The Movie & Story > Box Office & Release
New Box Office Result -12/29
Monday( 12/26): $ 1,040,761, average gross in 269 theatres $ 4,796. Total gross : $7,888,312
Tuesday(12/27): $ 685,000, average gross in 269 theatres $ 3,157. Total gross: $ 8,573, 000
Wednesday(12/28):$ 750,000, average gross in 269 theatres $ 3, 456. Total gross: $ 9, 323, 000.
So, as of today the cumulative gross has reached over 9 milions. It's possible that it would reach over 10 millions at the end of this week. ;D ;D
Go BBM Go *she screams as she she is doing yet again, her cheerleading routine*
n.b: i am getting quite good at it too! ;D
--- Quote from: frog123 on Dec 29, 2005, 08:39 PM ---Go BBM Go *she screams as she she is doing yet again, her cheerleading routine*
n.b: i am getting quite good at it too! ;D
--- End quote ---
I will join you except with the pon pon. ;D
I could not find them the last i did a routine instead! LOL ;D
--- Quote from: adisonvunguyen on Dec 29, 2005, 08:37 PM ---Monday( 12/26): $ 1,040,761, average gross in 269 theatres $ 4,796. Total gross : $7,888,312
Tuesday(12/27): $ 685,000, average gross in 269 theatres $ 3,157. Total gross: $ 8,573, 000
Wednesday(12/28):$ 750,000, average gross in 269 theatres $ 3, 456. Total gross: $ 9, 323, 000.
So, as of today the cumulative gross has reached over 9 milions. It's possible that it would reach over 10 millions at the end of this week. ;D ;D
--- End quote ---
Thanks, adisonyunguyen. You are our box office master. Among $9,323,000, $42 is from me. ;D That does make me feel good.
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