Author Topic: A Cinematic Film  (Read 6062 times)

Offline Sarigo

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A Cinematic Film
« on: May 04, 2006, 01:35 AM »
We were so disappointed that the movie went out of the theaters (before we could see it on the big scren for the 3rd time) that we contacted Universal to do a screening and book signing in conjunction with the W hotels and Simon & Schuster this month in NYC, where the door price and profits would go to an organization like Gay Men's Health Crisis.  Unfortunately, we were told that Universal was doing its own promotions for the DVDs and that because it was still in some theaters, the event would not be possible.  Oh well, but at least we tried.
This epic love story belongs on the big screen!

Offline ethan

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Re: A Cinematic Film
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2006, 01:39 AM »
Hello Sarigo, welcome to this forum and thanks for your posts.

Sorry to hear about that. I can certainly feel your disappointment. It would have been a great event in NYC because I am in NYC.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline Sarigo

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Re: A Cinematic Film
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2006, 01:52 AM »
Tell me about it!  We were also told by the publisher that the authors needed months in advance to schedule a book signing.  Well, love like this don't come often and it don't wait, being a force of nature and all. 

Anyone out there has a projector and a big screen or empty wall?
Hey, maybe we can convince HBO to put it in their Brian Park lineup for this/next year?

Offline ethan

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Re: A Cinematic Film
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2006, 01:54 AM »
Hey, maybe we can convince HBO to put it in their Brian Park lineup for this/next year?

That would be a great idea.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline Sarigo

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Re: A Cinematic Film
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2006, 01:59 AM »
Hmmm, let's see what we can do  ;)

Offline Insomniac487

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Re: A Cinematic Film
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2006, 04:50 AM »
maybe after all the countries (europe n stuff) get the movie on DVD, then they could start doing what you said? and if it takes months to get the publisher/author to do a booksigning why not start now? the sooner the better.  I have no idea where to start though, do you? Maybe a simple letter to Annie would do it.. but she's probably getting thousands of letters so what are the chances she'll read this one? Man, it'd be amazing to see Annie Proulx in person, wouldn't it? I know what i'd tell.  something like this

"its unbelievable AMAZING, how a straight woman like you could write something like this.  there is no other person or writer like you in this world.  you are definitely truely unique in your own way.  And like many other fans, we're appreciate your writing.  your story along with the movie had changed people's lives and impacted in all such a positive way.  Its taught us stuff.. and im sure you've had a ton of other people tell you this already, but i thought i'd just let you know. 

One question I have is if you had any plans on writing a sequel to Brokeback mountain? cause the first one did remarkably well.  UNBELIEVABLE well.  I know most people would think "whats there left to write about?" but with your amazing & talented writing skills, mind, and sense of style... you could come up with something that'll shock the world and impact the world, once Again.  for a second time.  here's a idea..

The movie starst off with Ennis at the trailer just after he says "I Swear"  We see him struggling with life, being deeply depressed.  He'd go up again one summer, this time alone to Brokeback Mountain.  Getting that money he needs to pay child support.  Next, we see him visit the very same area that he & jack stayed on.  The cliff they jumped off, the campsite, the river, etc.  On the 2nd day, a second man gets sent up to go herd sheep with him cause although Aguirre knew what happened before (with Jack & Ennis) and didn't like it.. he'd get Ennis again anyways cause he's in a big need of sheep-herders.   Ennis would meet this new fellow and work with him and together they would create a surprisingly strong & close relationship they never saw coming.  But this time Ennis learned and would not make the same mistakes he did with Jack.   Everything he's always wanted to say or do, he'd do it right there on the spot..  before one day he loses that person unexpectingly.   Ennis will know at the end that its Jack who he loves and noone else in the future could even come close so he gently lets his new partner know.  Although his new partner becomes devastated, he understands.  And they remain good friends.  A weird kind of friends that is (knowing they once were intimate).

Other things that could be in Brokeback Mountain : Continuing life

1. A scene with him throwing the creamated ashes at brokeback mountain.  The very same spot where they wrestled or where they first had their tent.  Or perhaps over a highpoint where the ashes would fly down so it reaches everywhere on brokeback.  that'd surely be one deeply emotional scene, wouldn't it? Maybe he can do it with his new partner (when they were partners) or after (as friends) (remember? he gently lets his new partner down during 3/4s of the movie).  Maybe even alone.

2. a showing of Ennis's daugther and her new husband.  They would visit Ennis occasionally.

3. Alma (Ennis's wife) would meet Lureen (Jack's wife) in a dancehall one night.  One would be married to a new person, and one would stay single.  Then they'd talk together and find out that their husbands were close friends.  And after a long time worth's of chat, they find out the real truth.  And they shocked themselves and surprise themselves .

4. Some kind of new element to add on to the story.  Although this is a sequel, and it can have some things from the first one, it has to have new things right? I dont know.. maybe a newly discovered lake? not too far away from the cliff.. Brokeback lake? It wouldn't be the major thing cause the major place is Brokeback Mountain, perhaps this could be a small important addition.  the possiblities are endless.

