[To my recollection someone has posted about this release on the forum but I was too lazy to find it..please let me know and I'll link you here.]
On April 3
rd (suprise..) 2009 this DVD was released in Germany in the "Große Kinomomente" (Great Moments of Cinema) series.
Once again, if you want to
zoom in, open the picture in a new browser window.
The cover:

The disc & the leaflet cover:

Editorial notes:

Abridged production notes: [The full English version
here by Mr ethan]

Ang Lee:

The other films in the series: [I like #19 and #20]

In the Ediotorial Notes there's nothing 'new'; some wry German humour. In the beginning Daniel Sander says when a film becomes an icon of cinema history, then it is often enough to have a slogan (word or two) and everybody knows what it is all about.
Some menu shots: