At this point...yes he would have. I base that solely on this fact...the last postcard was sent by Ennis...not Jack.
The last time Ennis and Jack were together Ennis just told Jack it would be sometime in November before he could get off again. Ennis HAD to send the card to tell Jack when and where.
Do you think if Ennis had told Jack when and where the last time they were together he would then have sent the card as a reminder?
After the initial four year absence I think Ennis was hooked...he didn't have to be too active in pursuing the relationship...Jack did all that...
I don't know that I would agree with that. Everything seemed to depend on when Ennis could get off work. Jack, it seemed, seeing his wife owned the business, could get off just about any time. So I would think it was Ennis that was sending the cards telling Jack when he could get off.
It would have been interesting to see what Ennis would have done when Jack didn't show up in November had he not died. Jack had no intentions of showing up. He had started a life with Randall. It was so far along that Jack told his father, of all people, he and Randall were moving up there. Ennis was out of the picture.
I think that if Jack hadn't shown up in November and Jack had started some kind of life with Randall ,I still don't believe it would have been the end. ( I don't think Jack and Randall in Lightning flats was a real option --- for one can't see John Twist accepting it --- I see it more as a dream of Jack's with Ennis central to that, but I could see him going elsewhere with Randall).
I think if Jack had stared a life with Randall ,it was for a number of reasons --- 1- the recognition of the needs Ennis refused to meet, 2 - frustration with his straight- jacket straight life ,3 - and, I think most importantly, he may have thought this could end this pain for both of them.
But if he stayed away several things could have happened - none good
1 Ennis would eventually have come looking and, on finding Randall ,violence would have been inevitable.
2 Ennis found out about Randall and rejected everything in disgust and bitterness. Jack knowing Ennis's disgust.
3 Jack and Randall would have been miserable --- when would Jack have forgiven Randall for not being Ennis? He would have gone looking again .
I personally think when Jack talked to his parents re the move and Randall, he was trying one last time to find a way that could work--- to imagine the future could be better. I think he knew it was no good -- as Annie Proulx said at the emotional denouement ---"nothing ended/resolved" . When he went back to Texas, I think he was lost and began to behave recklessly , leading to his death.
If the love of your life is the only thing that makes you feel alive, and it can't give you what you need --- imitation is a waste. Jack and Ennis --- neither could have "let the other be " in this life or the next.
I guess the above is linking to the topic ...."what if Jack hadn't died ....."