Brokeback Mountain” soundtrack.
click here for the song and video

For the thread, click here

Calendar for next week

July 24, Birthdays: Tiger24 (17)

July 26, Birthdays: needabbm

July 27, Birthdays: mikele (41)

July 30 , Birthdays: Nightwolf (38), tpkomodo (30) 

Forum achievements busted 200,000 posts on July 17th, the Germans busted 300 pages in their Channel on July 18th, we busted 100 pages in the Movie Quizz Thread on July 20th, 100 pages in the Oh Baby...pix thread on July 21st.  the Silver Wolves busted 1000 pages and 30,000 posts on July22nd.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Drama_Queen, on July 18th
Josie81, on July 20th
Rosie, on July 21st
Gyllenhaalic, on July 22nd
FulOfSadness, on July 22nd
Ejr, on July 23rd

200 posts, Alma

Gimmejack, on July 20th

Jack, 500 posts

Sabine, on July 19th
Jessianne21, on July 20th

Special achievements

City Slickin' Cowboy, 6000 posts on July 17th, Tpe, 6000 posts on July 18th, Cowboy Cody 6000 posts on July 23rd.

Congratulations to all!

Any Technical Issue or Question?

Forum Testing

New to the forum? Old member but not sure? Come in here and play around with all the features. No sweat & no fear.Click Here

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye Brokies, see you next week   %)

July 24 - July 30 editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Jack + Ennis
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  • Posts: 28148
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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #3 on: Aug 06, 2006, 06:56 PM » Weekly Newsletter - July 31 - August, 2006

Hello Brokies  <^(, we have a new Editor, Amtamburo, she volunteered last week and joined our team, thank you and welcome Angi.  The Editors are now, Bubbaluna, Balchy28, Stephan, Carlos_H82 and Amtamburo, of course Ethan , Froggy and I, are contributors too.

Since it will be their first contribution this week, I asked Carlos_H82 and Amtamburo to introduce themselves.

from Amtamboro
Hello there,

I was asked to write a little introduction of myself, (and my first thought was "ugh… I don’t know how to do That!") so here I go. My name is Angi, I am 35 years old, I live in California, and I am a (as my boyfriend so affectionately puts it) a certified, Grade-Double A, Obsessive-Complusive and Fiercely Loyal ‘Brokie’. (Let no-one defame nor make a derogatory remark about BBM, Heath or Jake in my presence… to do so will evoke a wraith most unpleasant! Sorry, inside joke… something to do with my sister dubbing me the ‘Brokie Defender’ that came about after a somewhat heated conversation with some mutual friends…)

I was not fortunate enough to see BBM in the theater, (I made the mistake of listening to a co-worker who went to see it and talked for two days about how dreadful it was… what a mistake!) so I did not see the movie until Mother’s Day, when I received it as a gift from my daughter and my BF, who both know about my years long obsession and closet crush on Heath Ledger. (Of course now I have to add Jake Gyllenhaal to that obessive crush, albeit to a slightly lesser degree. Though Jake is a sexy little devil, Heath will always be #1 in my book!)

I have been an addict ever since, and can’t seem to get through a day without my “BBM fix” (another of my BF’s little sayings). Thanks for the chance to help out this wonderful forum… I spend so much time here it feels like my home, glad I to have a chance to help maintain it!

Thanks again, Angi (Amtamburo)

From Carlos_H82
Well here's a little of me

Hola!!!!  ^f^

Well as you may know I just recently joined the Editors for the Newsletter which is a big Yay!!! For me ;) My name is Carlos I just recently turned 23 (Yay! Again)  and I’ve just recently got engaged with my girlfriend (Let me hear big Yay! From you) and hopefully we’ll be getting married soon (well not that soon ;) I hope) I’m currently living in Panama, but my fiancé and I are thinking to move out to another country Canada? Maybe who knows ::) I’m the third child of a family of four.  I have two brothers one of 19 years…wait he have 20 and the other have 35 years and a sister of 30 years. My older brother lives in England but he’ll be moving out to Poland soon. I have to nephews one of four years (my sister) and the other of ten months (brother) and I love them in pieces.

Now I became a brokie thanks to my friends Yitzhak and Rajel who after many unsuccessful attempts convinced to see the movie and after that I saw another side of love that I never saw before. Well let’s say that I’ve realized that everyone deserves to be happy no matter what. And that’s how I joined forum my friend Yitzhak told me that it was fun and a good place to share opinions. And knowing that I’m a person that get bored on forums easy I tried entering here and guess what? I like it!!

I’m a BBM addict which is weird to some of my friends and my family, though my dad and my sister saw it and like it, they are just not as fan as I am (maybe they should join here :8 :8 ) and well I like to add that I’m a big fan of Ann Hathaway  <^( <^(

I love writing and I like writing stories and articles for college, fan fiction and articles for the forum (well from now on) I spend much of my time on college, home and work on this forum and looking for BBM related things. Well I think that some of you know me I’m that crazy member that just wants the Spanish thread to be fulfilled of posts!!
I’m a Graphic Design Student, which is my second bachelor (I have a Computers Engineer already)  I like to say that I like making lot of friends because you never know if you have to go there and you could get a free housing! (joking :8) Well if you want to know me better! I’ll recommend you to send me a PM, I like to have new friends! 

Thank you friends, we are looking forward to work with you. #$#



The following editorial was written by Carlos_H82 and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter team

The Reunion Embrace


“With the pass of time Love don’t die, it grows bigger”

Most of us agree when we say that this is one of the most beautiful scenes of the movie, and it is also one of those rare instances where we see Ennis taking the lead. We know that for them this moment is magical.

After their last encounter four years ago, we see them suffer in their own way as they go on opposite sides of the road. Jack looks back at Ennis through his truck's rear view mirror and knows that maybe this could be the last time he could see him. Meanwhile Ennis have a breakdown on the side of the road. They both continue with their lives. Ennis marries and Jack, after trying to keep his bull-riding career, eventually marries as well.

During those four years, we see how their lives go and how they try to deal with each other’s absence, however, we know that they are missing something: each other. We know that because they don’t have that glint of happiness that we see in people who find promise and fulfillment with a beloved.

Four years have passed and they have tried to move on, but a love doesn’t die when it is born out of “Real Love”, and that’s what happened between the two of them. Those four years spent being separated from each other made them realize the big error they made by going on different paths. As soon Ennis received a "sign of life" from Jack, all those feelings cam back to him with renewed force.

When we see Ennis declining Alma’s suggestion to hire a nanny and take Jack to a restaurant, it is clear to us that he doesn’t want anybody else to ruin that moment. His Jack Twist, his Jack “f***in” Twist, the one that he is waiting for. His nervousness increases as time passes waiting for Jack to appear.  So long as there is no sign of Jack, he tries to find relief by drinking beer, fidgetting, looking out the window, smoking, etc. Some of us think that maybe all that beer drinking had a hand in what happens next.

When at last he hears Jack’s truck parking outside the laundrymat, his joy and happiness is evident in his face as he looks through the window with eyes that seems to say: “There you are, my love”. He comes out of his flat as fast as he can, saying the first thing on his mind: "Jack f***in' Twist!" Then, at that moment when he runs as fast he can to hug Jack and listen him whisper “Ennis”, he just knows that he shouldn’t have let Jack go four years ago. We know that in the Short Story, he admits this much to Jack in the motel scene (although this admission was not included in the film version).

The way they looked at each other in the eye informs us of the magic of this moment.  Then, it happens: Ennis pushes Jack against the wall and, in less than a second, their lips are together, just as the right key enters the lock. We see Jack's obvious surprise when Ennis did this; indeed, this is not Ennis's normal way of acting. This is Ennis, the real Ennis, the one that he had been trying to hide from the rest of the world -- but not from his beloved Jack.

They kiss each other as if they would never see each other again..., as if they were thinking that this wouldn’t last. That kiss seals their fate; they know that nothing will be the same for them henceforth. They know now that, no matter how much time had passed by, they still loved each other. And maybe, taking note of the fact that the word "love" was never mentioned, no words were needed in that moment of moments.  Their actions showed us the plain truth deep within their hearts.

Quote of the Week

From Mélanos
PBS is a strange desease, you don't immediatly realise you're ill and when you do it's too late!
I went to see the film in a theater in Paris with my wife and never could I imagine what would happen to me. At the end I was a bit bored, she was crying and I told her maybe it was too slow for me, what a mistake! I had been much more moved by others movies but this one, I could not get it out of my brain. I thought about many people I knew as Ennis or Jack and I found I understood them better...
So I came back alone to try to understand and that was when I was striken, hard, frontal! I had to be alone to get down to the deepness of my own fantasies. "I'm no queer"... but maybe I never met Jack when I was a sheperd at twenty (in fact, there was a sheperdess whose name was Mireille, but that's another story! ^f^). I still wonder myself why I can be so moved by this story, so personaly moved, I mean. That is PBS for me, I try to understand and I write... it began by an itching and now it is more like a book, weird is not it? :i
PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
« Reply #1260 on: July 27th at 03:47:28pm »
click here for the PBS thread.

Wolf at Work

Your experience

Jerasjr started this thread on July 20th.
While BBM is the focus of this forum, had time to think over the last couple of days to ponder the forum itself, an it's effect on me.
As a first timer in joining any forum, did not know what to expect. but what I found is beyond even the most fantastic imaginings. is a place where respect is utmost - a place to explore and express - a place of sharing and caring - and even a place of joy and sorrows. But most of all it is a place that shows us that all of these things are part of each of us regardless of gender, age, orientation or nationality which are used to limit persons at times.
Has it all been positive, not necessarily, but that is just a personal thing - I simply do not understand the need to dissect each word, move or mannerism because the whole is what is brought us to this forum. But do think that it is great that there are such enquiring minds.
But most significant of all is the force of nature that this forum has become, engendering friendships that would never been formed had it not been for That is one of the strengths we see and feel.
clik here for the thread

Quiet Corner - your prose collection

New topic started by Jerasjr this week

Poetry strikes a chord with many of us. There are also many pieces of prose that we can relate to because they express things in a more conventional manner, yet probably more effectively than we ourselves feel we are capable of.
So this first selection goes to my compatriots, the pack.

Subject: A Lesson,
A simple and direct idea:
An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching
his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is
going on inside me ... it is a terrible fight and it is
between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy,
sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt,
resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and
The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope,
friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and
faith. the same fight is going on inside you, and inside
every other person, too. "They thought about it for a minute
and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will
win?" The old Cherokee simply replied..." The one you feed."
Click on the picture to go to the thread.

