Support & Services > Forum Newsletters Newsletter Archive, April to June 2008
chameau: Newsletter
April 7 - 20 2008
Greetings Brokies,
April is here and it is 2008. More than two years have gone by since we gathered by this campfire for the love of Brokeback Mountain. Since then, we have gone through mixed emotions from sheer joy at the meets to profound sadness over the recent tragic loss of our beloved actor who gave us so much. Over time, many of us have bonded and friendship has developed, either in physical environment or in cyberspace. It is a blessing.
As the founder and one of the administrators of this forum, I appreciate your continued support to this community and respect to the members. As we continue to write the history of this forum, please let me remind you of the forum guidelines posted in the link below.
In particular, I'd like to take this opportunity to emphasize netiquette or "Internet etiquette" which is based on the concepts of respect and good manners. Since participating in the forum requires a lot of reading and scrolling, the forum asks your help in fostering a pleasant place for everyone by doing the following. Also, please keep in mind for those still using a dial-up with slow connection.
1. Try to refrain from going off-topic too much except in the chatting threads.
2. Avoid excessive quoting and reduce the size of images when quoting. (how to downsize a pix)
3. When replying, try to refrain from typing a few words like simply "lol", "haha ... yeah" or "ok." Quality of post is more appreciated than quantity.
4. Do not abuse the use of emoticons also known as smileys.
At times, moderation may be needed. The moderators are volunteering their time to make this place as friendly and enjoyable as possible. Please respect their decisions and if they can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to contact them or post in the feedback thread
Thank you very much for your understanding and help. :^^)
Ethan – administrator
Brokies are meeting again
During the week end of March 21 -23 many Brokies met in two different places. bigapple, bubu, christine, dephne, enilec, ethan, gina, littlepillow, jj, jojo, rebecca, vivi & 橘夢 met in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Click on the picture below to read about their adventures, see pictures and watch videos.
In the meantime pierralex, canmore, froggy, Fredptitefée, AlecScudder, MarieMJS, and Iswear met in Paris. Click on the picture below to read about their story and see pictures from the meeting.
We're not done yet! :) On April 3 pierralex and canmore met enilec with her friend Eva in Paris. enilec was also attending the gathering in Kaohsiung two weeks before. Click on the picture below for more pictures and comments.
Brokies Keep Getting Together
Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
In less than four weeks! :) May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI. Click here to go to the thread.
There are two new threads about the Eau Claire gathering:
Rendezvous Attendees, it is getting time to sign up for the meet in Eau Claire. If you are not sure, you can post your name as probable so, post on this thread your dates/times of arrival/departure, if you could share a hotel room and if you're interested in renting/sharing a car. We need to know how many would make it in order to reserve hotel rooms and other facilities accordingly.
Eau Claire Info page, all you need to know about the city, the hotel, etc...
Connecting to Eau Claire from Reims, France
Reims, France
Some Brokies who can't make it to Eau Claire first planned to meet in Strasbourg but, for convenience reasons will be meeting in Reims. From there they'll connect to Wisconsin thru video conferences and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Mountain. Click here for the details.
The Brokeback Roundup in Wyoming
Wyoming, June 1-7
EDelMar is organizing this gathering and will be the host. Click here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008
Oxford, England
The members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next June 20-22, 2008, click here to go to the thread.
Albany, NY
Albany, NY July 4-6
This is also a new project, GR Lewis will be the host. Click here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages
Seattle, WA - August 1-4 2008
Dirtbiker will be the host at the Tee Lake house the first weekend of August, if you're interested click here.
BBM Screening at the Samuel Golden Theater in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, California
Brokeback Mountain will be shown this summer at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, California on August 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM as part of the Academy's “Great To Be Nominated” series. This gathering is organised by BayCityJohn , click here to go to the thread.
Brussel's gathering - October 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the main discussion & planning thread.
It might looks early but reserving hotel rooms could be an issue, 6 rooms have been secured so far and we might act fast for our reservations. The issue could be similar for the ones traveling by plane, rates are increasing so if you are sure to make it to Brussels you better book your tickets to get a decent price, specially if you will be flying from another continent. There is a new thread for attendance, click on Attendees for the Brussel's gathering - October 2008
Collection of videos
The links to download the most recent videos posted in the Collection thread have been added. If you want to download the videos you could access the thread by clicking on the picture bellow, there you will find the instructions for the downloads. The updates are the videos from Las Vegas, The Maryland gathering on October 2007 and the latest gathering in Taiwan.
New Threads
"All this time you aint found anyone else to marry?"
Started by aintfoolin on March 29
--- Quote --- Why in the world would Jack ask Ennis this question?
Alma alluded to being concerned about Ennis bein alone so much in the Thanksgiving scene, but why would Jack feel that Ennis needed to /or would even think about re-marry? Just small talk? or something deeper? I don't have a clue.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Sexual Roles in SNIT and Other BBM Sex Scenes
Started by tpe on April 2
--- Quote ---The sexual roles played by both Ennis and Jack in the different BBM sex scenes (e.g., SNIT) had been discussed in one of the thread, and it is probably appropriate to start a new thread for this topic.
Would you say that Ennis played the passive role in SNIT? Do you think that he always assumed an active one, or was he more versatile.
The same questions can be asked of Jack. For instance, did the SNIT as shown in the film imply that Jack sometimes played the active role when he had sex with Ennis?
Please remember that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions...
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
In Loving Memory
Posted by Ethan on March 24
--- Quote ---I was in Tokyo last week and left a prayer for Heath at Meiji Shrine on behalf of ennisjack. It is hard to believe that it has been two months.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Posted by Flwrchild on April 1st
--- Quote ---Grateful Traveler
Remember me, with a smile not sorrow.
My time here on earth was brief,
but oh how much I lived.
I filled each day with purpose
and tried my best to give
a little piece of who I am
to everyone I knew.
And I found in doing so
the love inside me grew.
But a body has its limits and now I need to rest.
My spirit lives forever though and I have been truly blessed.
I left my mark upon the world and in my little girl.
And what more could I ask of life
than to let me be true to myself,
and when it was my time to go
be proud of who I was?
So bid me not to stay, now that my work here is done.
Let me fly free and in remembering me
Share in my journey as I shared in yours.
I am a grateful traveler.
I was only passing through.
But if you keep me in your heart,
I will always live in you.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Posted by lil_dwarf_611 on April 3
--- Quote ---This just popped into my head and I had to write it down...This is a poem tribute to Heath and his can get who would've said what part :-\\
Good morning, my beautiful sunshine
How you always seem to cross my mind
I see you everyday, smiling from ear to ear
How I need your calming voices to hear
Good night, sleep tight
Don't let this be the last time I see you, tonight
I see you in my dreams
And my in my fondest memories
Daddy, you ment the world to me
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Posted by jessi on April 4
--- Quote ---
Baked a birthday cake,
iced with falling tears, candles?
lighted one this year.
Sent up my prayers,
Angel, framed with falling tears...
can't dim your candle.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Posted by christie wood, quoting tizi17, on March 24 in Is it normal still crying even after the 3rd time watching BBM?
--- Quote ---
--- Quote from: tizi17 on Mar 03, 2008, 03:10 AM ---Re: Is it normal still crying even after the 3rd time watching BBM?
.. and after the 21st time? :i
--- End quote ---
Tizi.... :^^)
Crying after watching BBM for the whatever time is completely normal...what's normal anyway? I don't care, I cry because I adore the story so much, I cry because it touches me like no other story/film ever has, I cry because I'm so immersed in Ennis and Jack's beautiful but tragic love affair that I still wish for things to be different, and cry again because they're not...Ennis is still left holding the shirts and declaring to Jack.
--- End quote ---
Posted by lancecowboy on March 31 in was ennis gay ?
--- Quote ---Just to re-state what I think in simpler terms:
Ennis was ambivalent before he met Jack - not gay, not straight, definitely confused, possible bi.
Jack was definitely attracted to men in summer of '63 - definitely not straight, perhaps bi, perhaps gay.
