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Do you think Ennis found Jack pretty? In which scenes it is shown?

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IMO the movie clearly shows that Jack finds Ennis gorgeous. For example, when they first meet: I think he looks at him with interest and then he shaves for him. At the bar Jack checks him out a lot. Then, on the mountain, there's the scene when he smokes and Ennis is naked in the background. Jack finds him so handsome that he is blushing and avoiding looking at him.
But what about Ennis?
He is less explicit and I have troubles understanding the exact moments his mind was like "OMG my little darlin Jack is SO pretty!"...
My heart broke when he rejected Jack, for instance. There I tought he was less fisically interested than Jack.
I was like: "Really? Don't you see how cute and sexy he is? Are you dumb? Aren't you scared other men notice him? Because other men totally notice Jack."
What do you think?


Hi loki6783,  #$#

It is an interesting question. I personally found both Ennis and Jack attractive in the movie.  ;D Jack definitely is more comfortable with his sexual orientation than Ennis for the reasons which you have pointed out and also his trip to Mexico.

Ennis, other the other hand is "curious" and perhaps was never curious until he met Jack. His attraction to Jack evolved and took time from barely speaking to Jack to their intimate second night in tent. I guess his attraction to Jack was more emotional whereas Jack's attraction to Ennis started more physical.

Definitely, human attraction is very fluid and complex. Some start love at the first sight but some take time.

Thanks for your answer. I understand your point of view but I cannot totally agree.
I agree that Ennis was moved by emotions and then, secondly, by physical attraction. However, I also think he was the one who topped in FNIT, their first time. I mean...He was...hard ... possibly because he wanted Jack physically. So he found him pretty at point he wanted to have a sexual encounter where he was the one doing the penetrative act... ok he was drunk but sometimes alchol frees  subconscious desire.... however I do not understand when he started to be aware that Jack is... someone he wants not just emotionally but also sexually.
I also wonder if he is aware of the fact that Jack is good looking for women and other men. I am sure that Jack knows  that Ennis is a good looking man...
I wonder if he ever considered how beautiful are Jack's eye, lips, skin, body, etc.

You are welcome!

What we see in the movie could be very different in real life. Obviously, Jake Gyllenhall is a very good looking man. I don't recall any physical description of Jack in the short story. Jack could well be just an average looking guy.

--- Quote from: @loki6783 on Feb 13, 2022, 11:53 AM ---however I do not understand when he started to be aware that Jack is... someone he wants not just emotionally but also sexually.

--- End quote ---

I am not sure if Ennis wanted Jack sexually but alcohol definitely inhibited his judgement. I think we can see Ennis felt remorse after the FNIT scene and tried to avoid Jack. However, it is not clear whether his avoidance was due to FNIT or his realization that he may be fallen in love with Jack. It is perhaps both because second night in tent showed that he had surrendered to Jack.

Thanks for your answer!

In the ss they are ugly... I am only considering the movie in relation to this question.

I deeply love Jack but I have a love/hate relationship with Ennis.

I think that in FNIT and after FNIT he behaves like a... barbarian and I have no symphaty for him. Even if I know he has a great conflict inside him...ok.... He is drunk but enough sober to take Jack really roughly. Jack is drunk too. His consent is weak as much as Ennis'.

Then Ennis goes away without saying a word because I think he feels guilty and dirty for something that deviates from morality, in his vision. But he feels no guiltiness in eiaculating in another human being and then throwing him away the morning before like he is worth nothing. He was so rough. He may have hurt Jack...but hey who cares!...

And when he finds the guts to speak to Jack he is holding a gun. Poor Ennis... IMO his head is full of iper-macho bulls****.

In another post I have asked if you think Ennis knows  that Jack was also physically and psychologically abused by his father. That really helped Ennis to behave like a barbarian: Jack had already self esteem issues so he could treat him like that. Someone else, instead, may have used that awareness to become caring and protective.

I see it as a key point about the fact that Jack is not that loyal to him and cheats on Ennis. Looking back and getting older he understands that all of this Behaviors of Ennis are toxic. He uses the metaphor of the leash. It is so sad. It's like a grip around his neck. It strikes me everytime. It's a symbol of power unbalance, submission and domination.

Ennis does not even know, or pretends he does not, how much he hurts Jack. Everytime. I can't stand it. But I love this story a lot.

Ennis jack s dreams were not important or legit. He also says he could kill Jack for jealousy which is the thing that is the farest from love ever.

So, sorry for my long complaining list and my bad English... I suppose that Ennis probably he knew Jack was super pretty physically but he was too messed up with macho mode he could never admit to himself or to him to compliment him.

I am not saying Ennis is evil. Ennis is complex and interesting. Heath portrait is timeless and great.

I think...Ennis is careless towards Jack. Jack accepts it for a bad mixture of love and low self esteem.

What do you think?


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