ennisjack.com Newsletter
Special Fourth Anniversary Edition 
Collage by chameauFour years, damn! Four years!

This line sounds familiar? We should say four years already sounds surprising too, huh? This is this time of the year the staff of ennisjack.com would like to thank you for your support of the forum and being the best people ever.
It's because of you brokies we are like this!

Happy Fourth Anniversary!

Happy Holidays!

4 Years of Ennisjack - an Alphabet Chain
Started by FlwrChild on November 29.
Hello friends! As we approach our 4th anniversary of the wonderful community that is Ennisjack, we thought it might be fun to share some of our feelings about what the forum means to each of us in an alphabet chain.
The idea is this:
Each person posts something about what the forum has meant to them. The first person posts something that starts with ’A’, the second person posts something that starts with ’B’, etc. Your entry can be just one word or a phrase or sentence that starts with the appropriate letter. For instance, B for Brokies, S for the support we give each other, or C for Characters, Quotes and Scenes. Anything that means something to you.
And just like with the Recital thread, if we get to the end of the alphabet, we just start over again at the top!
I’ll get us started.
A for all of you that have made this place a home for me. I love you! Happy anniversary.
So the chain has started three weeks ago and is growing longer every day.

here to go to the thread.
A Collective Greeting from the Mod Squad Wishing all the brokies the very best in the New Year, love and happiness to all.
AsaliEncore une autre année de passée, cela en fait maintenant quatre...
Quatre merveilleuses années passées en compagnie des meilleures personnes au monde. 
Je vous aime! 
On se revoit l'an prochain?
Joyeux anniversaire ennisjack!
Bisous, chameau

Another year just passed, that makes now four of them...
Four wonderful years being with the best people in the World. 
I love You! 
See you next year?
Happy Birthday ennisjack!
Kisses, chameau
chameauFour years and counting! The fact that this movie has affected so many lives is a true testament to it's power as "art imitating life"! Hope the flame keeps burning forever, and Happy 2010!

dirtbiker | Every year in the holiday season Nice things happen Never would I have thought In four years the forum is still here Sheltering Brokies all over the world
Just be yourself feeling right at home All around the campfire Celebrating four years of EnnisJack Kisses and hugs
每一年到了過節 好事都會發生 從來沒有想過 四年之後這個討論版還在 呵護著來自世界各地的斷背網友 隨心所欲就把這裡當做自己的家 圍著斷背山上的營火 慶祝四年的 EnnisJack 獻上熱情的親吻和擁抱
Ethan4 Years - damn! I never imagined when I bought that movie ticket so long ago the incredible journey it would take me on or the beautiful place it would lead me to. I think I understand now how Dorothy felt when she saw the Emerald City. Love and kisses to all and a very Happy Holidays.

FlwrChildQuatre ans déja...ce forum ne cesse de grandir avec amour et de rassembler des personnes formidables.
Les mots n'arriveront jamais à décrire à quel point je suis reconnaissante à Ethan d'avoir créé ce petit coin de paradis.
Que cet anniversaire reflète tous les moments extraordinaires que nous avons partagés, et tous les merveilleux moments à venir!
Avec tout mon amour, Froggy 
Four years already...this forum keeps on growing with love and gathering amazing people.
Words will never be able to describe how grateful I am that Ethan created this little paradise.
May this anniversary reflect all the extraordinary moments we have shared, and all the wonderful moments to come!
Lots of Love, Froggy 
Froggyיום שנה רביעי שמח לכולם! אני אסירת תודה שמצאתי את המקום הזה וזכיתי לבלות את כל הזמן הזה אתכם. זה מקום נפלא ומיוחד הודות לכולכם, לאהבה, לקבלה ולאכפתיות שלכם זה כלפי זה. תודה לכולכם על כך שאתם פה
באהבה, קרן
Happy 4th anniversary everybody! I am just greatful I found this place and got to spend all this time with you. This is a wonderful and unique place thanks to all of you, your love, acceptance and care for each other. Thank you everybody for being here.
Love, Keren.
keren_b"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." ~ Anais Nin
Happy four years, happy holidays and lots of love and peace in the new year.
LuvJackNastyEccoci al nostro appuntamento....e la cosa straordinaria è che ci siamo ancora e sempre più numerosi a distanza di quattro anni. Sono contento di far parte di questa comunità virtuale in cui tutti, tutte le persone di buona volontà, possono riconoscersi. E' una bandiera dei valori di tolleranza, apertura e reciproco rispetto....è per questo che auguro a Ennisjack.com di vivere a lungo, molto a lungo per vedere tanti altri anniversari.
Tanti auguri a tutti, Enzo (Mars)
Here we are again at this appointment...and the extraordinary thing is we are still here and more and more numerous after four years.I'm really glad to be a part of this virtual community where all, everyone of good will, can recognize oneself. This is a flag of tolerance,acceptance and reciprocal respect values...it's for this that I wish Ennisjack.com a long life, a very long life,in order to see many other appointments in the future.
Best wishes to you all
Enzo (Mars)
MarsQuatre ans déjà, quatre ans seulement. Le temps s'arrête quand j'arrive sur ce forum, où des amis sont toujours là, où il n'y a plus besoin de se cacher. Et où il y a toujours un nouveau meeting à préparer
Quatre ans de joies, de rires, de voyages et de larmes partagées... le bonheur.
Bon anniversaire à ennisjack.com et à tous ses membres 
Four years already, four years only. Time stops when I log on to the forum, where I can find friends anytime, where there is no need to hide. And where there is always a new meeting to prepare 
Four years of shared joys, laughs, travels and tears... hapiness.
Happy anniversary to ennisjack.com and to all its members 
Rønnaugan alle brokies auf der ganzen welt... 
was wir hier gefunden haben ist mehr als nur eine gruppe verrückter die seit 4 jahren über einen film reden...
ennisjack ist für viele von uns eine zweite heimat geworden, wir haben menschen aus vielen ländern kennengelernt und uns auch persönlich getroffen...
ich wünsche allen dass wir das was wir gewonnen haben, mitnehmen in ein weiteres schönes jahr zusammen!
eure fausta
to all brokies in the world... 
what we have found here is more than just a group of crazy people talking about a film for 4 years..
ennisjack has become a second home to many of us, we have known many people from many different countries and shared our feelings, and even got to know them personally ...
i wish you all that everything we received here can be carried on into another beautiful year together!
yours fausta
tizi17 Maligayang pang-apat na kaarawan sa aking mga kaibigan sa ennisjack.com!
Mabigat ang aking puso dahilan sa ako'y mawawala ng sandalian sa mga susunod na buwan.
Pero nasa isip ko ang salita ni Isias:
Hindi kita malilimutan... Nakaukit magpakailanman sa 'king palad ang 'yong pangalan.
Happy 4th Anniversary to my friends at ennisjack.com!
My heart is heavy because I will be gone for a time these next few months.
But I call to mind the words of Isaiah:
I will not forget you... I have engraved your name forever in the palm of my hand.
Collection of ennisjack.com videos & goodiesOver the past years, members around the world have gathered and shared their bonding experiences from a number of gatherings.
In this thread, you will find a collection of
ennisjack.com videos dedicated to BBM and the members. These videos are the true testament of our forum motto -
Born from their love...forever bound by ours, enjoy.

