Author Topic: Making BBM Themed Island on Animal Crossing  (Read 514 times)

Offline evilshemp

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Making BBM Themed Island on Animal Crossing
« on: Nov 26, 2023, 01:11 PM »
Hello, I am a new member I don't even know if anyone is even active on here anymore but I thought I'd check in to see if I could maybe get some help. So I am making a part of my island on Animal Crossing New Horizons Brokeback themed and I was wondering what type of things I should put I want to make it as decorated as possible by adding little things from the movie to represent both Jack and Ennis in any way. Anything you recommend is greatly appreciated :)

I would also like to add I am very sorry if this is the wrong place to put this I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to post something.   :h)

Offline FlwrChild

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Re: Making BBM Themed Island on Animal Crossing
« Reply #1 on: Dec 09, 2023, 08:37 PM »
 #$# evilshemp. 

I'm sorry that I don't know anything about Animal Crossing New Horizons (I don't really do video games of any kind) so I can't help you with that. I love the idea of your using Brokeback Mountain as your theme though! Hopefully someone here might be able to give you some guidance. We don't get a lot of activity on the boards these days but as you can see if you look around a bit, it used to be quite busy here and there are a lot of discussion threads on different BBM related topics.

You might want to pop into the Chatting thread in the board just to say hello and to see if anyone there might have the information you're looking for. At any rate, welcome to the forum. I hope you'll enjoy looking around.  :)
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Offline rampantlion

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Re: Making BBM Themed Island on Animal Crossing
« Reply #2 on: Oct 26, 2024, 06:20 PM »
For sure, you can create a camp with tents and similar camping utensils. You might include some bean cans, a couple of sheep, a donkey, and a horse. Don't forget some cowboy hats! Don't forget the big sign, "Welcome to Brokeback Mountain!"