Author Topic: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD  (Read 56448 times)


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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #30 on: Apr 05, 2006, 08:21 PM »
I just finished watching it for the first time tonight on my dvd I was completly blown away..I could feel the heartache, the love, the laughter and the tears...Of course I cried my eyes out..its still so powerful seeing it again. I noticed more of Jack's reaching out to Ennis though out the years..really wanting and hoping for them to have a life together..I also noticed Ennis denials and refusals to live with Jack on a more premant basis. I also realized at the end of the movie that Ennis does bring Jack home in his heart and in his soul by bringing in the two shirts..and hanging the post card..It tells me that he acknowleding his love for Jack and keeping the memory of his love close to his heart...
I didn' t notice in the second tent scene with Jack saying its allright..I may have missed looked to me that they spoke with thier eyes, and thier expressing thier love without saying anything..I did try and listen for it but I think I missed it..the second tent scene was so tender and loving and beautiful...
I am so glad that the movie was made..and because its so wonderful and makes you realize that love can be had and hold close to your heart and soul

Offline Italian_Dude

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #31 on: Apr 05, 2006, 11:04 PM »

The scene that has haunted me the most and where I have disagreed with people in here is the infamous second tent as it is, I haven't been hearing the I'm sorry and haven't seen Ennis mouth it either. Well. I just played the second tent scene with subs. First thing I did after tearing off theplastic. I just had to see if there was indeed an I'm sorry subbed there. And it is, but it isn't Ennis that says it. It is Jacke. I am sorry but that is my take on it. I have been paying so much attention to Ennis lips that I haven't even thought of Jacks. But when I saw the subbed I'm sorry I played it again ,watching Ennis lips and then again watching Jacks. This is my opinion. Jack says I'm sorry, two I'ts alrights and then says come here, lie back. Put a ton of ! behind that one.

Yes, I just bought the DVD and did the same as you.

I knew of and heard the "I'm Sorry" before but i did the subs now too and I heard and saw exactly what you did.

"I'm Sorry"  "It's alright, It's alright" "Come here, lie back"

I KNEW I WAS RIGHT! yay!! :D! haha! I never heard the "Come here, lie back"  before but that makes it even sweeter!! Awww!!!

And I believe you are right, it is ALL said by Jack, not Ennis. "I'm sorry" 2 "Its Alrights" and "Come here, like back" is all said by Jack!  yay I LOVE THAT SCENE EVEN MORE KNOW. HAHA!
« Last Edit: Apr 05, 2006, 11:07 PM by Italian_Dude »
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Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'cause
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People keep talking
They can say what they like
But all I know is everything's gonna be all right..

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #32 on: Apr 06, 2006, 12:22 AM »
I watched DVD tonight. I did see certain scenes are a little longer than the movie, maybe just by few seconds for example the two tent scenes. But the last scenes of the movie really caught my attention. After Ennis daughter left, he came in from the door and found the sweater she left behind He was walking from behind the camera and opened a door on the left side of the camera view. Does those trailers usually have two doors on the same side? Then when Ennis first walked into the trailer, the windows on both sides of him was shaded with blades, but when he folded the sweater and opened the closet door, the window behind the closet door was without blades and showing the view of outside. That is a little odd to me. Any one can explain?

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #33 on: Apr 06, 2006, 01:00 AM »
After Ennis daughter left, he came in from the door and found the sweater she left behind He was walking from behind the camera and opened a door on the left side of the camera view. Does those trailers usually have two doors on the same side? Then when Ennis first walked into the trailer, the windows on both sides of him was shaded with blades, but when he folded the sweater and opened the closet door, the window behind the closet door was without blades and showing the view of outside. That is a little odd to me. Any one can explain?

Yes, trailers of that period have two doors on the same side.  I own one very similar to Ennis's.

As for the blinds: I think you just thought you saw blinds on both sides because there are no blinds on the side of the trailer opposite from the door side.

Please note the closet and window behind Alma Jr. There are no blinds.

And the kitchen window and the window next to Ennis have no blinds.

And the more I look at 41 year old Ennis, Froggy and I may just have to wrestle. Psssst!  Hot!  :D

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #34 on: Apr 06, 2006, 04:29 AM »
I bought the wide-screen version. It looks great on the tv, and even better on my computer monitor. Both the tent scenes look significantly better on the tv. You can actually see what's going on now. I don't know if they lightened it for the dvd release or if it just translates better to a smaller screen, but it's almost like they've got overhead lights in the tent now.

