Author Topic: ORGANISING A BBM FOUNDATION - If you can't stand it you gotta fix it  (Read 6249 times)

Offline mouk

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In order to perpetuate the spirit of BBM we would like to set up a Not for Profit Organisation, perhaps a Foundation, aimed at protecting and developing the heritage of BBM and at prolonging its effect indefinitely so that the story/film and their message are never forgotten and keep making the world a better place for a long time to come. Actions, projects, publications etc could be organised by the Foundation itself and/or facilitated in the form of grants and support (eg volunteering) to adequate individuals and organisations.

Not being location specific, the Foundation would be accessible to  Brokies and like-minded people worldwide, with possibilities of participation and a feeling of "belonging" for all, just like our beloved DC, BM, EnnisJack and Strike-me-Gyllen Forums.

This initiative is institutionally separate from the Forums for legal reasons, but it is in the same spirit and in close fraternity with them. We hope that the Forums and the Foundation can draw strength from each other and support each other, even if only informally. 

At this very early stage, we are seeking to build up a think tank and hoping to be able to gather about 20-25 dedicated people in order to set up a vision and the basis for a viable strategy. This ain’t no little thing and it will require quite a bit of hard work, so we would like to hear from people who have time, energy, plenty of ideas and ideally, but not necessarily, NPO experience. Once we have eased the way by getting over the first technical hurdles, we will post the results of our work so that everybody can participate as little or as much as they wish.

You can state your interest by 4th May as follows:
Dave Cullen: pm BayCityJohn or Mouk
Bettermost: pm Tamarack or Mouk
EnnisJack: respond on the thread or pm Mouk
Strike me Gyllen: contact Incognita at 

We look forward to hearing from you !

PS - Although we are posting this only on these forums at this stage, all Brokies and their friends are very welcome.
« Last Edit: Apr 19, 2008, 06:11 AM by mouk »

Offline lancecowboy

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Hi, I think this is a great idea. And I'd be happy and honored to participate in whatever ways I can contribute.

I have a few questions that may or may not have simple and easy answers.

What does it mean, specifically, when "aimed at protecting and developing the heritage of BBM and at prolonging its effect indefinitely so that the story/film and their message are never forgotten and keep making the world a better place for a long time to come. Actions, projects, publications etc could be organised by the Foundation itself and/or facilitated in the form of grants and support (eg volunteering) to adequate individuals and organisations."?

It will help me a lot to understand this if there are a few examples of the projects, publications, and actions.

The phrase "making the world a better place for a long time to come" covers a lot of time and space. Perhaps we can focus on Brokeback Mountain specific issues, such as helping individuals who suffered from oppression  socially or legally. Since there are other organizations doing similar work, perhaps we can focus on very Ennis-Jack related cases, such as couples who are alienated or prevented from being together.

How about fund-raising camps to help establish scholarships or internships for students pursuing LGBT literary careers?

These are just a few questions that are initial reactions. I am sure more will surface once we get into this.

I love the idea.  :clap: &**)
Heath, you are loved, like this, always.

Offline mouk

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Howdy Lancecowboy, and welcome to our adventure, I see you already have plenty of ideas.

Indeed the questions you ask have no simple answer, and we are just starting the task of brainstorming on what the spirit of BBM is exactly, and how, realistically, we can hope to make a difference.  Right now we are gathering all the ideas and creativity of the members as there must be so many things that were never even thought of (and some of the ideas you mention are novel, that's just great), then we will evaluate and narrow down to what we all feel is most needed and achievable.

I'll pm you so you can join, introduce yourself and copy this great post of yours in the Think Tank. :cr)

Offline jerasjr

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While I think this is an idea worth exploring, do have concerns based on previous experiences with members of the other forums - perhaps you can convince me otherwise that this is something I would want to invest time and ideas in. 
"A mountain with a wolf on it stands a little taller."

Offline mouk

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Howdy jerasrjr. Thank you for your response and interest in the Foundation. We are very keen to point out that there is no ‘us and them’ within the BBM Foundation : Brokeback Mountain did a great job showing the devastating effects of not accepting ‘the other’. The need for more mutual tolerance between human beings is very much part of the BBM heritage we want to develop, in a spirit of close fraternity with all involved.  That said, it is probably safe to say that "experiences" do happen with members of forums, just as they do with people who are not on the forums.  It is just part of life, real and virtual.

It is not our intention to convince anyone to be here and we can't guarantee what your experience here will be like. We invite you to be here, for as long or as short a time as you would like to be, but investing your time and sharing your ideas has to be your decision. Hopefully you will base it on what you actually find here rather than on what you are afraid you might find here.

We have a lot of work to do to get this foundation off the ground and that is what we will be gathering here to do--work. If this sounds interesting to you then we would genuinely like to have to join us.

Offline mouk

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As there were a number of questions in PMs by those of you who wanted to know more precisely what we proposed to do with the BBM Foundation - I You Can't Stand It You Gotta Fix it, we thought we would give you an update of our discussions so far and the ideas that have been put forward. We are thinking of launching a website. For the time being, more information can be found on

Why does the foundation need to exist?

