can you guys believe I STILL didn't get my hands on the darn thing!? I mean sure, I've got a ( burned ) UK copy+ the movie on divx TWICE ( in both english and german

), but I want the 'real thing'- the croatian edition of course. well anyway, the release date was july the 13th or something like that, and since I was pretty broke, I was waiting for the dvd to come to a cheeper dvd/comics/books store nearby ( called 'more comics' ) and they told me they're getting it in august. so I came back in august and- nothing!!!! later on I went to some other dvd stores and they didn't have it ( I mean, the dvd was out for rental at my local blockbuster but dvd stores didn't have the thing- go figure! ), I mean WTF!!! and today, I ditched my first two classes in order to spend time with my best ( male ) friend, who's leaving for salzburg in two weeks in order to go to a dance cut a long story short- we went to 'the best' store in town called profil megastore ( the one that didn't have bbm when I checked a few weeks ago ) and THEY HAD IT!!! plus, the price is surprisingly low ( considering the other prices in that store )...but I am broke yet again and just can't afford it right now....still, the important thing is- IT'S THERE!!! and guess what else I found in that same store? I LITERALLY OPENED MY MOUTH and started DROOLING- they had a BIG BBM poster for sale ( it cost about 4 bucks ) and I bought it OF COURSE ( went to school with it since I couldn't go home because I was cutting class&put it in my locker for safe keeping )!!!! I'm still so THRILLED, I can't believe I actually have the real, giant poster!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!