As Anne Proulx said, they entered Brokeback Mountain ambiguous about their sexuality and left as gay men.
However, Ennis always viewed himself, as not queer, and Jack was just a fishing buddy or hunting buddy. He never accepted his own love for Jack, until Cassie showed him that "Girls (and guys) don't fall in love for fun."
Even then, Ennis never really accepted himself as gay, until he found the two shirts, and realized that Jack also loved him for all those years. That's when he finally accepted who he was. That's when he became a gay man, not the gay man who would march on Pride Day, or go to gay bars, but a gay man who accepted the love of his love was a man. No more, and no less.
Brokeback Mountain was not a story about two gay men who fell in love.
It was a story about a man who learned about love from another man. And together, they traveled the journey of gay men living in rural America, a journey of self-discovery, courage, and compassion.
--- End quote ---
Posted by Asali on April 1st in Decent People United - Thoughts from Las Vegas
--- Quote ---Reading all these wonderful posts about each other has brought me to tears, I guess for many reasons -
I Cry:
1) With the happiness of the love that I feel from these brokie meets.
2) Happy tears knowing that very soon I will be experiencing a wonderful brokie meet.
3) Sad tears feeling how difficult it must be at the parting on the last day of meets.
4) Because I love you all. <^(
--- End quote ---
Pix with Poems
Posted by jessi on September 20, 2007 in Pix with Poems
--- Quote ---
You’re crystal blue sky,
bubbling clear creeks, deep still pools
the essence of life.
You’re exploding stars,
flaming heat, fire in my blood
burning in the night.
--- End quote ---
Posted by tpe on April 3, 2008 in Pix with Poems
--- Quote ---Winter turns to Spring
The days grow long without you
Still, we remember
--- End quote ---
Forum Maintenance
It is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time. If you could please help us in cleaning the inbox & outbox of your personal messages before we proceed.
Here is the maintenance schedule:
April 17
Pacific Time, 8:00pm
Mountain Time: 9:00pm
Central Time: 10:00pm
Eastern Time: 11:00 pm
April 18
United Kingdom: 4:00am
Western Europe: 5:00am
Central Europe: 6:00am
Taiwan: 11:00 am
Australia (Sydney): 3:00pm
If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback, please report them here.
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about Click on the picture below to share your story.
Calendar for the next two weeks
April 7 - Birthdays: PST (59), Kemmer (63), dly64 (44), Mandi (25), choony (37)
April 8 - Birthdays: jimther (53), ForbiddenRomance, wolvesofmiami (19)
April 9 - Birthdays: Hoshi_No_Ame (20), Mellon (17)
April 10 - Birthdays: carolcat (25), spazmaz1099 (33)
April 11 - Birthdays: Stef1104 (22), Prepster (17), Lattoflex (52)
April 14 - Birthdays: bretski40 (45), BBM Bulgaria (26)
April 16 - Birthdays: seyer (33), bettel (39), ohc1492 (35)
April 18 - Birthdays: Krispera (18)
April 20 - Birthdays: dissident (34), atz75 (33), smartestsonia (22)
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletters
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all in the Forum Newsletter Board.
Bye Brokies!
See you in two weeks!
April 7 - 20 editors: Chameau & Ethan. Click here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the Newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.
chameau: Newsletter
April 21 - May 4 2008
Dear Brokies,
Last week, during our last sheduled maintenance window, the forum was slightly re-organized as part of our continuing effort to improve. The significant changes were deletion of Feature Boards and moving Local Channels to "Member Corner" accessible to members only and we added a new board called Around BBM.
The organization of the forum is now as follow.
In memory of Heath Ledger
A candle for memory (with Light a candle, In loving memory and other "chat" threads about feelings of members)
Tributes to Heath Ledger (compilation of tributes, articles, vids, pics of meetings etc)
Member Corner (members only)
Local Channels (chat threads in languages other than English)
Member Connection (Brokies meeting all around the World)
Fun & Games
Life & Leisure
The Movie & Story
Impact, Thought & Experiences (members only)
Characters, Quotes & Scenes
AP Short Story, Screenplay & Soundtrack
News Coverage, Reviews & Awards
Cast & Ang Lee including all child boards (members only)
Around BBM
Treasure Box (members only)
Our Support for BBM - BBM Poll
All About DVD
Fan Fiction & Poem (members only)
Support & Service
Forum Newsletters
Forum Guidelines, Tips, FAQs & Updates
Not Sure Where to Post
Since the forum is all about providing a place for you, we invite you to give us feedback. You can contact any moderator or post your comments here.
Thank you for your love and support,
:cr) Ethan for the Mod Team
Last Calls for the Next Three Gatherings!
Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Last Call! :*( May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI. Click here to go to the thread.
There are two new threads about the Eau Claire gathering:
Rendezvous Attendees, it is getting time to sign up for the meet in Eau Claire. If you are not sure, you can post your name as probable so, post on this thread your dates/times of arrival/departure, if you could share a hotel room and if you're interested in renting/sharing a car. We need to know how many would make it in order to reserve hotel rooms and other facilities accordingly.
Eau Claire Info page, all you need to know about the city, the hotel, etc...
Connecting to Eau Claire from Reims, France
Reims, France
Last Call! :*( May 2 -5 2008, some Brokies who can't make it to Eau Claire first planned to meet in Strasbourg but, for convenience reasons will be meeting in Reims. From there they'll connect to Wisconsin thru video conferences and who knows, maybe a synchronized viewing of Brokeback Mountain. Click here for the details.
The Brokies in Chicago May 5-8 2008
Chicago, Ilinois
Last Call! :*( Sorry, we forgot to post this in the previous edition of the Newsletter... %&)
On their way back from the Eau Claire gathering many Brokies we'll meet and visit Chicago on May 5-8, tpe will be the host. If you're interested to join the party, click here to go to the thread.
Brokies Keep Getting Together
The Brokeback Roundup in Wyoming
Wyoming, June 1-7
EDelMar is organizing this gathering and will be the host. Click here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008
Oxford, England
The members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next June 20-22, 2008, click here to go to the thread.
Albany, NY
Albany, NY July 4-6
This is also a new project, GR Lewis will be the host. Click here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages
Seattle, WA - August 1-4 2008
Dirtbiker will be the host at the Tee Lake house the first weekend of August, if you're interested click here.
BBM Screening at the Samuel Golden Theater in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, California
Brokeback Mountain will be shown this summer at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, California on August 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM as part of the Academy's “Great To Be Nominated” series. This gathering is organisez by BayCityJohn , click here to go to the thread.
Brussel's gathering - October 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the main discussion & planning thread.
It might looks early but reserving hotel rooms could be an issue, 7 rooms have been secured so far and we might act fast for our reservations. The issue could be similar for the ones traveling by plane, rates are increasing so if you are sure to make it to Brussels you better book your tickets to get a decent price, specially if you will be flying from another continent. There is a new thread for attendance, click on Attendees for the Brussel's gathering - October 2008.
New Thread
ORGANISING A BBM FOUNDATION - If you can't stand it you gotta fix it
Started by mouk on April 19
--- Quote ---Friends
In order to perpetuate the spirit of BBM we would like to set up a Not for Profit Organisation, perhaps a Foundation, aimed at protecting and developing the heritage of BBM and at prolonging its effect indefinitely so that the story/film and their message are never forgotten and keep making the world a better place for a long time to come. Actions, projects, publications etc could be organised by the Foundation itself and/or facilitated in the form of grants and support (eg volunteering) to adequate individuals and organisations.
Not being location specific, the Foundation would be accessible to Brokies and like-minded people worldwide, with possibilities of participation and a feeling of "belonging" for all, just like our beloved DC, BM, EnnisJack and Strike-me-Gyllen Forums.
This initiative is institutionally separate from the Forums for legal reasons, but it is in the same spirit and in close fraternity with them. We hope that the Forums and the Foundation can draw strength from each other and support each other, even if only informally.
