I'm so sorry if I have put this in the wrong place. Could a mod or admin please help me get it in a place where it will do the most good? Thank you so much!
TIME TO STAND UP FOR JAKE AND THE GAY COMMUNITYJake has been slurred along with the gay community by a social epithet on jossip.com and PX.com. I just couldn't tolerate it. The world simply cannot stand by and continue to allow this poisonous hatred to continue especially in a gossip column that has just printed an obvious lie once again attributed to an unnamed source. This one goes over the line. It's one thing to intelligently discuss Jake, Heath or the gay community at large in a positive or healing way, it is another to spread the poison of intolerance and use the term "queer" as if it were some disease. I'm furious. My site is now boycotting these sites and I have contacted both with the email I attach below.
Due to the fact that this is a long explanation as a whole, I am going to give you the link to the discussion that spawned all of this on my site. PLEASE PLEASE read it and Please, help stop this hatred. The whole world has access to this and you know how many people go to these sites and actually believe what they read there and it will form in their minds that being homosexual is some sort of horrible thing and the hatred and cruelty just continues.
Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. A concentrated and organized effort will stop this kind of thing. I have every intention of going to GLAAD if I do not receive a positive response. So far the only response has been, we just published it, PX did it first. Well you know what? They still chose to publish it and that makes them just as much at fault.
If there is any place in the world that will defend this cause with knowlege and first hand experience it is here in the BBM forums. Jake has done so much for all of us. It's not a matter of whether he ignores them or not, it is a matter of the slur on the gay community as well as the fact that the story is a blatant lie. As a matter of fact that is more important than the story.
http://heathledgercentral.net/ipb/upload/index.php?showtopic=2733I am attaching a copy of the email from myself to jossip.com. Please consider it to your site as well I would appreciate your explanation of this incident or I shall not hesitate for one moment to contact GLAAD. It is unforgiveable that you have participated in spreading not only lies but poisonous hate and social epithets.
I will expect your reply.
Dear Sirs or Msdmes,
I am appalled at the fact that you published the article regarding a party at the home of Heath Ledger that you quoted as being from a source in the know. This was a liabilous article that also used a social epithet against Mr. Gyllenhaal and the gay community as a whole. I am not gay, however, I am not a biggot either. I request a retraction of this story and an apology to the gay community or I shall not hesitate to take this matter to GLAAD. It is impossible to heal our world with organizations such as yours with no social conscience stirring fires that should have long ago been doused.
I work in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles and am also administrator of an entertainment website. The members there and the members of fellow celebrity and entertainment sites are your bread and butter which is the reason you print this tripe, but you underestimate their intelligence and mostly their morals and values. These members have agreed to band together and boycott your site and the original site that posted the article (pix), unless a retraction and apology to the gay community and Mr. Gyllenhaal and Mr. Ledger is forthcoming. I do not represent either man in any way, I speak as an outraged citizen and internet user. The people involved in this boycott are outraged as well. You may not have been the original source of this article, however, you decided to print the article as well and to purpetuate the social slurs and the innuendo. Why don't you provide a name of this individual. That in itself speaks volumes. And don't say you are protecting your source, you are not a legitimate press agency.
For your information, you might have wanted to at least check your information before printing it. Mr. Gyllenhaal couldn't have attended the party where he was called a "queer" by your source as he was in Austin TX with Lance Armstrong and Mr. Ledger couldn't have been hosting said party since he was at the UGANDA project here in Los Angeles at Chateau Marmont with Ellen Degeneres and a slew of other entertainment industry members the entire evening in question. Pictures, video and news footage of these events have been presented on television, the internet and in newspapers. I was able to obtain this information with little or not effort and you could have done the same.
I await a reply as to why this unfortunate situation took place and your total lack of concern as to the liabilous and biggoted comments on your website.
If need be, I shall turn to other sources for support in this matter.
I appreciate your time and consideration.