The sound is better, too. Ennis says, "I'm sorry," to Jack when he comes into the tent for the second tent scene, Jack tells him, "It's all right, come here." I swear, I didn't hear ANY of that in the theater.

Also when they kiss, there's a thin string of saliva between their lips.

I didn't like the way they divided the scenes. Sometimes I had to fast foward through several scenes to get to the one I was wanting to watch again.

I kept noticing little things that I missed before during the three times I saw it in the theater. I guess it's because now I can slow it down and really take a look at what's on the screen.

For example:

The sign on Aguirre's trailer door: Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.

Check out the beans cooking in the cans on the grill.  I think somoene here has mentioned this before, but I wanted to point it out again:  The label reads BEANS on the bottom and at the top, Better Most: B B M (Broke Back Mountain).

After the sheep is killed by a coyote, a few scenes later, there's a skinned coyote on a pole, with its tail blowing in the breeze.

When Ennis shoots the elk, and Jack yells, "Woo-wee!" and Ennis shoves him back, I never noticed how Jack does that giggle before...

When Ennis gets the first postcard, he tells Alma, "We was fishing buddies," and goes into the living room. The blue chair in the living room, has a broken leg and sets crooked on the floor.

Want to see something really fascinating? Watch the scene where they jump off the cliff into the water in slow motion.

Also, watch the scene where Jack is beaten by the mechanics in slow motion (frame by frame). One of the attackers is a black man. The other two men are the two mechanics seen in the trailer. They pull his legs apart, and stomp on Jack's crotch. And you can actually see the tire iron make contact with his face. In the theater, it happened so fast, I didn't see any of that...

The scene with Jack's mother and father, when she asks if he wants a piece of cherry cake, there really is a cherry cake sitting on the kitchen counter next to the aluminum foil. It's a sort of a pound cake and you can see one of the cherries.

Again, I was startled by the starkness of the house, inside and out. The dry grass and sunbaked house, outside. The white bare walls, sparsely furnished rooms inside. The only real color is the mother's blue sweater. The coffee cups - none of them match. This really was a poor family. (Now when I hear the bartender tell Jack about Lureen and her dad selling $100,000.00 tractors, and how he looks at her with renewed interest, I wonder if THAT'S why he married her...?)

When Ennis is leaving, and the old man starts talking, and the mother puts her hand to her throat, and then she tells Ennis, "You come back and see us again..." for some reason, I cried this time at that line of dialogue, when I never did before. I felt SO sorry for that poor woman, and I really felt that she and Jack had suffered SO much at the hands of that old man.

The scene in Jack's bedroom - there's an light shaped like an anchor on the wall - I read somewhere that Ennis Del Mar translated from Spanish means Island in the Sea. Ennis was Jack's anchor.

Also look at the books on Jack's desk. There's a book with a bucking bronco on the cover. Of course, there's the tiny toy horse with the little cowboy figure on it. I never noticed before, the tears on Ennis's face when he looks up after putting the horse back down on the desk.

I made screen captures of most of the things I mentioned here, but I don't know how to post them here...  How do you guys do it?

Anything else you've noticed that you didn't see before?

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #35 on: Apr 06, 2006, 07:07 AM »
Wow, Johnny, some of that stuff was stuff that I already noticed, but you went into detail with this. For some reason I've only watched it once since I bought it. My mom is going to try to make my dad watch it tonight. My brothers don't think it will happen.

Now, while I've only watched it all the way through once, I have fast forwarded to several scenes just to check on things. It's annoying that some of the chapters are really long, though. I wanted to show my mom something during the Thanksgiving meal at Jack's house, and I had to fast forward past the part where he comes up because of the divorce going through, which just happens to be one of my favorite scenes. She was waiting right there though, and said we couldn't watch it, because she had to go to bed soon, and if we watched too much, she would want me to start at the beginning so we could watch the whole thing. I had no idea that my mom was obsessed, too.