At this very early stage, we are seeking to build up a think tank and hoping to be able to gather about 20-25 dedicated people in order to set up a vision and the basis for a viable strategy. This ain’t no little thing and it will require quite a bit of hard work, so we would like to hear from people who have time, energy, plenty of ideas and ideally, but not necessarily, NPO experience. Once we have eased the way by getting over the first technical hurdles, we will post the results of our work so that everybody can participate as little or as much as they wish.
You can state your interest by 4th May as follows:
Dave Cullen: pm BayCityJohn or Mouk
Bettermost: pm Tamarack or Mouk
EnnisJack: respond on the thread or pm Mouk
Strike me Gyllen: contact Incognita at
We look forward to hearing from you !
PS - Although we are posting this only on these forums at this stage, all Brokies and their friends are very welcome.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Pix with Poems
Posted by jessi on September 28 2007 in Pix with Poems
--- Quote ---jessi
Once your arms held me.
I was safe, where I belonged
where I long to be.
--- End quote ---
Posted by myprivatejack on February 28 in Pix with Poems
--- Quote ---
Too many steep paths,
too many wide rivers,
too many coyote threats
too many nights without moon,
too many tears to appear,
too many coldnesses in June,
too many ripped tents,
--- End quote ---
Posted by Scott6373 on April 10 in When Jack got mad...
--- Quote ---It may have been good for Jack to say those words, but it was obvious that he knew the futility involved even as he spoke them. He cared about Ennis' reaction because you don't stop caring or loving just because you don't get what you want. Jack did not want to give up his dreams, he did not want to devalue the love he felt for Ennis by denying that is what it was. That is a very hard road to travel on my friends: To love someone despite the fact that you know in the deepest part of your heart that what you desire most will never be yours. That's unconditional love! Not without expectations...we are all prone to those, but Jack loved Ennis in a way that he could never nor would ever deny. His anger was not at was at the impossibility of what love sometimes is. Yet, Jack loved until he drew his last breath.
--- End quote ---
Posted by bearhugman on April 11 in PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
--- Quote ---I watched BBM on its release in New Zealand and cried (as did most everyone) at its obivous theme of lost love and lost opportunities, but felt that it didn't 'pull' together as I expected.
I caught the last third of the movie on tv the other day and then sat down and watched the whole movie yesterday (which I had brought months ago) I think I had put off watching it again because I sensed that I had only scraped the surface of the true emotional impact that it had, and that scared me! But WOW the second full viewing has sent me into such an intense sense of loss and grief.
The last five hours has seen me looking at reviews and reading peoples thoughts and feelings, have also pieced together some things that didnt click and rewatched some scenes so they now make more sense.
Like the shirts Ennis find in Jacks bedroom it was not till I rewatched the punch up scene (was this a metaphor for the 'impact' that their feelings had made on each other or was it anger that the other had made such 'wrong feelings come out?) just before they leave BB that I realised one was Jacks Shirt (the Denin one) the other Ennis's (both bloodied) that Jack had taken (as a keepsake?) I maybe stating the obvious but I missed that. Plus the realisation that Jack would never know of Ennis's depth of feeling for him, which we don't get to know till the end, either!
And here I am hardly able to see the keyboard through the tears.
I have it, I have PBS
--- End quote ---
Posted by Tom on April 17 in Why I love this place
--- Quote ---Too may reasons to Mention but here are some of them;
Encouragement from members
Non Judgemental
News and Events
Snaps and Photos
Joyous Meetings and Gatherings
Authors of Fan Fiction
Cheerful greetings and salutations
Kindness and Consideration
Organisation by the Moderators
Music Videos
--- End quote ---
Posted by anne on April 19 in The Wings - possible spoilers
--- Quote ---Maybe these are wings, that never were spread.
Maybe these are wings, that gave them LOVE, but they couldn't fly away from reality...
Maybe these are wings, that were spread only when Jack and Ennis were together, and were folded when they were alone. :-\\
"The Wings" is my favorite track. Sad, that I can't speak of my feelings in English. :(
--- End quote ---
Note from the editors, your English anne is just fine. :)
In Loving Memory
Posted by mikele on April 13 in Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
--- Quote ---
La lumière du jour semble s’estomper lentement et la brise du soir frémit dans les cimes des arbres. Les faibles lueurs des restes du jour qui filtrent au travers des lourds nuages, annoncent avec certitude la poursuite de ce temps qui passe. Le frémissement des feuilles du vieux chêne rythme cet instant, où, à chaque seconde, mon âme semble flâner et se dissoudre avec les parfums que la nuit si proche semble déjà libérer sous les assauts du vent.
Mes cheveux balayent mon visage à la cadence des bourrasques du vent, la fraîcheur de la nuit qui est si proche me fait penser qu’il va bientôt pleuvoir. Au loin le grondement de l’orage naissant ricoche jusqu’à moi, et ça et là j’aperçois la végétation se courber sous les rafales chaudes et humides du vent du soir. Un sentiment de solitude s’empare de moi, et malgré l’agitation de cette nuit qui tombe, je te vois toujours venir à moi, comme ce premier jour où j’ai su que l’on allait s’aimer. Maintenant, la puissance des grondements du tonnerre fait vibrer tout mon corps, tout mon esprit, et ce tourment de la nature ressemble bien à celui de mon âme. Malgré l’agitation de cette nuit, je me rappelle que quelque part, là haut, derrière les nuages il y a cette étoile qui scintille toujours, cette lumière qui me guide au travers de l’obscurité.
J’éteins la douce lueur de la lanterne suspendue, et, avec l’agitation encore tumultueuse de ce soir, je vais apaiser mon esprit en glissant jusqu’à toi au travers de mes rêves.
Au gré de l’ivresse des vents et des rafles de pluie, dans cette petite maison au parfum d’antan, je revois toujours ton image avant que la nuit ne ferme trop vite mes paupières.
Un regard lumineux, un sourire et des évocations sonores se mêlent en une poursuite folle de souvenirs sur lesquels mon esprit pourra enfin s’assoupir pour soulager ma peine.
Daylight seems to be fading slowly and the breeze in the evening shudders in the treetops. The faint light of the remains of the day filtered through the heavy clouds, announce with certainty the continuation of the passing time. The trembling leaves of the old oak pace this moment, where every second, my soul seemed to wander and dissolve with fragrances that night seemed so close already released under the onslaught of wind.
My hair sweep my face at the rate of gusts of wind, the coolness of the night, which is so close makes me think it will soon rain. In the distance the roar of the storm until nascent rebound to me, and here and there I see the vegetation bending under the hot and humid gusts of wind in the evening. A sense of loneliness seizes me, and despite the turmoil of the night falls, I see you always come to me, as the first day I knew we would love. Now, the power of the rumbles thunder rocked my whole body, but my mind and the torment of this nature looks good to those of my soul. Despite the turmoil last night, I remember that somewhere, up there behind the clouds there is the star that shines always, the light that guides me through the darkness.
I turn of the light the gentle glow of the lantern suspended, and, with the unrest still tumultuous tonight, I will calm my mind until you rolling through my dreams.
At the discretion of the exhilaration of wind and rain sweeps in this small house in the fragrance of yesteryear, I always remember your image before the night closes too quickly my eyelids.
A look bright, a smile and evocative sounds mingle in a mad pursuit of memories on which my mind can finally fall asleep to relieve my pain.
--- End quote ---
Posted by Midsummernina on April 13 in Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
--- Quote ---Amber eye
Sudden silence
The world stops turning for a moment
Starts again but jerkily
Our screams are so loud that
nobody can hear them:
The amber eye is closed
And looks now upon worlds
we are not part of
Flashes words words flashes
And none of them connected
to the open heart
the lithe mind
the sudden laugh
or the shy glances
Mighty waves
crashes in
Sharp cliffs underneath
Must keep afloat
All of us that remain
A pause a stillness
With gentler waves in sunset
where many feet
are soothed
after weeks of endless pacing
Tears and laughter
fuses with water
creating underwater rainbows
of joy and pain
Flashes words words flashes
And none of them connected
to the hole in the ozone
the limber one left behind
Nor to the one less shadow
that is cast on the ground
Or to the mittens
that no longer has hands in them
And in the eye of the hurricane
A square of concrete
Stepped on
By baby’s feet
Stepped on once
And now stepped on forever
With him
And without him
--- End quote ---
Posted by lil_dwarf_611 on April 19 in Vigil for Heath - light a candle
--- Quote ---
Never forget me, for my soul is always with you
Never forget me, for your heart is always mine
Never forget me, for I once lived a life of love
Never forget me, just give me a chance to fly
--- End quote ---
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about Click on the picture below to share your story.