There are already many organizations and charities working in the field of human rights and anti-gay discrimination. Our identity should be clearly defined and unique. We would see ourselves as filling a gap rather than covering the same ground as others. When there is overlap, we may want to consider supporting others by joining forces, rather than mounting our own intiatives, especially at the beginning.

What is this foundation going to be about?
We are at an exploratory stage and nothing has been ‘decided’ so far apart perhaps from the fact that we would like to concentrate on BBM-related themes to include rural gay issues and that the Foundation would, over time, work on an international basis. It was also said that although gay issues would be very important, other relevant issues could be tackled as well. I this regard, there is an ongoing discussion on what the Spirit of BBM is, and much was said about the embracing/accepting qualities embodied in Ma Twist.

Main ideas explored so far:
Education/information to include: scholarships, grants for book-writing and for scholars, conferences & seminars, publication of study packs, promoting the story itself (book/film and its creators) and taking its message forward, continuation of book/dvd library donation
Direct help for victims of rural homophobia. This could include, among others, youngsters and their families. Mention has been made of the needs of elderly gays and the feasibility or not to help them without outing them. Also, putting together a 'one-stop-shopping' website geared towards gay run-a-ways (putting together resouces in the kids state/country that they might be able to use to help their lives...thing like rehab that takes teens, counseling or half-way houses)
Being political or not? The majority seems against it as it could be divisive and make it difficult to obtain the 501 organisation status
Doing advocacy or not? This could include the pursuit of a campaign to get Nobel prize for Annie (already started some time ago by a small group of Brokies)
How narrow or wide a scope to cover?

As we need to educate ourselves before we can help or educate others, an Information thread: All them things that we don't know has been established. This is really helping us as none of us is a specialist, far from it   

Where would the foundation work?
We decided on an international scope.
Rural and small town communities could be the main setting. However, we bear in mind that BBM deals with a geographical setting that is highly relevant in the USA for being particularly neglected but whose relevance may vary according to the country or culture.
Constituencies/target groups:
Depending on the scope adopted by the foundation, constituencies could be limited to victims of rural homophobia or to people we want to inform and educate (maybe particular groups like straight males, teenagers etc.), or both. We could also draw allies to our cause e.g. mothers (Ma Twist was suggested as our honorary patron/symbol).
Who will do the work?
This will depend largely on the type of action(s) chosen. A preliminary discussion has just be launched
How will the foundation reach its goals? Be run?
One of the hardest parts will obviously be finding funding. We have a Fund-raising thread: “Money is a good point, Jack said. And Ennis had to agree”. But this thread is not very active yet

There is also the question of the type of organisation that will be set up: a foundation indeed, or another type of entity?

When will the foundation do what?

Again, discussions on strategies and timelines will start once we have a more precise idea of the role of the Foundation

Offline lancecowboy

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Thanks for the update, mouk.

As you know, I am all for starting a foundation in honor of Ennis and Jack, and Brokeback Mountain.

I am all for the spirit of Jack's Ma as the guiding principle for this foundation.

I see a couple areas that can be unique contributions by the foundation to the gay community, and society in general. These areas are related to gay couples, which is what Ennis and Jack wanted to be but could not:

1. fight for spousal rights, at least for common law couples, who have lived together longer than most straight couples. It is shameful in democratic societies (theocracies not withstanding, they are outside of our discussion) that spouses cannot be spouses with all the rights and privileges, like visiting in hospital, etc.

2. fight to protect against spousal abuse. It's not talked about very much but it is just as prevalent among gay couples as it is among straight couples. Perhaps it is even more so, simply because there is less awareness, and power games and roles are so prevalent in gay relationships. Providing safe houses for absued spouses would be like having Jack's Ma protecting Jack against that bully of a man, and giving Ennis a tap on the shoulder.

If the foundation can fulfill these two missions, I believe it would change the world's perspective on gay relationships.

As I mentioned in PM, it is a bigger job that I can get involved in at the moment. But who's to say what would happen? Please stay in touch and thank you again for the update.
Heath, you are loved, like this, always.

Offline mouk

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 Hey Lanceboy

Sorry for belated response. I did post your suggestions which met positive response:

Agree wholeheartedly on these two issues Lancecowboy has brought up and which could be called part of a whole program of demands/progress - "BEING ABLE TO ACHIEVE what JACK AND ENNIS were prevented from" - this could even be a motto for the whole venture here...

A thread was created to explore this idea further. Thanks a lot for your contribution.

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Offline Incognita

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The first Newsletter in PDF format from The BBM Foundation-If You Can't Stand It, You Gotta Fix It" is ready.

You can  read it here:

Looking forward to your feedback and to having many more people join us!!!

« Last Edit: Jun 19, 2008, 07:46 AM by Incognita »
Jake Catalyses, Incognita Analyses