The Movie & Story > Box Office & Release

New Box Office Resulf (12/30)

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 Yesterday, 12/29, Brokeback's total gross in 269 theatres was $ 920,00.  Average gross in each theatre was $ 4,240, brought up the cumulative gross to $ 10, 255,254.

 The result exceeded my expectation. There are still 3 more days towards the end of this week week. I'm hoping it would pass the movie budget .. ;D ;D ;D ;D so the director can give Ennis and Jack some more profits . ;)

BBM did it!!!! over $10 m....and guess what comes next?

*Froggy does her little cheerleading routine again* GO BBM GO!

And BBM is still NOT everywhere! woot woot go BBM go! (joining cheerleaders  ;D)


--- Quote from: Krispera on Dec 30, 2005, 09:42 PM ---And BBM is still NOT everywhere! woot woot go BBM go! (joining cheerleaders  ;D)

--- End quote ---

I'll get you some pompoms too then!  ;D

BBM all the WAY!!!!

*joins in on the cheerleading and steals all the pompoms*  ;D


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