ennisjack.com Newsletter
April 7 - 20 2008 
Greetings Brokies,
April is here and it is 2008. More than two years have gone by since we gathered by this campfire for the love of Brokeback Mountain. Since then, we have gone through mixed emotions from sheer joy at the meets to profound sadness over the recent tragic loss of our beloved actor who gave us so much. Over time, many of us have bonded and friendship has developed, either in physical environment or in cyberspace. It is a blessing.
As the founder and one of the administrators of this forum, I appreciate your continued support to this community and respect to the members. As we continue to write the history of this forum, please let me remind you of the forum guidelines posted in the link below.
http://ennisjack.com/index.php?topic=217In particular, I'd like to take this opportunity to emphasize
netiquette or "Internet etiquette" which is based on the concepts of respect and good manners. Since participating in the forum requires a lot of reading and scrolling, the forum asks your help in fostering a pleasant place for everyone by doing the following. Also, please keep in mind for those still using a dial-up with slow connection.
1. Try to refrain from going off-topic too much except in the
chatting threads.
2. Avoid excessive quoting and reduce the size of images when quoting.
(how to downsize a pix)3. When replying, try to refrain from typing a few words like simply "lol", "haha ... yeah" or "ok." Quality of post is more appreciated than quantity.
4. Do not abuse the use of emoticons also known as smileys.
At times, moderation may be needed. The moderators are volunteering their time to make this place as friendly and enjoyable as possible. Please respect their decisions and if they can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to contact them or post in the
feedback threadThank you very much for your understanding and help.
Ethan – administrator
Brokies are meeting againDuring the week end of March 21 -23 many Brokies met in two different places.
vivi &
橘夢 met in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Click on the picture below to read about their adventures, see pictures and watch videos.

In the meantime
MarieMJS, and
Iswear met in Paris. Click on the picture below to read about their story and see pictures from the meeting.

We're not done yet!

On April 3
pierralex and
canmore met
enilec with her friend
Eva in Paris.
enilec was also attending the gathering in Kaohsiung two weeks before. Click on the picture below for more pictures and comments.
Brokies Keep Getting TogetherRendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008Eau Claire, WisconsinIn less than four weeks!
May 2 -5 2008,
Jerasjr will be the host in
Eau Claire, WI. Click
here to go to the thread.
There are two new threads about the Eau Claire gathering:
Rendezvous Attendees, it is getting time to sign up for the meet in Eau Claire. If you are not sure, you can post your name as probable so, post on this thread your dates/times of arrival/departure, if you could share a hotel room and if you're interested in renting/sharing a car. We need to know how many would make it in order to reserve hotel rooms and other facilities accordingly.
Eau Claire Info page, all you need to know about the city, the hotel, etc...
Connecting to Eau Claire from Reims, FranceReims, FranceSome Brokies who can't make it to Eau Claire first planned to meet in Strasbourg but, for convenience reasons will be meeting in
Reims. From there they'll connect to Wisconsin thru video conferences and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Mountain. Click
here for the details.
The Brokeback Roundup in WyomingWyoming, June 1-7EDelMar is organizing this gathering and will be the host. Click
here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008Oxford, EnglandThe members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next
June 20-22, 2008, click
here to go to the thread.
Albany, NYAlbany, NY July 4-6This is also a new project, GR Lewis will be the host. Click
here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages Seattle, WA - August 1-4 2008Dirtbiker will be the host at the Tee Lake house the first weekend of August, if you're interested click
BBM Screening at the Samuel Golden Theater in Beverly Hills Beverly Hills, California Brokeback Mountain will be shown this summer at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in
Beverly Hills,
California on
August 4,
2008 at 7:30 PM as part of the Academy's “Great To Be Nominated” series. This gathering is organised by
BayCityJohn , click
here to go to the thread.
Brussel's gathering - October 2008Brussels, BelgiumTitabeille and her husband will be the hosts from
October 1 to October 7 2008 in
Brussels, click
here to go to the main discussion & planning thread.
It might looks early but reserving hotel rooms could be an issue, 6 rooms have been secured so far and we might act fast for our reservations. The issue could be similar for the ones traveling by plane, rates are increasing so if you are sure to make it to Brussels you better book your tickets to get a decent price, specially if you will be flying from another continent. There is a new thread for attendance, click on
Attendees for the Brussel's gathering - October 2008Collection of ennisjack.com videosThe links to download the most recent videos posted in the Collection thread have been added. If you want to download the videos you could access the thread by clicking on the picture bellow, there you will find the instructions for the downloads. The updates are the videos from Las Vegas, The Maryland gathering on October 2007 and the latest gathering in Taiwan.
New Threads"All this time you aint found anyone else to marry?"Started by
aintfoolin on March 29
Why in the world would Jack ask Ennis this question?
Alma alluded to being concerned about Ennis bein alone so much in the Thanksgiving scene, but why would Jack feel that Ennis needed to /or would even think about re-marry? Just small talk? or something deeper? I don't have a clue.
here to go to the thread.
Sexual Roles in SNIT and Other BBM Sex ScenesStarted by
tpe on April 2
The sexual roles played by both Ennis and Jack in the different BBM sex scenes (e.g., SNIT) had been discussed in one of the thread, and it is probably appropriate to start a new thread for this topic.
Would you say that Ennis played the passive role in SNIT? Do you think that he always assumed an active one, or was he more versatile.
The same questions can be asked of Jack. For instance, did the SNIT as shown in the film imply that Jack sometimes played the active role when he had sex with Ennis?
Please remember that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions...
here to go to the thread.
In Loving MemoryPosted by
Ethan on March 24
I was in Tokyo last week and left a prayer for Heath at Meiji Shrine on behalf of ennisjack. It is hard to believe that it has been two months.

