Around Brokeback Mountain > All About DVD
Brokeback in (or out, actually, of) Blockbuster!
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that I was in Blockbuster tonight, and although I (of course) have my own Brokeback DVD, I was curious and checked the shelf to see how the movie was doing. There was an entire case (all the shelves from top to bottom) just for Brokeback Mountain and they were ALL GONE!!! YAY!!! It's great to see so many people watching what we know as one of the (if not THE) best movies ever!!! ;D
p.s. check out hot topic for a great Brokeback Mountain shirt! It's dark brown and says "I wish I knew how to quit you" on it in white letters with a lighter brown saddle in the background. It's great!
That's great! I hope that is happening everywhere in Blockbuster stores around the country.
Thanks for the report, gtattoome.
--- Quote from: cowgirl19 on Apr 08, 2006, 04:08 AM ---That's great! I hope that is happening everywhere in Blockbuster stores around the country.
--- End quote ---
only one left by me this weekend
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