Looking forward to voting in this.
I believe there's a precedent for the winners of the best kiss to re-enact it at the awards ceremony.....I know you'll probably all shoot me down in flames (
) but I don't really think I'd want to see Heath and Jake doing that. When I think of the kiss (and I'm assuming we're talking the reunion kiss here), I think of it as Jack and Ennis - I don't want anything to cheapen that in any way.
To be honest, though, I can't really see Heath and Jake
wanting to re-enact it - it's one thing being proud of the movie and not embarrassed by how much they laid on the line for their roles, but it's another to repeat it as themselves.
Having said all that, I'll still be voting for them in that category - because it
was the best kiss in a movie in this, or any other, year.