5. New songs of course.  Especially by the wonderful Gustavo and his amazing guitar.  You know the Brokeback theme 1, 2, 3, the wings, snow and the opening?  Those were amazing.  Never has such a song have so much meaning.  Especially when its used in the most perfect movie, to make the most perfect movie out there.  Gustavo could use the same instruments but just come up with new songs.  That would really add a nice touch to the movie huh?

6. A scene or flashback of Jack.  Or a scene where Ennis looks far off in the mountains and sees a small figure.. with a green coat and black hat.  and he looks at that figure wondering.. is that Jack? It'd be one of those heart-warming moments..

7. Another scene at the lake! (where ennis breaks down and Jack yells at Ennis).  This time its Ennis & his new partner.   Both in the very same spot him and Jack were in many years before.    Maybe this can be the scene where Ennis gently or tries at first, to let down his partner.  Here's a small script i thought of..

Ennis : You know friend, I was here in this very same spot many years ago with a close friend of mine, Jack.  we had a thing going on but he passed away
New fellow : i understand.  I take it you don't feel well visiting this area don't you?
Ennis : erm.. Yeah.  I been meaning to till you for awhile but i aint never got the chance.  I know you and I have this thing going on, but its Jack who I love.  I'll love him. Always.  I kind of felt guilty when I was with you?
New Fellow : Now, why is that? (in an somewhat angry way)
Ennis : I love you, you sure as hell know it.  But its Jack and I told myself after he passed away, i'd never be with anybody else but this happened
New Fellow : -pauses and looks and ennis weird-.. so what? you trying to say I was a mistake?
Ennis : .. its not like that at all.  I think i'd like it if we were better off as friends.  I hope you understand

.The song slowly starts in, as in the first movie (Brokeback mountain theme 3)..
 *New fellow breaks down crying hard, an falls on his knees just like Ennis years ago *
 * It is now Ennis, who comes to this new guy and hugs him *
 * New fellow pushes him back harshly but Ennis comes back and hugs even harder *

Ennis : I'm sorry... i'm sorry it had to be like this
new fellow : *says no words* .. i understand friend.

Next is a scene where they both lay down, looking at the sky.  Its a bright sunny day.  And they lay there comfortable, cloud dazing.  Trying to make pictures out of them.  And the new fellow askes Ennis about his previous relatinoship with jack and discusses this new friendship. Ennis then says "It'll be alright".  Then he puts his hand around his friend, in that friendly way.  The screen fades black and credits start rolling.  and the Wings start playing.  Here we have it.. a somewhat happy ending :) Sigh... i could just see it now, i really can... anybody else?

sorry i got really side track. As you can tell heh.  and a bit emotional, in knowing and visualizing in the mind that his really could happen.. if i ever see Annie Proulx I will definitely tell her about All this.  By any chance, other brokies or moderators is there a section or topic that talks about a Sequel to the movie? if not ill make one and copy/paste this long post heh.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2006, 05:00 AM by Insomniac487 »
name's kevin

Offline tamlynn

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« Reply #6 on: Apr 14, 2007, 11:24 AM »
Could there be a sequel?  And, should there be a sequel?  Thoughts, comments...

I would like to suggest, regardless of the book, which I haven't read, that the movie suggests to me that Jack may not be dead.  So, maybe a sequel is planned.  I would love to see a sequel  or two.

Here are my thoughts:

BBM II:  This would be a remake of BBM and change everything from Jack driving away crying.  Instead of going to Mexico for that horrible stuff, allow him to brainstorm for a solution.  How could they live together in peace and safety always?  I can think of one way... how about teaming up with two lesbians, marrying them and all four living happily on the calf and cattle ranch Jack wants with Ennis?  That would fool the world and provide a positive ending that I know some of us really want. They could all have a blast building this retreat on acreage, filled with treehouses, secret places, cottages, gardens.  It could be paradise and funny.  I've never seen this done in film.  I'm really serious.  This sadness is overwhelming me.  I love them so much.  And, they'd be young enough to enjoy this life with the hard work it would take. Very exciting, fulfilling, purposeful and compelling.  Think of the myriad of ways this could be explored.  Picture Jack trying to find the suitable women and sifting through a hilarious string of unsuitables.  Nothing like taking action to chase the blues away.  Of course, this would be a stretch in the 60's.  But, who cares.  Just bring it on.  We're ready.  I want to see them happy.  Ennis should not live like a stick and Jack should not die, all because they love each other.

BBM III:  The other would be a sequel of where we left off.  Think about it... we didn't see a funeral.
All we have is a story by an aloof widow.  She's none too moved by the whole thing.  We also have images of what Ennis perceives in his mind.  Could it be that Jack's father-in-law simply paid him to get lost?  The only thing is, they'd be older in this sequel.  But this will be the most likely sequel if there is one planned.

I suggest to you that Jack is not dead. 

It makes sense.  Why is Lureen so disgusted?  Because he left to serve his needs that she could not fill.  With all his faults, she would not be that disgusted if he had died.  They had some good times, nice memories, intimate moments and a great son.

I'll take a sequel  any way I can get it.  I'd happy to pay to see both of the above movies.  How about you?  Any thoughts?  Wouldn't it be great to have 3 DVDs of Brokeback any way we wanted it?

Hopeful on Brokeback