voted again.Average response: 3.38Highest Rated: 1. Stephen Colbert (4.5) 2. Dane Cook (4.49) 3. Rain (4.43) 4. Bill Clinton and George HW Bush (4.11) 5. Oprah Winfrey (4.1)
This is, without a doubt, the strangest poll I have ever participated in, Notice how the HIGHEST RATED list constantly changes, but, it takes forever for Ang's number to change? Very strange.
Quote from: Patriot1 on May 26, 2006, 06:10 PMThis is, without a doubt, the strangest poll I have ever participated in, Notice how the HIGHEST RATED list constantly changes, but, it takes forever for Ang's number to change? Very strange.That's what I think too!! can't understand this poll... but I keep voting nonetheless.
I just voted some more and it's still the same.It said 3.37 when i voted and that someone called Rain was highest.But then this little menu opened.Mmm,very confusing Highest Rated 1. Ang Lee (5) 2. Dieter Zetsche (5) 3. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (5) 4. Ellen Degeneres (5) 5. Hillary Rodham Clinton (5)