Thanks Jerasjr  O0

Calendar for next week

August 3 - Birthdays: shakestheground (43)
August 4 - Birthdays: LadyArmand (37), zathycat (44)
August 6 - Birthdays: nohairforoil

Forum achievements

100 pages in the Congratulations for Achievements thread on July 24th, 100 pages in the Pics of You thread on July 26th, 200 pages in the BBM Recital thread on July 29th, 50 pages in the It is YOUR Board! - Introducing yourself please thread, on July 30th.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Susans Rose, July 26th
TexRob, July 28th
Killroy1972, July 30th
BBMaddict, July 30th

100 posts, Lureen

Jeffjoe, July 25th
Jagrafess, July 27th

Jack, 500 posts

Loris, on July 25th
Karen1129, on july 25th

Special achievements

Mars, 8000 on july 24th, Flwrchild, 3000 on July 24th, BBBOY, 6000 on July 29th.

Congratulations to all!  :)

Old Thread From the Past

A Sampling of BBM Humor

An excerpt from this thread, Brokeback Mountain in 30 seconds... yes 30 seconds  ;)
Click on the bunny to see it.

There is more funny stuff on the thread, click on the smileys to see it   ;D ;D ;D

Chicago: Watching BBM (August 28 2006)

This thread is to check member interest for a meeting in Chicago around August 28 (Monday) to see BBM at the Waukegan Public Library (Waukegan is a northern suburb of Chicago, close to the Wisconsin border).  For more details click on the picture.

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

After Chicago, our next meeting is Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.
Click on the picture to go to the thread: 

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye Brokies, see you next week    :^^)

July 31 - August 6,  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Jack + Ennis
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  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #4 on: Aug 13, 2006, 03:09 PM » Weekly Newsletter – August 7 – 13 2006

Hello Brokies,

Even if it's summer and vacation time, busy LaShawns  :-X Brokies are posting on, we are now close to 225.000 posts and 3000 members and we have some new interesting discussion threads.  We got some technical issues last week but we went over them... And we are getting closer every day to the Chicago and London Gatherings.  To know more about all of this just read what follows.



Unable to Connect to Database  :(

A message from Ethan

August 2nd, the forum experienced a lot of server difficulty. When the server is down, it usually shows the message "unable to connect to database"

In a situation like this, we can only report the outage to tech support and let's hope it will be up and running smoothly soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

We have created a blog for the updates when the server is down. You can check the blog for the server updates.  Click here to access it, please bookmark the blog.



The following editorial was written by Amtamburo and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter team.

The First Night in the Tent

Sometimes the smallest spark, blown about on a summer breeze, can ignite a fire that may be smothered, but never truly extinguished. -A.M. Tamburo.

There have been many theories and thoughts about, what Brokeback Mountain fans have come to call, the First Night in the Tent, (hereafter known as FNIT). By this, I am of course referring to the first sexual encounter between Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar in 1963 on Brokeback Mountain. This is my take on it…

First off, let me say that I have always firmly believed that the FNIT was not about much of anything other then sex. I don’t doubt or deny that Jack and Ennis were feelings things pretty much from their first glimpse of each other. However, I have never really believed that “love” was a motivation, not at first, and certainly not in this scene.

The best way to explain my thoughts here is to approach the FNIT from a stand-point of motivation. In order to effectively do this, I think it is important to look at each man’s point of view separately.

Jack’s motivation: A lot of people have stated that they feel that Jack had planned the FNIT encounter, and set the whole thing up. I don’t think so. I don’t see any way that he could have set things up in such a way that he could be certain that Ennis would end up in the tent with him. There was nothing indicating beforehand that Ennis intended to stay in camp that night, which would pretty much rule out Jack thinking something might happen later. Not only that, but recall his demeanor when he calls Ennis into the tent, he does not sound like someone who’s thinking, ‘Yes, my plan worked!’ In fact, he sounds rather put out by the fact that Ennis’ teeth chattering is disturbing his sleep.

I firmly believe that the FNIT was something that happened by chance. Inevitable… probably, something that he had wanted/fantasized about for sure… but I truly don’t think it was planned ahead. I believe that once Ennis entered the tent, Jack found himself aroused by the close proximity, and given the fact that they had both been drinking, he saw what he perceived to be his chance, and he took it! 

However, the fact that he very plainly places Ennis’ hand on his crotch, and then unbuckles his belt with little attempt at ‘intimacy’, no kissing, or more then half-hearted attempts at kissing or anything like it, in short no indication whatsoever of any attempted seduction, basically says to me that he is driven by a physical urge, not overwhelmed by feelings or emotions. The feelings and emotions were there, no question, but I don’t think they really came into play until later.

Ennis’ motivation: I think there is little doubt that Ennis’ motivation in the FNIT was indeed, purely physical. I believe that he had been experiencing feelings for Jack, although I don’t think that he would have admitted or even considered what those thoughts and feelings meant. He was obviously drunk, and I think that this brought down his defenses. I believe that Ennis became aroused by Jack’s obvious arousal and advances, and the alcohol took just enough of the edge off of his refusal to even think that he wanted Jack so that he acted on his physical urges in a way that I don’t think he would have had he been sober. As with Jack, I believe that the feelings and emotions were there, but I also feel that given who Ennis was, his past, and his fear, I don’t think that Ennis ever truly acknowledged those feelings and emotions until much later. But that is of course another topic altogether…

Given all of these things, my feeling is that the FNIT was nothing more then two people experiencing physical attraction for each other and acting on that attraction. Though I do believe that subsequent encounters were very much about love and emotion, I don’t think they played much of a part in the FNIT other then being a fringe object hovering on the horizon.

A Collective Thank You

The forum has started another wave of thank you to BBM cast and crew. 

Let's share our thought after many months and let them know.   

Thanks to LuvJackNasty for her initiative.  click here for the details.

Old Threads from the Past

Thank you to Jerasjr for suggesting these 2 threads:

Maybe it's not the love, or the gay

I definitely don't think it's the gay that makes Brokeback magnificent, and
maybe it's not the love either. We have seen both in the movies before, even
both together. Every attempt that I've seen to explain this thing falls short of
really ringing true, it seems to me. As far as I'm concerned it's still a mystery…

Started by Tireiron on February 15, 2006

To visit this thread, click here

The Hidden Blessing of Brokeback Mountain

A Christian guy about how he thought about Brokeback Mountain. Personally i found it’s quite inspiring.

Last week the Oscar nominations were announced and Brokeback Mountain, popularly known as the “gay cowboy movie,” has been nominated for more awards than any other film. Although not a financial blockbuster, the film has been heralded by critics as a cinematic triumph. Newsweek's Sean Smith wrote, "Brokeback feels like a landmark film. No American film before has portrayed love between two men as something this pure and sacred. As such, it has the potential to change the national conversation and to challenge people's ideas about the value and validity of same-sex relationships."

Started by Laundrymat on February 11, 2006

To visit this thread, Click here.

Quote of the Week

Posted by Cherrycake
Discussing issues and ideas is one thing, and, that, I never intended to question... of course not. In fact, it should be encouraged and rightly so. But the whole 'is he gay, is he not?' like so often happens with celebrities, which, in somewhat weird way, Jack is, doesn't seem productive.. can even sometimes downright vicious and petty. Jack even summed it up pretty nicely I think : "Ain't nobodys business but ours.' and I think we all agree with that, right?

one of my favorites quotes:

"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."
Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962)

please know that I am in no way calling anyone in here 'small minds' The love,wisdom, encouragement, strength and insights I have found from people on here warms my heart everyday and gives hope of a better human kind. That was just one of my favorite quotes. ActuallyI think we could all live together in a giant tent, even if it don't look right 'cause it aint going nowheres, on Brokeback or any moutain for that matter.

Jack's Sexuality: A Discussion, posted on August 4th.  To go to the thread, clik here.

Out of the Closet

Greenfrog posted this on August 1st in the Out of the Closet thread,  it's very interesting but very moving too, have tissues ready. 
FulOfSadness, maybe this will help you feel free and ready to let love into you're heart.  <^(

Click on the picture to see the video.

Clik here to go to the thread 

Calendar for next week

August 10 - Birthdays: bachalive (29)

August 11 - Birthdays: Michael (24), Lost_Girl (18), Eugen (39)

August 13 - Birthdays: brokenheart5813 (46) 

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Fuu_beautifulbbm,on August6th

100 posts, Lureen

FulOfSadness, on August 3rd
La Musica, on August 6th

200 posts, Alma

Jeffjoe, on August 4th
Amtamburo, on August 4th

Jack, 500 posts

Elisabetta, on July 31st

Ennis, 1000 posts

MississaugaRed on August 3rd

Special achievement

Froggy, 10,000 posts on August 6th  :*(

Congratulations to all!  8)

New Thread From Last Week

Why do women find men-in-love so compelling?

Monicita started this discussion:
Hi, I am a woman, almost 40 years old, and since I was a teenager, I've loved the idea of men in love with men. It got so strong sometimes, that I almost wanted to be a man, so I might love men as a man. Maybe this is one reason why I have always had intense friendships with gay men. I don't think that any other kind of love scene ever touches me as much as love scenes between men. It is not so much the sex, even though I do find them exciting to watch too, it is more the feeling I get, a yearning for something that seems for ever out of reach. Most people I told about this thought me a bit strange, but of course I know I'm not the only one. There are lots of "fag hags" about, for very different reasons, I assume.

The love between Ennis and Jack is the most intense depiction of love between men I have ever seen. And that means, that for me it is the most intense ever. Are there others like me on this forum? What are your feelings?


For more, just click the picture.

An Museum

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.  The thread is called In Your Words: an retrospectiveclick here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Museum.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.  ;)

Chicago: Watching BBM (August 28 2006)

This thread is to check member interest for a meeting in Chicago around August 28 (Monday) to see BBM at the Waukegan Public Library (Waukegan is a northern suburb of Chicago, close to the Wisconsin border).  For more details click on the picture.

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

After Chicago, our next meeting is Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.
Click on the picture to go to the thread: 

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye Brokies, see you next week    ;)

August 7- 13,  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

  • Moderator
  • Jack + Ennis
  • ***
  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #5 on: Aug 20, 2006, 05:23 PM » Weekly Newsletter – August 14 – 20 2006

 :h) Brokies,

It has been almost four months since our very first weekly newsletter (see Newsletter Archives). First, I'd like to thank chameau and the editor team - bubbaluna, balchy28, stephan, Carlos_H82, and Amtamburo for their dedication to this newsletter. We do hope that you find the newsletter informative and interesting.

Our forum has been around for eight months. It is amazing, isn't it? And after 8 months, the forum shows no sign of stopping. If we look back, we would realize how far we have come - strangers became friends, virtual became real, and many of us have turned into LaShawn. Not too long ago, I posted a thread - Chronology of It documents our past, present and hopefully where we will be in the future. is my home because of all of you who made it so caring and loving. Thank you, Brokies



The following editorial was written by our Guest Editor Toadily and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter Team.

Internet connecting:

Would Ennis and Jack have met online?

A Mother peers through a partially shut door at her son on his computer in the dark, wishes he would get out more, and wonders why he is so secretive.  A women is in therapy nursing a dying marriage, meets a man online who innocently suggests they “get to gether”.

