My name is Theresa and I am the owner/administrator of two of the affiliates of ennisjack.com, Heath Ledger Central and Addicted To The Movie Candy.
I am part of a campaign to help Heath and the Movie Candy be released for us to see all over the world. We desperately need your help. Right away. This is very serious and whether or not you participate as a Heath fan, WILL make a huge difference.
The movie Candy and Heath need your support or we aren’t going to get to see the film hardly anywhere. The release is more limited than the original release of Brokeback. Right now only 2 theaters in the USA. LA and NY. It is smaller and less commercial than BBM so it doesn’t have the advantages of being in wider release without help. If you want the opportunity to see this movie anywhere in the world we have to have your help. Sorry this email is so long but we just want to explain the situation.
We have been in contact with the movie companies, executive producers, and film distributors and they tell us that if we want to be able to see this movie we have to convince the exhibitors there are enough people to make it worth putting it in wide release to support it. The exhibitors are the most important. They are the people that choose whether or not to buy the right and show the film in their theaters. NO MASS EMAILS OR PETITIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED EXCEPT FROM THE ADDICTED TO THE MOVIE CANDY ORGANIZATION. We have a consultant to us who works purchasing these films for one of the biggest exhibitors in the country. This person keeps us informed of everything that is going on in the industry with this film and right now the news is bleak for anyone not in NY or LA. And then only 1 to 2 theaters in those two cities and a maximum of 2 weeks if things go according to plan. That would leave out about 99% of you from the USA from being able to see this film. We are fighting for the right of the movie going public to have a choice here. Candy can set a precedent. The exhibitors are the ones most interested and important in our numbers. We have been cautioned off as writing or emailing or petitioning as fans at this point. We don't have the numbers yet to back ourselves up. We would blow it. We need to stand in solidarity.
This site ATTMC is not only a Heath site. This is a site that has members from every fan club and fan site for every person involved in this film. We have support here in Hollywood as well.
Please help us. All you have to do is register. If you want to post and participate that is fantastic, if you don't, that is perfectly fine. We won't push you. We are just so grateful for your registration. You have to register though because just visiting will not raise the numbers. They literally are watching the numbers, they have told me this straight up. We can make a change here!
Guys this is so serious, if we don’t do this, we don’t see the film unless you live in huge cities around the world and then for only about 2 weeks.
As fans, Heath has given us so much, this is the least we can do in return. It only takes a second.
We deserve a say in what films we have the opportunity to see! I personally am not content to just visit my favorite forums and listen to other people who were given the choice of seeing a Heath film tell me what it was about because some industry person decided that I don't have the right to see it for myself. So I end up only seeing it, eventually, on dvd. Way after the fact.
We can make or break this project. Please stand with us. We REALLY need you.
Thank you so much
Addicted To The Movie Candy