Someone found a way to leapfrog Jake and get a 97.1 average. This calls for some research....
Something seems to be really wrong with the results now: Michelle Rodriguez has taken the leading position with an average of 96.8 
That is clearly cheating.
They found a way to generate the submit URL and do it in a program -- my suspicion.
Maybe the Diebold people are helping them, also Rain and Dane Cook in the Time poll. Everybody keep voting there, too! It would make crooked sense that somebody might do something that way. Hey, Bush did it. (Read
Fooled Again.) OT There's no way she could realistically get that high. Those #'s just don't make sense. Isn't the highest score you can get a 10? If EVERY person voted 10 it would be 10. It's not statistically possible for her to have that score. 9.2 or 9.1, possible; 92, absolutely not, unless there's an error.