These are some images that come up about people meeting people online.  Is it all too easy or is it a life line?  In contrast I also spoke with a fellow ennisjacker who said that this site literally saved his life.  Part of communicating is seeing the persons face, and sensing their
presence.  However if you don’t meet the person in the first place, how can all this take place?  True the internet is probably replacing most other public get togethers, but is that wrong?  I for one have met many on this site alone whom I consider dear friends and without them my life would be less rich.  And while there are less than wholesome ways
people connect on the internet, the image of the internet existing for Porn as was so hilariously stated in the hit musical Avenue Q’s song, is making room for a new generation of use.   if the reason you go online is solid in the first place, ie about a movie about love and human longing, then the outcome can be just as life giving. 
Our site here has few flames (knock on wood) and no one has been here to cruise under age girls.  So just like you avoid some unsavory places in the real world, you can do so on the net with the same results. 

So the conclusion?  While the above mentioned kid should get out more, his chatting with his friends online isn’t a bad thing.  And the woman who met the man, maybe should think twice before meeting him, but would likely have met someone some other way.
The internet is the beast with two backs, one carries all the best it can be and the other all the worst, just as in all things in life, it’s up to us to pick which side we want to be on.

An Examination of Ennis Del Mar and My Opinion About His Sexuality

An essay by Amtamburo

...I truly feel that when Ennis Del Mar went to Signal, he was in love with Alma... or at least he believed that he was. I think that he was genuinely fond of her, and with no parental models to speak of in that department, his view of love would have been skewed. Therefore, not really knowing what love felt like, I believe he thought that what he felt for Alma was, in fact, love.

I think that Jack Twist blindsided him. I doubt that he had ever felt any attraction to a man until he met Jack. I also think that even though he was drawn to and interested in Jack... probably from the first time he saw him... I don’t think that the feelings he was having were of a particularly romantic or sexual nature. Perhaps because at that point he had no real experience with either, so he would never have made the connection...

To read the full essay and discuss about it, click here.     Next week, an essay about Jack, thanks Angi.  :)

Brokies - Mark your Calendar for our very first Live Chat

For the first time, the forum will host a chat room for all members to chat live. Want to experience brokies in a chat room LaShawning? Don't miss this very first live chat.

The live chat will be scheduled on August 27, Sunday for four hours. 

Time scheduled:

USA/Canada, Pacific 11am - 3pm
USA/Canada, Mountain 12pm - 4pm
USA/Canada, Central 1pm - 5pm
USA/Canada, Eastern 2pm - 6pm
UK 7pm - 11pm
Western Europe 8pm - 12pm
Central Europe 9pm - 1am
Asia 2am - 6am (August 28)
Australia 4am - 8am (August 28)

Click on LaShawn to go to the chat room.


And there is a pre-live chat thread - anything you want to know about the live chat on August 27,  click here

Quotes of the Week

Do you have your "brokeback mountain"?

Posted by Kemmer on August 8, 2006
My Brokeback Mountain is actually a beach on the Pacific. Eighteen years ago, my partner and I, and another couple were spending a week together at my beach house. One of the other couple was my "fishin' buddy" (deep sea), and had been for several years because our partners always got seasick. He was HIV pos, and that was long before any of the new drugs, so we all knew it was only a matter of time before he was gone. Never said this to anyone before, but I think I'm among friends here, but I think he was the only man I have ever been truly, gut-churningly, anchingly in love with in my whole life. He felt the same about me. It was totally impossible, of course. We'd never hurt our partners. One afternoon, a day before our friends were to return home, our partners were shopping and my buddy and I were on the beach swimming and laying in the warm sand, and as it turned out, barely suppressing our desire for each other. I couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "I'd sure love to take you back into that wooded area behind us and make it with you".
That was all it took. We grabbed our beach towels and went. That was the first and only time we'd had sex together--we were very 'safe' because of his condition. He died six months later, around Christmas Day. Our partners never knew.
My partner and I go to our beach house 4-5 times a year for a week or so, and I usually spend the afternoon on that same beach with a book. I can often sense him laying there beside me in his hot blue Speedos. God I loved that man.

Click here for the thread.

Is it normal still crying even after the 3rd time watching BbM?

Posted by Mrl on August 10, 2006
Is it normal, yes. 1st time i was almost too stunned to cry, but oh boy the flood gates opened for the next viewings. To be honest, I don't watch it as much cuz' it still puts me in a funk.
My sentiments exactly Cowboy Cody. I too was stunned when I left the theater the first viewing. I have not yet concluded exactly what bothers me the most about BBM....why I still cry after the shower...driving down the road... Indeed, the love lost between the two men is excruciatingly sad...but I was not as impressed with their "love" as much as I was hit by the sadness of the message of the movie. Their love had little chance of surviving much less blossoming into "life" because of the fear and hatred for what they were. Maybe it's the sadness I still feel for myself...not sure...spent many, many years in Ennis's shoes..remember that pain all too well. Maybe it's that reminder and the sadness of all those that live and lived that life pain that angers and saddens me. It is right there, in beautiful, heartfelt, sincere acting, writing, and directing.....for the world to see and contemplate. Makes me cry to think about it...don't need the movie to do that. Is it normal to still cry after the third viewing ?...absolutely.

Click here for the thread.

Fan Fictions

What is a Fan Fiction?  Ennis and Jack characters are alive and appearing in many fictions wrote by fans, including some members of  There are many good stories, some sad, some funny, many sexy. :d)

By the way, there is rated material since in some stories there are very explicit intimate scenes.  ??? ::)

We have an index of Fan Fictions, click on the picture to see it and add more to the index if you find more good stories.

Old Threads from the Past

Gustavo "San-ta-oh-lah-yah"

A Back-Breaker of an Agenda

Started by Hidesert on February 26, 2006

This is the story of the genesis of the soundtrack of Brokeback Mountain, an unusual one for a movie score since it was written before they started to shoot the movie.  Gustavo wanted to make it and he made it... you bet!

excerpt from the thread
…The seed for the "Brokeback" score was planted at Sundance two years ago. At a party after the world debut of "Motorcycle Diaries," film music supervisor Kathy Nelson suggested that Santaolalla meet director Ang Lee, who was working on an unusual new western.

"It was kind of a wild shot," Santaolalla recalls. "Here you had a western being made by a Chinese director, shot by a Mexican cinematographer [Rodrigo Prieto] and then to say, 'Well, now we should get an Argentine to do the music.' ... You'd think at least they'd get a T-Bone Burnett or a Ry Cooder, someone like that."

The meeting took place unexpectedly last year when Santaolalla was summoned to the Manhattan offices of Focus Pictures. Santaolalla showed up with his ronroco in a case.

"What is that?" Lee asked.

Anxious as an aspiring actor at a big audition, Santaolalla started to play.

The soft-spoken director recalls the encounter as a passionate "serenade."

As the two men talked, they discovered they shared a similar musical vision for the film. Having read the script, Santaolalla had imagined open landscapes, the spare sound of two guitars, and most important, a silence pregnant with unspoken feelings…

For the full story, click on the picture.

MUSTSEE - Charlie rose interviewed with Heath & Ang

Started by Froggy on January 28, 2006.

The famous interview from Charlie Rose with Ang Lee and Heath Ledger, broadcasted on December 17, 2005.

Quote from Froggy:
Who loves me now??

We certainly love you Froggy :^^)

Click here for the interview.

Click here for the thread.

A Collective Thank You

Don’t forget, the forum has started another wave of thank you to BBM cast and crew. 

Let's share our thought after many months and let them know.   

Thanks to LuvJackNasty for her initiative.  click here for the details.

Calendar for next week

August 14 - Birthdays: rlmoonyk (16), Leann (16), pichayaaznbabe (21)
August 15 - Birthdays: AnaisStefanie (22), hpv (60), Ennis Del Mar (58), joer (59)

August 18 - Birthday: foxythang2000 (19)

August 19 - Birthdays: LuvJackNasty (35), Eric (34), Event:  Chicago Gathering

August 20 - Event:  Chicago Gathering

Forum Achievements

225,000 posts on on August 11th.  10,000 posts in the German Chat on August 13th.

Member's levels updates

100 posts, Lureen

Rosie, August 7th
Lamusica, August 8th

Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

Asali, August 13th
Welshwitch, August 13th

Special achievements

City Slickin' Cowboy, 7000 posts on August 7th, Hanna, 4000 posts on August 9th, Tpe, 7000 posts on August 9th, Italian_dude, 3000 posts on August 11th, Flwrchild, 4000 posts on August 12th, Mars, 9000 posts on August 12th.

Congratulations to all!   O0

An Museum

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.  The thread is called In Your Words: an retrospectiveclick here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Museum.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.   O0

Taiwan Gathering

On July 22, members in Taiwan had their gathering. It was one hell of a BBM party. Many thanks to jjmiao for sharing this unforgettable event with us.   Click on the picture to see the photos.

Montreal Gathering Live Chat

Even if the Montreal Gathering ended last July 4th, there is still something new. There is a new video of the event, thanks to BBBOY for making it.  O0

It brought tears and smiles to the members who attended the meeting and not only the ones who attended.

Click on the picture to watch the video.

Click here to go to the thread.

Chicago: Watching BBM (August 28 2006)

This thread is to check member interest for a meeting in Chicago around August 28 (Monday) to see BBM at the Waukegan Public Library (Waukegan is a northern suburb of Chicago, close to the Wisconsin border).  For more details click on the picture.

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

After Chicago, our next meeting is Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.
Click on the picture to go to the thread: 

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye Brokies, see you next week    ;)

August 14- 20,  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #6 on: Aug 26, 2006, 04:08 PM » Weekly Newsletter
August 21 – 27 2006

Hi Brokies!

There's a lot of stuff going on, members of are meeting next week-end in Chicago, decisions about booking hotel rooms for the London gathering are becoming urgent and yes... there is another gathering planned, this time in Central Virginia in October. Also, don't forget we have our first live chat next Sunday August 27.

Looks like we are one big happy familly  :)

Next week's Editor will be Amtamburo, have a nice week Brokies.



Mountain Cafe Locked on August 21

Dear members,

As part of ongoing forum re-organization, starting August 21 - Mountain Cafe will be locked and members will not be able to start new topics. The mod team felt that this board has saturated with number of threads and many of them are worth visiting and re-visiting (currently 225 topics). We encourage you to visit and keep posting in these great threads. And of course, if you have any interesting idea for a new thread, you are welcome to pass your idea to the mod team.

The mod team is always thinking of improving the forum to better serve greater interests of members. Please understand that this is not an attempt to limit members' participation. In the future, the board may be open again. If you have any idea to help improve the forum, we love to hear from you.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and support. Mod Team

Click here for the thread.

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK. Time for decisions is coming, we will have to reserve hotel rooms pretty soon... like by the end of this month to get good rates and make sure we have rooms.  ???

We are also seriously looking to rent a theater to watch Brokeback Mountain on the big screen.  ^-^

There are 2 threads, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

Click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be attending the gathering.


