Today I fount the results on Hollywood Reporter. I am a bit confused.
First the articles says
"Meanwhile, the public weighed in by naming "Brokeback Mountain" favorite movie trailer on MSN Movies' Click 'N' Vote campaign tied in with Key Art."
But when you scroll a bit more down, the results are:
Comedy trailer, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Guide," Aspect Ratio, Buena Vista Pictures; Action Adventure trailer, "Sin City: Trailer #1," The Ant Farm, Dimension; Drama trailer, "Jarhead: Domestic Trailer #1," Universal, Universal; Teaser trailer, "Sin City: Teaster #1," The Ant Farm, Dimension.
Here is the link to the article, perhaps someone can clear it up?
Sin City won the best trailer award
chameau,Sin City was in the Action/Adventure catergory.BBM and Jarhead were in the Drama catergory which is what we were voting for and according to the article with the results, Jarhead won the Drama catergory so i am still happy.One of our boys did it again!!!Is the result going to be announced anywhere on the forum to say Jarhead won it?Or the header of this thread maybe could be updated to say result?The article does also say BBM was voted favourtie movie trailer by the public so it's very confusing?
Update:I found the list of winners...
35th Annual Key Art Awards
Complete list of winners
Action-adventure poster: "Lord of War," Art Machine, Lionsgate
Comedy poster: "The 40-Year Old Virgin, Crew Creative Advertising, Universal
Drama poster: "Syriana," The Cimarron Group, Warners
Teaser poster: "Walk the Line," Illustrated Teaser #1, Studio Number One, Fox
International film poster: "Batman Begins," Teaser, Vox.Adv, Warners International
Film festival/market poster: "72hr Film Shoothout," Indika Entertainment Advertising, MTV World and Asian American
Outdoor advertising: "Charlies and the Chocolate Factory: Building Wrap," Trailer Park, Warners International
Theatrical standee: "Charlies and the Chocolate Factory," Drissi Advertising, Inc./Trailer Park, Warners
Special recognition print: "Sin City: Character Banners," BLT & Associates Inc., Miramax/Dimension Films
Action-adventure trailer: "Sin City: Trailer #1," The Ant Farm, Dimension
Comedy trailer: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Guide," Aspect Ratio, Buena Vista Pictures;
Drama trailer: "Jarhead: Domestic Trailer #1," Universal, Universal
Teaser trailer: "Sin City: Teaster #1," The Ant Farm, Dimension
International audiovisual: "Cinderella Man: International Trailer," Intralink Film Graphic Design, Buena Vista International/The Walt Disney Company
Action-adventure TV spot: "War of the Worlds: Alarm," Trailer Park, Paramount
Comedy TV spot: "Hitch: Dance Off," Aspect Ratio, Columbia Pictures
Drama TV spot: "Walk the Line: Black," Trailer Park, Fox
Special recognition audiovisual: "Walk the Line: Internet Trailere One Song," Trailer Park, Fox
DVD/VHS packaging: "Saw: DVD Video Box," Art Machine, Lionsgate
Special recognition print: "Saw: Uncut Edition," Art Machine, Lionsgate
Consumer TV spot: "Alien vs. Predator: Poker," jonnyHal, Inc., 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment International
Consumer audiovisual: "Sin City: Consumer Trailer #2, 3Oh!5 Creative, Inc., Dimension
Best copy line: "The 40-Year-Old Virgin: International" ("The longer you wait, the harder it gets") Crew Creative Advertising, Universal
Best motion graphics: "Lord of War," Mark Woollen & Associates, Lionsgate
Web site: "Tim Burton's Corpse Bride," BLITZ, Warners
Consumer print ad: "Lord of War," Art Machine/Samuels Advertising, Lionsgate
Trade print ad: "Saw II: Gross Ad," Samuels Advertising/Art Machine, Lionsgate
Co-branded print: "Chicken Little: Grapple (American Idol),"Get Fit Foods, Walt Disney Pictures
Co-branded audiovisual: "Chicken Little: Sears," Y&R Chicago, Walt Disney Pictures
Published June 19, 2006
*So Jarhead did win the Drama trailer*...
Well done Jake and Jarhead