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So long BBM in US theaters :-(

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--- Quote from: pierralex on May 19, 2006, 06:36 PM ---
--- Quote from: Koka on May 19, 2006, 02:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: Surya on May 19, 2006, 08:35 AM ---
Only on DVD?? Then you *MUST* go! It's a different experience altogether. And don't forget to tell us your movie theatre experience. I envy you...the feeling of seeing Brokeback on the big screen for the first time! I wish I could turn back time and go back to the day when I first saw it in the theatres!

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I agree!!! Brokeback is a movie one  MUST  see in the theater. it's just so grand and epic......and it gets you even more!

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I agree too, seeing it on a big screen is a unique experience. I will NEVER forget my first viewing  :'(
I think too that there will be some theaters showing BBM sometimes because of its success, but currently is definitely a page of history which is turned... no more BBM in theaters....  :'( :'(

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when it comes to theater viewings, I will never forget my 4th- it was sunday, 2 p.m., me and like, 6 other people in the theater....and after weeks of being down, hurt and emotionally destroyed, I had a TOTAL catharsis after that viewing. that was the first time I managed to find and see beauty in tragedy....the first time I managed to feel happy for being able to be a part of such an amazing story/piece of cinema and to feel joy because of the love ennis&jack had.
my first theater viewing was kinda torturing actually- I had even got to the point where I didn't feel able to either breath or move....and I cried my freakin' heart out resulting in tormented sleep and way to much booze the following day. :'( yep, brokeback got me good.

No More Theatre Viewings in U.S?

Thats not true,

Theres a theatre that plays BBM everyday! It's your DVD player and Television!!  ;D ;)


--- Quote from: Italian_Dude on May 22, 2006, 04:59 PM ---heres a theatre that plays BBM everyday! It's your DVD player and Television!!  ;D ;)

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It ain't like the giant sizes of Ennis and Jack right in front of you. But I know what you mean, I_D.

The Fox Theater in Atlanta, will be showing Brokeback Mountain at 8PM on June 29th.  If you're in the area, this will be another oppportunity to see it in one of Atlantas most beautiful theaters.

Thanks for posting adrian_delmar and welcome to  :)

I wish I'd be in Atlanta  ^*)

May I suggest we all keep an eye on our local Art Theater's programs and post any big screen warning?  BBM will come back for sure on big screen, I miss it so much   :-[ :-\\ :\'( :\'(


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