Anyway, the point is that I noticed the glasses that his family is using during their Thanksgiving meal. It's the same glasses that my family uses at Thanksgiving. My mom said that in the 1970s those glasses were a dozen for ten bucks at the grocery store, so everyone bought them, and nobody got rid of them because they looked too fancy to throw out.
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #36 on: Apr 06, 2006, 07:42 AM »
2nd tent scene: when they're kissing there's suddenly huuge fire at the backround.. and after that ..naughty Ang Lee ;D (yet there's nothing naughty in that scene, just so sweet and beautiful)

about dinner-sets, dishes: my mom have "hundreds" of cups, plates and bowls in cupboards, also same horrible 70'-80's pyrex-bowl with vegetables/berries on the side, yaiks, but now I love it  ;D
« Last Edit: Apr 06, 2006, 12:53 PM by mélisande »

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #37 on: Apr 06, 2006, 08:31 AM »
I just watched the DVD...granted it was on our older tV without the surround sound..and was very disappointed with the quality of both the sound and the picture...couldn't hear a lot of the dialogue..even the music didn't sound right.....maybe it was just my TV///anyone else experience this? Do I just have a bad copy? Got it at Wal Mart
« Last Edit: Apr 06, 2006, 02:53 PM by bubbaluna »
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #38 on: Apr 06, 2006, 09:11 AM »
I got mine at Wal-Mart and the sound and picture quality were fine. I've only watched it on my parent's tv, though. Mine is smaller and cheaper.
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #39 on: Apr 06, 2006, 09:51 AM »


And I believe you are right, it is ALL said by Jack, not Ennis. "I'm sorry" 2 "Its Alrights" and "Come here, like back" is all said by Jack!  yay I LOVE THAT SCENE EVEN MORE KNOW. HAHA!
Maybe so...but why is JACK apologizing?  He didn't do anything.  It was Ennis who rode off that morning without talking to Jack.  :(
This is the forest primeval.  The murmuring pines and the hemlocks, bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight...but where are the hearts that beneath it leaped...

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #40 on: Apr 06, 2006, 10:08 AM »
He is not appologizing IMO, he is seeing how apprahensive Ennis is and aknowledging ( this word always bothers me when i have to spell it...)  this and saying "I'm sorry (but) it's alright" I think the I'm sorry is for beeing so straight forward the first time.
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #41 on: Apr 06, 2006, 11:46 AM »
He is not appologizing IMO, he is seeing how apprahensive Ennis is and aknowledging ( this word always bothers me when i have to spell it...)  this and saying "I'm sorry (but) it's alright" I think the I'm sorry is for beeing so straight forward the first time.

I agree with you. He's apologizing for pulling Ennis into it so fast, which would explain why the second tent scene is so slow and tender.
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #42 on: Apr 06, 2006, 02:40 PM »
After the DVD sitting on my desk since April 4, I finally unwrapped it and watched the DVD on my small TV set. It was the most emotional viewing I had after seeing it 8 times in the theatre. I guess the subtitle and the privacy of home did it and I was sobbing. Gosh -- how much tears do I still have to shed? The last BBM and the scene at the parents house got me bad. I could just let my emotions out at home. It was great.

It is amazing that I still picked up something that I had not seen before. I saw Alam washing clothes through the window when Ennis was picking up crying babies plus other little details.

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #43 on: Apr 06, 2006, 02:57 PM »
Am going to bring it with me north this week, and If i get to see it then it will be on a 7 " portable screen ... now hows that for a small screen... ;)
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #44 on: Apr 06, 2006, 02:59 PM »
Am going to bring it with me north this week, and If i get to see it then it will be on a 7 " portable screen ... now hows that for a small screen... ;)

Very small. Actually it lets you see different things. On the big screen, I could only pay attention to the facial expressions.
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #45 on: Apr 06, 2006, 03:01 PM »
I agree Ethan, I just let myself get soaked so to speak in scenerey and the big picture at the movies, but on the small screen I watch it differently
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #46 on: Apr 06, 2006, 05:10 PM »
You know what...I just wanna stop watching after Ennis is in the alley...I don't want to see more cause I know it'll hurt... damn... I wish that movie was half an hour long and no more!!!!! ( If I could get a wish it would be for it to be different ending but you know )
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #47 on: Apr 06, 2006, 05:26 PM »
I agree with you all heartily, I watched all the extras on the DVD but not the movie, will wait until I get back from the hospital on saturday to vegetate and watch it alone with some alphabits wrapped under my baby blanket!
I cried to easely while watching the extras, so it still tares your heart out.