The following editorial was written by our Guest Editor Tpe and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter Team.

The Dozy Embrace: Love, Contentment, and the Power of Memory

Later, that dozy embrace solidified in his memory as the single moment of artless, charmed happiness in their separate and difficult lives. Nothing marred it, even the knowledge that Ennis would not then embrace him face to face because he did not want to see or feel that it was Jack he held. And maybe, he thought, they’d never got much farther than that. Let be, let be.

Annie Proulx - "Brokeback Mountain"

I have contemplated many times this passage that serves as a quiet yet magical coda to the life of Jack Twist and his love for Ennis del Mar.  I had discussed this passage in some depth with Mark and Rick during a quiet afternoon during the Montreal visit.  I have even dreamed about it.

It is difficult to describe my love for this valediction.

For me, this passage is a true meditation on love and contentment.  From the very start, we realize that the love shared between Ennis and Jack was never perfect, never unclouded.  Indeed, throughout the story, the contrary is very much apparent.  Even at the very heart of this meditation, we are aware of a sense of physical alienation in the guise of Ennis not wanting to see who he is embracing.  And yet...  And yet...

The magic word here is artless.  It is a love that knows no guile.  The love shared between the two of them in this one brief instance is a love that does not hanker for perfection.  For how can one appreciate the power of love unless we see it flower in a proverbial field of thorns?

The love enhrined in the Dozy Embrace is not one of sublime ecstasy and delirium.  Far from it.  It is a love marked by quietness and contentment.  Even if there would be more to have and more to give, it hardly mattered.  It is only at the moment of death when most of us attain this level of tranquility in the face of the unrelenting demands of this world.

One is almost tempted to characterize that love as one of resignation.  But it is much deeper than just a passive acquiescence to fate.   

For at the heart of the Embrace is not just a fleeting emotion, a transient passion.  At the core of the Embrace is eternal remembrance.

For some of us, it is remembrance that defies death itself.  And when I say this, I mean that we, as human beings, are part of that collective memory that lives on, even if individuals die and others take their place.

The love that Ennis and Jack shared went beyond both of them.  It went beyond their emotional needs, their physical hungers, their transient joys and sorrows. 

For at that brief moment, Jack understood that he and Ennis loved each other in spite of themselves.  In the face of their own shortcomings and individual failings, Jack had understood at last that their love was fated. That charmed moment would pass, but the memory of that realization sustained him, even when he had reached the point of relinquishing a life of Ennis for the sake of that love.

Throughout his troubled life, Jack continued to long for such a moment.  But the memory of that single Embrace consoled him.  By its very insistence that their love did not go further than an acknowledgement of its transcendent power over their individual faults and imperfections, Jack knew at long last that the Embrace had set them free. 

Let be, let be.

I would live in your love as the sea-grasses live in the sea,
Borne up by each wave as it passes, drawn down by each wave that recedes;
I would empty my soul of the dreams that have gathered in me,
I would beat with your heart as it beats, I would follow your soul as it leads.

(Sara Teasdale)

Email & PM list for Forum Updates

As the forum grows larger, the mod team feels the need to mass email members for important forum updates and upcoming events and better communicate with our members.

The email update will only be used when necessary and only to those who wish to receive it.

By default, the option of receiving notification by email is on when you register. Please check your profile setting and make sure the noficiation option is unchecked if you do not want to receive any email or PM updates.

Profile --> Notifications and Emails --> Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email

Quote of the Week

From Patriot1 on August 19th

...And to those of you I have not had the privilege of meeting through these 2000 messages, I appreciate you also, you are my brothers and sisters because we have found common ground through this movie.

I am sure my female friends will understand what I am about to say because you know I am gay.

There are three young men on who are extra special to me. These young men always treated this old man with kindness, caring, respect and yes, in their own way even love. This I will NEVER forget. We live in a world where the old, gay or straight, are shunted aside and told to go away and die already. We throw the old away by putting them into rest or convalescent homes. But these three young men never treated me that way, not once...
Congratulations for Achievement

Click here to read the full post

Click here to go to the thread.

An Examination of Jack Twist and My Opinion About His Sexuality

Amtamburo posted this very interesting essay in the Jack's Sexuality: A Discussion thread

Introduction and Disclaimer: Like a great many others, I have become an obsessive fan of Brokeback Mountain. As such, I have spent a great deal of time thinking about the movie, and its main characters, Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist.

During the course of all of this thinking, I came to a few conclusions and formed a few thoughts on Ennis and Jack. Of course, these are only my thoughts and opinions, so that means that they are not by any means canon or exact. I am not Anne Proulx, so I don’t know exactly what goes on in the minds of these guys. (I do occasionally wish I was though…

Click here to read the full essay.

Click here to go to the thread.

New Threads from Last Week

Lureen: Did she ever really love Jack?

Started by Patriot1

I saw nothing in the movie that made me feel Lureen really loved Jack.

Alma showed she loved Ennis. She frolicked with Ennis on the tobaggon run. She cuddled with him in the bedroom. She had "regular" sex with him. They went to the fireworks together. There were numerous instances in the movie which showed Alma loved Ennis.

Not true with Lureen and Jack. Only time we saw them intimate was in the back seat of the car and she was bound and determined to get pregnant. She even stopped to ask if she was going too fast. She was in a hurry to get pregnant.

So I ask again, did she ever really love or care about him?

Click here for the thread.

Important symbolism of Ennis's shoulder

Started by Greenfrog

In many of the key scenes, the camera only shows Ennis from behind his shoulder . . .

-The "You know I ain't queer" scene.

-When he breaks down during Jack's "could've had a life together" speech.
-When he reads DECEASED on the postcard.

-When he shuts the closet door at the end of the movie.

What does everyone think ?

Click here for the thread.

Brokies - Mark your Calendar for our very first Live Chat

For the first time, the forum will host a chat room for all members to chat live. Want to experience brokies in a chat room LaShawning? Don't miss this very first live chat.

The live chat will be scheduled on August 27, Sunday for four hours. 

Time scheduled:

USA/Canada, Pacific 11am - 3pm
USA/Canada, Mountain 12pm - 4pm
USA/Canada, Central 1pm - 5pm
USA/Canada, Eastern 2pm - 6pm
UK 7pm - 11pm
Western Europe 8pm - 12pm
Central Europe 9pm - 1am
Asia 2am - 6am (August 28)
Australia 4am - 8 am (August 28)

Click on LaShawn to go to the chat room.


And there is a pre-live chat thread - anything you want to know about the live chat on August 27,  click here

Old Threads From The Past

The Message of Brokeback Mountain...

Started by Drbill on March 4th 2006.

I awoke this morning contemplating what has happened to me since I first saw BBM.

I remained in bed thinking what has happened to me as a result of this film and story as I listened to the howling winds outside. And I realized that I had allowed my heart to be closed off.  If you know me this closure would seem uncharacteristic, but a part of me had been closed off.  When we close our hearts, we lose the biggest part of ourselves.  BBM announced to us the need to open our hearts to love.  For to love, is to live. BBM heralded the awakening of hearts worldwide.  We can no longer allow our hearts to be closed off to the joys of love.  We have gained a chance in our lives to move forward beyond our fears and BBM has forced us to take a chance...a chance of opening up ourselves to the greatest part of love and to be loved.  To live without live life to its fullest extent.  Love never dies...

My heart can be full as my life is full of wonderfull and remarkable people who bless me in so many different ways.  BBM was a wake up call for us to live, to love and to cherish one another. 

I am so thankful for the message I received from BBM. I hope you have received a similar message.

 Love truly does go on...

Click here for the thread.

So, have you figured it out yet?

Started by Usonia on January 22, 2006.

Why some threads are going to sleep?  This one was very well alive for a while with not less than 129 replies.

Excerpt from the introduction:
I've read tons of stuff on thet net about how people have had strong emtional reactions to this movie, but I really haven't read that much about "why" they think that is the case. It has taken me multiple readings of the story, 4 viewings of the movie, hours of thinking and one out of the blue meltdown, but I've finally realized why this is such a difficult movie for me to watch. I'd like to know more about other people's story. I can't believe I'm that unique. Sorry this is so long.

* * * * *

I walked out of the theater on Friday night, my body shaking slightly, eyes wet and my throat aching. I had a profound feeling of sadness and confusion. What the hell was going on? Yes it was a sad movie, but I've seen sad movies before and they're just movies! They're not real! I'm not an emotional person and this was just not the normal reaction for me to be having. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I quickly left my friends and went home to bed.

I woke up Saturday morning feeling inert…

Click here for the thread.

A Collective Thank You

Don’t forget, the forum has started another wave of thank you to BBM cast and crew, we are collecting posts till the end of August.

Let's share our thought after many months and let them know.   

Thanks to LuvJackNasty for her initiative.  click here for the details.

Calendar for next week

August 22 - Birthdays: bharata (29), Number 9 Dream (24)

August 23 - Birthdays: vaeltaa (16)

August 26 - Birthdays: Leo (51), Tonda (32), event:  Chicago Gathering, day one
August 27 - Birthdays: kingfisher (35) , Events:  Forum Live Chat , Chicago Gathering, day Two

Forum Achievements

1200 pages and 36,000 posts in the Silver Wolves thread on August 15th.  350 pages in the French Channel on Augst 16th.

Member's levels updates

20 posts,Alma Jr.

Umi_Slash, August 15th
Belladonna, August 18th
Hitomi, August 18th

100 posts, Lureen

Smilesalot, August 14th

200 posts,Alma

FulOfSadness, August 15th

1000 posts, Ennis

Jessianne21, August 15th
Ksxks, August 16th

Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

NoReins, August 14th
Toadily, August 15th
Keren_b, August 16th
Patriot1 , August 19th

Special achievements

Jerasjr, 5000 posts on August 15th.

Congratulations to all!   :ghug:

An Museum

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.  The thread is called In Your Words: an retrospectiveclick here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Museum.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.   O0

Chicago: Watching BBM (August 28 2006)

Monday August 28th is the presentation of BBM at the Waukegan Public Library (Waukegan is a northern suburb of Chicago, close to the Wisconsin border).  Brokies will meet in Chicago, for more details click on the picture.

Central Virginia get the Blue Ridge Mountains

Posted by Mrl

October 27 though 30, 2006

Montfair the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Central Virginia...near Charlottesville, in the town of Crozet.

We have reserved cottage #2...sleeps 6, has full, towels, linens. An additional "A" frame cottage is available, sleeps 4, with all the accomodations as well. Please contact Mrl for the details.

Please join us in the beautiful mountains....for a great Ennisjack / BBM weekend. Camping areas are available too!

Click here for the thread.

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye Brokies, see you next week    ;)

August 21 - 27,  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #7 on: Sep 03, 2006, 01:48 PM » Weekly Newsletter
– August 28 – September 3, 2006 -

Hello there all! It’s almost the end of August, and the summer is beginning to wrap up. Time’s going by so quickly… never enough time… never enough.  ;) Won't be too much longer until all those attending the Europe Get Together begin making their way to London. They must be getting so excited. I wish them all a wonderful time!

