dear rdx:
The Ennis view you mention appears to be cropped from a larger view of Ennis in a very wonderful, somewhat more revealing pose
. There are three in this series that I know of, some with those cute, perky blue heelers:
However, I'm very intrigued by the back cover view of Jack+Ennis by the truck. As you may know I'm very partial to views of the boys with their trucks. This looks like a wonderful pose which I've not seen before, shot down low, it has perfect lighting with the sun raking across Ennis (and his jeans)
. There are a dozen or so views taken beside, or on, Ennis's GMC truck all of which are wonderfully posed and (to me) very erotic. Could I ask you a big favor and have you post or PM me a larger scan of this shot for my Ennis, ahem "truck" collection?
sorry this is WAY OT).
Hey, just caught your little "Sandmännchen" note. You bet! YeeHaw!