PS: love this quote:    Ang Lee knows how to " EMOTE " people.   from Diana Ossama  about Ang Lee's ability to deliver emotion to a perfection.
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #48 on: Apr 06, 2006, 05:33 PM »
After the DVD sitting on my desk since April 4, I finally unwrapped it and watched the DVD on my small TV set. It was the most emotional viewing I had after seeing it 8 times in the theatre. I guess the subtitle and the privacy of home did it and I was sobbing. Gosh -- how much tears do I still have to shed? The last BBM and the scene at the parents house got me bad. I could just let my emotions out at home. It was great.

It is amazing that I still picked up something that I had not seen before. I saw Alam washing clothes through the window when Ennis was picking up crying babies plus other little details.

Ethan, I cried just about the whole time I was watching the DVD and it felt so good to finally let ALL of it out. I've watched scenes every night now since then. Seems like now I can't go to bed with out my BBM video fix! I am so glad I don't know how to quit you.
There was some open space between what he knew and what he tried to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and if you can't fix it you've got to stand it.

Ennis, riding against the wind back to the sheep in the treacherous, drunken darken light, thought he'd never had such a good time, felt he could paw the white out of the moon.

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #49 on: Apr 07, 2006, 05:16 PM »
Ethan - I just finished, I've sobbed my way through. I'm a mess.  :'( I thought I was prepared this time to see it, but I wasn't.
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #50 on: Apr 07, 2006, 05:27 PM »
Ethan - I just finished, I've sobbed my way through. I'm a mess.  :'( I thought I was prepared this time to see it, but I wasn't.

Looks like we have a Post DVD syndrome now,  the PDS.  It's not a joke by the way, not at all. 
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #51 on: Apr 07, 2006, 06:25 PM »
...the PDS.  It's not a joke by the way, not at all.

It truly hangs on and on. It affects the way I look at  everything.

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #52 on: Apr 07, 2006, 07:10 PM »
Buddy - you are right, i sure have re-evaluated much of my life. It's given me the power to do things I would hold myself back from, very much like Ennis. I know now, I will embrace it like Jack. Change is good, and grabbing the brass ring is ok!
You were goin' up there to go fishin'....NO SHIT! GIMME SEX!

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #53 on: Apr 07, 2006, 07:43 PM »
The way I see it it is more likely that it is Jack, he does not apologize but sees how apprehensive Ennis is and says he is sorry for speeding it, but it is alright, come here. Would Ennis EVER apologize??? for anything??? he might mean to but say it??? No...makes more sense for it to be Jack

Ennis apologized to Cassie.

I am certain that Ennis says I'm sorry,.  Although his mouth doesn't move, it doesn't sound like the It's alright voice, which is clearly Jack because he nods his head and we see his lips move.

Ennis could be apologizing for the way he reacted the night before:  forceful and rough instead of intimate,  and he could also be apologizing for ignoring Jack the next morning.

Dirtbiker,  Thanks for the suggestion.  I will have to try the headphones.
« Last Edit: Apr 07, 2006, 07:47 PM by n061857 »

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #54 on: Apr 07, 2006, 08:55 PM »
Just got done watching it a little while ago at my friends house. Cried my eyes out. I started getting teary earlier in the film. Tonight, their time up on brokeback was so sad. I mean I know how it ends and just seeing that time of innocence and falling in love and what could/should have been really hit me more than ever tonight.  :'(

I noticed their meeting after the blue parka scene was longer- I never heard Ennis say "Look what I brought" in the theater and I don't remember seeing them riding together in that scene. I also never noticed that Jack giggled after Ennis said he'd have gotten lucky if that harmonica had broken.

I still didn't hear "come here lie back" I had heard the I'm sorry, It's alright in the theater but I missed the "come here lie back"- I guess I'll have to keep watching that scene until I hear it!  ;)  I also tried to listen for Ennis saying I love you to the shirts but I didn't hear anything except what sounded like him taking a breath or exhaling. I'll watch that part again too.

It feels so weird to have them home. I've never felt so privaleged to own a movie before.
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #55 on: Apr 07, 2006, 09:31 PM »
Just got done watching it a little while ago at my friends house. Cried my eyes out. I started getting teary earlier in the film. Tonight, their time up on brokeback was so sad. I mean I know how it ends and just seeing that time of innocence and falling in love and what could/should have been really hit me more than ever tonight.  :'(

I noticed their meeting after the blue parka scene was longer- I never heard Ennis say "Look what I brought" in the theater and I don't remember seeing them riding together in that scene. I also never noticed that Jack giggled after Ennis said he'd have gotten lucky if that harmonica had broken.