Have a wonderful week all!

 :cr) Amtamburo

A Note From Froggy
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Hi everyone...yep it's me again...about to nag some more!! Hey it comes with the title, I can't help it!! Mawhahahahahahahaha!!

So there you go...two little issues...and I am gone...scout's promise!

1# In a perfect world the word "paparazzo" would not exist! Because people would respect other people's privacy! Sadly...we all kinda know that we do not live in a perfect world! ( I can tell because I do not have Gisele's body nor Onassis's money!! ;D) So here is a little reminder: the forum discourages members from posting paparazzi shots, and posts including them will be edited...

2# Some of you know already that manipulated pix of Jake and Heath together were posted on the forum and were removed after discussions in the Mod Team.
We understand many members are big fans of Heath and Jack. As supportive fans, let's respect them as who they are and not post here manipulated pix you found.

Well there you go...and as promised I'm gone....*Poof* - Froggy's gone [/font][/size]

[/font] [/color] [/b]  [/size]

The following editorial was written by Chameau and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter Team.

Five minutes that rocked my world

I hope you won't mind, I used several quotes from the short story.

Ennis is going to the house where Jack was born and raised, to take his ashes to be scattered on Brokeback Mountain.  What he will experience is something he was not expecting. First the warm welcome from Jack’s mother, he is offered a cup of coffee and a piece of cherry cake to which he replies,

“Thank you ma’am.  I’ll take a cup of coffee, but I can’t eat no cake just now”

He can’t eat no cake just now… He lost his lover, it’s obvious to me, Ennis has no taste for cake.  He talks how awful bad he feels about Jack and offers to take his ashes to Brokeback. A cold shower is waiting for him:

“Tell you what.  I know where Brokeback Mountain is.  He thought he was too godamn special to be buried in the family plot”

The welcome from John Twist is hostile. He mentions, on purpose, about Jack saying he would bring Ennis to the Twist’s ranch, move up there, build a cabin, help run the place.  Ennis was pleased to hear this, but…

Mr. Twist mentions the other “fella goin’ a come with him and build a place and help run the ranch, some ranch neighbour a his from down in Texas.  He’s goin’ a split up with his wife and come back here”.

Ennis is devastated, John Twist knows about him and Jack.  Jack’s mum, comforting, puts her hand on Ennis shoulder  “ I kept his room like it was when he was a boy.  I think he appreciated that.”  (pause) “ You are welcome to go to his room, if you want”.  She knows too about Ennis, about what Ennis was to her son, she is full of compassion and love.

Ennis climbs the stairs, we see him entering the little poor bedroom, tears on his left cheek.  He looks at the room, takes one of Jack’s toys from his boyhood in his hands.  He opens the window and sits on a bench looking outside, he looks back at the bedroom, finds the closet and walks to it.  His hands are roaming over the clothes hanging there. He looks at the old boots on the floor, touches them… then he finds a little hiding place where a shirt is suspended , Jack’s old shirt from Brokeback with Ennis's own dried blood on the sleeve… The shirt seems heavy and Ennis realizes there is another shirt inside it, the sleeves worked down inside Jack’s shirt, the pair like two skins, one inside the other, two in one.  The shirt inside is the one Ennis thought he forgot on Brokeback Mountain.

This is probably one of the most heart breaking moments of the movie, Ennis is taking the shirts to his face, smelling them, hoping to retrieve the scent of Jack, Ennis is crying and finally realizes how Jack loved him, but it's too late.

Ennis goes down to the kitchen shirts in hand, nothing is said, Mrs. Twist just nods and takes a paper bag, she knew Ennis would find the shirts and what they are, they are the proof of the love of Jack for Ennis.  They just look at each other, Jack’s mum her back to a still hostile John Twist who repeats the ashes will go in the family plot. This last part of the scene is overwhelming, Mrs. Twist takes her hand to her throat, unspoken words are said, she feels sorry for Ennis, she grieves for her only son.  She loves Ennis.

“You come back and see us again?”

Ennis nods.

“Ma’am.  Thank you for this.”

Holding the bag with the shirts in it.

This scene is about five minutes long, five short minutes. But for me these five minutes are like an eternity, it’s as if my heart has stopped beating, it’s as if I cannot catch my breath.  Each time I see it, I can’t help it, the tears start flowing. Never in my life has a movie scene had such an impact on me, it’s more than a movie, it’s a miracle.

Thank you Annie Proulx, Ang Lee, Heath Ledger, Roberta Maxwell and Peter McRobbie for this gift.

Special thanks to Tombul and Toadily for their help and suggestions  ;)

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK. Time for decisions has arrived, we need to reserve hotel rooms like now to get good rates and make sure we have rooms. 

We are still considering to rent a theater to watch Brokeback Mountain on the big screen.  This viewing could be expensive depending on how many Brokies will attend the meeting.

There are 2 threads, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

We need to know like now if you are going to attend the gathering and need a hotel room, click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

Old Threads From The Past

A Character We Love to Hate

Started by JerBear418720 on March 28, 2006

Even though he portrays John C. Twist - quite possibly the most venomous, despicable character in BBM, you gotta admit that Scottish actor Peter McRobbie did a fantastic job.  You could almost feel the temperature in the room lower as he spoke - and that spit in the cup - yikes!  I think McRobbie provided perfect counterpoint for Roberta Maxwell as Mrs. Twist.  Her performance would not have resonated as strongly without him.  The 2 of them together is one of the best 5 minutes I have ever seen on screen - and I heard they did that scene as a 1-day shoot.

Click here for the thread.

Stray Nail Polish and Other Details ~ Possible Spoilers

Started by Tpe on January 6, 2006

This thread is devoted to all those small details in the film that may or may not have any significance.

In her essay that accompanied the screenplay, Proulx said that she admired the small details scattered throughout the film. 

One was Jack's paunch that developed subtly over the course of the film (as indicated in the original short story)...

One very interesting thread to visit and re-visit, there are a lot of little details Brokies spotted.

Click here for the thread.

Brokeback Mountain Forum Dictionary! & Slang defined

Started by Cowboy Cody on February 16

Fearless Leader, BBM, BTW, QoB, SS, clutch the pearls, Nordic Princess... what does that mean?  ??? ::)

Do you know we have a dictionary on this forum?  Yes we do, click on the smiley ^-^

Quotes of the Week

From Rosie on August 24th

I've never joined any internet forum before this one. I've used the internet for a few years, mainly looking up things. Wikipedia, IMDB, that type of thing. I'd never been in a chatroom. I was one of those people that thought internet communication was potentially dangerous because you don't know who you're chatting with!
Then when I became captivated by BBM I was always looking for things to do with that. Absolutely anything and everything. I found and visited for a while just as a guest. I had no intention initially of joining as a member, I just wanted to graze around the site. But I really liked the way this site was. So friendly and interesting. Everyone seemed very nice to each other and I started wanting to get into the parts that were reserved for members only. So I logged in and joined. 

Well, I haven't looked back since! I wasn't ever going to actually post myself, but being essentially a Jack type character, (talk first, think later....thinking out loud...) I couldn't resist joining in. The first post I wrote, I typed up to see whether I liked the look of it first, whether I had the guts to post or not I was going to decide after I'd done it, but I accidently pressed post when I meant to press Preview. :i I felt all red and embarrassed but it went on the board and no one laughed - in fact they were really nice and welcomed me in, and since then I've been hooked.
I've looked in the members pictures and it's been really nice to put faces to names but I've no idea how to put a picture on the site or anything like that, so I just talk....and read,  and I must say I'm loving every minute of it. The thing I like the most is that we all share a common interest and even when we interpret things differentley to each other everyone always respects everyone else's opinions. There's something here for everyone. Fan fiction, general chat, chat about the movie, news about the movie and cast, and of course those wonderful pictures of Jake and Heath! I don't think I'll be joining any other forums though... this one takes up all my spare time as it is! :)

From Jerasjr on August 25, 2006.


"Wolves may feature in our myths,
our history and our dreams,
but they have their own future,
their own loves,
their own dreams to fufil."
~ Anthony Miles

Pix with Poems

An overwhelming thread, poems and lyrics with pictures, have tissues ready, click here.

Share Your Stories - Please 

Toadily started this very interesting topic on July 21st.  It looks like many Brokies and some serious LaShawns here, have never been on a forum before  ???

This is a quote from her:
I am making this site immortal in that it's the inspiration for my character in my play who is anti all of this new fangled internet communicating stuff.

Click here for the full story.

Interesting Discussions 

Do you remember last week we posted in the Newsletter a link concerning an essay Amtamburo wrote about Jack's sexuality?  It's in the topic Jack's Sexuality: A Discussion.  Since then the discussions were very intense in an already quite busy thread, so many great comments were posted.  :-\\ :\'(

This link will take you back to the essay and the comments that were posted after, click here

New Thread From Last Week 

ALMA JR.: (apprehensive) "Me and Kurt...we're getting married."

Started by Patriot1

My question is, why would Alma Jr. find it so difficult to tell her father she and Kurt are getting married? Why would she be so apprehensive? Did she think Ennis would try to stop her? I could see her being apprehensive  about him telling her he can't attend, but apprehensive about telling him?

Any thoughts?

Click on the picture to go to the thread.

Technical Tips

We noticed comments from new members wondering how to post pictures on the forum, these are some helpfull links.

Insert images

How to post pictures on the forum?  Click on Ennis to access the tutorial.


How to downsize a picture

Pictures sometimes exceed the screen size and need to be downsized, click on Jack for the tutorial.

Personalize Your Profile with BBM icons (avatars)

Many members have an avatar to personalize their profile, click on the cowboys to see how to proceed.

Forum Testing

If you want to test the features, click on the picture to go to the playground.

A Collective Thank You

This is the last call, the forum has started another wave of thank you to BBM cast and crew, we are collecting posts till the end of August.

Let's share our thought after many months and let them know.   

Thanks to LuvJackNasty for her initiative.  Click here for the details.

Calendar for next week

August 28 – Event * Chicago Gathering, day 3 (presentation of BBM at the Waukegan Public Library)

August 30 - Birthday: BBMaddict (41), Event * DVD Release Italy

August 31 - Birthdays: pixie (21), chimpery (21)

September 1 - Birthday: forbiddenlovers (33)

September 2 - Birthday: dalemidex (40)

September 3 - Birthdays: Three of Nineteen (27), yogay (59), Monique (40)

Forum Achievements

800 pages in the Main Chat on August 20th, 500 pages in the Italian Channel on August 25th, Raffaella is our 2900rd member on August 26.

Member's levels updates

20 posts,Alma Jr.