here to go to the thread.
Posted by
Flwrchild on April 1st
Grateful Traveler
Remember me, with a smile not sorrow.
My time here on earth was brief,
but oh how much I lived.
I filled each day with purpose
and tried my best to give
a little piece of who I am
to everyone I knew.
And I found in doing so
the love inside me grew.
But a body has its limits and now I need to rest.
My spirit lives forever though and I have been truly blessed.
I left my mark upon the world and in my little girl.
And what more could I ask of life
than to let me be true to myself,
and when it was my time to go
be proud of who I was?
So bid me not to stay, now that my work here is done.
Let me fly free and in remembering me
Share in my journey as I shared in yours.
I am a grateful traveler.
I was only passing through.
But if you keep me in your heart,
I will always live in you.
here to go to the thread.
Posted by
lil_dwarf_611 on April 3
This just popped into my head and I had to write it down...This is a poem tribute to Heath and his daughter...you can get who would've said what part 
Good morning, my beautiful sunshine
How you always seem to cross my mind
I see you everyday, smiling from ear to ear
How I need your calming voices to hear
Good night, sleep tight
Don't let this be the last time I see you, tonight
I see you in my dreams
And my in my fondest memories
Daddy, you ment the world to me
here to go to the thread.
Posted by
jessi on April 4

Baked a birthday cake,
iced with falling tears, candles?
lighted one this year.
Sent up my prayers,
Angel, framed with falling tears...
can't dim your candle.
here to go to the thread.
QuotesPosted by
christie wood, quoting
tizi17, on March 24 in
Is it normal still crying even after the 3rd time watching BBM?Re: Is it normal still crying even after the 3rd time watching BBM?
.. and after the 21st time? 
Crying after watching BBM for the whatever time is completely normal...what's normal anyway? I don't care, I cry because I adore the story so much, I cry because it touches me like no other story/film ever has, I cry because I'm so immersed in Ennis and Jack's beautiful but tragic love affair that I still wish for things to be different, and cry again because they're not...Ennis is still left holding the shirts and declaring to Jack.
Posted by
lancecowboy on March 31 in
was ennis gay ?Just to re-state what I think in simpler terms:
Ennis was ambivalent before he met Jack - not gay, not straight, definitely confused, possible bi.
Jack was definitely attracted to men in summer of '63 - definitely not straight, perhaps bi, perhaps gay.
As Anne Proulx said, they entered Brokeback Mountain ambiguous about their sexuality and left as gay men.
However, Ennis always viewed himself, as not queer, and Jack was just a fishing buddy or hunting buddy. He never accepted his own love for Jack, until Cassie showed him that "Girls (and guys) don't fall in love for fun."
Even then, Ennis never really accepted himself as gay, until he found the two shirts, and realized that Jack also loved him for all those years. That's when he finally accepted who he was. That's when he became a gay man, not the gay man who would march on Pride Day, or go to gay bars, but a gay man who accepted the love of his love was a man. No more, and no less.
Brokeback Mountain was not a story about two gay men who fell in love.
It was a story about a man who learned about love from another man. And together, they traveled the journey of gay men living in rural America, a journey of self-discovery, courage, and compassion.
Posted by
Asali on April 1st in
Decent People United - Thoughts from Las Vegas Reading all these wonderful posts about each other has brought me to tears, I guess for many reasons -
I Cry:
1) With the happiness of the love that I feel from these brokie meets.
2) Happy tears knowing that very soon I will be experiencing a wonderful brokie meet.
3) Sad tears feeling how difficult it must be at the parting on the last day of meets.
4) Because I love you all. 
Pix with PoemsPosted by
jessi on September 20, 2007 in
Pix with Poems
You’re crystal blue sky,
bubbling clear creeks, deep still pools
the essence of life.
You’re exploding stars,
flaming heat, fire in my blood
burning in the night.

Posted by
tpe on April 3, 2008 in
Pix with PoemsWinter turns to Spring
The days grow long without you
Still, we remember

Forum MaintenanceIt is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time. If you could please help us in cleaning the inbox & outbox of your personal messages before we proceed.

Here is the maintenance schedule:
April 17Pacific Time, 8:00pm
Mountain Time: 9:00pm
Central Time: 10:00pm
Eastern Time: 11:00 pm
April 18United Kingdom: 4:00am
Western Europe: 5:00am
Central Europe: 6:00am
Taiwan: 11:00 am
Australia (Sydney): 3:00pm
If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback, please report them
here.How Did You Find/Know this Forum?We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about
ennisjack.com. Click on the picture below to share your story.
Calendar for the next two weeks April 7 - Birthdays:
PST (59),
Kemmer (63),
dly64 (44),
Mandi (25),
choony (37)
April 8 - Birthdays:
jimther (53),
wolvesofmiami (19)
April 9 - Birthdays:
Hoshi_No_Ame (20),
Mellon (17)
April 10 - Birthdays:
carolcat (25),
spazmaz1099 (33)
April 11 - Birthdays:
Stef1104 (22),
Prepster (17),
Lattoflex (52)
April 14 - Birthdays:
bretski40 (45),
BBM Bulgaria (26)
April 16 - Birthdays:
seyer (33),
bettel (39),
ohc1492 (35)
April 18 - Birthdays:
Krispera (18)
April 20 - Birthdays:
dissident (34),
atz75 (33),
smartestsonia (22)
Got News or Ideas? Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please post them there:
Newsletter Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues
Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletters Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all in the
Forum Newsletter Board.
Bye Brokies!

See you in two weeks! April 7 - 20 editors:
Chameau &
Ethan. Click
here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the
ennisjack.com Newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.