Calendar for the next two weeks
April 21 - Birthdays: cremetorte (21), MississaugaRed (45), queen_of_the_road (21)
April 22 - Earth Day, Birthdays: wojciech (34), The Baron of Ree (Formerly JFT) (49), Chico
April 23 - Birthdays: Jennis Del Twist (52), jim miller (35)
April 24 - Birthdays: _____ghostrider (20)
April 25 - Birthdays: wny (41), Carlab31 (36), ivanhoe (34)
April 26 - Birthdays: CoraJack (38)
April 27 - Birthdays: natalia (18), bbmlover (36), pify (21)
April 28 - Birthdays: Toadily
April 29 - Birthdays: julie_grrl135 (25), Gus (37), HQ (64), jakesgirl (24)
May 1 - Birthdays: Cowboy Cody (42), josie81 (27), Midnight Cowboy (39)
May 2 - Events: * Eau Claire/Reims meeting day 1
May 3 - Birthdays: my3rs (48), jack247 (14), 1depp (16), Events: * Eau Claire/Reims meeting day 2
May 4 - Events: * Eau Claire/Reims meeting day 3
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletters
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all in the Forum Newsletter Board.
Bye Brokies!
See you in two weeks,
Live from Eau Claire and Reims!
April 21 - May 4 editors: Chameau & Ethan. Click here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the Newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.
chameau: Newsletter
May 5 - 18 2008
Forever Bound
You know I’m glad I have the chance to write this before it actually happens. We will be in the midst of the meets in Eau Claire and Reims, and when this newsletter is posted (from Eau Claire of all places) will probably be too (fill in the blank) to be coherent.
In the American West, the Rendezvous was a major event in the lives of the soldiers, trappers, traders, Native Americans and anyone who wanted to socialize and replenish. Though of a different sort, we too are explorers and adventurers: ennisjack is a comfortable, safe place in the wilderness, made lively by our imagination and dreams
While our lives are not as harsh or isolated, we still share that instinct to gather and share.
This is what I imagine when I think of the Brokie meetings from the past, present and of the ones to come - hints of long ago carried forward in our hearts.
Come closer to the fire. Make yourself at home, and we will have some beans and coffee. Rest easy while we share some memories, and make new memories.
For the first time, two meetings are organized at the same time, across our tiny planet.
Actually this idea came from the fact that some of us can't travel far away, and yet wish to be part of this wonderful experience. As jerasjr said, we still share the need to gather and share our feelings.
This twin meeting is just as the brokie spirit, connecting people around the world, beyond countries, age, gender, or anything else. Just love, understanding, support... and fun.
So wherever you are, you'll be with us in spirit.
A Weekend of Gatherings
Brokies Invade Massillon (again!)
On their road trip to Eau Claire, BBBOY and City Slickin' Cowboy stoppped by Massilon Ohio to visit Cowboy Cody. Click on the picture below to see their pictures and videos.
SAY CHEESE! Your connection to Eau Claire
11 Brokies from 4 continents & 5 different countries met in Eau Claire Wisconsin. Click on the picture below to see their pictures and videos.
Bonjour de Reims, connected to Eau Claire
At the same time as Eau Claire, 10 more Brokies met in Reims, France. They somehow connected to Eau Claire to talk live to the Brokies meeting in America. Click on the pictures to watch their pictures and videos.
The story continues next week in Chicago
Forum Maintenance
It is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time. If you could please help us in cleaning the inbox & outbox of your personal messages before we proceed.
Here is the maintenance schedule:
Pacific Time, 8:00pm
Mountain Time: 9:00pm
Central Time: 10:00pm
Eastern Time: 11:00 pm
May 16
United Kingdom: 4:00am
Western Europe: 5:00am
Central Europe: 6:00am
Taiwan: 11:00 am
Australia (Sydney): 1:00pm
If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback, please report them here.
Posted by orangetruck on April 23, quoting tpe in Double Meanings in BBM Lines
--- Quote ---
--- Quote from: tpe on Apr 23, 2008, 09:33 AM ---Or perhaps she also feared that a slight mention of the shirts would get John Twist going and make him refuse Ennis even this...
--- End quote ---
Yeah I think so.
I like to think what Ma Twist delivered in the second of paused stare, Ennis swallowed with that soft tuck of his lip. Anything outside of their shared field of vision, their shared and crying perspective of love and having lost Jack, was fair game to Mr. Twist. The whole house seemed to wheep inside his captivity. I remember his eyes, they looked spooky as if they were made of glass and were always about to break when he would blink. Best not to make him even wince. That old bastard.
That Jack held onto him so to speak, and looked up to him at all as a father is inspired, imo. There is also the faint tick of love here, not to mention Jack's definition of it upstairs; it's a study of the many kinds of love though, and ultimately that it is a force of nature.
I know this isn't exactly a double meaning, but I want to mention something cinematic that I picked up on consciously earlier. I had always been moved by it, but didn't recognize how:
After the reunion kiss and the cliff jump, under the moon Ennis has mentioned Earl. Jack rests the back of his hand on Ennis' face. In the next shot, we see the back of Ennis' head and hat and Jack's profile. And there is the view of the flowing river whiskey spring between them. The water is flowing from Jack to Ennis as Jack leans in to nudge Ennis with his hand. And it just struck me as symbolic. And maybe it's been brought up before, I don't know. But the love is a force of nature energy seems to be pouring from Brokeback and echoing simultaneously through Jack's actions towards Ennis. And of course this echoes and echoes echoes echoes ...
over time.
Until it freezes in a postcard in a closet, where it becomes Ennis' turn to radiate this love freely.
--- End quote ---
Posted by FlwrChild on April 28, quoting tpe in Sexual Roles in SNIT and Other BBM Sex Scenes
--- Quote ---
--- Quote from: tpe on Apr 28, 2008, 08:17 AM ---I find it a most wonderful irony that it is a manifestation of a passive, hidden love (i.e., the shirts in jack's closet) that finally gets to Ennis. Passivity can be powerful, especially when it is like grass bending before the strong wind.
--- End quote ---
Beautiful, tpe. The whole thing. ^f^ And this as well:
"Yes, one can be a winner even as one falls in battle. The fact that Jack's death did bring about a transformation in Ennis made all the difference."
It really does, I think. Otherwise, the story would truly be a tragedy in every way. But instead it can give us hope, and I believe it allows Jack to rest happy, knowing that Ennis finally experienced and understood that.
--- End quote ---
Meet the Authors
Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx. ;)
You could find more about this here.
Warning! ??? Many of the stories have explicit sexual content and coarse language.
This week an interview by LuvJacknasty with Fizzerbass author of Phone Calls and other stories.
--- Quote ---Are you a professional writer?
Uhm, no. There are those who might even say I'm not even an un-professional writer.
If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?
I'm in banking and have been for over seventeen years. I wanted to be a veterinarian but lacked the courage, conviction and the grades I needed to get into grad school. I do write all of my bosses memos if that counts...
What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?
I'd been wanting to write for a while but had no ideas as to what. I'd written a very small piece in another fandom which caught the eye of oceansbetween and she very nicely suggested I try my hand at "the boys". I was incredibly nervous because there have been so many wonderful stories written by authors much more talented than myself and I was seriously afraid of getting laughed out of the fandom. I saw the August Challenge posted on brokebackslash about dreams and kind of snorted to myself, "Yeah, right. The only thing Jack dreams about is staying with Ennis." It took me about twenty minutes to write the piece and about forty-five minutes to work up the courage to post it and I was pleasantly surprised by some very nice feedback. Since then, I haven't been able to shut up.
Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?
I write about Dan and Casey in the Sports Night fandom but not with any kind of regularity. Maybe once a month or so...
Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?
I've been amazingly fortunate to not have had much criticism from my readers - boy, is it funny to type my readers - everyone has been very supportive and encouraging. I've made some amazing friends through comments to my stories and I can't even begin to thank them enough for taking the time to respond to things I've written. I don't even really get criticism from my beta, smilesalot, just some much needed lessons in grammer!
If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be?
Two things actually...well, maybe three. I would have like to see more of the intimacy between Jack and Ennis on the mountain. Not sex mind you, just more normal, everyday hand-holding, hugging, or just even sitting right next to each other in front of the fire.
I also would have made Ennis open his flipping mouth and respond to Jack's "Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it." Gosh, that kills me! He could have whispered a "Me too, bud" or something! Sheesh!
Lastly, I wish there could have been some way for Ennis to take Jack's ashes back up to Brokeback. If it really was Jack's favorite place on earth, it would have been nice for him to have it for his final resting place.
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the discussion thread and the links to read the stories.
Pix with Poems
Posted by frenchcda on October 14 2007 in Pix with Poems
--- Quote ---
For the love of life
The eternal strife
When all but alive we died
Less our hearts awaken it lied
Then mind stutter its way in might
Ignorance in glance that rise trough the nights
While our aching hearts sulked
In wishing one’s door be opened
Let it not dwell in this abyss as time goes by
For no life be fully lived when in mind be set
A life in darkness lays the rest amongst
Shames and lesser quests
Duly be in lull my soul its fortunate conquest
Dare as it stand afoot and a breath
Soon and too soon be taken away
Yet tilted insight then its duress upon loss man
So eternal yonder be my rest
A love that knows better the soul I held
Tomorrow I will hold
Then in greater be a man to man
Those that once dare to dare to no end
Caressed its bosom in hands held
It to content such be it
In silence unknown to other men
Our secret…
We have felt to no regrets
--- End quote ---
New Thread
Started by cowboyinchina on April 23
--- Quote ---I'm writing to you from China, where my friend and collaborator Adam Sutton - the Australian cowboy whose friendship with Heath Ledger is the real-life link to Brokeback Mountain - is one of a group of public figures taking part in a global charity initiative known as the Great Walk to Beijing with Olivia Newton-John. Details of the event - a cancer fundraiser - are included in the material I've included in this email below. We are contacting you because as you will see in the press release copied below, Adam is taking part in the Walk in honour of the memory of his much missed mate Heath... all the money Adam raises for the event via the public sponsorship campaign is being donated to Olivia's appeal in Heath's name and memory, and Adam has also announced that author royalties from his acclaimed memoir, SAY IT OUT LOUD, will be donated to Olivia's appeal for a period of six months. They key to all of tnis, of course, is in raising the money - all the public figures taking part are effectively individual channels for sponsorship, and people can go to the Great Walk to Beijing website and donate to the appeal by credit card, in all major currencies, from anywhere in the world.
It seemed to Adam and I that this is an event which the members of your forum might wis to be aware of ... and, we very much hope, will want to take part in by contributing to the appeal as a tribute to Heath. As we indicate nbelow, Olivia had wanted Heath to join her, Adam and the rest of the group on the Great Walk and it would be a wonderful way to honour his memory - and to make him a part of the event - if we can muster a large and enthusiastic group of supporters for Adam from around the world. He is currently at number 6 on the overall list of fundraisers and what a thriull it would be if we could drive his fundraising campaign to the top of that list!
--- End quote ---
Click here to go to the thread.
Brokies Keep Getting Together
The Brokeback Roundup in Wyoming
Wyoming, June 1-7
EDelMar is organizing this gathering and will be the host. Click here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008
Oxford, England
The members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next June 20-22, 2008, click here to go to the thread.
Albany, NY
Albany, NY July 4-6
This is also a new project, GR Lewis will be the host. Click here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages
Seattle, WA - August 1-4 2008
Dirtbiker will be the host at the Tee Lake house the first weekend of August, if you're interested click here.
BBM Screening at the Samuel Golden Theater in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, California
Brokeback Mountain will be shown this summer at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, California on August 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM as part of the Academy's “Great To Be Nominated” series. This gathering is organisez by BayCityJohn , click here to go to the thread.
Brussel's gathering - October 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the main discussion & planning thread.
It might looks early but reserving hotel rooms could be an issue, 7 rooms have been secured so far and we might act fast for our reservations. The issue could be similar for the ones traveling by plane, rates are increasing so if you are sure to make it to Brussels you better book your tickets to get a decent price, specially if you will be flying from another continent. There is a new thread for attendance, click on Attendees for the Brussel's gathering - October 2008.
In Loving Memory
Posted by Titabeille on April 22 in Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
--- Quote ---Slowly I realise that he is gone,
Only some pics and movies will remain,
Reality has hurt our hearts,
Reality is merciless and it don't care,
Our sweet cowboy rest in peace,
We'll be forever bound by him,
Unforgettable Heath Ledger
--- End quote ---
Posted by megalyn08 on April 27 in Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
--- Quote ---
Don't you remember? You taught me.
I am the one who can help you
without expecting an exchange
and you can always count on me.
Don't you need a real friend?
Heath & Jake forever best friend
--- End quote ---
Posted by lancecowboy on May 1 in Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
--- Quote ---
You gave me the understanding of a life time
You created a character that reflects so much of me inside
Yet so transformed by your strength, your wisdom, your love
that I cannot but be lifted up as well,
as I watch Ennis grew out of his shell
as I watch him learn to see himself, through your eyes
Just as Ennis learned to smile and laugh with Jack
away from the cold cruel world, in the cold mountain air
I have learned to smile and laugh with you
while I wait, thinking what the cold cruel world lost
when we lost you one hundred days ago.
Not a day goes by, without a thought of you.
Not a day goes by, without thinking what we lost
Not a day goes by, without thinking the beauty you created
Not a day goes by, wihtout remembering the beauty that you reflect
in all that you do, in all that you are
Not a day goes by, without your smiling face,
bringing both smiles and tears
--- End quote ---
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about Click on the picture below to share your story.
Calendar for the next two weeks
May 5 - Events: * Eau Claire/Reims meeting day 4, * Chicago Gathering day1
May 6 - Birthdays: carlospelle (30), Events: * Chicago Gathering day 2
May 7 - Birthdays: tany24 (28), Events: * Chicago Gathering day 3
May 8 - Birthdays: kaonum (32), franshattingh (23), Events: * Chicago Gathering day 4
May 9 - Birthdays: Love (16)
May 10 - Birthdays: linzi twist (22), Danielle (20)
May 11 - Mother's Day (Australia, Canada, U.S.A.), Birthdays: Sora Ookami (17), MGB76 (45)
May 12 - Birthdays: favouritegirl (21), erica loves jack (20), Scott6373 (47)
May 14 - Birthdays: poserlikes (21)
May 15 - Birthdays: jackchristopher27 (22), tommo68 (23)
May 16 - Birthdays: incunabulist (26)
May 18 - Birthdays: Sawyer (20)
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletters
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all in the Forum Newsletter Board.
Bye Brokies!
picture from ksxks
See you in two weeks
May 5- 18 editors: Chameau , pierralex & jerasjr. Click here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the Newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.
chameau: Newsletter
May 19 - June 1 2008
Heading for a million, huh?
Dear Brokies,
Last May 9, at 23:01 Eastern Time in North America we busted 750 000 posts on It is reasonable to say we could make it for a million, huh? This is the post from BBBOY that made it, quoting... me. ???