WyMe, August 21st
Cortomaltese, August 26th

100 posts, Lureen

Umi_Slash, August 22nd
Hitomi, August 22nd

200 posts,Alma

Rosie, August 24th
Smilesalot, August 27th

Special achievements

LuvJackNasty, 6000, posts on August 23rd, Mars, 10,000 posts on August 26th.

Congratulations to all  :^^)

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.   ;)

Central Virginia get the Blue Ridge Mountains

Posted by Mrl

October 27 though 30, 2006

Montfair the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Central Virginia...near Charlottesville, in the town of Crozet.

We have reserved cottage #2...sleeps 6, has full, towels, linens. An additional "A" frame cottage is available, sleeps 4, with all the accomodations as well. Please contact Mrl for the details.

Please join us in the beautiful mountains....for a great Ennisjack / BBM weekend. Camping areas are available too!

Click here for the thread.

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye Brokies, see you next week     :)

August 28 – September 3,  editor: Amtamburo. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #8 on: Sep 10, 2006, 04:57 PM » Weekly Newsletter
September 4 - 10, 2006 -

Hello Brokies,

It's Labour Day week-end in Canada and U.S.A., the last long week-end of the summer... summer?  Time flies so fast.   ???   The Italian Brokies had the DVD release in their country last week  8) and we are getting closer to the 250,000 posts every day.  I would like to take the occasion to tell you it's still time to send a Birthday Card to Michelle Williams.

Her birthday is next Saturday September 9th.  You could send your greetings to the following address:

Michelle Williams
c/o The Gersh Agency
232 N. Canon Dr. ste 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

That's it for now folks, have a nice week on



Lost Pictures

For the ones using photobucket to host their pictures if you ever create sub-albums and move pictures from your main one to a sub-album, the moved pictures that were posted here on the forum will be lost.  See the result on the picture below.

By moving a picture to a sub album, a new URL is created, example:, is the URL from my main album.  I moved it to my Ennis sub-album, this is the new link:  You see the difference?

If you move pictures to a photobucket sub-album just remind you will need to edit your posts with the new URL otherwise... POOF!  The picture is gone.  :(

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.   ;)

BBM Happenings 2006

You will find on this thread events to come related to Brokeback Mountain.  For now Annie Proulx will be giving a lecture in North-Carolina on September 14 and there will be a screening of the movie in Wyoming on October 19.  More occasions to get Brokies together?  8)

Thanks to Jennis for the updates, click here for the details.

Interesting Discussions

Double Meanings in BBM Lines

A very interesting discussion is going on in this thread.

Quote from Mississaugared

After the divorce misunderstanding, Jack merely says "yeah, alright.  Then I'll see you in a month then", which Ennis could let himself interpret as conceding to the status quo.  But we saw the resolve and hurt as he drove away, so the words were more like "You go on believing that this doesn't make a difference to what we could have together, but it makes a difference to me, damn you.  So maybe I'll change the rules from my side of the fence!".

The replies are amazing, click here to go the thread. 

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK. Time for decisions has arrived, we need to reserve hotel rooms like now to get good rates and make sure we have rooms. 

We are still considering to rent a theater to watch Brokeback Mountain on the big screen.  This viewing could be expensive depending on how many Brokies will attend the meeting, we also took contact with other forums in order to have as much Brokies as possible to lower the cost.

There are 2 threads, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

We need to know like now if you are going to attend the gathering and need a hotel room, click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

Central Virginia get the Blue Ridge Mountains

Posted by Mrl

October 27 though 30, 2006

Montfair the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Central Virginia...near Charlottesville, in the town of Crozet.

We have reserved cottage #2...sleeps 6, has full, towels, linens. An additional "A" frame cottage is available, sleeps 4, with all the accomodations as well. Please contact Mrl for the details.

Please join us in the beautiful mountains....for a great Ennisjack / BBM weekend. Camping areas are available too!

Click here for the thread.

Chicago: Watching BBM (August 28 2006)

Some lucky Brokies had the opportunity to watch Brokeback Mountain on the big screen.  To see the pictures from the Gathering and read comments about their experience, click here.

Calendar for next week

September 4 - Labor Day (Canada-U.S.A.)

September 5 - Birthdays: Lars-Gunnar (34), Filos (46)

September 8 - Birthdays: romeshvr (36), kari100 (20), palladin (42), ennis8 (30)
September 9 - Birthdays: HexlovedxHim (16), Events: * (1980) Michelle Williams Birthday
September 10 - Birthdays: myrine (23)

Forum Achievements

100 pages in the Finnish Channel on September 1st

Member's levels updates

20 posts,Alma Jr.

Carefree Wind, August 31st

100 posts, Lureen

Cortomaltese, August 28th
Theresa, August 28th
Belladonna, September 2nd

200 posts,Alma

Cortomaltese, August 30th
Hitomi, August 31st
Umi_slash, September 3rd

Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

Love_bbm, August 31st
Malawix, September 3rd

Special achievements

Frances, 5000 posts on August 28th, Tpe, 8000 posts on August 30th, Chameau, 12,000 posts on August 30th, Greenfrog, 4000 posts on September 1st

Congratulations to all!  ;D

Quote of the Week

Posted by Lamusica on September 2nd.

I, too, found my way here through YouTube videos. I found the Dave Cullen site, and thus saw the YouTube offerings. The best videos were done by ennis/jack members, so........the rest is history. I'm certainly glad I found this forum, because of the wonderful and talented people who have gravitated here. I love ethan's remark in the History of ennis/jack thread where he said this is a compilation of "being humans " ( instead of human beings). I find that SOOOOOOO brilliantly stated. I am so often amazed at insights and comments from members.

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

Click on the picture to go the thread.

Old Threads from the Past

ledgers accent

Started by jack twist on  January 26.
::) I gotta say i was a little aggrivated by ledgers accent through it..that mumble I know he was supposed to be the quite one..but there was alot of grunting goin on..i felt he coulda talked like he did when he said the most words that time jack commented if he kept it up like that woulda been good.. :-X

A very interesting discussion followed this post, click on Ennis to read more.

From story to screenplay book

Started by ennisandjack   on December 25 2005.

This thread looks so old but it's not even one year.

I'm thinking of buying the story to screenplay book and was wondering if anyone else has read it and what they thought of it. Does the book include the full story and screenplay or is it more a discussion of the challenges of changing the story into a screenplay. Just curious because I'm thinking of buying this. I already have the story so I'm hoping this book has the full screenplay.

At a certain time it was difficult to find story to screenplay, click on the picture to read more about this.

New Threads From Last Week


Started by Malawix on August 30

There is no need to say why I am starting this new thread. First of all beacuse I like Movies and I wih I were in Venice right now (and this is a way to be there). And second because all started there, last year. Right?

So, feel free to post here news and impressions about Venice Film Festival that is going to start tonight.
And enjoy it.

Click on the picture to go to the thread.

Why Did Jack Marry Lureen - Was Lureen Pregnant?

Started by Jesseanne21 on August 30

There are several threads regarding Jack's marriage to Lureen (why they stayed married so long, why they didn't get divorced)  and also questioning whether Lureen ever really loved Jack. 

My question is why did they get married in the first place.  I always thought that Jack married Lureen for security (her money).  However, Patriot1 made a good argument that Jack married her because she got pregnant (deliberately).

Click here to go to the thread.

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to go to the All About DVD Board and start a new topic concerning the release in your country . 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Bye Brokies, see you next week    :^^)

September 4 - 10,  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the Newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #9 on: Sep 16, 2006, 03:51 PM » Weekly Newsletter
September 11 - 17, 2006 -

Hello Brokies,

We could sense some London Gathering fever starting to burn up, hotel rooms are booked or about to be and the countdown is less than 3 months. We have a chance to see BBM on the big screen but we need to be at least 30 persons.  We took contact with other forums to spread the news, if you could pass the word to anyone around London UK about the December 9 screening, the more Brokies we will be, the better it will be.  8)  Don't forget the Central Virginia Gathering in the meantime at the end of October.

We busted 250,000 posts last Friday September 8 at 22:28 GMT and each day we are getting closer to our 3000nd member, thank you for your support of the forum. 

As you noticed, you will now receive the Weekly Newsletter directly, enjoy your reading and have another excellent week on

Love,  :^^)


This is not an Editorial

Happy Birthday Brokeback Mountain!

It has been one year last week Brokeback Mountain was presented, the World Premiere, at the Venice Movie Festival.  It won also the first of many, many prizes and awards.  Just to recall, Brokeback Mountain won the Golden Lion for best movie on September 9 2005 in Venice. 

The reviews from Venice were stellar to say the least and the legend of a so called ''gay cowboys'' movie started for good.  I found the link for the trailer a few days after the end of the festival, I watched it hundred of times (I'm not exaggerating) and I still cry watching it.   :-\\ :\'(

Click on the picture to see the trailer.

Old Cham could Fedex you tissues if you need some  ;)

Human Rights Campaign

Posted by Flwrchild on September 4.

This just seemed like a good place to post this. It's from an e-mail from the HRC (Human Rights Campaign).

"Talk About It" on the 18th Annual National Coming Out Day

Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.

If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for
Human Rights Campaign at:

Posted in Out of the closet

To read the full post, click here

Old Thread From the Past


Started by Pierralex on April 9 2006.

There is one thing that stroke me since the first viewing, it's the clouds.
When they're in Brokeback Mountain, there are always big black clouds upon them, with sometimes thunder.
As if it was a bad sign for their future relationship, knowing that they would never be able to be happy under a beautiful sunny sky.
I know that the clouds have been added with numeric effects, so it is obviously intentionally.
It hurts me each time I see BBM.

Did anyone notice it too?

Click here to go to the thread.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.  :)

Quotes of the Week

Posted by jeffjoe on September 7

If the years take away every memory than I have, I would still know the way to return to Brokeback Mountain, we always will be the Brokies, this love is forever, and ever :c)

Posted in How long will your fascination of Brokeback last?

Click here to go to the thread.

Posted by greenfrog on September 7

Bond . . . Jake Bond

 :8 :8 :8 Posted in Jake's pix

Click here to go to the thread.

New Threads From Last Week

Positive experiences from watching the film and/or reading the short story.

Started by  THE WINGS on September 7, 2006

Hi! I'm glad to be here on a site that appreciates the impact of this profoundly moving film. I was hoping to share POSITIVE experiences related to the film and its effects regarding, changed attitudes toward gays and lesbians. Re-evaluating relationships, and just anything in general that has affected you in this way…

Click here to go to the thread.

Did they have to be gay to fall in love on the mountain?

Started by monicita on September 8

Inspired by something Kathy wrote on the "was Ennis gay?" thread, I am asking myself: Together in the outdoors all that time, nobody else around, same age, same background. Could they even help falling in love? Wouldn't anybody fall for anybody else under those circumstances, provided there was a basic feeling of friendship for one another? Would I? Would you?

Click here to go to the thread.

