hi every1 it's been quite a long time since i wrote in this forum, yet i haven't forgotten about you every1, i have been so busy with university that i haven't been able to be in all the forums im in, i could say that this forum is already good, it could get better but i can't think of something to make it better so all i can say is "surprise me", i may not be here so often due to my studies but i want you all to remember something...
No matter the distance we are from each other, we are only one heart beat away from all people we love, we keep each other in our hearts so much that we become part of it, and one beat of it calls for the sweet memories of our friendship, and there we stay forever.
hope every1 likes my words that as i said long ago, it's what comes from my heart to tell.
i wish every1 well being and happiness, i wont be here so often but as i said you are all one heart beat away from me