--- Quote ---
--- Quote from: chameau on May 09, 2008, 10:01 PM ---A day at the zoo :i
BTW, for the ones who are not aware, the French for camel is... chameau :*(
--- End quote ---
See Pauline, there are animals in that zoo! :8
--- End quote ---
Thanks to all of you who are keeping the fire burning on our mountain,
Posted by lancecowboy on May 7 in What Is Love?
--- Quote ---Just a follow-up to my earlier post, about accepting love as something outside of me, not about me, but about the person who loves me. Here is a song that I just discovered, but I am sure someone else in the forum already posted it. It's Garth Brooks To Make You Feel My Love, made famous by Bob Dylan.
When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love
I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where we belong
I'd go hungry, I'd go blind for you
I'd go crawling down the aisle for you
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love
The storms are raging on the rolling sea
On the highway of regret
When the winds of change are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing like me yet
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
Make you happy, make your dreams come true
To make you feel my love
<- This reminds me of Ennis and Jack
in the dozy embrace
<- riverside sending up a prayer to heaven
<- that's Jack caressing Ennis' ear after the Earl tale
<- SNIT, reunion hug, motel,
every morning with Jack in Ennis' arms
<- that's Ennis for ya
<- that's Ennis and Jack
<- trailer
<- that's Jack
<- no more beans, shoot an elk
<- punching the alley way
<- snow storm, hail storm
<- yup, that's Jack
<- that's Ennis and Jack
all summer of '63
Yup, this is now one of my all time favorite songs.
--- End quote ---
Posted by myprivatejack on May 7 in How long will your fascination of Brokeback last?
--- Quote ---I think my fascination of BBM will last as long as I'll be able to shatter before a moving love story; to admire a great masterpiece or simply,feel the pleasure for something well done; to revolve myself before how unfair is that people who loves each other find a wall between them.And as long as I'll be able to appreciate all the changes that things like it could bring to my life,above all,friendship like the ones I've found here.Is it necessary,then,to put an end's date for a feeling?
--- End quote ---
Posted by welshwitch on May 7 in I'm not you Ennis
--- Quote ---If I were to go back to the ancient theory of the four humours and the elements that comprised them, I'd say Jack was fire and air, while Ennis was earth and water.
It fits their endings, too; Jack was cremated and went up in smoke; Ennis was left with his work on the land and his tears.
--- End quote ---
We met, We meet, We will be meeting!
Already one year :P June 1st will be the first anniversary of our Paris gathering!
More pictures and videos from our twin gatherings of May 2-5 have been posted since the last edition of the Newsletter...
SAY CHEESE! Your connection to Eau Claire
Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
The attendees to Eau Claire started to post their toughts in Decent People United - Reflections from Eau Claire .
Bonjour de Reims, connected to Eau Claire
Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
The attendees to Reims started to post their toughts in Decent People United - Thoughts from Reims.
And there is more... :*(
Chicago! Chicago!
May 5 -8 2008, the adventures of some crazy ???, nasty :-X , traveling Brokies in Chicago. :) Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
The attendees to Chicago will post their thoughts in Decent People United - Thoughts from Chicago, May 5-8 2008
Asali Does America
Our Down Under Diva Asali, aka Pauline, flew from Australia to meet some Brokies in Minneapolis and Eau Claire, she made it to Chicago and then started a tour of North America visiting fellow Brokies. So far she visited chameau in Montreal, she is now visiting Ethan in New York and will go down to Salisbury Maryland to visit BBBOY next week. The plans for the future weeks are including stops in Massilon Ohio, Detroit, Seattle, Vancouver and Los Angeles, there is more to come in the future edition of the Newsletter. For now click on the picture below to read about her madventures, there are loads of pictures and videos. :P
Collection of videos
On this thread you could find links to watch and download videos of most of the gatherings. That includes also a calendar, tributes to Brokeback Mountain and tributes to Heath Ledger. Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
These are the most recent additions to the collection, the direct links are in navy.
A Pre-Eau Claire & Reims, tribute to the members of by Asali, these are memories from some of the previous gatherings from the past two years.
Two videos: Eau Claire, Wisconsin May 2-9 2008 and it's twin meeting in Reims, France.
A video from the Chicago gathering of May 5-8 2008.
Brokies Keep Getting Together
Last call! The Brokeback Roundup in Wyoming
Wyoming, June 1-7
EDelMar is organizing this gathering and will be the host. Click here for the details.
Oxford, England - June 2008
Oxford, England, June 20-22 2008
The members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next June 20-22, 2008, click here to go to the thread.
Albany, NY, July 4-62008
Albany, NY July 4-6
This is also a new project, GR Lewis will be the host. Click here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages, August 1-4 2008
Seattle, WA - August 1-4 2008
Dirtbiker will be the host at the Tee Lake house the first weekend of August, if you're interested click here.
BBM Screening at the Samuel Golden Theater in Beverly Hills, August 4 2008
Beverly Hills, California
Brokeback Mountain will be shown this summer at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, California on August 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM as part of the Academy's “Great To Be Nominated” series. This gathering is organisez by BayCityJohn , click here to go to the thread.
Brussel's gathering - October 1-7 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the main discussion & planning thread.
It might looks early but reserving hotel rooms could be an issue, 7 rooms have been secured so far and we might act fast for our reservations. The issue could be similar for the ones traveling by plane, rates are increasing so if you are sure to make it to Brussels you better book your tickets to get a decent price, specially if you will be flying from another continent. There is a new thread for attendance, click on Attendees for the Brussel's gathering - October 2008.
In Loving Memory
Posted by jessi on May 10 in Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
--- Quote ---
Where can I build a memorial,
place stones and flowers for you,
far away from shore,
miles out to sea,
for you never just tread at the edge?
Where can I place tear soaked stones,
in middle of a desert where sun shines brightest,
and endless miles to roam, where great beauty
is hard to find,
the rarest of all hoarded?
Where can I bow in pain, choke on sobs,
build my memorial for you,
a mountain, in fields of wildflowers where not one
shows a glance of your greatness, or
a forest,
is there a tree magnificent enough, so tall and sturdy,
to put stones beneath, or
prairies...great plains washed pure enough for your compassion,
my love?
Sweet angel,
my eyes and senses have been blessed
with heavenly sights,
this earth,
more magnificence than my soul should know,
I've seen,
but none,
not one,
worthy enough to place a stone
in memory.
Sweet angel,
all I have,
lifelong love
and thoughts,
heart full of your wonder, memories,
my words,
singing of you,
my memorial, sweet baby,
how, oh Lord how,
can I build a memorial for you?
--- End quote ---
This is a new Tribute Video by Asali & chameau originally posted here on May 11. You could also download it by clicking on the picture below.
Posted by FlwrChild on May 13 in Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
--- Quote ---Hello friends. :^^)
RL has been very demanding and I haven't been able to visit this thread much over the last few days. Now that I have caught up, I just have to say that I'm overwhelmed and so heartened by all of the wonderful things you have expressed. The love and appreciation for Heath and for each other can be felt pouring out of the computer screen. It is, once again, an amazing tribute to the people who brought us BBM and the family we have created here in honor of that. :ghug:
Thank you for all of the videos, collages, poems and personal thoughts you have posted. Knowing that we share these feelings really is such a comfort. Tony, this was beautifully stated:
Dear jessi - so beautiful and most of all, so heartfelt. It's human nature to want that memorial place we can go, to remember. But the only one I know of that will last, is us. I'd love to see that place we could go, but strangely enough, or maybe not so strangely, we are, ourselves, the memorial to Heath. Each in our own way. The outside world would never understand. Again, keep writing, jessi - for us and our sweet angel.
And it echoes the same idea that Michelle shared, when she said that "we are all laying memorial with each word here."
Can you imagine a better tribute than to have so many people from all around the world celebrate your spirit and your memory, and carry that celebration forth in their own lives? He is a lucky man, to have left such a legacy, and we are lucky people, to have been the recipients of it. :ghug:
--- End quote ---
Meet the Authors
Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx. ;)
You could find more about this here.
Warning! ??? Many of the stories have explicit sexual content and coarse language.
This week an interview with NoReins author of Mo Eilean and other stories.
--- Quote ---Are you a professional writer?
God, no. Unless computer code counts as writing ;)
If yes, have you published anything and if so what?
Only my university thesis. And that certainly doesn't count.
If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?
I'm a software developer for a marketing company.
What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?
Back in February, a couple of authors on LiveJournal came up with the idea of the LoveFest, to allow existing writers to write something different as a one-off, and to encourage new writers to have a go. I decided I'd been enjoying everyone else's work for so long that it was about time I had a go. It was only meant to be a one-shot thing, but you know how those can last...
Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?
No. I don't even read anything in any other fandom. No other characters inspire me the way Ennis and Jack do.
Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?
Well, everyone who has commented has been hugely supportive and encouraging, so no. I love getting feedback, both here and on LiveJournal - it keeps me going.
If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... I think we all would change that if we could!)
Damnit, why can't I keep Jack alive? I want to... ^*) ^*) about Ennis not turning him away when Jack had driven all that way after the divorce? If he'd just invited him to stick around until he'd taken the girls home then maybe they could have talked and maybe...jut maybe...things might have been different.
--- End quote ---
You could find the thread to NoReins stories here .
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about Click on the picture below to share your story.
Gay Pride Around the World
There is a list of the different events for 2008 around the World, some dates are missing... and for sure some events too. Click on the picture below to posts any update. The dates will be published in coming editions of the Newsletter's calendar.
Calendar for the next two weeks
May 17 - June 5 - Paris, France (Paris Pride)
May 19 - Birthdays: ksxks (61), Nadine (48)
May 20 - Birthdays: louise x (16)
May 21 - Birthdays: Amanda_Marie87 (21)
May 24 - Birthdays: jeremyx51 (26)
May 26 - Memorial Day, Birthdays: Sira1 (29)
May 27 - Events: * Orlando Bloom Day
May 28 - Birthdays: DuaneSimolke (43)
May 30 - Birthdays: sweetlilg (21), gayhunky (56), ohio.myown , Birmingham, AL (Central Alabama Pride 2008 May 30 - June 8 ), Kansas City, MO (Kansas City Gay Pride, May 30 - June 1), Zurich, Switzerland (Verein Gay Pride, May 30 - June 8 )
May 31 - Birthdays: ChefStevo (40), CB-rider (23) , Moscow, Russia (Moscow Pride Festival),
Tulsa, OK (Tulsa Pride, May 31 - June 14)
June 1 - Birthdays: Ksylas (27), Kenny (24), chaotic (18), bigheart (44)
Asbury Park, NJ (New Jersey Pride), Detroit, MI (Motor City Pride), Nashville, TN (Nashville Pride Fest)
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Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please post them there: Newsletter
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Archives of the previous Newsletters
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Bye Brokies!
See you in two weeks
May 19 - June 1 editor: Chameau Click here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the Newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.
chameau: Newsletter
June 2 - 15 2008
Looking Back and Moving Forward
Two and half years already. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that a forum based on a movie has lasted this long. I used to wonder why and how but now their answers have become less relevant. What is more important is that our paths have crossed in cyberspace and in physical place for those lucky enough. Even though time flew by fast, we have come a long way. The time was filled with all the emotions, joy and sadness, anger and forgiveness. It has been an emotional roller coaster ride - none of which can be effectively described by words. Some shared the past but are no longer with us. Some are regular but silent and some just can't stop LaShawning. No matter who you are, thanks for being there.
Having looked back, it is more appropriate to move forward. The question then becomes - where do we go from here? Some of our hearts are still left up in the mountain and others have taken the past and stored it deep inside of their hearts. Some still remain private while others have bonded with a lifelong friendship. None of which is more significant than the other. Your simple presence is what keeps this forum moving forward. We are here with one common thread - being impacted by the power of Brokeback Mountain at one point in time. Its power continues and our future is to continue to follow its power. Our BBM journey continues.
Although Ennis is confined to a trailer in the end, the lock of his heart was open and he was set free. I'd like to think so for what we got going on here. Even though we are confined to the physical environment surrounding us, this forum has helped open our world views and learn from different perspectives. To me, it is a gift and a true BBM spirit. This forum is our Brokeback Mountain. Because of BBM and most importantly, you, our hearts are open and set free. It is a place where no one is judged for who he or she is. I hope you know that if you don't never know the rest.
I invite you to read the chronology of this forum - past, present and future. The forum can not survive without your help. If you have any feedback or suggestion, please contact any moderator or post in this thread.
Love You Brokies,
Forum Maintenance
It is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time. If you could please help us in cleaning the inbox & outbox of your personal messages before we proceed.
Here is the maintenance schedule:
June 19
Pacific Time, 8:00pm
Mountain Time: 9:00pm
Central Time: 10:00pm
Eastern Time: 11:00 pm
June 20
United Kingdom: 4:00am
Western Europe: 5:00am
Central Europe: 6:00am
Taiwan: 11:00 am
Australia (Sydney): 1:00pm
If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback, please report them here.
New Thread
Started by Tony on May 25
Friendship, sex, and love....what was the role of each?
--- Quote --- Sometimes, it seems that many Brokies have reconstructed a whole new version to Ennis and Jack outside Aguirre's trailer:
Jack: Hmmm..... this guy fits the bill for what I've been hankering for, and I'm a-gonna git him, whether he knows it or not.....
Ennis: As a repressed homosexual, I've noticed Jack ain't that bad looking, but, things being what they are, me being shy and all, it'll take some doing
before I get around to boinging him.
In short, some number of Brokies see sexual love at first sight and suppose they should have gone behind the trailer, stripped down, and ravished each other. You know who you are. You're just not going to admit it.
But in another thread, of Aintfoolin's, we've gone into Ennis being a loner, and have some agreement there. Annie Proulx has Ennis riding off, very early, believing he'd finally found....a friend. No sex mentioned. There is some strong evidence that Ennis went from a deeply-needed friendship, to sex, and then to romantic love. Jack, maybe, was sub-consciously toying with all three, very early (Annie does have him as inexperienced).
So the areas we might explore are, the progression of one to the next, in each, and what was the FINAL mixture? For instance, had Ennis internalized the final mixture of friendship love and romantic love, and left the sex a shabby but significant third, allowing him to survive on sex twice a year? Was that a part of the problem? In fact, did the love, for Ennis, greatly outrank the sex (desirable as that was)?
And what about the "signals" given, before FNIT? Come on ---were they ALL sexual? Tentatively probing? Or was it just natural for Ennis to wash up off a bit, in distance, from a buddy?
Usually, when my threads are bug-splat on the windshield, it's because the introduction was too messy, so, will try again: Friendship was an unusually strong force for these two as --they had few friends. Sex was something that Jack was able to broaden out past Ennis, as an independently existing need (sex with another male). Romantic love, in the film, seemed to be fully born in SNIT, for both, but hidden somewhat, from fear.
These are 3 different categories: friendship, love, and sex. How did they interweave, and, if imbalanced, was that part of the troubles?
--- End quote ---
Ckick here to go to the thread.
Pix with Poems
Posted by jessi on September 28 2007 in Pix with Poems
--- Quote ---This Is Your Minute
This is your minute,
hold on to it,
memorize it,
taste his salt,
smell his sweet sweat,
slide across the soft hair,
measuring nipples,
tickling under your thumb,
learn the feel of his chest,
soft, hot, firm, muscle molding
into your palm, bone beneath chin,
this man nearly in your skin.
Shout to mountain,
brag of powerful
tender fingers tugging your hair
your arm, and
faint stubble pressing, hunger
breath held,
his lips touching,
proclaiming endless love.
This minute is yours.