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we have a good chance to see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.  :clap:
We need to be at least 30 persons to be able to do it.  ???
There are 2 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

We need to know like now if you are going to attend the gathering and need a hotel room, click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

Central Virginia get the Blue Ridge Mountains

Posted by Mrl

October 27 though 30, 2006

Montfair the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Central Virginia...near Charlottesville, in the town of Crozet.

We have reserved cottage #2...sleeps 6, has full, towels, linens. An additional "A" frame cottage is available, sleeps 4, with all the accomodations as well. Please contact Mrl for the details.

Please join us in the beautiful mountains....for a great Ennisjack / BBM weekend. Camping areas are available too!

Click here for the thread.

***NEW YORKERS*** - lets get together for BBM viewing

posted by Brokeback_1 on September 5.

Since we posted in other forums about our London Gathering, it's the least we inform you about activities where Brokies will get together.

The 'other' forum--ie, the Dave Cullen Ultimate Brokeback Mountain Forum has a lot of members in NYC and the burbs. On September 16 they are having a get together. If you care to, join the forum and look at the NYC get together info for sept 16. To view the thread you need to be a member but I doubt anybody will protest athaving to join. a brokeback forum lol.

It's meeting in Central park and dinner afterwards. There are never enough Brokeaholics, so feel free to go to the site, join it, view the info and if you can make it leave a post on the thread. We need to have a semi accurate count for dinner at the BBQ place. They can handle a crowd but requested that we give an approximate number before going to eat, so they can set up.

click here to go to the thread.

Calendar for next week

September 11 - Birthdays: maggie (42)

September 12 - Birthdays: Patriot1 (60)

September 13 - Birthdays: upton (45)

September 15 - Birthdays: greenfrog (20)

September 16 - Birthdays: Italian_Dude (19)
September 17 - Birthdays: alicat (30), kaatse (18)

Forum Achievements

350 pages in the German Channel on September 4, 150 pages in the Congratulations for Achievements thread on September 6th, 250,000 posts on on September 8.


Member's levels updates

20 posts,Alma Jr.

Erica loves Jack, September 5th
Maggie, September 7th

100 posts, Lureen

Carlton5, September 7th

Jack, 500 posts

Cortomaltese, September 6th
Twisted Darko, September 6th
Hitomi, September 9

Special achievements

BBBOY, 7000 posts and CitySlickin'Cowboy, 8000 posts on September 6, Twisted, 4000 on September 8

Congratulations to all!   ^-^ O0

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Hasta la vista Brokies, see you next week    :f)

September 11 - 17,  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #10 on: Sep 24, 2006, 07:52 PM » Weekly Newsletter
September 18 - 24, 2006 -

Hi Brokies,

This is the last Newsletter of the summer, next Friday will be the first day of the Autumn... already!  As of this week, you will be notified of the Weekly Newsletter by Email only, we will no longer send it within a Personal Message.  If you wish not to be notified you could go to your profile, modify profile, notifications and Email and unmark the Email notification.

Concerning the Personal Messages, you may experience issues retrieving new messages; there is a notification of a new message but it can't be found in the inbox.  You will need to delete an old message or some old messages in order to retrieve the new ones, or they finally appear after a while, I personally once experienced a 24 hours delay.  This situation has been reported to the Technical Support.

That's all folks, have another excellent week on the forum,



This is not an Editorial

A Collective Thank You

Hi LuvJackNasty here posting an update on the collective thank you to BBM. The packets have been printed and were sent out on 9/13. They included the thank you’s from the thread as well as assorted posts from around the board. It was so hard to limit myself in choosing from the 250,000+ beautiful and moving posts here. I hope they make it to the people they are intended for. Any response(s) will be posted on the board. If anyone would like a copy of the packet just send me a PM and it will be emailed to you. Thank you to all for your posts, thoughts and continued support of BBM and EnnisJack.

Quote from Ethan
...I'd like to acknowledge Michelle's effort.

Michelle - Thank you very much for doing this on behalf of ennisjack.  O0 What a great cover letter - "You lit that fire for us, a beacon that called us all together and we will always keep it burning."

And to many who have contributed to make this possible.

This packet was sent to Annie Proulx, James Schamus, Ang Lee, Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Williams, Anne Hattaway, Diana Ossana and Larry McMurtry.  To read the cover letter and see more pictures of the packet, click here.

New Thread from Last Week

Brokeback Mountain Wardrobe Auction

Started  by Carlton5 on September 15

There will be an auction of BBM clothing- i.e. belts, jeans, boots and more on October13-20th and proceeds benefitting the Human Rights Campaign-Web, click on Brokeback Mountain Auction to access the web page.

Clik here to go to the thread.

A bit of Humour

Posted by Flwrchild

Sally was driving home from one of her business trips in Northern Arizona
> when she saw an elderly Navajo woman walking on the side of the road. As the
> trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped the car and asked the Navajo woman
> if she would like a ride. With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the
> car. Resuming the journey, Sally tried in vain to make a bit of small talk
> with the Navajo woman. The old woman just sat silently, looking at everything
> she saw, studying every little detail in the car, until she
> noticed a white bag on the seat next to Sally.
> "What in bag?" asked the old woman.
> Sally looked down at the white bag and said, "It's a box of chocolates that
> I got for my husband."
> The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or two. . ...Then speaking
> with the quiet wisdom of an elder, said.. "Good trade."

Make 'em Laugh

Click on the smiley to go to the thread. :8

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.  :)

Quotes of the week

Posted by Jerasjr on September 11

Gandhi said: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world", and if BBM has brought about a change in each of us, then how important that is...and if that change involves how we relate to each other, then it is vital that we hold on to this change within us and hold on to each other. And if others notice that change, then we have achieved.

Citing the "Gray" (Panthers) no - Wolves, better yet Silver Wolves, thanks to BBBOY for suggesting this quote.

Click here to go to the thread.

Posted by monicita on September 12

I love this place because it brought me back to myself and to my lost love. I can't even imagine how I could have stood January and February 2006 without you all. My relationship was falling apart, I was in an in-between place, not knowing where I belonged and you were my lifeline! And now you are like old friends or family. A place I go back to when I feel lonely or blue, when I need food for thought and reassurance...

Why I love this place

Click here to go to the thread.

Old threads from the past

From friendship to intimacy - how convinced were you?

Started by Christie Woods  on Februaray 15 2006

This is something I've thought about often since watching BBM the first time. Because I'd read a lot of reviews beforehand, I knew that a night in the tent to keep warm would bring Ennis and Jack together, but wasn't sure how convincing it was going to be for two cowboys to go from being essentially work colleagues to lovers - but after my first viewing I knew: IT WAS JUST SO RIGHT and TOTALLY CONVINCING...

Clik here to go to the thread.

Started by Angelove on January 6

Who here didn't cry at all during BBM?

Howdy folks,

I don't want to sound like a monstrousity, but truthfully, I have yet to cry listening to the soundtrack or watching the movie or thinking about the movie. I do feel this wave of sadness overcome me when I do listen to the soundtrack, but no matter how many times I've tried to cry, but my tears will not come out. I probably know why this is, but I want to hear from others first. It is a very sad movie and I should have cried, but I didn't. The only movies I remember crying in were Losing Isaiah and Spitfire grill, but oh well, I guess I can't wait for more responses before sharing, I think, the reason why I didn't cry; I tend to write a whole lot which I believe intimidates member participation. Feel free to share your reasons and feelings though so that I will feel like an awful person. ><


Click here to go to the thread.

Calendar for next week

September 18 - Birthdays: Bibian (18)
September 19 - Birthdays: mutant (30)

September 21 - Birthdays: garymcd (42), lailai921 (19), Sgath Giomanach (17)

September 22 - Autumnal Equinox, Birthdays: Pierre (50)

September 23 - Birthdays: Lilie (25)

Forum Achievements

40,000 posts in the Silver Wolves thread on September 10, 600 pages in the Italian Channel on september 11, 200 pages in the Jake's pix thread on September 12th, 50 pages in the My boys...and girls even! thread on September 17th.


Member's levels updates

20 posts,Alma Jr.

Louisev, September 10th
Fuu_beautifullbbm, September 11th
Rga_bs, September 14th

100 posts, Lureen

Carefree Wind, September 16th

Ennis, 1000 posts

The Artifact, September 16

Special achievements

Greenfrog, 5000 posts on September 13th, Mrl, 3000 posts on September 15th,  Flwrchild, 5000 posts on September 17th.

Congratulations to all!  :*(

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we have good chances to see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   8)
We need to be at least 30 persons to be able to make it.  :s)
There are 2 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

Central Virginia get the Blue Ridge Mountains

Posted by Mrl

October 27 though 30, 2006

Montfair the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Central Virginia...near Charlottesville, in the town of Crozet.

We have reserved cottage #2...sleeps 6, has full, towels, linens. An additional "A" frame cottage is available, sleeps 4, with all the accomodations as well. Please contact Mrl for the details.

Please join us in the beautiful mountains....for a great Ennisjack / BBM weekend. Camping areas are available too!

Click here for the thread.

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Au revoir Brokies, see you next week    %)

September 18 - 24,  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #11 on: Oct 01, 2006, 12:34 PM » Weekly Newsletter
– September 25 - October 1, 2006 -

Bonjour Brokies,
The following post from lamusica is our weekly's introduction, it tells a lot about our forum.  <^(

Have another great week on

Since I was an English and History teacher in high school for many years, I often used the internet to create learning packages for students. These would include all sorts of items I found on the internet, inclluding maps, time-lines, literary samples, grammar self-correction exercises, etc. That was a great help to me and always interessted the students so much more than their texts.
After seeing BBM, I went on-line to find a website about the movie, which led me to Dave Cullen's site. I read so many interesting observations about BBM on that forum, and was introduced to the wonderful BBM videos on YouTube. However, I did not feel comfortable there. It seemed that that particular forum was for and by gay men. There were very few women on the forum at that time ( that may have changed now), and I doubt if there were any non-gay men. That was OK with me, but I felt the discussions were all slanted in a very obvious way towards the viewpoints of gay men. Many references were made on that site to, so I checked it out and found that this forum is totally different in tone and function. Everyone is welcome here. No one cares what sexual proclivities members have, nor race, creed, nationality, etc. This forum seems to be all-inclusive, and that appealed to me greatly. I have never read one post that was snotty, degrading, or disrespectful to anyone else's views. Although we do not always agree with one another, everyone respects the other members' right to say what they think or feel. I hope this forum lives for a long, long, time.
Personally, I am happy that I found this forum. I was newly retired at the time I found it, and it has filled many long hours for me, and I have thoroughly enjoyed everything I have read. Keep up the great work, Moderators! You're the best! Lamusica

Posted in: share your stories-please on September 21, many thanks to lamusica for her kind words.

Click here to go to the thread.

Happy New year

From Last Friday's Sunset to Sunday's Sunset  was Rosh Hashanah the Hebrew New Year and this is the year 5767, we would like to congratulate all the members who celebrated and wish them a happy new year!


The following editorial is the first of two written by our Guest Editor, Welshwitch and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire Newsletter Team.

