Hi Folks,
Our boys need our help yet again.This time it's for MTV Russia.The vote is for sexiest man and we really have our work cut out for this one and a double dilemma as BOTH Heath and Jake are nominated.The voting system is quite easy once you find the actual page which i wll explain further down.Last time i looked the current positions were.
1st Russian Actor? 26182
2nd Jake 19464
3rd Orlando Bloom 2247
4th Gael Garcia Bernal? 863
5th Heath 777
I got my trusty calculator out and by my reckoning this means that Jake needs 6718 votes to catch the leader and Heath (love him) needs a whopping 25405. Jake is already in second place so that helps but he still needs over six thousand votes.I have asked someone i know who speaks Russian when the closing date is but there doesn't appear to be one?Odd,but anyway if you feel like voting,here is the website:
http://www.kino.mtv.ru/main_4phase.htmlTo get to the MTV awards look down the left hand side and there is 4 words in bold white writing.Click twice on the 4th one,UHTEPAKTUB.(Apologies to any Russians if that is incorrect?)This will bring up a reddish coloured box with two men? in the spotlight.Click that box and two lines of periods will appear like this .. and this .. .
Click on the second line down that looks like this( .. ) Now five little pictures should appear and you will see Heath and Jake.Click on the word below the number rOnOCOBATb! and you may vote as often as you like.No need to clear cookies or refresh the page.Once you have voted a little red arrow moves when you hover the mouse over it to take you back to the previous,and you can vote again and watch as the numbers increase.Ok,i hope i have explained it clearly?I have no concept of Russian but suddenly i'm learning.Anything for our boys.LOL
It would be wonderful to see them both in the top two wouldn't it.Ok,I'm off to do more voting...