You can either view the videos online or download them.
Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Collage by Ethan
Brokies get Together Over the years there were many occasions for brokies to meet for real.

Click on the picture below to access the main board
Member Connection to see pictures, videos and comments of their adventures.
Collage from pierralexAnd there are more to come, look below for the future events.
Wyoming 2010 - July 8 - 18, 2010
Plans are to meet in Denver CO and from there drive to Wyoming, click
here for the details.
Meeting in Montreal/Quebec, August 13-16 2010
The point of rendez vous is Montreal but the venue will be in some cottage by a lake in the middle of nowhere. Click
here for pictures of the venue and all the details.
Meeting on the Eastern Shore of Maryland October 2010
This meeting would be October 15-18 2010 hosted by BBBOY. Click
here to discuss about it and maybe find travel arrangements with other brokies.
Discussion of 2011 Trip to Alberta
We are discussing of a "pilgrimage" to Alberta in the locations where Brokeback Mountain was shot. There is a lot of planning involved and dates to confirm. Click
here to join the discussion.

In Memory of Heath LedgerAlmost two years now Heath Ledger left this world. He gave flesh and blood to many characters but for many of us he was never better than when he "created" Ennis Del Mar, we will be always grateful for this, we will remember him forever. Click on the picture below to go to the memorial board we dedicated to Heath.
Collage by chameau
How Did You Find/Know this Forum?We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about
Click on the picture below to share your story.

Technical Tipsennisjack blogThe forum has a blog for server update. Any outage will be posted to inform the members. Please bookmark the site and check the blog if you are experiencing server errors.
Post Pictures
If you are not already familiar with how to post pictures, click
here for a tutorial.
How to Downsize a Picture

Sometimes pictures posted here are very large and we are asking the members to downsize them. Also when quoting a post including a picture, we would like the members to downsize the picture ~ this is to avoid some picture threads being repetitive and it helps the pages load faster... many members still have dial up connection only. Click
here to find out how to proceed.
About Posting PicturesIf you don't mind this is a reminder of our guidelines about posting pictures on the forum.
We understand many members are big fans of Heath, Jake and others. As supportive fans, let's respect them as who they are and not manipulate their pics to fulfill our fantasy. Collages are allowed of the Brokeback Mountain characters, and of each actor individually, but not of both actors mixed together or the actors mixed with others, like ourselves. To maintain this level of respect, the forum also asks the members not to post paparazzi photos or photos that constitute a clear invasion of their privacy.You will find all the Forum's Guidelines & Rules
Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues
here too.
Newsletter FeedbackYou could click
here if you wish to provide feedback about the Newsletter.
Archives of the previous Newsletters Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all in the
Forum Newsletter Board.

Originally posted by JT, click here to see mores pictures
of the Ennis & Jack snowmenBorn from their love... Forever bound by ours
Originally posted here by Ennis/Jack4eva Season's Greetings Brokies!

Fourth Anniversary Special Edition, editors: The Mod Squad. Click
here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the
ennisjack.com Newsletter.
Click here to print the Newsletter.