"We was herding sheep up on Brokeback Mountain"

“We was herding sheep up on Brokeback Mountain,.” Ennis says to Lureen, and that started me thinking about the mountain and the sheep, and what they mean.

There were wild sheep in the US long fore early East-coast settlers introduced domesticated animals, which moved westward as settlement did.. Sheep came into Wyoming in the nineteenth century – there were seven million in the 1800s, fifty-six million by the end of World War II. But sheep brought with them controversy and violence not often associated with animals whose image, particularly in Christian iconography, is one of mildness and gentleness. Sheep, like cattle, require large areas of grazing; cattlemen, homesteaders and sheepherders came into regular conflict over their animals’ effects on the land.. Such conflicts often erupted into violent confrontations; in Wyoming cattlemen claiming that overgrazing by sheep made land unusable tried to remove them by shooting them or driving them over precipices. There are recorded instances of sheepherders too being shot at and sometimes cases killed. Since beef had more prestige than lamb, a meat that Americans have never particularly favored, there was little sympathy for the woollies or those who owned or cared for them.

However, sheep had one advantage over cattle. The high meadows of the Western mountains were soon recognized as providing wonderful pasture for sheep, whose nimble feet could climb where cattle could not. So sheep were driven up the foothills in the spring as soon as the snows melted, then as the summer went on to the higher meadows, a typical flock consisting of a thousand ewes and their lambs. Shepherds were needed not just to move the sheep safely over sometimes dangerous terrain full of ravines and fast-flowing streams but also to protect them from predators, bears and coyotes chief among them. Many shepherds went on foot, taking with them the essential dogs and supplies, the latter supplemented by anything edible they found, like nuts and berries, and replenished by their employers on occasional visits. By the mid-nineteenth century this pattern of working was well established; in Wyoming it attracted numerous Basques who found the terrain similar to that of their native Spain. They were scorned as “furriners” by the locals; sheepherding was regarded as unskilled work, though the herdsman who proved his worth could be promoted to camp tender, a position with slightly higher status.

John Muir, the Scot who immigrated to Wisconsin, moved to California and was instrumental in the designation of several early national parks, wrote of his experiences herding sheep in the Sierras of California in 1869 - he describes older sheep who remember the mountains from previous years hurrying ahead while the younger and weaker straggle behind, some helped by the shepherds, and  the shepherds making camp, gathering wood, starting a fire, cooking, eating, smoking then sleeping under blankets before an early start next day after coffee, bacon and beans. Conversation was often limited but at least he had companions; for lone sheepherders there was little but work and sleep to fill the days. In twentieth-century Wyoming, a lone sheepherder became the norm; more rarely two men accompanied the flock. Sheepherding was considered a menial occupation, followed only if there were no other option, in which it was impossible to progress. Sheep and those who herded them were often unwelcome; Muir himself calls them “woolly locusts” and many ranchers had worse names for them.

Jack and Ennis, therefore, took on a job which required few skills, lacked prestige, was temporary, often done by poor immigrants and had no career prospects.. Employers had little consideration for their employees; in this Aguirre was no worse than many others.  Conditions on the mountains were harsh, existence uncomfortable and isolated, the work exhausting and not well paid. The tasks they performed and the way they lived clearly mirror the experiences of real sheepherders in the West. When they went up Brokeback, they were grateful just for companionship, since they had not expected it; neither had much experience of friendship or affection.. What makes their story unique is that out of their short few months on the mountain came a companionship that developed into a love that lasted a lifetime. That its nature and their own characters carried within them the seeds of tragedy gives it a poignancy and inevitability that are unforgettable.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we collect them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retropesctive Thread.

Thank you to BBBOY and Jerasjr for their commitment to the restrospective thread.  :)

Euro Get Together ~ EGT for the friends!

Euro Get Together, from December 8th to December 11th 2006 in London UK.  Next December 9 we have good chances to see Brokeback Mountain in a theater, on a big screen.   8)
We need to be at least 30 persons to be able to make it.  :s)
There are 2 threads about the London Gathering, click on the picture below to go to the main one.

This is the list of attendance thread, either you need a hotel room or not click on the Union Jack to confirm you will be in.

Central Virginia get the Blue Ridge Mountains

Posted by Mrl

October 27 though 30, 2006

Montfair the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Central Virginia...near Charlottesville, in the town of Crozet.

We have reserved cottage #2...sleeps 6, has full, towels, linens. An additional "A" frame cottage is available, sleeps 4, with all the accomodations as well. Please contact Mrl for the details.

Please join us in the beautiful mountains....for a great Ennisjack / BBM weekend. Camping areas are available too!

Click here for the thread.

A lecture from Annie Proulx

Posted by adrian.delmar on September  20

Hi Jennis,

The event that I was referring to is the one in Casper, Wyoming on Oct. 19-21. However I did manage to go to the Annie Proulx lecture at the Davidson College in North Carolina. Davidson is a wonderful old college 30 miles north of Charlotte. I arrived on Wed. the 13th, checked into my hotel, and drove to the campus and got acquainted with the map of the grounds. I walked around the Student Union Center and the Performance Hall where the lecture would be and also where they were planning to screen the movie. Knowing that the movie screening was open only to students, so I donned my baseball cap and sweatshirt and waited for the movie to start. They were not checking ID's, so I managed to get in...sat in the back, and enjoyed the movie...for the umpteenth time!…

BBM Happenings 2006

To read the full story click here.

New Threads from Last Week

Why did he come back with Jack?

Started by  FulOfSadness on September 20

Okay, right before the SNIT, Ennis is in camp, when he is supposed to be up with the sheep. Why did he come back with Jack if he 'ain't queer' and he wasn't looking for something? I think, as i much don't want to admit it, is that Ennis does not come to Jack out of the blue. I think him and Jack kind of accepted that they were going to be butt buddies, before Ennis feels 'hungry for love' and then waltzes on into the tent. In the SS, Proulx points out that during one coupling, is when Jack/Ennis say "This is a one shot thing we got going on here", and etc. this means they were already 'together' when they said this. So now, though i don't want to think it, i guess the SNIT really isn't as sad as i had thought, because Ennis wasn't really contridicting himself, he was just following their 'sex that they don't talk about' Am i making sense?

Click here to go to the thread.

Film or Forum - Which has affected you the most?

Started by Jerasjr on September 21

Have been pondering this for a while, and do not come up with any clear answer, both are now so intertwined that there does not seem to be a difference... without the film, there would not be the forum, without the forum, there would not be the appreciation of the fim and its effect on us.

Click here to go to the thread.

Meet the Authors

We will start this week interviews of authors of fan fictions.  Many of them are now members of the forum and we were honored they joined in.  On the opposite, existing members started to write after they registered.  Amtamburo, who wrote "I'll Be There" which is completed, and she is currently writing new chapters of "A Chance Occurrence in an Otherwise Normal Life".  Amtamburo is also a member of the editor's team of the Weekly Newsletter on  She is the first author we interview.

Are you a professional writer?

No. although it has always been a dream of mine, and I think that someday I would like to write a something, just need to find some characters that aren’t the product of some else’s mind!

If no, whats your job in the ''real'' world?

In the real world I am the Administrative Assistant to the CEO of the sales department of a small company in Northern California.

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?

Hmmm... let’s see, first off, I was so very moved and effected by the movie and short story that I couldn’t stop thinking about it.  I started reading fan fiction at the recommendation of someone on IMDB.  As I was reading some of the stories out there that featured AU plots where Jack doesn’t die, I started to wonder, “What would have happened if Ennis had known that Jack loved him… if he could have heard the words and not just had the supposed knowledge.”

Then I thought, perhaps if he could know that although there are people out there that would hate them, for the most part those people would not do much more then maybe avoid them or call them names. That thought wouldn’t leave me alone, and then one night I had a dream that Ennis had gotten kicked by a horse, and suddenly could hear Jack’s and other people thoughts. The plot bunny stuck, and the next day I started writing a story about it!

So I guess I would have to say that what drove me to write a story about them was the thought that perhaps if Ennis could have heard Jack say he loved him, and could have known that it was safer for them to be together then he thought, then perhaps things could have ended differently.

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?

At this time no, I have in the past though. I wrote a 'A Knight's Tale' story a few years ago that I have never shared, and I finished one of several stories that I have written in the ‘Potterverse’ (ummm… that’s Harry Potter in case anyone doesn’t know that) just after I started writing in the BBM universe.

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?

Hmmm… for the most part the comments I have received have been good, mostly positive and encouraging. I have received a couple of comments pointing out errors or contradictions, and those have been welcome, I want to know about these things so I can fix them.  I don’t have a beta reader, so there are going to be mistakes in my editing.

As far as negative comments… well the way I look at it is this, that’s the risk you take when you put stuff out there that anyone can read. People will always have differing likes and dislikes. Is it difficult…? I suppose… it’s not always easy to hear that something you have worked hard on sucked… but if I can’t handle someone saying they didn’t like some aspect of my story or the story as a whole, then I probably shouldn’t have posted it publicly to begin with.

Interesting Interview of Anne Hathaway

Posted by NoReins on September 18

What was it like working on Brokeback Mountain?

I’m more proud of the film than anything I have ever created. By the end of Princess Diaries 2, I was ready to do something completely different. I got into this not to typecast myself. I got into it to be an actress, to scare the sh*t out of myself and force myself into a place outside my comfort discussion.

Anne Hathaway News Articles

Click on the picture to read the full interview.

Calendar for next week

September - 25 Birthdays: mulholanddrive (22)

September - 26 Birthdays: Alexander (43)

September - 27 Birthdays: beskyddaren (36)

September - 28 Birthdays: Carmilla (43), LisaM (41), WyMe (42)

September - 29 Birthdays: Seregil (26), fritzkep (59), City Slickin' Cowboy (44)

September 30 - Birthdays: pennyT (31)

Member's levels updates

20 posts,Alma Jr.

YB on September 20th
Beatrice on September 23rd

100 posts, Lureen

TheBoyFromNowhere on september 21st

200 posts,Alma

BBM Obsessed, on September 24th.

Jack, 500 posts

Jeffjoe on September 24

Special achievements

Stephan, 3000 posts on September 18th, Androclo, 3000 posts and Greenfrog, 6000 post on September 22nd, Twisted, 5000 and LuvJackNasty, 7000 posts on September 23rd.

Congratulations to all!    ^f^

DVD release around the world

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Finland, July 12 ( zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)
Japan - September 22 (zone 3 DVD)
Netherland - September 28 (zone 2 DVD)
Germany - October 16 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?   
Click on the picture to post the information. 

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
Click Here

Calling volunteers for our weekly forum newsletter

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly Newsletter. The purpose of newsletters is to keep our members informed and updated. The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas which the members will be interested or should be informed, it's updated weekly.  If you are interested, click here

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click here:  Archives

Ciao Brokies, see you next week    :ghug:

September 25 - October 1,  editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault