Has someone recorded Jake's speech!!!!..........
i know i'am asking for too much!......
he was BEST today..........
Yes i'm recording it all.Even met them earlier today.I'm on cloud 9 at the minute.They are far more gorgeous in person,then on tele.
Excuse my excitement.Can't help.I so want these boys and filmakers and everyone involved in the making of BBM to go home with what they deserve.
thank you Jennis.........
will just grabbbbbbbb it when you post it
Yep,grab away.When it's finished i'll try to post some.I don't think i will be alone though.Other people are recording it and putting on Youtube etc,so there will be loads.My god the darling Jake was so shocked at winning,and so nervous in his acceptance speech.When he first got up i thought he was gonna kiss Heath.It was so cute and funny.I'M OVEREXCITED TONIGHT.Just shut me up.lol