Personalize your profile with avatar1. Under "
My Settings" on top, click "
Edit Profile"
2. On your profile page, locate the section of "Modify Profile" on the left. Click "Forum Profile Information"
3. Then, you can personalize with pictures provided by the forum or the URL of icons you like.
Selection from the BBM avatars1. Select "Personalize Picture" and choose the category, e.g. [BBM]
2. Select the one you like.
Once you are done, click "Change Profile" button. Then you are all set. For additional help, please click
HEREFor a list of BBC codes which you can use for post, please click
HEREProfile SignatureIf you have signature in your profile. please keep signature texts to
10 pt max and
free of images and links in your signature. The images in the signature slow down the loading of pages. Please think of those with dial-ups. :D
If you have links, you can enter them in the website field.