--- End quote ---
Posted by Carmilla on May 24 in Why I Love This Place
--- Quote ---I have been watching videos from several Brokie gatherings this afternoon, and I’m a puddle of tears. I can’t believe I have been part of so many meetings and met so many of you in person! I don’t know what I have done to deserve this connection! I hope I could speak English better to express my emotions, but sorry I can’t. I’m too lazy to practice and I don’t have enough time. But I have decided not to bother about this thing. The most important thing is to be with you, my Brokie family, and be with you in person or in the forum. (Well, sometimes I have been hoping I could speak my native language to express myself, but we all speak Brokie. I have wished I could express myself as fluently than in my own language, but never mind. I’m the silent one, but I’m IN 100%) Ennisjack is very important part of my life. I love you, my Brokie family! I have never before had a family like this one.
--- End quote ---
Posted by lancecowboy on May 25 in Your Thought - Review - Reaction after Viewing BBM - May it Be the Nth Times
--- Quote ---I agree totally. I was already affected by the movie after watching only the trailers. The first time I watched it it was devastating. I went online and obsessed over everything about Brokeback Mountain until I found this forum. By the time I made my first post, I think I watched it two or three times. Everyone reacts to the movie in his or her own way. There is no right/wrong, better/worse measure of the impact of the movie. Every time I watch the movie, I see something new or different, depending on my own journey through life at that moment.
I think, having said that, some people are not affected by the movie, no matter how many times they watch it, because they are not romantic idealists who see the depth of the movie, who watch the movie seeing only the surface, two gay cowboys living tragic lives caused by their own deceptions and self-indulgences...
It's a pity that people sometimes cannot see the beauty of sunsets, a simple flower, a singing bird, a timeless love story. There is so much wonder in the world. We are the lucky ones.
--- End quote ---
Posted by Kemmer on May 26 in PBS (post brokeback syndrome)
--- Quote ---Just a little note I felt I had to drop.
For the first time in awhile I listened to the BBM soundtrack this morning, and after 2 years and 4 months, I still get all choked up with the visions it brings up. I still look up at the clouds and think, "Ennis and Jack"; when up in the Sierra, I still look at forest clearings and think, "Ennis and Jack". Every full moon, I look up and recite, "Thought he'd never had such a good time; felt he could paw the white out of the moon".
Just thought you'd like to know. :\'(
--- End quote ---
Last Year in Paris...
This is the first anniversary of the Paris gathering... already one year. Many other gatherings happened before Paris and since then, you could find more about this in Member Connection.
Brokies Keep Getting Together
Oxford, June 20-22 2008
Oxford, England
The members on Dave Cullen forum are organizing a gathering in Oxford next June 20-22, 2008, click here to go to the thread.
Albany, July 4-6 2008
Albany, NY
This is also a new project, GR Lewis will be the host. Click here to go to the thread.
Seattle Summer 2008 Planning Stages, August 1-4 2008
Seattle, WA
Dirtbiker will be the host at the Tee Lake house the first weekend of August, if you're interested click here.
BBM Screening at the Samuel Golden Theater in Beverly Hills, August 4 2008
Beverly Hills, CA
Brokeback Mountain will be shown this summer at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, California on August 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM as part of the Academy's “Great To Be Nominated” series. This gathering is organisez by BayCityJohn , click here to go to the thread.
Brussel's gathering - October 1-7 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the main discussion & planning thread.
It might looks early but reserving hotel rooms could be an issue, 7 rooms have been secured so far and we might act fast for our reservations. The issue could be similar for the ones traveling by plane, rates are increasing so if you are sure to make it to Brussels you better book your tickets to get a decent price, specially if you will be flying from another continent. There is a new thread for attendance, click on Attendees for the Brussel's gathering - October 2008.
In Loving Memory
Posted by keren_b on May 22 in Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
--- Quote ---Love of my life, you hurt me
You've broken my heart and now you leave me.
Love of my life can't you see,
Bring it back, bring it back,
Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know, what it means to me.
Love of my life don't leave me,
You've stolen my love, you now desert me,
Love of my life can't you see,
Bring it back, bring it back,
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know, what it means to me.
...Back - hurry back,
Don't take it away from me,
because you don't know what it means to me
May the sun always shine on you baby
--- End quote ---
Posted by Tony on May 28 in Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
--- Quote --- All through this memorial thread, there've been occasional wonderings and, yes, insecurities, about saying you have loved someone you never met. A person can feel like : "What's wrong with me? I'm grieving all these months later over someone who never knew I even existed and who I never even sat down and talked with, even one time."
Well, there had to have been those, amongst the many thousands he knew personally, who didn't have an overwhelming love for him. He just wasn't their type. No harm there. And as for those who were very close to him and DID love him, it's possible they missed at least a little bit, so close to the trees they did not see the forest. So there would be room for those who never met him, but saw an overview, from a distance, and were therefore maybe able to see Heath in ways that day-to day living could distract from. That can't be ruled out.
So then the question is, did you love him and do you still grieve him? And if the answer is yes, that love is as legitimate and real, in its own way, as that of those who knew him up-close. No doubt if you HAD met, there would have been adjustments to make, and more practical judgments, but the love would still be there, even with the adapting to the day-to-day person.
All am saying is, if you loved him and never met him, and that holds up through the years, it is a legitimate love, formed from a distance, untested by the realities of personal contact, yes, but still real. That can happen. I also think, if there's anything after this life, that love would be accepted and returned. The fact that you DID love, and that it held up, is the only relevant fact, not whether you met. I hope this might be considered as possible by those who still are suffering, and, please, never rule anything out. Real love...would always be returned, once known.
Finally, Heath's tracking of Nick Drake, showed empathy and maybe love, not obsession. He never met Nick Drake, but did identify a soul he thought worthy of investing in, emotionally. He wasn't embarrassed to pursue and embrace a person never personally known. He felt a connection. And so, for those who feel that same connection with Heath, he left you the answer, for he had been there, himself.
--- End quote ---
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?
We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about Click on the picture below to share your story.
Gay Pride Around the World
There is a list of the different events for 2008 around the World, some dates are missing... and for sure some events too. Click on the picture below to posts any update. The dates will be published in coming editions of the Newsletter's calendar.
Calendar for the next two weeks
June 3 - Birthdays: Froggy (29), mario (64)
June 4 - Birthdays: Carolina (53)
June 5 - Birthdays: Allan (66) , El Paso, TX (El Paso Sun City Pride June 5 – 8 )
June 6 - Birthdays: Antti (20) , Boise, ID (Boise Idaho Pride, June 6 – 8 ), Boston, MA (Boston Pride 2008, June 6 – 15), Los Angeles, CA (LA Pride, June 6 – 8 ), Milwaukee, WI (Milwaukee PrideFest, June 6 – 8 ), Salt Lake City, UT (Utah Pride, June 6 – 8 ), Washington D.C (Capital Pride 2007, June 6 – 15)
June 7 - Birthdays: brokie007 (30), ~Numbuh 6~ (15) , Hartford, CT (2008 Connecticut LGBTI Pride Festival) , Syracuse, NY (CNY Pride), Warsaw, Poland, Pride "Live, Love, Be"
June 8 - Birthdays: jimnick (48), Anaconda (35) , Memphis, TN (Mid-South Pride, June 8 – 15), Philadelphia, PA (Philly Pride)
June 9 - Birthdays: Michael53211 (72), rotmuggl (31)
June 11 - Birthdays: Twisted Darko (20), lil_dwarf_611 (17)
June 12 - Birthdays: Angelove (27), Valandil Eluch (25)
June 13 - Albuquerque, NM (Albuquerque Pride 2008, June 13 – 14), Dublin, Ireland (Dublin Pride 2008, June 13 – 22), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (2008 Pride Week, June 13 – 22)
June 14 - Austin, TX (Austin Pride Festival), Indianapolis, IN (IndyPride! June 13 – 15), Portland, OR (Portland Pride, June 14 – 15)
June 15 - Father's Day (Australia, Canada, U.S.A.), Birthdays: Hajo (54
Got News or Ideas?
Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please post them there: Newsletter
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.
Archives of the previous Newsletters
Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all in the Forum Newsletter Board.
Bye Brokies!
See you in two weeks
June 2- 15 editors: Asali, Chameau , Ethan & FlwrChild . Click here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the Newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.
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