I still didn't hear "come here lie back" I had heard the I'm sorry, It's alright in the theater but I missed the "come here lie back"- I guess I'll have to keep watching that scene until I hear it!  ;)  I also tried to listen for Ennis saying I love you to the shirts but I didn't hear anything except what sounded like him taking a breath or exhaling. I'll watch that part again too.

It feels so weird to have them home. I've never felt so privileged to own a movie before.

"Privileged", that is exactly what I feel owning this DVD. I can not imagine what it would be like if I did not have this film and story as a part of my life. They are defining to me.
There was some open space between what he knew and what he tried to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and if you can't fix it you've got to stand it.

Ennis, riding against the wind back to the sheep in the treacherous, drunken darken light, thought he'd never had such a good time, felt he could paw the white out of the moon.

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #56 on: Apr 08, 2006, 04:52 AM »
you guys are cracking me up.  the same discussions are going on at dave cullens forum.  we are so all the same/
did you all hear jack say f*&k_____me when in FNIT.  look and listen real hard.  YOU ALL NEED TO BUY EARPHONES. When he and ennis are going at it in FNIT in the beginning after ennis goes jack and listen so close and you will hear a muffled f--k and then you will hear me (the me is really discernable).  I swear I got that feeling of lust when I heard that and my mouth was wide open in shock.  I played it twice.  Also, in the I'm sorry-it's allright, it's allright=it is jack.  I believe jack says i'm sorry because of spit string.  i don't think that was scripted.  i think he jake/playing jack was actually apologizing to heath playing ennis and it was just a natural jake thing to say i'm sorry for the spit string to heath but it got in the scene.  it is so cool.  i had the screener for weeks but never listened with earphones (don't you just love hearing the wind so loudly too?).  Also, when ennis says he is going up to the sheep in the drunk around fire scene and jack says "give em hell"...that is like what?  silly statement.  i never heard this all before.  it is like i am a kid in a candystore.  at first my tv played it so dark and i couldn't fix it.  finally after i calmed down--i found out how to adjust brightness-the default had the FNIT like in black- i had to raise it from mid level brightness (which was dark with dvd) to all the way up and now the tent scene looks like it is in daylight.  Is this cool or what?  and I have seen movie about 50 times.  yes, I know I am nuts. lol

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #57 on: Apr 08, 2006, 05:04 AM »


And I believe you are right, it is ALL said by Jack, not Ennis. "I'm sorry" 2 "Its Alrights" and "Come here, like back" is all said by Jack!  yay I LOVE THAT SCENE EVEN MORE KNOW. HAHA!
Maybe so...but why is JACK apologizing?  He didn't do anything.  It was Ennis who rode off that morning without talking to Jack.  :(
read my previous post  i think jake being jack is apologizing to heath playing ennis for the "spit string" and they just kept it in movie. imho

Offline karind1

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #58 on: Apr 08, 2006, 05:07 AM »
I agree Ethan, I just let myself get soaked so to speak in scenerey and the big picture at the movies, but on the small screen I watch it differently
you know what happens watching it on small fall in LOVE with jack and jakes acting.  in the big screen you don't have enough time to see the expressions that make every scene jake is in work.  ennis is the big fish on big screen.  on small screen you get to see all the wonderful facial expressions and the little subtle moves of jack.  i had the screener and it turned me into thinking jake did as good or better a job of acting as heath.  and i fell in love with jack.
p.s. hi again everybody!!
« Last Edit: Apr 08, 2006, 05:11 AM by karind1 »

Offline *Froggy*

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #59 on: Apr 08, 2006, 06:30 AM »
Ever since the first time I saw the film I have thought Jack was very much trying to be caring, sweet, and gentle...but when I heard that I just flipped... What it must have taken for him to say that... and it is like it is a treat to the ones of us liking it so much we see it agian and again, cause honestly, who heard it the first time??? It's like a reward, "thank you for loving us so much that you want to see us again and agian, here's a treat for ya"

Im soooooooooooooooooo jealous!!!
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If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I.
~ Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592) ~ (Thankx to gimmejack)