The Movie & Story > Box Office & Release

New Box Office Result 06/01/08

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I thought I had seen somewhere (can't remember what site) a figure for a recent date (?) showing a worldwide gross somewhere in the $184Million range.  Does this sound reasonable, logical?  I'm wracking my memory, but sometimes I have an unexpected senior moment.  :s)

$184 Millions sounds like the right number, I'm still trying to find out

OK, from Wikipedia:

Brokeback Mountain's theatrical run lasted for 133 days and grossed $83,043,761 in North America and $95,000,000 abroad, adding up to a worldwide gross of more than $178 million

 &**)  Thanks.  Add in all the peripherals and WOW!  All the more reason to be so proud of Heath and Jake in their roles of Ennis and Jack. Some people have said 'not a blockbuster' but we know so differently.  They are just not able to read our hearts or understand how so many were touched so deeply, and for such a long time to come.  Thanks.    :clap: :clap:


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